Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Bill Clinton and daughter to visit Zambia next week


Former US President Bill Clinton and his daughter Chelsea
Former US President Bill Clinton and his daughter Chelsea

Former US President Bill Clinton and his daughter Chelsea will travel to Africa to visit Clinton Foundation projects in Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Rwanda, and South Africa.

This trip, and the projects visited, will highlight many of the issues that President Clinton and Chelsea have long worked on—economic growth and empowerment, equality of opportunity, and health access.

Fifteen years ago, in 1998, President Clinton first traveled to Africa as President.

This was the longest and most extensive trip to the continent made by a sitting American president, and was the first time a sitting president traveled to each of his six destinations.

President Clinton’s trip followed a seminal visit that Chelsea and then-First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton made the year before.

Since their initial trips, President and Chelsea Clinton have continued to build upon their longstanding commitment to Africa through the work of the Clinton Foundation, providing investment, opportunity, and health access to underserved communities.

In July 2012, both President and Chelsea Clinton traveled to Africa to visit Clinton Foundation sites in South Africa, Mozambique, Rwanda, and Uganda, and in October 2012, Chelsea visited Nigeria for the launch of the Nigerian government’s Save One Million Lives Initiative to reduce child mortality.

In Zambia, President Clinton and daughter will visit the Chelsea conduct Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) home visits on Friday, August 02 2013.


    • The smart people of the Zambian Enterprise just do not understand how beautiful our country is. Zambia is one of the most countries around the world. From the Manenekela in East to the beautiful ridges in Muchinga, to the wonderful swamps, whites beaches at Kasaba and Nsumbu to mountains in Chienji, to wonderful falls at Mambilima, Musonda, valleys and lagoons in Luapula, to the Ikelenji in Northwest, to the shores and pure white sands in Zambezi, to sunbelts in Western to the gorges in Batoka in the Southern, to the limestones in Lusaka and gardens on the Copperbelt our country is the envy of most … welcome Mr. President to hospitable Zambia the beautiful.

      Enjoy your stay with your buddy KK, one of the greatest and honorable men I have ever met.

    • Ma ma ma ma!!! I’m sure Dr Kaseba will be VERY VERY VERY VERY busy….

      Local TV stations and newspapers, please prepare to feature our First Lady non-stop for a week.

      Thank God for DSTV….

    • @R B Mumba
      awe mumba you can praise mwe,,, if only that was in any zambian language read out in poet form on home service radio 1, it will be some greater!!!, if it was written in bemba then give it to George Mubanga to read it

    • BR Mumba, amso loving what am reading, my imagination cant help but bring me close to these beautiful landscapes gifted to us by nature, vacation to zambia is on my list, i cant wait to breath that fresh air, wow, it’s so soothing to the soul, am so coming to zed!

    • @Cindy,Ndobo & B.R .Mumba….Alright to praise zambia and her natural beauty…..except that zambia is very dirty,very disorganized and full of underachievers who take everything for granted.

  1. Whose meeting him at the airport? i hope it will be Guy scott and his wife hopefully they will be bring sweets from NK!

  2. “Copper And Tax Evasion By Glencore International In Zambia”
    “Glencore Founder Marc Rich, The Fugitive Trader Pardoned By Bill Clinton In 2001”
    “In the final days of the Clinton administration, Rich was one of more than 200 people the president pardoned on his way out. Soon after it was discovered that Eisenberg, then his ex-wife, had donated $450,000 to help build the Clinton Library in Little Rock, Ark. She also donated $1.2 million to the Democratic Party, leading to accusations that Rich’s presidential pardon was a quid-pro-quo deal”

  3. Can somebody with wide open eyes tell me – what is in Zambia for George Bush to come and paint a clinic twice in Zambia in 6 months and Clinton to follow suit within weeks. Smell a rat but all good.

    • Iam with you but let’s not forget that the US base for the region is now in Zambia and obviously we are mining uranium in Solwezi ( so I believe but don’t quote me).

    • Goerge has shares in Lumwana, which is mining uranium and also another company in which has shares, is supplying Zambian Govt with Cancer equipments. Dont forget the AfriCom (USA) base they want to build in Zambia. Recently, GBM was in Germany meeting AfriCom commander (for what reason?)

