Zone Fam have been Nominated in this years Channel O Music Video Awards that will be held Soweto, South Africa in November.
Find below the Voting Instructions
Voting Instructions
1. Register and or login to Channel O website with dstv connect details
(Voting is once per hour)
If registering for the first time check your spam folder for the verification email.
2. SMS 4F to +2783142100415 (As many times as possible) SMS costs roughly 50ngwee depending on network.
atase, kanshi fwabupuba fye.
anyway what do you expect from channel o.
a louse channel.
What do you have to say now that Zone Fam won?
Rubbish, manrwabishi chabe.
Congrats on the nomination Zone Fam! Keep raising our flag.
We translating these awrds as contolola everything, Zone Fam baby……………….