Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sata offered Taima a job so why was he de-campaigning PF? – Banda


Richard Taima soon after announcing his resignation. Next to him is PF Tunvwaganai Ward Councillor Tarzy Sichalwe.
Richard Taima soon after announcing his resignation. Next to him is PF Tunvwaganai Ward Councillor Tarzy Sichalwe.

The Patriotic Front (PF) in Lusaka has demanded that former Solwezi East Member of Parliament Richard Taima exculpates himself or leaves the ruling party over allegations that he de-campaigned the PF in the Solwezi East by-election which the ruling party lost.

This follows media reports suggesting that the PF lost in Solwezi East because Mr. Taima allegedly took a part in campaigning against the PF.

[pullquote]Mr. Kabimba does not need any further orientation do to his job as some civil society organizations have recently suggested.[/pullquote]

PF Lusaka District Chairperson Goodson Banda said the party in Lusaka will not allow traitors to infiltrate it to the detriment of the party’s well being.

Mr. Banda has appealed to the PF leadership to look into the allegations against Mr. Taima and make a prompt decision if such allegations are proven true.

Mr. Banda has told QFM News that such allegations if proven to be true will be an indication of how ungrateful Mr. Taima is, especially that despite the party not adopting him to contest the by-election, President Michael Sata had already offered him another job.

Meanwhile Mr. Banda has described as mere politicking the condemnation of Justice Minister and PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba over his statement concerning the Electoral Commission of Zambia.

Mr. Banda said Mr. Kabimba does not need any further orientation do to his job as some civil society organizations have recently suggested.


  1. – the Republican President of Zambia Michael Sata is bribing opposition Mp’s with job offers.Its not even something PF cadres are embarassed to say? OMG where is our country heading to?

    • i think the word corruptions and bridery has alot of interuptions in zambia depending where one stands…eg repossesing `corruptly obtained` bicycles from MMD cadres and giving them to PF cadres ,,, offering opposition MPs jobs so as to cause bye elections..etc

    • There is nothing like bribing here! This chap though he may be unprincipled, did resign on his own. The president can still appoint him in any position he feels this guy can perform! He’s empowered by the Constitution to decide who he should appoint or disappoint.

  2. The loss of kafulafuta by PF has brought reality to Pf arrogance . We are now more confident about the constitution as the PF will find it difficult to go against the wish of the people .well done kafulafuta !,,,, .even Kabimba has toned down

    • What is so special about the rural are called kafulafuta? This was an MMD seat anyway. Its MMD which has lost to the Up and Down Party or upnd. The PF should blame themselves for fielding an unpopular candidate (Chishiba). The PF did not even campaign or spend much. On the other hand Hyene Hyena spent huge amounts of HIS STOLEN money into this election. The villagers of kafulafuta were just feasting away at Hakainde’s looted cash (obtained corruptly through sale of govt parastatals).

  3. Here we go, even if you fielded this guy, Solwezi was lost. People are tired of the PF stints. Now we are giving PF 90 days or we will gather in our “tahir” square (embassy park).

    • Go ahead and gather in your “Tarir square” -revolutions only occur after 20yrs and you must have missed the recent one in 2011 when the people chose pf. The bemba lands will overwhelmingly remain Pf and the current seats held by mmd in the bemba lands like mutatis seat will turn pf just like the mkushi one last week.UPND will make in roads in western and probably reduce the margins in Lusaka but it will not be enough -they will have to hold on for another 10yrs

    • You don’t follow Egypt politics, do you? Morsi was democratically elected but he is no longer president.

    • Al – try to educate me by Bembaland. Bembaland is only part of the Northen Province as the Province itself has more than 8 other tribes that are not Bemba.
      The last time I checked even your Bisa Leader has been denounced by Mwine Lubemba.

      Continue dreaming my brother. Luapula Province where am from has never been Bembaland, so hasn’t the Copperbelt Province where I was born and grew up, neither is Central Province, a place I lived for many years, or Lusaka Province, where I currently am.

    • This is what happens when you put cadres in front, to make decisions for the party.

