Saturday, January 18, 2025

CSOs gives two weeks ultimatum to committee drafting the constitution to release the document


CIVIL Society Organisations (CSOs) yesterday given out a two weeks ultimatum to the Technical Committee on Drafting the Zambian Constitution (TCDZC) to release and hand over the document to the Head of State and other stakeholders.

The stakeholders who were attending a three day workshop at Longview Lodge organized by the Citizens Forum (CF) said Zambians have waited for new constitution for too long adding that the final draft constitution should be handed over to Republican President Michael Sata.

“ We demand that the “final draft” constitution be handed to the president, Zambians and any other stakeholders simultaneously by 30th august, 2013. We, the people of Zambia are ready to “Vote Yes”,”said a press briefing read by United Church of Zambia (UCZ) Livingstone Reverend incharge Jane Kaluba yesterday .

The civil society said the technical committee must reflect the will asnd aspirations of the Zambian people saying the people of Zambia were ready to vote ‘Yes’.

They stated that the Referendum Act of 1969 be revised in line with current realities of constitution making as well as be harmonized with the Electoral act.

“We demand that the President of the Republic of Zambia forms the Referendum Commission by or before 15th September, 2013. Once set up the Referendum Commission should comprise women, youth and persons with disabilities. We, the people of Zambia are ready to “Vote Yes”they demanded.

They stated that previous attempts to expand and include the socio-economic and cultural rights were not reflected in the Bill of Rights.

They stated that since the Government was pro-poor, there was need for the Zambian people to vote ‘yes’ once the socio-economic and cultural rights were included and expanded.

“We also demand for deliberate efforts towards coming up with a constitutional reform act which will deal with all matters related to the constitution reforms as opposed to other legal provisions provided for in the current constitution such as the inquiries act which tend to give the executive the final say on the outcome,”they stated.


  1. our eaders are failed leaders. how do you expect this so called technical committe to finish on time. unwto preperations have failed with market and station not going to be finished before the assembly. more money in pockets though for unfinished tasks. police officers are corrupt 2 and change cars in their names.

  2. The President can not outline any plans, except appointing and disappointing people. More so attending to hospitals. I wonder what went wrong. This man was rescued from death by late levy. otherwise.

  3. The constitution has always been strong on penalties for racial discrimination. There is need for it to be also strengthened on penalties for tribalism and tribal utterances. Tribalism and tribal utterances is what has been destabilizing most of post colonial Africa- and not racism.

  4. Please finish. You will continue eating since you are likely to be reappointed to continue with the next stages. In this country the same people keep being appointed over and over again. This is not a PF practice alone. They found it. The fear is that by the time you complete your “proof reading” nothing of our submissions will be left. Are you telling us that the transcribers/drafters of the first draft were so terrible? If I recall, you were part of that team as well. Under normal circumstances you should have been replaced to bring in fresh brains. Otherwise you will keep on repeating the same mistakes at our expense but to your full pockets!! Yaabaa. We blame politicians for ills and yet the so-called “experts” and “technocrats” are more deadly at devouring our resources 4…

  5. Good luck with the “ultimatum” – stone give me water!

    Personally, I wouldn’t hold my breath or expect to see a “draft document” anytime soon….. at least not until PF has won enough seats in Parliament to push through whatever constitution it wants unopposed! This is about far more than “getting re-appointed”…. let alone proof reading…. and surely explains all the extra panic, urgency, and drama about by-elections!

  6. Winter and Masebo I daubt if anything can be achieved thru their leadership. They move fast but without monentum (like a feather dropped in the wind) No direction no and no clear cut plan just noise a the way.

  7. Can some one help me i knew the date for hand over of the draft constitution was July 31st was the date changed remember the halabubbu that winter maize made with the June 30 dead line i never heard of any change after committee said July 31st.

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