Sunday, March 9, 2025

UNWTO summit has brought benefits to Zambia – First Lady


First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba and Vice President Dr Guy Scott's wife Charlotte with pupils during the  handover of STEPS  Libraries  and Library equipment donated by Korean  STEEP S Foundation at Dambwa Primary school in Livingstone on August 28,2013 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba and Vice President Dr Guy Scott’s wife Charlotte with pupils during the handover of STEPS Libraries and Library equipment donated by Korean STEEP S Foundation at Dambwa Primary school in Livingstone on August 28,2013 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

First Lady Dr. Christian Kaseba Sata says the United Nations World Tourism Organsation general assembly has brought a lot of benefits to Livingstone and the country at large.

Dr. Kaseba- Sata also emphasized that education is key to making Zambia a prosperous.

ZANIS reports from Livingstone that the First lady said this when the Korean government officially handed over three small libraries to the three schools, in Livingstone today.

These three schools are namely Dambwa primary school, Namatama primary school and Holy cross school which also caters for children with disabilities.

Dr. Kaseba explained that the small libraries will create an enabling environment by reducing illiteracy levels and will help the country meet the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) on education.

She noted that much investment in the education sector it has the potential to open a country by improving the economy.

She said in the past several decades countries such as Korea that have invested so much into education have helped to reduce poverty ,illiteracy levels and have developed economically among other things

“In the 70s Korea was one of the countries with the lowest economic situation but due to major investment in education it is now a major power economy which records more that $30 thousand contribution to it GDP”, she said.

She pointed out that Zambia can learn from Korea and make a transition.

Dr. Kaseba –Sata said despite Zambia recording a high increase in enrolment of basic education much still needs to be done to strengthen the quality of education children receive.

“There is also a need to improve access to appropriate information and books to help achieve quality education. You parents ,teachers ,guardians need to encourage the children from a tender age to take up reading as it get them empowered as reading makes you a critical thinker,’ she noted.

Dr. Kaseba further called on cabinet to consider increasing the funding to the ministry of education as it is key to sustainable development and also key to the prosperity of Zambia.

And speaking earlier minister of education Dr. John Phiri said the demand for small libraries is overwhelming currently and thanked the Korean government through UNWTO Sustainable Tourism for eliminating poverty (UNWTO STEP) Foundation for the donation.

Dr. Phiri said the gesture is key to changing the reading culture of children and that education remains key to achieving a positive impact in society.

He noted that the increased enrolment of children at primary level will help the country move closer to achieving MDG 2 on education to achieve universal primary education.

And Korean government’s Culture, sports and Tourism Minister Yoo Yinryong says that ST-EP initiative has supported the creation of 58 small libraries in 10 African countries.

He said this is in abide to help reduce illiteracy levels and will continue doing what it can to assist create more small libraries.

Mr. Yinryong praised Zambia’s Tourism minister Silver Masebo for approving the opening of the small libraries as it will benefit a lot of children.

And in a vote of thanks Diane Lungu , from Holy Cross school special Unit, thanked the government of Korea and Zambia for the donation.

Ms. Lungu said the library will help pupils in terms of research and help improve their reading culture as well as improve their computer skills.

She assured the donators that the small libraries will be taken good care of and that they will even be used by the future generation to come.

The donation also included the buying of 2,800 books which were bought locally with only 8 coming from Korea and Several computers.

The event was also characterized by song and dance from different traditional groups as well as poems from children at Dambwa Primary were the event was held and a dance by the deaf from holy cross school.


  1. blah blah blah…my dress is nice…..blah blah blah…….i married him at the right time…………..blah blah blah……….I look good…….blah blah blah…..wonder which country next……blah blah blah…….but I should work a bit…….blah blah blah…….issue some statements on health…….blah blah blah……….I’m very lucky me.

    • A1 today! Thank you cindy! I was just interpreting what’s going through Kilistina’s mind.

    • Hmmn High Speed Black Mama..
      I can’t believe you went against Ba Kili in such a way today, no wonder someone asked you to go to doctor. But I think you need to go for confession instead.

    • @Jill
      You have no sense of humour dear. thanks but I don’t need good “lack”. good luck, maybe.

      You think I really went after Kili hard today? I was having a laugh really. Not in too bad a way, I think….

    • Heheheehehehhehee …. I think you hit the nail on the head. If education is sooooooo vital as she says, can’t she tell her husband to improve its budget allocation?

  2. LT why ati Dr Kaseba-Sata efinshi ifi? someone explain this to me? even if Sata is not educated but he managed to propose Kaseba . you can’t take that away from him.

    • We know how Sata got Christine Kaseba. Most Zambians were shocked to see Dr Kaseba as wife to Sata. The mismatch is so huge in every respect. Sata used his position in government at that time and was literally influenced by inferiority complex to marry a medical doctor as a means of achieving something in life. The mismatch says it all.

    • why? pantu banoko no mufyala wobe bali shala kumushi? Ufumineko panse nga nau kwata change.
      Wila shimika noku shimika efyo ule chula pa cintu bwingi pano!

  3. All I’m reading is Korea this and that…could you be more specific please there is a big difference between the two Koreas!!

    • @ Nostradamus, WTF?

      “In the 70s Korea was one of the countries with the lowest economic situation but due to major investment in education it is now a major power economy which records more that $30 thousand contribution to it GDP”, she said.

      That does NOT sound like North Korea! Neither does promotion of free access to information….. unless ALL the books are about the so-called “great leader”.

      Just Google ST-EP and you will see it is clearly South Korea!

  4. Christine Kaseba please mark out your boundaries properly ,you are really overstepping your small legs disproportionate to your huge body.Can you state the so called benefits that conference has brought to Zambia in real dollar terms?You and your cronies the Paya Fyonses like Masebo are the real beneficiaries using the tax payers money which you steal with impunity. Next time leave such occasions to the Education minister ,from you as the default Health Mistress we wait for an update on your ailing husband’s condition!Stop meddling in government functions ,you were not elected but just married to your shikulu.what a mismatch indeed.How you even manage to sleep at night?You must be a very hard hearted medical doctor.

  5. And those economic statistics? What was that nonsense all about? I have never heard so much nonsense from a supposedly educated person! Honestly what was she talking about exactly?

  6. Ati ba Quasquas,

    You are green with envy. What mismatch are you talking about?
    He is the current holder of the highest office in the land and she is a doctor. what can be better than that?

  7. What is meant by “small libraries”? Is it a donation of a few books or are they small library buildings? So the Zambian government cannot even establish the “small” school libraries in its schools but has to wait for other countries to donate “small libraries” to its schools? What a shame. Is this one of the benefits of co-hosting the UNWTO conference? I cannot not see the connection.

  8. Where was the minister of education? In waht capacity did Dr Kaseba and Mrs Scott receive that donation? Mind you, these are not elected people and are not part of government. They should knw their bounderies. We are not saying they should not be in the limelight but that some events or functions are purely government-inclined and require those responsible to officiate.

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