Sunday, January 19, 2025

In Zambia, harassment of Watchdog site continues


Cape Town, South Africa, July 17, 2013–Zambian authorities should stop their ongoing harassment of the Zambian Watchdog, a site that reports on alleged government corruption, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Police arrested another journalist they accused of contributing to the site, and blocked domestic access to the site for the second time, according to the Watchdog’s editor and news reports.

“It is alarming to see a democratically elected government determined to silence and intimidate its critics,” said CPJ Africa Program Coordinator Sue Valentine. “On the eve of Nelson Mandela’s birthday, we call on President Michael Sata to honor freedom of speech and to heed Mandela’s words that a critical, independent, and investigative press is the lifeblood of any democracy.”

Police arrested Wilson Pondamali, a freelance journalist, while he was traveling from the capital, Lusaka, to his home in Kabwe in the evening, accusing him of being a contributor to the Zambian Watchdog, according to Lloyd Himaambo, the site’s editor. Police also searched his home early today, Himaambo said.

Police did not disclose Pondamali’s condition, whereabouts, or any charges against him, Himaambo said.

Pondamali’s arrest follows that of two other journalists accused of writing for theZambian Watchdog on July 9. Police raided the homes of Clayson Hamasaka and Thomas Zyambo and arrested the journalists, according to news reports. Police released the journalists, but charged Zyambo with sedition in connection with documents about President Michael Sata found at his home, Zyambo told CPJ. He said the documents included information about how Sata started his Patriotic Front party, which came to power in the 2011 election.

Zyambo was released on bail and is scheduled to appear in court on July 26. He said a sedition conviction carries a minimum sentence of seven years in jail.

Hamasaka told CPJ that he was not charged, but that police had not returned the items they had confiscated, including his mobile phone and his family’s laptops.

Authorities blocked domestic access to the Zambian Watchdog on Tuesday afternoon, Himaambo said. The site’s staff was able to move the site to a different address, but authorities blocked it again early today, he added. The Watchdog was also blocked on June 24 for four days before it was moved to a secure address.

The Zambian Watchdog is a private site that is registered outside of the country but publishes content written by Zambian journalists and editors. It has been targeted several times by Zambian authorities. In August 2012, Zambia’s Minister of Tourism called for the banning of the Watchdog, saying that the website’s critical coverage could affect the country’s image in the lead-up to the U.N. World Tourism Organization meeting in August 2013, which Zambia is hosting, according to news reports.

In September 2012, news accounts reported that Sata had ordered government agencies to explore ways to block access to the site, and that Zambian Attorney General Mumba Malila was working on a law to restrict online media.


  1. Mwanya amafi, freedom of the press ninshi bufi? Is that what journalism is about? Abash watchdog with your equally ignoramus sympathizers.

    • why should they just be concerned about ZWD with its appalling, malicious and speculative journalism practices?

      Criticism is welcome if based on facts not manufactured malicious lies and insults

      ZWD is hell bent on manufacturing lies, insulting the president, spreading and promoting tribal divisions. if this is what the SA want then ZWD can relocate to SA and start insulting Zuma.

      The ZWD complains of harassment when its busy harassing and blocking bloggers with dissenting views. The only bloggers allowed are those with ZWD approved abusive language directed at the president.

      I care less for ZWD with its parochial views and would never shed any tears if permanently killed

    • Serves them right.The site is pathetic and its editors and writers lacks integrity.Who keeps on writing on witchcraft and satanism in the modern world ? For Zwd every accident that happens in the country is either attributed to satanism or witchcraft by the pF(e.g another 5 people sacrificed by pF in Mazabuka,2 more people sacrificed in a kitwe accident,ailing Sata is in India).They can do much better.

    • There’s no point trying to explain things to people who don’t have the mental capacity or exposure to understand the concept of Human rights, or even their own rights.

      So I’m gonna let you go on thinking as you are – it’s kinder.

    • Until they start arresting 1diots like you thats when you will know that your so called freedom is gone.

    • Mulifibuba bonse!! Freedom of press is being butchered right under your nose and you support this nonsense? How much is PF paying you to blog on this site imwe ba kwindi?