      It’s either ECZ or Taima but never the individuals in PF. My late Grand Father would always tell me that ‘ A BAD FARMER ALWAYS BLAMES HIS TOOL’.

      PF – You can fool some people sometimes but not all the people all the time. BUFI always catches up with you.

  4. Banda shud not mislead people or even rub Taima’s ego. PF lost bcoz the people are fed up with lies n lies followed by subsidy removals. Taima does not carry such influence to inflict such pain on PF. So don’t make him a scapegoat. And if u can publicly say that Sata is giving jobs to the political prostitutes, how do you think ordinary people will feel about that? It is this same mentality that is de-campaigning the PF as you have no shame. Sata publicy says if you want development vote for PFand one can just about see the thinking in this primitive bunch of politicians….

  5. For US the Northwesterners we know its HHHHHHHHHHHH. How many people from North west are serving in This Tribal party as Ministers? I mean Full Ministers? Not even one, we are seeing and will react soon through by-elections

    • Foe us folks from Luapula Province, we have been sidelined with only one sickely Cabinet Minister.

      We will support HHHHHHH !!!!!!

  6. ITS TOO EARLY FOR PF TO START CRYING BECAUSE UPND ALEISA..ALEISA..BUTUKENI..ALEISA. Petauke, Mukaika, Malambo and Mulobezi plus in Itezhi Itezhi and Sinazongwe constituencies. Mwafya na panga ba PF.

    • UPND will win those for sure-but it is MMD that will lose- not pf. Pf just has to hold onto its core vote in the bemba lands and it will sail through in 2016 despite all upnd does in other regions -coz the margins between the two in 2011 was to big to be bridged over 5 yrs

    • Al – PF needs to soul search. There a lot of PF MP’s I interact with that are not happy that there not even Deputy Ministers.

      Expect mass defections and soon!!! Lol

  7. Iwe chi Banda iwe, musula obe! R u lobbying for a job you moron? U cant see that people r fed up with PF? Ulichikopo sana atini? Useful *****! Mbuzi malambo puuu……

  8. Hahaha,the PF is starting to get clay feet and infiltrators working to bring it down.I couldn’t be happier to see it fall just like the statue of Saddam Hussien.

  9. @Decotexx. PF has never been popular, it was their lies that were popular to illerates and semi illiterates, oh and gullible tribes mates.

  10. So its true the President bribes MPs to cross the Floor! This is very unfortunate – politics of the belly by PF.


  12. Pf may not b popular tho dat can’t b substatiated out of de last week was regionalism at play.Zedian dirt heads. lam advising pf 2 b weary of dose coming 2 join u. It is dirt pipo.let dem go 2 upnd a den of wolves ,jackles nd hynas.

  13. One thing I know about lies is they always catch up with you.

    My late Grand Father always told me to be truthful in Life. PF’s fortunes have reduced so fast because they’ve never been truthful even to themselves.

  14. BUFI !
    WENYE !

    2016 ! OYEEEE IT’s HH !!!!!!!

    From eastern power to western/north-western power !
    from northern to southern

    its HH !!! 2016 !!!

  15. I stand to be corrected. Goodson Banda seems to lack isukulu with his myopic reasoning. PF lost in Solwezi east because the voters there refused to be lied to.

  16. Ati wise men from the eastiiiii ! BA banda goodson, chishupu chabe. Indeed they followed a star from the NORTH

  17. Insapatu, you are correct. PF dos not respect northwesterners and we shall not respect them.

    Taima pulled a dont kubeba stance. He has no job in PF after selling out his relatives in solwezi. I talked to him and all he wants now is just to destabilize PF from within. Masumba is on his side too. No cabinet minister from NWP and you want Pa fiko to be supported.

  18. PF is on dialysis. No one is above zambia. We all passed through similar birth canals, so no one should feel he /she is superior to anybody else. PF will fall soon because of poor leadership. Storella must be biting his nails for supporting PF.
    Nwestern people dont need PF leadership. NWP should step up witchcraft to target those who are doing malice to the province, and eventually respect will be accorded to them.

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