Friday, March 7, 2025

ACC, DPP to ascertain course of action in ZRL probe


Consultations to ascertain what cause of auction will be taken over the findings of the concluded probe by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) into allegations of corruption in the Zambia Railways Limited (ZRL) have commenced.

The ACC had been probing allegations of corruption that were levelled against the then Chief Executive Officer Professor Clive Chirwa and the dissolved ZRL board.

ACC public relations manager Timothy Moono has disclosed to Qfm that consultations on what cause of action will be admitted in the ZRL concluded probe are currently being done between the ACC and the Director of Public Prosecution.

Mr. Moono has however not indicated whether there would a possible prosecution from amongst those who were being investigated.

And Moono has disclosed that the recently initiated investigations into alleged electoral corruption against some former Members of Parliament whose seats were recently nullified are still ongoing.

Mr. Moono notes that the commission can not presently reveal any details of its investigations as this will jeopardize its probe.


  1. I’m really confused here. What consultations are the ACC talking about? They have prosecuturial powers, why do they have to consult a 100% compromised and useless Mutembo Nchito’s office? Otherwise my affirmative and doubtless conclusion is that the ACC is waiting for instructions from Sata. In the PF era, ACC is as good as Libongani’s PF Police. Shinda Paper.

    • I could not agree more and with Sata on medical treatment there is no one to make the decision. It is also my conclusion that the one most likely to be facing prosecution for corruption is the former CEO, Clive Chirwa but since he was appointed by the Head of State the decision to prosecute rests with the appointing authority. Just like Hapunda who was fired but not handed to the Police as per the article attributed to Hon Lubinda.

  2. “And Moono has disclosed that the recently initiated investigations into alleged electoral corruption against some former Members of Parliament whose seats were recently nullified are still ongoing.” END QUOTE.
    The alleged electoral corruption and malpractice was proven beyond doubt and consequentially resulting in the Seat nullification by the courts. So, is the ACC now going to use a Judgement or rather conviction to prosecute? The ACC now is another arm creeping in the shadows of the opposition political arena. Can MP’s in the house ensure that these govt agencies stick to the charters of their establishment and maintain their autonomy as well as inter-agency/ institutional working frameworks. can ACC & the Judiciary clarify this.

  3. Why targeting the east now,acc stop politicizing issues,deal with musamba &nalumba first before heading to the eastern.
    Nullification of a seat based on corruption is the same,no too or small,the fact is its is a time waster party.

  4. I had a dream that all MPs had resigned and called for fresh elections within 90 days? only to disappointed that it was just a dream.

  5. Meanwhile railway rehabilitation hss hit a snag as more and more houses sre being constructed on railway line willy nilly with some houses standing merely 8m from the rail tracks!

    Not sure whether ZRL will be consulting the ministry of lands and the council on what to do when it is obvious that 50m on either side of the railway is not for residential use but reserved for rail repair, emergency or expansion or rehab.

    But whie cares…..the board of ZRL have never taken a ride on the train to see this.

  6. Why does ACC not start with Mutembo Nchito whose criminal record of forgery is well documented instead of consulting on frivolous ZRL cases?

  7. “Consultations to ascertain what cause of auction”. What cause are we talking about here and who is auctioning what? Quite confusing.

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