    • @Chipoko ku malawi

      You don’t necessarily need to be physically arrested to know that your freedom’s been taken away.

      You’re a little simplistic in your thinking.


  3. If propagating lies, insulting the republican president and wishing him death manifest freedom of expression, then Zambian Watchdog must go to hell. Those who are sympathising with this diabolical online publication are also demon possessed.

    • You just don’t like your incompetent and clueless tribal leader to be criticised or questioned. I will defend your right to free speech against the next govt that will be in power. The problem with Africans like you is that you are fatalistic. You always think the govt you support is the alpha and omega. It will be there until the end of time. You forget that the only thing that is certain in life is change. I am quite sure you wouldn’t want your voice to be tramped upon by any govt that you don’t have liking for.

    • I thought Sata was the epitome of wishing others dead????

      Things have just come back to haunt SATA. Get a life, SATA is responsible for polarizing Politics in Zambia and bringing in insults into politics and BUFI.


  4. Rubish ZWD & u thnk South Africa can issue instructions to our sovereign country?Mwanya close ci ZWD permanently.HH site u re in touble always atacking govt & spreadng romours abt Sata’s health,why?Panickng fr state hse.Itnot easy .Achivement in riches & business is not concomitant to politcal mileage!Ni shupu thnkng like tht.Face the batle not with falsehood aganist the govt.Ukali kunya…yalikosa cifukwa niyo kosa!

  5. ZWD is not ”critical, independent, and investigative” and therefore cannot be ”lifeblood of any democracy.” ZWD is only about turnishing the image of any who donot agree with them, without any facts whatsoever. ZWD is about putting anything Zambian in the worst possible light imaginable without facts. This is certainly not what CPJ advocates, this is not juornalism,this can never the lifeblood of any nation at all

    • You’re just a primitive government . We are 14 million Zambians all with different views. We all don’t think like Sata and Mmembe. Sata ,his govt and his supporters like yourself are the ones tarnishing the image of Zambia.

    • @Kay

      ZWD have never claimed to be the lifeblood of ANY democracy. It’s a privately owned site.

      Ask yourself why people are gravitating towards it.


    • That’s precisely the point. Anyone can write and SHOULD write if they so wish.
      You’ve defeated your own argument.

  6. Am so happy chi watch imbwa has been closed. We surely can not have such kind of publicity about Our country full tribal insults and talking about. HH s wealth when he does not even appear in forbes magazine. 90 percent of ZAmbian are Kaponyas which is obvious they will support PF because it speaks their language and from the 10percent .5 @ercent are tongas . And 9.5 percent. Educated ones can see through HH s egoist and cowdang behaviour. Needless to say all the arrested are from HH s tribe.What sort of leadership would we have if we entrusted our country with this too ambitious man who thrills on hurtred.

    • So many of you bloggers hamering ZWD but how do you know about it unless you were also READING it evryday!!!!!

    • Percentage is a number expressed as a ratio of 100. Basic arithmetic shows you pie chart is over 100. You must have come empty handed from your maths classes. And you come and expose your skills or lack of skills in public. Uluse! And we expect to make a headway in our national development.


    • @Kajimang

      It does not mean there are no consequences to what you do say. (Like illegal arrest without charge by a fascist government)

    • kajimang,can you pull up an article from the archives where the watchdog has wished somebody dead,the president in fact,cause i know that’s what you mean.

    • Hitman, they do that each time they refer to the president as “ailing dictator”, inciting comments from bloggers saying we’ll have presidential by-elections soon.

    • @kamutengo,thank you comrade. here is the english dictionary definition of ailing. Ailing Pronunciation: /?e?l??/
      in poor health:
      I went to see my ailing mother
      the ailing economy.
      i dont see death near this word or any association to death. what the bloggers choose to write is their opinion and strictly does not reflect the views and opinions of the zambianwatchdog. Atleast,thats what i’m meant to believe unless there is proof otherwise. so i ask again,can someone show me an article where the watchdog has wished the president dead. i just want to know that’s all. its not political or anything.

