Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Catholic Church denies abandoning the poor


Press statement.


The Catholic Church in Zambia has remained steadfast in its position of fighting for the poor and the marginalised because this is the core of its prophetic role.

The Church’s position is adequately demonstrated by the widely disseminated and publicised Pastoral Letters and Pastoral Statements that the Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) issues from time to time. When the Catholic Bishops speak out individually or collectively, for example, through these Letters and Statements, they are guided in doing so because of conviction based on Holy Scripture, the example of Jesus Christ and Catholic Social Teaching.

One suchChurch document “Ecclesia in Africa” urges the leadership of the Catholic Church in Africa to continue to be the “voice of the voiceless”. It is therefore not possible for the Bishops to abandon such a cardinal pastoral responsibility.

As recent, as 29 January 2013, the Zambian Catholic Bishops collectively released a Pastoral Letter “That they may have abundant life” in which they were quite forthright about matters of Governance in Zambia under the current (Patriotic Front) Government.

Furthermore, in their weekly homilies, during Sunday Mass in their respective Dioceses, the Bishops are always exhorting, encouraging and sometimes even condemning any injustices that come to their attention and urging all Zambians to live as Brothers and Sisters.

It is important, however, to note that in issuing Pastoral Letters and Pastoral Statements the ZEC ensures that it conducts detailed review and analysis of the prevailing situation or burning issues in order to prepare a Statement that is well-informed and meaningful. It would not help anyone for the Catholic Church to issue Statements that are superficial.

Moreover, in issuing Pastoral Letters and Statements, the ZEC has over the years also appreciated the fact that there is strength in unity and so from time to time the Bishops collectively meet to discuss the state of the nation. When there is need, they Bishops engage leaders of other Church mother bodies.

The ZEC has noted with concern that in recent weeks, there have been accusations and attacks alleging that the Catholic Church in Zambia has abandoned its role of speaking for the voiceless, the poor and marginalised on the wrong public perception that the Church is loyal to or favours the Patriotic Front and its leadership.

The Catholic Church in Zambia, as elsewhere in the world, is made up of members that belong to diverse political party affiliations. Therefore, ZEC, in its official capacity, does not and cannot champion any single political candidate even if that candidate were a faithful son of the Church. In this regard, any hint of partisan politics by a priest or a Bishop through the media or from the pulpit is wrong. It is wrong because the God whom we preach about and serve welcomes everyone in spite of political affiliations.

There is ample evidence to attest that the leadership of the Catholic Church in Zambia has always taken seriously its prophetic role and has categorically spoken out against any unfair actions and unacceptable policies of government. The commitment of the Church leadership to issues of justice and peace remains unchanged from the time Catholic Bishops of this country started speaking out collectively and publicly in 1953.

Since then, the country has had different political parties in government – beginning with the colonial government, the Church’s stance whether against or in favour of government policies has been unequivocal, always pro-poor; always for the marginalised and the vulnerable. The commitment of the Catholic Church to the Zambian people cannot now change and will not change because solidarity with the powerless and voiceless is what it means to be Christian.

In view of the foregoing, the ZEC would like to reassure all Zambians that it will continue to side with the poor and the voiceless in order to fight for improved or better living conditions. The Catholic Church in Zambia remains determined to see that Zambia continues to be an oasis of peace and violence is not tolerated, and where tenets of sound democratic governance and human rights are religiously upheld. The ZEC will remain vigilant and speak out against any injustices perpetrated by any quarter of the society.

Fr. Paul Samasumo

ZEC Spokesperson


  1. My church had gone to the dogs supporting Sata. I remember very Sunday homily at mass the priest preaching of the injustices of MMD to the people, and indirectly campaigning for Sata. Now these injustices are worse off and these priests and bishops are ashamed to publicly condemn the devil to supported into power.

    • Sorry my bro! Everyone needed change and SATA was the only man near to the much needed change. What he is doing may not be supported by the church. Bishops are not ashamed of anything. It is the people of Zambia who are disappointed including the Bishops and you. MMD had gone way far bad so if PF is worse than MMD then you still have you vote, use it wisely.

