Saturday, March 15, 2025

Report urges Zambian government to increase funding to education


Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba relives his high school days when he attended a Matero Old Boys Association meeting at Matero Boys Secondary School in Lusaka recently
Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba relives his high school days
when he attended a Matero Old Boys Association meeting at Matero Boys
Secondary School in Lusaka recently

A new study on Education has called on the Zambian government to do more to ensure more resources are allocated to education in view of erratic donor funding to the sector.

The study entitled “Zambia: Effective delivery of public services” by Africa Governance Monitoring and Advocacy Project (AfriMAP) says the level of funding for the Zambian education sector significantly explains poor sector performance in terms of both access and service delivery in quality.

The report contends that although budget allocation to the education sector has risen over the years from 17% in 2008 to 25% in 2010,this is still not enough.

It cites major challenges faced by the sector as poor planning and implementation.

The study also calls on the government to focus on reducing the pupil-teacher ratio, which has impacted negatively on quality education, and improve the conditions of service for teachers.

It further calls on government to overcome issues of planning and capacity management of education delivery, which it says has affected the ministry’s ability to consolidate any gains made in the past and address future challenges.

The study also calls on civil society to focus on ensuring that investment in education is prioritized, especially given the fact that Zambia has the leverage to address the financial shortfall in the education sector by tapping on its mining revenue, which is expected to grow its GDP to US$1.35 billion by the year 2015; the year when the MDG education goal should be achieved.

Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba (third from left) interacts with his fellow Matero Old Boys Association members during a meeting at Matero Boys Secondary School in Lusaka recently.
Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba (third from left) interacts
with his fellow Matero Old Boys Association members during a meeting
at Matero Boys Secondary School in Lusaka recently.


    • LT i take it this is Libala Secondary School and not Matero Boys Secondary School. Just check the girls studying behind the ST and the design of the School Hall. That is Libala bwana!

  1. Is their an Arts school in Zambia? It would be worth while to have a school cartering all Artistic talents such as, Muziek and Dans, acting, Poetry and writting, directing and production, painting, Pret ( i cant find an english word for pret art) i mean something like Circus shows, Magic shows etc, i think it’s time education was expanded in all areas so we can move together with the advanced world, i think we are heading there.

  2. Ati zambian GDP will grow to $US 1.35bn y 2015??? Ba LT what are you tying to say with such vastly erroneous info???

  3. Nations that radically prioritize Education have been transformed radically. Malaysia’s development agenda succeeded because of going really ‘hard’ on Education. People’s views on a lot of issues change for the better. If you check on face book today, Jacob Zuma has lauded Malaysia’s education policies for transforming the nation from the 3rd World status to a developed nation.

    Other nations pay their citizens to go to school! The problem with African Governments is that they believe an ignorant uneducated citizens are easy to control, but at what cost? Bring back night schools for the elders and the poor. Education pays. Don’t ask the Taliban, ask Malala Yousefzai!

    • Bribing your own citizens to go to school is a bad strategy.You go to sch bcoz you’re motivated and willing to learn and not bcoz of recieving handouts.

  4. We need free education for all in Zambia. Those who want to learn, let them learn. Bonse Aba Bakwa Lisa…!

    Government should now move to providing free education for all and build more schools from the money earned from copper sells. We have the resources in Zambia and we can achieve this with a good mind set.

    Implementation of Free Education and Free healthcare will develop the nation faster than any other strategy on the agenda. Education is a way out of poverty. Educate each and every child and we shall be one of the best southern African countries. Zimbabwe is still far much better than us despite the Mugabe regime – and why is that? Zambia is missing on educating its people. We do not even have local libraries in most cities or provinces of Zambia Books are knowledge…!

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