  7. They blocked me permanently on that ka site so they are intolerant too, they dont allow freedom of expression themselves!

    • and its their prerogative to block you. its their website and not yours. but the same cant be used about the government in a democratic society. because from its simplest of definitions a democracy is a government of the people. so for a government they have to be tolerant to all the people of that society whether they voted of them or not. a government is chosen by the people. zambian watchdog was not chosen by the people. its their site and they have the right to sensor what they allow on their site just like you have the right to chose who rides or says what in your car.

    • Anybody with a different view is blocked from posting comments on the ka useless tribal site. Narrow minded chaps who over-rate themselves!!!

    • @Kamutengo, I agree with you. Each time I post something to the contrary of their views, they always blocked me. So what democracy are they talking about when they do not tolerate the view of those against them? These Tonga chaps are born to lead cows and not beings. So continue leading your cows. Kabili cows are your wives; that is why most of them are vegetarians.

  8. Zambian watchdog’s reporting is not good in sense that they only report negative about the Government. Are you telling me that since PF took over running of GOVT in the democratic 2011 September general election has never done something good which ZWD can appreciate? Please Lloyd Himaambo and other bunch of cadres of a certain opposition political party think about their ethics as their are reporting.

    • They are not obliged to post anything positive. It’s called the Internet, you post what you want on YOUR site.

      I know that journalism demands a balanced view, but ZWD has never claimed to be a main publication for the nation – It’s popularity has happened because people LIKE reading the negative stuff about the government.

      That’s the whole point of ZWD!

  9. Sata spent most of his time as an opposition insulting the presidents, the post published these insults and they called it freedom of press, the watchdog does the same and MCS is offended. Do to others as you would like them to do unto you

    • The Post reports anything anyone says. They are not one-sided, whereas ZWD is all about Hakacita Hingombe ilede.

    • This is the time ZWD and those it supports must know that only a fraction of Zambians would support and believe such r.u.b.b.i.s.h.

  10. You can imagine from State House 2 the lowest ministry and pf cadre, they spend most of the day reading ZWD. Its like KK blocking Coca-cola front da people and yet himself is drinking at State House during his reign. Most of u are saying abash ZWD but u spend more time reading it. Why can’t u stick to yo daily letter and others and leaves us on ZWD. Ati Amafi but ulebelenga. YOU HAVE A CHOICE………VIVA ZWD VIVA AND FORWARD WITH REPORTING IT AS IT IS

  11. Watchdog website is far too accurate than the post. The post is the one that spreads lies like bush fire. Only a dictator and tribal person can condemn the ZWD. Its high time we stop intimidating our own freedom of speech. If you are talking of uniting the country, please do not duel on intimidating others but put action in people’s needs and welfare. Abash tribal and dictatorial way of governing the country. Zambia is for Zambians and will be for zambians and not for a particular tribe like that of Mmembe.


  13. We need ZWD. They have remained the only tru voice uncovering corruption in Zambia. I am enjoying it from the red brick house.

  14. Ailing Dictator, Despot, Walking dead, Ukwa, Mwachiusa etc etc., you call this Freedom of speech? Shame on you ba Watch Bitch, this is what you wanted despite the many warnings. Well, the Government of the day has spoken so, lets see what you can do about it.

  15. Mumba Malila wants to restrict online media? This is proof positive that these are ignorant technophobes.

    Restrict access to Internet sites? I’m laughing my arse off.


  16. In as much as i dont agree with the imaturity of ZWD and it’s supporters, there must be a lasting solution to all parties involved, that is all Zambians regardless of startus.
    I also am not happy with other countries noising in our affairs, yes our Government may have not achieved the results expected from the people, but which country has? The manner in which ZWD and those applauding the abusive language and yapping dangerously is un called for, these same countries pointing fingers at ours should first take a look at thiers then comment, SA africa, takecare of you poor black south africans living in shanties, poor miners and those going through hell we have not heard about then come and point at us!
    Otherwise, sort issues before they blow up bakateka!

  17. If those keyboard tapping chaps like Himaambo are called journalists then I am also a NASA physicist and former astronaut.