  2. Separation of church and state is a good thing. Churches, keep looking after your poor regardless of ruling party.
    Personally I think the Catholic Church can do a hell of a lot more worldwide, but especially in the third world.

  3. Since our late Bishop of Mongu, Duffy (MHSRIP) left us, the Catholic churh has been quiet – it is funny to come out defending oneself – instead of doing what is expected of you, to silence the critics!! A church SHOULD LEAD, NOT DEFEND ITSELF!!

  4. If you miss that yankee Mafii of yours then you have a problem.He is one the causers of the current situation.Am sure his little soul is burning in hell for deceiving poor Lozi men and women in voting for the devil.

    • I pity you. May the Al might God deliver you and have Mercy on you for you don’t know what you are saying my bro or Sr!

  5. @Ba Kolwe. Believe you me, If Bishop Duffy had been alive, you would have been hearing of him more than you are hearing George Chella.

    When Bishops De jong and Duffy spoke, Parliament and State House would receive the tremors! Our current crop of Bishops’ views are too measured, too careful and too intermittent. They deserve the criticism but we thank them for responding. At least that’s being honest. Thank you your Graces!

  6. In all fairness, the more reason why pipo think you guys have abandoned the people is coz you’ve kept actionless now that that the person you wanted to have power has it. Look at the abuse! You guys are quiet. What the hell is going on? How the hell do u expect us to reckon?

  7. The Catholic church has educated thousands of Zambians and continues to do so even today. Catholic schools are some of the run schools in the country. Mission hospitals, hospices and home based care programmes are there looking after the sick people. There many other social programmes the church is carrying out. Any well meaning Zambian cannot deny this fact. What are “ba pente” doing for the poor?

    • You can’t even begin to compare ba Pente with the Catholic Church. Go back centuries and read how the Catholic Church amassed it’s wealth. Find out why priests were stopped from marrying, for example.

      Typically, Africans in their goodness refuse to dig a little deeper. They have a naturally trusting and ‘grateful’ nature. Not so Muzungus. For every thing they do that you percieve as Good, dig a little deeper. Find out why and what’s in it for them. They have already planned ahead.

      So forgive me if I don’t celebrate the mission schools, hospitals etc with you.

  8. Father Samasumo, give us a break. This statement is a load of waffle and you know it. You created a Frenkeinstein’s monster but being the hypocrites you are, cannot come out and simply state that you are just a bunch of tribalists who wanted one of theirs, no matter how evil to be in State House. You demonised Mwanawasa for nothing and one of your so called Pastoral letters entitled ‘Let My People Go’ implied Levy was a Pharaoh holding Zambians in bondage. Now that you have given us hell, you want to give us more nonsense about your unbiasedness? If Jesus came today, he would whip the lot of you starting with your high priest Caiphas Telesphore Mpundu. Just shut the hell up and continue supping with your devil in State House.

  9. The only worthy catholic who has admitted to making a mistake is Fr Bwalya, all the other Fr’s and Bishops are either too ashamed, too scared or just too close to the Govt. This is when the spirit of the Lord separates the sheep from the wolves.

  10. This strikes me as a very defensive statement by the Catholic Church. It seems that it has now dawned on the priests that people’s criticism of the Church’s blind support for the current rulers, particularly in the run-up to the 2011 elections did have some justification, after all. I guess the lesson has been learnt (or at least I hope it has!) that it not wise for the Church to take an overtly partisan stance in politics – speak for the masses and denounce erring politicians, yes, but do not do it in a manner that makes it appear that you are bigoted and tribalistic.

  11. We kno you ba kapeta or ba pente and ba sda when it comes to our church to comments.Why forcing us to say something bad to the gorvmt?while most of the things a just ok,u want SATA to be buying for you everything u need,shame on you.

  12. The opposition are frustrated as the Catholic Church is not givin them any sign of forming the new government in 2016

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