Sunday, January 19, 2025

Over 6000 Zambian girls defiled between 2010 – 2013


Eight year-old  Chola walking home from Peace Community school. Thandiwe is among the girls who are being educated on child sex abuse, defilement, rape and human trafficking, which may increase with the hosting of the FIFA 2010 World Cup in neighbouring South Africa in 2010.
File picture:Eight year-old Chola walking home from Peace Community school. She is among the girls who are being educated on child sex abuse, defilement, rape and human trafficking,

There have been calls for urgent intervaention in the way defilement cases are being handled in the country.

This comes in the wake of Home Affairs deputy minister Stephen Kampyongo’s revelation in Parliament that over 6000 girls have been defiled in the last three years.

Media Network on Childs Rights,Executive Director Henry Kabwe said there was need to sensitise Zambians more as defilement cases do not seemed to be reducing.He said the future of Zambia was looking bleak as the production of the future leaders was being affected by the high numbers of defilement cases being recorded.

Mr.Kabwe said that despite sensitizing people on certain traditional practices, it was unbelievable that they were still being practiced.

He said early marriages and early exposure to sexual practices were some of the practices that seriously needed to be addressed.

“These traditional practices that we are still practicing in the country are the contributing factor to the ever increasing number of child defilement cases. You find a young girl as young as 15 years old is being married off. Not only that you find that before being married off they are exposed to sexual practices.” he said.

He said that it was the duty of the parents to realize that they had a responsibility to help their children know their privileges and empower them.

Mr Kabwe was concerned about children having access to bars hence an opportunity for child trafficking.

Meanwhile Human Rights Commission (HRC) has said that a new research should be conducted on why child defilement is not reducing.HRC public relations officer, Samuel Kansakha said that despite sensitizing people on child defilement, the practice was not reducing.He attributed culture, early marriages and traditional healers as some of the causes to increasing numbers of defilement cases.


  1. When will you report that the ECZ is not Happy with chief Mpezeni campaigning for PF. We support you to be natural Lusaka times. please don’t disappoint. In Trust we wait.

    • That is so bad. Why on earth do men think one can not live without sex?
      I know men can get aroused even by the recognition of their own shadow
      But this is beyond contempt.
      I blame most Zambian men, another reason I never would marry one, collectively they are ignorant but individually Zambian men can be nice people.


  2. On the main issue we just thank the social media now as these things have happened rampantly in villages in the past with no recourse and punishment for offenders. They have thought its normal in villages to marry Children.


    • Would appreciated if we can be availed with the report not just making statements. How do you (deputy minister) suppose we can help with just word of mouth. HRC is smart to call for new research because that figure is not small. A public report on the figures, where the concentration is and identified causes for better analysis and strategy please.

  3. What are you talking about LT? Looks like you are also running out of things to talk about eeeh?

    “File:Eight year-old Chola walking home from Peace Community school. She is among the girls who are being educated on child sex abuse, defilement, rape and human trafficking, which may increase with the hosting of the FIFA 2010 World Cup in neighbouring South Africa in 2010”.


  5. Wrong statistics. Remove 15 to 18 year olds from the list.We are Africans. Bazungu just don’t respect big girls and call them young. 15 year old is mukulu maningi. Most of our parents respectably got married at 14 just after a few menstrual cycles.

  6. Very sad indeed.Mosts disheartening also is the attitude of the male bloggers comments.You can tell the men are really not disgusted by this.More passion and outrage is poured when Sata or HH says something. 6000 girls defiled and no one is enraged! Men you are the protectors of your daughters,sisters,mothers if you keep on this laissez-faire attitude then there is no hope and destruction may well come to your own doorsteps.

  7. Assuming it means up to 6000 adult males at fault and many more have not been caught at it is worrying that most programs target women, some people blame parents, education or poverty and turn a blind eye to the real culprits who may be repeat sex offenders out there as we speak feeling empowered by an environment that fails to effectively out and shame them or rehabilitate those caught. Instead we will increasingly spend more resource counselling children damaged by events beyond their control. We need to teach our young boys to be a real man does not involve using a weapon of manky distraction. Focus, be respectful, get educated. A part of me wants to say toss offenders in a pool of crocs naked and let’s see how they like having their body parts violated by predators. Guess I said it.

  8. My opinion is these things are not reducing because about 90% of the cases which go to our courts lead to acquittals. Just ask the magistrates and judges themselves. Male judges and magistrates are the worst culprits. If these cases were handled by female judges and magistrates, the situation would change

  9. ‘6000 cases of defilement cases reported’ I hope we have 6000 defilers successfully prosecuted and jailed??? IG what is the position?

  10. I think one way in which defilement cases can reduce substantially is by mother and female caregivers to be careful with who they leave their child with. Please women do not leave your female children with male relatives and characters whom you cannot trust period. also those of you who suspect a relative of being HIV+ do not allow him to come into contact with your children you may never know what he is planning. educate your female children about moving in groups and reporting suspicious characters or communication/ attention being advanced by a male person. Lets try to be pro active otherwise our girl children will be destroyed….. and also another thing that women can do is to unite and help a friend who is in need of a sitter even for just a few hours.

  11. Most seem to have missed the point. Poverty. Poverty poverty poverty. If these girls had food in their homes, they wouldn’t be out on the streets. Period.

    Unemployment in formal sector in USA 10%
    in Eygpt 13%
    in Zambia 60%
    These kids have adapted a bad form of survival mode to raise money for food, schools etc. Govt should creat an environment to encourage job creation.

  12. Fake statistics! On average 2000 girls every year, you can’t even find such statistics in South Africa… Do your research well.

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