    • Hahahaha, nice one. To think that such journalists have a code of conduct is a disgrace to civilization. Their levels of civilization are no different from that of a Zulu warrior from Shaka Zulu’s era.

    • So why don’t you dismiss the product of their “Keyboard tapping”? You come back again and again to read what is in your view, unworthy scribblings.

      Simply don’t visit the site, otherwise I might start to think you’re also using ZWD as a news source but are too hypocritical to admit it.

  18. The ZWD is a pathetic publication that is specialised in falsewood,insults and lies!!Freedom of speech does not mean people must be insulting others and publishing falsewood and lies all the time.ZWD is full of bitterness and its editor sould be ashamed of publishing such articles that are promoting tribalism and anarchy!!The government is right to block it.It MUST BE CLOSED permanently and its editor should be charged with character assassination of the president.Mwanya bakolwe enough is enough!!

    • What editor? There is no legal document that states he is the editor of ZWD. There is no mention of him on ZWD website.

    • The insults and falsehoods you are referring to is to oppose ubuteko bwenu. You want everyone to say that Zambia is a paradise because of Sata’s wise leadership and the love for all Zambians.

      But you know this is not true. Sata is the worst leader in Zambia’s soon to be 50 years of independence. He is a dictator, clueless and incompetent. If what I have said are insults……then let it be!

  19. Guys guys you are at war with yourselves! Just read through all the comments above and probably bellow those that will follow, i can honestly say that you are either a ZWD or a PF, you are all the same busy attacking each other, insults flying right, left and centre, no one is even mature enough to suggest anything positive for the way forward nowonder the ZWD is popular, this is just a pinch of how much hatred you have towards each other, sickening really disgusting! how old are you people? Is this what Zambia entells, such crap of PHD holders no difference with those you call kaponyas, shame on all of you, be civilised and debate like people who are worthy of who they are, F words swearing and insulting what a shame Mother Zambia, so sorry!

  20. Zambia watching dog should be banned forever. They write false stories, insult the president for no apparent reason and wishing the president death. Wishing someone death is evil even if you don,t agree with him.

  21. If HH was in the foiled marriage called pact, the Watchdog would not have been writing the way they do. Therefore, in my view, it is just sour grapes because some people are regretting that they left the marriage. UPND and HH will NEVER rule Zambia.

    • I don’t care who rules Zambia as long as they respect constitutional law and work for the good of all Zambians.

  22. It is game over for the ZWD. Government owns Mwembeshi satelitte. You have to build your own Mwembeshi otherwise you can go to HELL

    • Sunkutu Hichilema, so these dogs were just barking without realising that they dont own a satellite? Aaaah, ooooh, so it is justified. In fact GRZ took so long to black these dogs out. Why start a fire when you do not have water to quench it. kikikikikikikiki, aaaaaaaaah, say aaaaaah, say haaa, say hiiiii.

  23. Solola of ZICTA, retard son of brah blah ambassador to Japan, is that freedom of speech or freedom to insult and belittle people? They should as well be pa rank ranting all sorts of insults against citizens and prominent politicians! Even in Britain the SUN News paper was closed because of scandalising and insulting abaikalile in the name of freedom of speech! Shaa!

    • The Sun newspaper is still been published. Ubufi ba PF! You people are congenital liars!

      Only in that warped head of yours is it possible to close a newspaper in the UK for ‘insulting’. Too much tujilijili ba kaponya. You just say the most rubbish thing that comes to your head. You are like your leader.

  24. To all those against ZWD if you are honest you know what ZWD stands for. It is fighting bad governance. Go to the ministry of finance right now and you will hear reports that the Secretary to the treasury has paid himself some benefits accrued when he worked there before he retired. How many retirees are on waiting list? some are your relatives. This government is so corrupt and we need ZWD.

  25. What media freedom are people talking about, is it license to lie and scanderlise people at will, with no recourse??? How can you have a phantom online publication whose owners and editors are underground and it daily churns out rubbish and you say that is media freedom.

    Is labeling a democratically elected President of a country as ailing, dictator, sick and other derogratory expletives as sign of democracy and Press Freedom????

