Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Kalusha-Postponement best for both parties


FAZ president Kalusha Bwalya says postponing today’s CHAN qualifier was the best thing for both parties.

ZIFA and FAZ agreed to have Sundays 2014 CHAN qualifier rescheduled to August 18 at Rufaro Stadium in Harare.

This is after the Cameroon match officials were delayed in transit in Nairobi en route to Harare for the game.

“I think that the situation of the match not being played has been unfortunate because you know the team prepares and you cannot play the match,” Kalusha said.

“It is big inconvenience it is not ZIFA problem and ZIFA did everything possible to have the referees get here. Unfortunately the situation in Nairobi made it impossible for them to connect to come Harare.

“According to the rules in CAF you cannot have replacements when the other referees are in transit unless they were in Cameroon then you can get replacements.”


    • You guys should ask first what led to the match official arriving late?There are no direct flights between Zimbabwe/Zambia and Cameron or West African countries.Its either you connect via OR Tambo in South Africa or JKIA in Kenya.With the situation that happened at JKIA where the inferno destroyed buildings housing the arrivals and immigration offices most passengers transiting through JKIA are being delayed. JKIA is not a small airport like our so called KK,SIMON MWANSA KAPWEPWE and HARRY MWWANGA NKUMBULA.OR Tambo and JKIA are the most busy airports in Africa with connecting flights to Europe,Asia and the rest of Africa.

    • Abena Diggers, question remains, why didnt they start off early enough knowing that they were not going connect from as you call them, small airports such as KK, kapwepwe, nkumbula?

    • Spot on peter njobvu, assist these gullible Kalu fans to think, they seem to be star struck everytime their great King opens his mouth without making any sense of what he is saying.

  1. This is our FA president for you always sitting on the fence even when he needs to be critical…he wouldn’t say nothing to annoy the top brass at CAF H/Q as he is saving himself for the top job.

    • Jay Jay …, i fail to understand your level of maturity most of the times, whats wrong with you, dont you realise that we can not always determine the outcome of situations/events in life? Common be realistic, dont just utter because you somehow have personal vandettas with someone and shockingly enough you dont know or mingle with these people on a personal note, all you know about their lives or situations is what is given to you via the media, that should challenge the level of your interlligence, sorry for my strong sentiments but wachilamo mudala, sorry!

    • @ Saulosi, sometimes Ba Jay jay can really pull you the wrong way, otherwise, i find it ok with the delays hopefully there will be no blame games after the matches take place.

    • If you are faint-hearted or too emotional or gullible and unable to stick to the subject at hand kindly excuse yourself from such topics.

  2. @Jay,jay why can’t u keep quite if u’ve nothing 2 say instead of displaying ubusushi. lf he is destined 2 be there who are u jearous idi ot 2 stop him.Actually not only there but at fifa. kalu for fifa Presidency!He is not small like u none entity.

  3. The more the referees stay in zimbabwe before the match the more they get corrupted. They are humans and in soccer esp africa, it happens a lot.
    watch out FAZ.

    • That’s a good point that you have raised my friend knowing uncle BOB and his low morals that is very possible.What does CAF rules say about this gentlemen-Great Kalu?

    • Iwe chi colour who said they will be in Zimbabwe all this time? They have families back home to look afer, meaning they will go back kwabo then come back on Saturday in readiness for the game on Sunday, unless there will another fire at Jomo Kenyatta…… viva chipolopolo

    • How about the world cup or Afcon tournament….refs stay up to 4 weeks in a host country..does it mean that they became biased and corrupted. Let’s differentiate between a professional ref and a part-time ref…there are also people out there unlike you who take pride in what they do.
      Wake up!!

    • Reasoning ya pa Zed!!! Bushe, bushe mwa liu mfwapo ati “CONTINGENCY PLANNING??” For CAF to give SUCH A LAME EXCUSE, ni pa Africa chabe!!!!

  4. Kalusha is being diplomatic and that is important at his level, if you have never held any position of responsibility you can bark all you like, you have no credibility to lose ir protect, he has one!!!!

    • Well he can afford to be diplomatic as its neither FAZ nor him paying… its the taxpayer who is paying for all this inconvenience. People have no concept whatsoever how costly such things are in monetary terms.

  5. Jay Jay today in your arguments you sound too dull man, besides you seem not to know what happened in Kenya few days ago that might have contributed for these referees to be delayed in Kenya. C’mon man you can do better than this.

  6. Soon after reading the headline and the story I felt they are not in synch and perhaps that explains why the argurments here above,in my view, seem mis directed.In Kalu’s statement there are words like – “unfortunate” and “big inconvinience”. The writer should have bothered to look at these words carefully and portray a good picture. Suppose the headline was “Postponement – Regrettable but okay for both parties” would this have provided a near perfect headline as it would smacked of Kalus discontent?
    Just thinking aloud!

  7. jayjay i agree with the other bloggers, your level of pettiness and hollowness in your arguments has shocked me. U ve no case,keep quiet!

  8. Jay Jay has a point. These referees or whoever is responsible for their movements knew what the situation was in Kenya. Contingency measures should have been put in place like using an alternate route or standby referees.

    • Spot on…everyone knew what happened in Nairobi including CAF…these gullible fans are more than ready to take a bullet for their empty suit without even thinking things through. FYI its your the taxpayer paying for this not Kalu.

    • Exactly my point…this is the selfsame reason our game is going down the tubes too many gullible hero worshiping fans…who can’t think issues through!!

  9. 24hrs = 1day.
    when did the officials arrive? Do they have any flood lights stadia in zimba zamabwe so that the game can even be played at night? Have our government done it’s home work to ensure that soccer fans watch the game live on TV, please help.

  10. I don’t think we should be arguing about Kalu’s opinion here. He is entitled to it. The real issue in my view is the oversight on CAF’s part. Airlines are business entities. They will sell you a ticket to hell if you can pay for it. The very same way they over book flights, the very same way they do all sorts of other wrong things just as long as they earn a profit. These officials were not the first people to miss a connect flight since the inferno. So yes & yes again, CAF should have either stayed away from Nairobi or booked them on an earlier flight. If they were delayed at OR Tambo for bad weather, totally different story.

    • @Simpz
      I agree with you totally that this debate which seems targeted at Kalu’s sentiment is misdirected and thus needless. Firstly it’s not true that Kalu said that the postponement was best for the teams. See my argument here above (N0.12)
      I agree with you that the buck stops squarely at CAF. According to Zimbabwe Herald, which bloggers can easily access online, ZIFA had initially requested CAF to consider picking referees from Southern Africa but the request was rejected. And on Sunday after noticing the delay in arrival of the Cameroonian match officials ZIFA made frantic eleventh hour contacts with CAF so they could choose match officials from South Africa but this request was, again, rejected.
      CAF is famous for making wrong decisions and is its culpable even in this case.

  11. CAF could have been more flexible One of the best options for them was to appoint match officials from Mauritius or some counytry on the southern hemisphere to avoid JK airport.Unfortunately our soccer body is rigid.

  12. Jay jay thanks for putting sense into these kalu worshipers who call themselves soccer fans. I’ve asked this question over and over again. Why should we always be subjected to sub-standard personnel to run anything in our country? Development in any sector does not come by accident. it requires the right people with proper credentials to foster development. Entities like FAZ need qualified managers to run it not these jokers currently running it.

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