  4. There is definately more to this ,the rat is rotten somewhere..why not france,German,China,Russia,..why just USA visiting us..some just coming to paint not even donating any equipment direct from Texas..Zambians lets wake up..If they care about us let them bring investments that will employ our people.Why do we always sleep ,when are we going to wake up?

    • valid points… but more zambians wont see it that way because generally zambians like free things and enjoy begging

    • USA has more people living in poverty than Zambia, so why not help poor American rather than flying all the way to Zambia? The population of Zambia is may be 13m and iam sure those living in poverty in USA is more than 20m

    • How do you think they got the soil samples in 1998 from Al Shifa factory in Sudan which they claimed it made chemical weapons.Thats the excuse they used to destroy the place in retaliation for embassy bombing in Nairobi. Americans are great pretenders.

    • Goerge has shares in Lumwana, which is mining uranium and also another company in which has shares, is supplying Zambian Govt with Cancer equipments. Dont forget the AfriCom (USA) base they want to build in Zambia. Recently, GBM was in Germany meeting AfriCom commander (for what reason?)

  5. A rat is surely rotten somewhere.Why not france ,German ,Russia ,Japan ..why just USA visiting.Others all the way from Texas just to and paint to prevent cancer not even donating an equipment.Zambians wake up .if This people love us let them bring investments and employ our people..

  6. Ma!ma!ma! I hope he doesn’t reach state house otherwise he will be insulted and he will regret having come ,let him consult gerorge bush

  7. Zambians and your inferiority complex ! So you mean a former USA president can`t visit you ? Ninshi mulaimwenamo sana ? Too bad.

  8. Oh my ,only retired presidents come to visit zambia because serving presidents are scared stiff of a bite by the cobra in plot 1.

  9. Chill people!! his visit means good, don’t be naïve countrymen and women we can do better than this come on. Has PF stolen our brains as well?

  10. Ci Juma Pondamali wht insults can he get frm state hse?Instead apreciatng gud governance in Zambia look the hell u re lambastng wht kind of an imvecile re u?Reform imediatlly.Give credit where it belongs.

    • Pondamali is merely expressing embarrassing apprehension at the possible ridiculing of Clinton which has become synonymous with State House. The latest victims were a respected Chief Jumbe and a learned counsel Malila. Clinton is therefore better cautioned to tread Zambian soil carefully. The unpalatables that come out of State House are usually less than presidential.

    • The one that should instead be careful is UKWA.

      The patience of people like George Bush or Clinton can only go thus far. He will be history soon. Ukwa should stop hiding from these guys and just own up.

    • Nokoh cobra mu chinenahh,you mean you are the only buffoon who didn’t hear what obscenities your disorriented ukwa showered on bush?

  11. Zaambians , majority you too dull. You just sit on the terraces and condemn and speculate. Get involved and know the truth. You can join the clinton foundation and contribute your . You dont need to have a lot of money to show a difference . That will help you understand what they are doing there and if at all there is a hidden motive. Wake up and get involved. Dont just sit on your stin,,k/y butts and condemn everything you read or here. Some people are so retarded , i feel nauseated reading their comments.

  12. Once upon a time, I thought Zambians were the most polite , the most hospitable people on earth. Travelling the world, I told people I met so. Have I been so wrong?

  13. The Clintons are coming to Zambia to visit the Clinton foundation. Period! George and Laura Bush have interests in enhancing health facilities of the poor in Africa. Their visits other than being symbolic help highlight to the American people the need to help the under privileged in the third World in health matters.

    Obama’s post President’s activities towards Africa is already shaping up. He seems to be interested in empowering young Africans in leadership and business skills through skills transfer. This entails young Africans receiving US scholarships and coming back to Africa to apply the skills learnt from there….. Cont

  14. ….cont…. George HW Bush snr is involved in cancer research. Last week he had his head shaved in solidarity with a toddler with advanced leukemia who’s lost his hair as a result of the disease. The boy is a son of a British secret service agent and in a symbolic gesture of good will,the Agent’s detail (colleagues) shaved their heads along with Bush snr. This would not have been received well here where bald head stereotypes is rife.