    Come on, ZWD is trash and no country can tolerate its editorial policy. The Tongas behind the newspaper shoulod relaise that it is actually making their chances even slimmer, they will need to convince Zambians to vote for them, no harrass them into doing so!!!!

    • in this country we have such i*****s like you who think with their tribes and not substance in the head if you even have anything in your head. must be rotten fikko matter. let people talk freely, do not just support imbeciles just because they are your tribes mate even when you eat one meal in two days

  26. We need the media to inform and to expose wrong doing. That way we will have checks and balances. I have however been disappointed with ZWD in that they are so obsessed with their hatred for SATA and love for HH. I have never read anything negative about HH just as I have never read anything postive about SATA. Yes, SATA has made a lot of mistakes which deserve to be exposed but HH is not an angel. ZWD also incites tribal hatred – especially thier strategy of turning other tribes against Bembas. For that reason, I have stopped reading ZWD just as I have stoped reading the Post for abandoning their principles.

  27. WD was not democratic cos they blocked any opposing views and painted a picture that everybody enjoyed their tribalistic and hate views.I pray it has gone forever.It was too much.

  28. A sad state of affairs to see people rejoice at state censorship. If you ever owned one, you may as well go out and burn a book too!

    You may not like what the ZWD writes, and yes, they should be more responsible, but those who dance at others determining what the nation can and cannot read had better not complain about Zambians being docile ever again – just look in a mirror, you get what you ask for!

  29. Lusaka times should be on the lookout. This government of the Ailing Dictator will come after Lusaka times after they have delt with The Zambia Watchdog. Lusaka times must now set up proxy sites so that no matter what Sata does you will always have a site running. I know that Watchdog will Survive this. Post Toilet paper continues to insult the Zambian people and no one is blocking them. What a rubish country with marubish Bemba People. Zambia watchdog just move your website, heck lets hack the state house website.

    • Mr Bricklayer,
      We would rather be docile than be harassed into joining a worthless cause. As some have blogged I hope the ZWD is gone for good. The ZWD in its formative years and for those who remember was a subscription online news website. You had to pay a subscription to read their content. Then they publish accurately and truthfully. Who can now pay even 1 ngwee to read the rubbish they became? They claimed to been the most popular website in Zambia yet they didn’t even have a single advert. No serious business would want to associate with such a website. Good bye ZWD…

    • The Bricklayer – so anyone who does not agree with how ZWD does their reporting is Bemba? Since when did Mmembe become Bemba? You may be disppointed but insulting others is not the answer. By hating one person (Sata) and his tribe, ZWD is making those of us who are objective to turn away from their publication.

  30. Kachepa360 and ZWD had and have massive potential but its owners are and were not serious like most Zambian businesses; short cuts seldom take you anywhere in business. How did the Post survive in its early days under UNIP or in RB’s era? They did everything by the book.

  31. So, some people are paid by PF and its government to just write as many negatives as possible at Lusaka Times about Zambian Watchdog to falsely reflect that many people don’t like ZWD. We can see through you, OP and company! Fact: ZWD is more POPULAR than any other online or paper flier, period!

    • If you’re paid by UPND to blog on Watch-puppy, sorry, that’s just you! You’re not fooling anyone here concerning the self-proclaimed popularity. Yes, watch-puppy has a following including myself, but being most popular to a point where they claim “mobile service providers are now making losses because people are not blogging on that w/d and GRZ is footing paying them for the losses”??? Dahhh, like the government is the marketing branch for these mobile phone companies??? People can ‘OVER-BLOW’ their own trumpet until their lungs explode. kekekekeekekekee!!!

    • If you’re paid by UPND to blog on Watch-puppy, sorry, that’s just you! You’re not fooling anyone here concerning the self-proclaimed popularity. Yes, watch-puppy has a following including myself, but being most popular to a point where they claim “mobile service providers are now making losses because people are not blogging on w/dog site and GRZ is footing paying them for the losses”??? Dahhh, like the government is the marketing branch for these mobile phone companies??? People can ‘OVER-BLOW’ their own trumpet until their lungs pop. kekekekeekekekee!!!

