Sunday, September 8, 2024

PF’s failure to have a National Development Strategy will be their downfall – Mulongoti


File Picture:Former Works and Supply Minister Mike Mulongoti (2nd from r) and Chinese engineers inspect the new government complex block under construction in Lusaka
File Picture:Former Works and Supply Minister Mike Mulongoti (2nd from r) and Chinese engineers inspect the new government complex block under construction in Lusaka

The opposition People’s Party (PP) has appealed to the Patriotic Front (PF) government to refocus and begin governing the country based on the promises it made prior to forming government.

PP President, Mike Mulongoti observed that the pride of the PF administration will make them exit office in 2016.

Mr. Mulongoti has told QFm in an interview that the PF did not have a national development strategy and their inability to provide good governance is making them resort to unorthodox means of prosecuting those they perceive to be politically ahead of them.

Mr. Mulongoti said time has come for Zambians to review the social contract they signed with the ruling party in 2011, stating that the paradise they were promised has turned out to be hell.

He said it is disheartening that the PF has turned civil servants such as Permanent Secretaries and District Commissioners into political tools meant to advance the political agenda of the ruling party.

The PP leader has also noted that Parliamentarians who had defected from the opposition political parties to the PF had completely destroyed their political careers because no political party in the country would ever want to associate itself with them.

Mr Mulongoti said it is not strange that the PF government has failed to fulfill most of their promises because they did not want to consider workable ideas from both the opposition and stakeholders on how best they can govern the nation.



    • @2.1 marioborelli,

      By PF being “on track” to win, do you mean how they are preparing to stuff ECZ full of sympathetic cadres to be sure of a landslide victory “just like ZANU-PF in Zimbabwe” as PF Lusaka District chairperson Goodson Banda stated last week?

  1. you shall know them by their fruit.
    the writing on the wall is very clear and sorry to say their days hav been numbered for mismanaging things.

    • iwe nostardamus, kabimba was your good friend now that he is sick na pena, you have abandoned him,,, awe nostradanus i protest, care for the sick! you are the only person kabimba can listen to, because at the moment he is refusing to take medication.

  2. Things always go from bad to worse for mother Zambia. As in Greek tragic tales where a hero stumbles from one catastrophe to another Zambia has been cursed with awful leadership. People flipped the coin and installed UNIP, nothing came out of the gamble. They tried MMD who demonstrated stealing at an elevated level. I think, in a confused stupor of some sort, Zambians again mandated PF to misgovern the nation, and PF is really doing a good job of it! PF is the worst govt in the world without a clue of where to take the nation. Suddenly we are broke! Has some body checked to see if the foreign reserves is still there?

    • @Wantanshi
      I seem to crave for details and information relating to the “elevated levels of stealing” by the MMD. I put the MMD in two phases: The Chiluba MMD which we have seen evidence of stealing and the Mwanawasa and RB MMD in which we saw our only glimpse of forward progress. The “stealing lebel” is one fed by the Post Newspaper in order to discredit the RB administration in preference of the Sata lead PF so they can be protected in their personal interest. Liato is obviously an exception but that is common in any Govt. The two collapsing trials against RB are tentimony to the vindictive nature of the big headlines we read Pre- Sept 2011. Where they really the kind of cases to lift someone’s immunity? I beg to distance myself from position based on what I have seem…

  3. those days when Ben and Mike were in govt. we promised to kick them out of office. the same promise goes to winter and president Sata for failing to deliver beyond their nose.

  4. Dear Michael Mulongoti,

    I hope you are fine and will read the following;

    The goodness with democracy is that every human being has a right to speak including Mulonogti. But his past record does not inspire me. This is the chap and Tetamashimba MHRIP who propelled the corrupt Rupiah into government.

    (1) Did Mulongoti and his friends leave heaven for Zambians when they left government?

    (2) Is it not Mulongoti who told Zambians that there are two prisons for the common and the well to do in Kasama?

    (3) Is it not Mulongoti who complained that PF did not appreciate him?

    (4) Had PF appreciated him would he be saying the things he is saying today.
    This is the foolishness of Zambian politians. No principles.

    Concern Zambian.

  5. From no plan to trial and error to plan and finally to success. 2016 yaba PF despite the talks coz even Umulogoti has no where to start from. The Zambian politics.

  6. We will wait to see when you are in power what you will do , others end up looting the nation like RB, we don’t know about HH who pocketed privatisation money today he calls it his own

    • prove him guilty kaili that man is free n he is contesting come 2016…a person can only be proven guilty in the courts of law.

  7. its true no wonder pf is busy making friends with wrong countries like zimbabwe who are power hungry they also think they will be in power forever zero wat happened to unip?sata is a one term president.VIVA ECZ dont be scared of those thugs they are pushing there own luck.

  8. No God is greater than our Great Omnipotent Dictator
    (GOD) Sata. Not even God can control Sata. Sata is the
    only way, the truth and the light! King of kings Judge
    of judges. His wish is our law and command! As his
    faithful civil servants we will wait upon our Lord Sata
    even for 90 years without reacting! Long live O King!

  9. Mulongoti has no followers at least Fr Bwalya and Elias balatolatolako noti ba Mulongoti mwebo ,he has only this follower called Lunga who just want to chew his mani.

  10. Mike Mulongoti is another liar. He can not be trusted to end corruption and develop the country. One of the person involved in letting the Late Chiluba to get away with corruption. Another joker

  11. Government needs to implement some policy instruments which should effect change. By change I mean, when Chikwanda tells parliament that the economy grew by say 2-3%,the effects must be felt by people in shangombo etc. It is not only Mulenga Sata and Kabimba who should be enjoying such growth because they own companies and award themselves contracts. By doing so, they knock off such percentage points in growth which are meant to benefit common men. While we say the economy is growing in figures ,the effects is enjoyed by people the likes of Mumembe, Mulenga Sata and Kabimba while Hospitals remains undeveloped to meet the medical demands of the 21st centuary.There is also the harsh fact that, when justice is at the mess of a deregistered lawyer and a dull lawyer investors lose trust

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