Friday, March 7, 2025

Police deny enforcing Public Order Act selectively


The Zambia Police Service has denied allegations that it favours members of the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) when enforcing the Public Order ACT.

This follows concerns by some opposition political parties and Civil Society Organizations who have questioned the criteria the Zambia Police use to allow the ruling party members to stage public processions when opposition members are denied permits to hold similar gatherings.

Police acting Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga says the Police implement the Public Order Act in the exact way the legislation stipulates and that no political party is being is favored or suppressed in the enforcement of the Act.

Mr. HamoOnga has also clarified that the Police did not permit the PF youths who marched to State house last week.

Mr. HamoOnga has told Qfm in an interview that this why the same PF youths were blocked from using the Presidential lane and denied access to ZNBC premises during their demonstration.


  1. This is strange! Surely matching from Northmid to statehouse! what a long journey! Police didn’t see them only to be blocked next to state house! Bane some of the things are just in-defendable baba!

    • I feel sorry for these police officers. They behave like puppets – no brains of their own. They just do what they are told…what a shame! They have the worst idiosyncrasies amongst the Zambian people!!!

      How can we set FREE the Zambia POLICE from the shackles of the executive so that they can implement and enforce the law on behalf of the Zambian people and not on behalf of the executive?? It was the same thing in Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa, Ruphia and now in Sata.

  2. the police at times give STUPID answers. they knew that PF cadres were on their way from Northmead to State House and just waited for them at State House and then gently asked them to disband and then escorted them away. remember when UPND cadres wanted to march? they were BEATEN by police BEFORE they could even start off from the party HQ. what is this useless police force saying?

  3. when we come to power pretty soon, this rae man and other cops of his brand will have to be fired from the police service.they are rotten stinking bad eggs.

  4. Leave the police alone. They have families to live for. why fight govt for sake of opposition politician. Never die for a political animal because a politician is there to serve his belly.

  5. The funny question is then why did you not arrest them? How many cadres or the leaders under PF were arrested to the connection of the moves and fights?

    The nation is worried in the manner you handling the national issues both to the side of the opposition and the ruling party. Even if no one is above the law but PF is above the law because of the current moves being observed…

  6. All the evidence so far points to selective justice. Problem is The top brass of the Police will have to someday answer for why they were selective in carrying out their duties, as they swear on oath to diligently carry out duties ” Without fear or favour”

  7. muntemba brenda and musonda were the pipo whom i can say they tried their level best to change zambia police service image,zp u wil remain pupets forever i ve no name to describe zambia police and its lower to nothing integrity,u lack principled leaders.shame you are used as rubber stamps.

  8. Police is creating a society of WE and THEM. I would not blame the frustration of the Lunyangando. It is justified. Some animal are more equal. If we cant get same treatment the best is to Bypass them which is a recipe for anarch. Sister libaongani, work like sister mambilima, very professional.

  9. sometimes mwaikalako fye zeee, mwaishiba. That way you leave room for people to speculate on whether you are intelligent or not. speaking like this leaves no room for speculation coz you are confirming that you’re not clever at all. You guys were great before PF came in.

  10. Did the FP cadres obtain the PERMIT for convining that meeting which resulted into fighting amongst themselves? The answert is NO they did obtain ANY permit.
    Did they obtain a permit which allowed them match from Northmead to State Hse which is a different COUNTRY all together? The answer is NO. Is the POA only for other parties and civil societies, not applicable to PF? The answer is NO. The POA MUST be applied to ALL citizens regardless of political affiliation.
    The POLICE is playing poplitics of the BELLY. NCHELELEBULA

  11. Did the PF cadres obtain the PERMIT for convining that meeting which resulted into fighting amongst themselves? The answert is NO they did not obtain ANY permit.
    Did they obtain a permit which allowed them match from Northmead to State Hse which is a different COUNTRY all together? The answer is NO. Is the POA only for other parties and civil societies, not applicable to PF? The answer is NO. The POA MUST be applied to ALL citizens regardless of political affiliation.
    The POLICE is playing poplitics of the BELLY. NCHELELEBULA

  12. The explanation is full of air. How come they were not teargased and arrested as has happened cases involving the opposition. I miss Francis X. Musonda, who was very professional in his conduct as Inspector General. The nation now has an I_d-i-o-t General of Police, who would normally have not been in the position save for the fact that she is a relation of Plot 1.

  13. “Mr. HamoOnga has told Qfm in an interview that this why the same PF youths were blocked from using the Presidential lane and denied access to ZNBC premises during their demonstration”.

    Useless statement! If it were youths from the opposition you would have called the entire Lilayi all clad in riot gear. Lets see if PF is going to be in power forever.

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