  32. This ZWD is full of matuvi just like the chaps behind it. The Govt should engage the Chinese who know how to block completely. I am sick and tired of these pesudo journalists. Their editor looks like a malnourished lunatic.

  33. iwe Chendabwamba, what planet have you been living on. ZWD deserves to go. The ZONE for WORLDLY DEVILS. The site that only spews evil. I was never able to post anything against the dwibb HH. My posts were always blocked. These fakers don’t respect freedom of expression. So really, these bug-g-ers should not even cry foul. They deserve whats coming to them.

  34. Just wasting ur time, the zwd is very much accessible. The zwd is just fooling bembas who have ganged to loot zambia. what a tribal govt.
    Its fun to hear an ushi claming to be bemba & ruling zambia wen they hv only one in cabinet in the name of kennedy warthog,

  35. It’s a bit clumsy to arrest people and block the site, but what do people think would happen in the USA or UK if a website continually reported that the head of state is dead / the head of state is a criminal / the government are satanists / war has broken out in Mongu etc? They would be forced to shut the f**k up. Just because ZWD hides behind the anonymity provided by the internet it doesn’t mean they can report and incite whatever they like, it’s practically treason

    • On Point. If the ZWD what freedom of speech they must come out in the open so that they are sued by those aggrived or they can also sue!!

    • You must live a very sheltered internet-life if you think there are no sites like ZWD in the US/UK.
      The difference is that the governments don’t make them a national point of focus, they are too busy GOVERNING. That’s why you don’t know of them.

  36. Sata and his Pig Feces (PF) think blocking the watchdog will give Zambia a better image how dumb is that? If you don’t like ZWD don’t read it, it is that simple! I can’t believe they are wasting tax payers money on such nonsense.

  37. How will we know all the deals taking place…. now storage single sourced by MAL Minister. Urea single sourced , what else …. you will need nation truth commission to clear this mess

  38. Someone has launched a petition on facebook so that the mongrels at the ZWD are banished from facebook as well. More details later. No where to hide ba ZWD.

  39. As far as I am concerned people must be allowed freedom of speech. However, if the Zambian government has an issue with what is being published, they should identify the people involved and bring a law suit against them. After all the American and British governments have prosecuted a lot of people behind websites with hate content and terrorist material. I still do not believe the Zambian government is capable of blocking a foreign based website. The so called security wings are barely capable of switching on a computer, let alone launching a cyber-attack. May be their Chinese friends can do it for them.


  40. I choose not to go ZWD, Zambia Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, The Post and other biased news sites. Articles like one are just giving publicity to ZWD. At the moment, the only good source of Zambian news is LT. At least their content is not single sourced from a biased person or persons. You get both government and opposition points of view.

  41. You may block ZWD but you wont silence Zambian voices. Get a life and grow up. More other interesting sites will be created by the way. When PF gets out of power, they will curse themselves for supressing media freedom.


  42. So press freedom u have to write and say rubbish ?U S African stop meddling in our affairs. After 0 what u have written is based on the very criminals.There’s no truth in wat have written u pig.Death to zwd!


  44. Why is the BUFI party and its cohorts celebrating the blocking of ZWD. We are still browsing and the majority have no problem accessing the website. PF is very ignorant and all those who are celebrating one day they will regret when they will discover that PF has closed every space of freedom. The dictator takes one item at a time until everything comes to a stand still. The dictator will one day come even to those who think they will not be touched. LT will also be blocked very soon and that includes every private website including private newspapers. The dictator will not just end here but will now embark on eliminating even those who are in support. Mark my words once the dictator is done with every one he will then descend on people like Mmembe and Nchito & their families.

  45. I personally think there is nothing wrong with the watchdog but the minds and contribution of its faithful followers is what made me to stop going the site. Most of the bloggers come across as deranged individuals requiring immediate psychological assessment AND treatment. Maybe if editors of the site had a bit of sense they would have censored or barred some contributions. Yes there is freedom of speech but it is done within certain boundaries, not inciting hatred. As a Zambian British I am appalled to realise that certain Zambians still regard themselves as tribal in the 21 century!!!

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