    My point: Former American Presidents enter volunteer roles once they leave the Presidency by promoting certain areas than enhance quality of life for the under privileged. President Carter has the famous Carter foundation that monitores elections.

    So this Uranium in Solwezi thing is pure hog wash.

    • # Goerge has shares in Lumwana, which is mining uranium and also another company in which has shares, is supplying Zambian Govt with Cancer equipments. Dont forget the AfriCom (USA) base they want to build in Zambia. Recently, GBM was in Germany meeting AfriCom commander (for what reason?)

  15. Good for Zambia to have well-regarded people come in on good-will trips. Makes us visible to the outside World for the right reasons. Lets turn ‘Aid into Trade’ as per Clinton slogan. I only hope medical staff around our President Sata ensure that he takes his medication (adequately sedated) before President Clinton pays him a courtesy call. We cannot afford another fiasco like the one with President Bush recently.

  16. I agree. Our President’s handlers must get it right this time. No “colonialists coming to Africa to pay back” comments. This kind of bizarre behavior isn’t helpful to our International image at all.

    The above is what may have sent Bush almost 500 km away from State House when he visited Livingstone a few weeks ago. From there he did a ‘fly past’ of Lusaka to Dar es salaam to President Jikaya Kikwete where he linked up with Obama.

    Let the Health Minister be felt also than the de facto all powerful one.

    • The one that should instead be careful is UKWA.

      The patience of people like George Bush or Clinton can only go thus far. He will be history soon. Ukwa should stop hiding from these guys and just own up.

  17. The big issue with us is that we suffer from severe ignorance… As a people we are ignorant of who are our enemies..the white man, especially the ruling or upper class, has consistently raped our women, stolen our people, exploited our economies, this has been regular behaviour for the last 2000 year’s…so why do we Africans think he ll now be kind to us. It’s all tricks and lies…and manufactured diseases such as cancer n HIV. Peace be upon you.

  18. All Former US Presidents engage in post-office volunteer works as a way of paying back to dis-advantaged communities. For the right or wrong reasons, this is a noble task and that’s the reason why democratic and governance institutions in the USA invite eminent people to deliver lectures and papers. Former US Presidents also play a significant role in unifying the American people, a comment I cannot say about KK, who instead reduces himself to competing against PF cadres as to who is more PF cadre than the other.

  19. Looks like Zambia the poor state,let me rephrase that,zambia the dirt poor nation is about to become a vassal state of the American empire.

  20. Hope he does not meet the ailing dictator, just to drive a point home – Clinton has an interest in seeing African develop their people and their place. But dictatorship kills development.


    • The former president of America Clinton and daughter are visiting Zambia and other parts of Africa because they love us and its important for them to see projects where they are spending their money.The Bible says where your treasure is is where your heart also.Let them invest more in Zambia especially in the health sector,Education,Energy,and Tourism . by kajinga Dennis Lusaka Clergyman

  22. President Obama must also come to Zambia we need him so much, he is such an intelligent president the world hard ever seen.Zambia has reached the highest pick of investment .If he comes i believe we will have more projects coming up in this country and part of the region Sub Sahara. BY pastor Dennis Kajinga.

    • LOL. Ba Pastor, are you not contradicting yourself? If indeed Zambia has reached its highest ‘pick’ in investment, to use your word, then it means its full. Then is there any more space left for President Obama to bring in more projects? I am just joking Pastor, please don’t report me upstairs.

  23. These American have been threatened by the presence of Chinise people. Chaina is interested in development. America has more interest in forming arguement groups like NGO and leave you fighting and arguing against each other. Watch these chaps.

  24. God is the one bringing them to this country we must thank God for that,before they never used to come to Zambia this is not the only Country where there are foreign nationals.The Bible says in the last days people will be an thankful we must thank God in every thing.A man will receive nothing except its given to him from God above.Its the peace we are enjoying which is attracting all the people who are coming.Finally, my desire is that as they come they must visit CHAZ and all the major clinics at list in in Lusaka and Rural areas of Zambia and other parts of the region Sub Sahara.

  25. Psalm 21
    Psalm 45

    PSALM 21!
    PSALM 150!

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