Mukanga cuts a ribbon as he hands over medical equipment to Kamuchanga
Hospital donated by Mopani Copper Mines.
Transport, Works, Supply and Communication Minister Yamfwa Mukanga has launched the Lusaka 400 kilometers road project.
The L400 road project covers a stretch of about 408 kilometres and will improve the state of roads in the capital city.
Mr. Mukanga revealed this during the ground breaking ceremony in Lusaka.
He disclosed that AVIC Construction, the Chinese contractor engaged to undertake the works has commenced works which will be completed in 43 months.
Mr. Mukanga has disclosed that the entire road project will cost K1.89 Billion and create 500 jobs.
He said the scope of works will include widening some selected roads, construction of sidewalks and enhancing the drainage on the roads.
Some of the areas expected to be worked on include Kamwala South, Chilenje South, Avondale, Kabanana, Chalala, Kabwata Site and Service, Chazanga and Kamanga.
Others are Chinika Area, Bauleni, Northmead, Matero, Chawama, Lilanda, Chilulu, Ng’ombe, Kaunda Square, Kalingalinga and Mtendere among others.
gud news….we wait to hear what frastrated Nawakwi and fellow opposition will say!
This is RB started project just renamed. Viva Nawakwi!!!!!
What difference does it make who started it, these projects are for the Zambian citizens and the nation in general, it’s about improving Zambian standard of leaving not individuals or political parties, ‘ Get A Grip’ it’s all about One Zambia One Nation. If you’re a true Zambian you should know that!!!!!
Then thank God there’s continuity.
Everybody should be happy that a program started or initiated by Levy or RB or others before him is being implemented because that is what we call progressive politics.
Whether they dress it up in a Japanese kimono or a Nigerian Bubu dosent and shouldnt matter, as long as the project is implemented to benefit Zambians.
Please stop politicking and support these projects
thank you very much Mr President Sata.this is the change we wanted we fort for this change may almighty God bless you amen.
It all looks good on paper till the portion that says the Chinese will be doing the job. How long will the roads last before they start crumbling? When will we read about the Zambia police force patroling in the poor areas 24/7 so the thieves dont roam freely and the people can sleep in peace.
is one who started the project then the
next one will be SATA’S Trust.
Your name says it all.
You are a convert of Nawakwindi’s misguided or kalufyanya politics.
Nawakwi was finance minister, we should ask her to tell what development she brought to Zambia. By the way , does her political party exisist? Her own name is more known than the political party she leads.
Gud Sata!Now now ci @ koswe why dont u apreciate?Implmentation mbeba u is vital.Lusaka fr is being beautified & its nice!Viva gud perfomance.
Make sure that:
1. You supervise these Chinese crooks whom you have entrusted all your energies and belief properly.
2. The drainages to be constructed would be in conformity of modern standards and not the current open pit system.
@ koswe,
ulichisushi chabanoko
Mmmmm umusebanya ubukulu, do you know her/his mother? Lets learn to respect peoples mothers.It is very clear that @ koswe alesabaila fye just like Nawakusabaila or sorry Nawakwi, may be out of frustration or just expressing his/her opinion.Nangufye mutile ni freedom of expression mmm, yours iliko very bad bwana.
Its all wonderful rolling out all these road projects every week BUT who is tasked to maintain these roads? What budget have the gov’t set aside for this task? A road just like a house needs to maintained periodically it only takes one rainy season and it will crumble like a slice toasted bread if its ignored.
Build at least one highway we can call state of the art motorway. Is this so difficult to achieve? We are sick and tired of haunting images of preventable accidents on our so called highways. We know that head-on collusions and vehicles overturning in to the bushes after a tire burst are the biggest causes of high death rates on the roads. Is it really that difficult to build a decent road in Zambia? These so called road projects are just compacted soil sprayed with bitumen and passed off as tarred roads. Government should set very high standards on what a paved road should look like. This should include full furnishings such as signage, lighting, reflectors,clear road markings and surrounding landscaping. Engage reputable road engineers not just mickey mouse contractors.
How abou Linda Rd? Is it not part of lusaka? There are a lot of people but no tarmac
8000km x K4,000,000/km = K32, 000, 000, 000… Add 400km x K4,000,000/km = K1, 600, 000, 000. Total=K33, 600, 000, 000. I hope we have such kind of money as Zambia.
l am happy with pf govt.lt does not matter who started the projects .After 0 are they 4 rb or indeed Sata?No wonder these bunch of fo ol ish Zambians want pf to fail so that it gives them political mireage. Devilish thinking.Leaders ‘ll come and go.
Even if we talk of freedom nd liberation from Britain we ar not.chine is colonising zambia today.chinese victimiz zambian wr is the minimum wages,chico company working on the bottm road reduces wages nd paying workers the time they want nt stipulating to labour laws .pf work up nd stick to yo promises.
WOO, armchair critics. PF govt is doing Lusaka roads its a problem with you. All of you come and start your own construction companies so that you maintain the roads not the chinese. Seseleni uko tubombeko ifwe ba PF.
Mwe bantu ba kwa Lesa mulebako no luse, @ Kolwe mwamusapa ichinechine. Let’s contribute constructively!
This sounds good, do the same on the C/Belt ! ukufuma ubukumu bwa chalo,