Friday, March 7, 2025

GBM takes his Sata endorsement crusade to North-Western Province


The Patriotic Front (PF) in North-western province has joined in the endorsement President Michael Sata as their sole candidate in the 2016 presidential elections.

ZANIS reports that North-Western Province PF Provincial Chairperson, Fabian Chiposo announced the endorsement at Zambezi airport in Zambezi district, today.

This was when Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba paid a courtesy call at his office today.

The Defence minister is in the district to officiate at this year’s Likumbi Lya Mize traditional ceremony of the Luvale speaking people.

Mr. Chiposo said they have decided to endorse President Sata because he is the only one who can lead the country and drive the party forward.

Speaking at the same forum, Mr. Mwamba commended the party in the province for endorsing President Sata saying the gesture brings the number of provinces that have endorsed him to six.

Mr. Mwamba has advised the PF in the province not to entertain tribal politics saying this does not build but destroying the party .



    • Sata has lost it.. he looks powerless and deflated, he is afraid of kabimba and mmembe. GBM is trying to help deheaded cobra

    • this is a case of ‘chimbwi ukulila ninshi kuli uko ashintilile’ adage.
      where is he getting the guts from even when all and sundry have cried foul?

    • Life’s stressful bro, cheer up, have a cold drink and unwind. I really do not mean to offend anyone, all of you are my brothers and sisters, PF, MMD, UPND, GBM etc!

      At the end of the day we are one people. I am non-partisan, I just work to better myself and just need a Government that qill prevent bullets gfrom raining over my shoulders! I really do not see a saviour in form of a politician, you and I (unless you are within the PF inner circle) are on our own, so I really don’t get it when you want to chop of my head, me your bro over a little humour!

  1. Hahahaha kekekekelekekek comedy summer please help dying pc oh sorry I meant pf please help dying pf they need a loud mouth to help them save themselves from nigger dom

  2. GBM has failed to heed the subtle rebukes directed at him regarding his so-called endorsement crusade, from the president, the vice president, and other top leadership in PF. Just goes to show his level of conscientization.

  3. My wondering is how the Sata endorsement issue for presidential comes into force so early 3 years in advance. It is an believable, because PF is about Sata alone and these debates are baseless unless, there is a prediction of his 2016 steping down. We start thinking how the future of PF will be by that time.
    Silvia Masebo said the Devil has entered into PF….. reasons best known to herself.

    • Saa sacrificied a lot for PF. So as lon as he is well and good, I am not sure anyone will stand in his way come 2016. Look at what the man went thru at the hands of Governments inj power during the years fter his party was formed.

      Now, I do not sbelong to any party, and my comment is based on personal analysis which is likely to be wrong! I do not see why GBM is wasting time endorsing Sata especially 2016 isstill a while away and it’s clear that no ne can challenge Sata and even if one did, I doubt he would win and beat the guru, that is if he makes it to the PF party elections in one piece. With the over-zealous cadres, even if Sata allowed someone to cxhallenge him, thge cadres will tear that person to pieces because they think only Sata guarrantees their meal tickets.

  4. The magic is CIVILISATION. In 2009 the ruling Party in Australia replaced Ruud with Julia Gilliard coz they felt she stood a better chance of winning general elections. Two months before general elections in 2013 they removed Julia and brought back Ruud who finally faced Abbot from a coalition of the opposition Centre Right. The opposition won through Abbot. No fighting took place within the Labour Party or against the opposition. Not a single fight or insults reported. That is civilisation. How near is it in Zambia where Dot.Com correctly observes that whoever opposes Mr Sata will be torn to pieces by cadres. That is what used to happen during UNIP and MMD. You never dared to oppose the incumebt. Civilisation is still far, politically.

    • Sir, Zambian politicians are from the neandatal era! insults and engineering fights between the akaik cadres is their modus operand….that’s 1000 years behind their Aussie counterparts.

    • Hear this; Only If Our Opposition Leaders put their selfish motives aside: Gen Miyanda, Chipimo, HH, Nawakwi and Nevers Mumba, form a serious coalition with a Proper vision for Zambia. Invite fresh clean Young Zambians in diaspora and at home. To bring civilized Leadership and mutual respect for one another. Just within 5 to 10 years. Zambia would be a changed country. Just to let all Leaders know that they are working for the Zambian people and not their pockets. We would be a different country.

  5. GBM is the one with presidential ambitions and I’m sure is now on the intelligence watch-list. He is behaving exactly like Judas Iscariot. The Bembas have a wise saying for it. Why is he so keen on endorsing the President when the President is already guaranteed to be president for the next 8 years, as long as he wins the 2016 elections? And that has been our culture since 1991. It seems either GBM is so illiterate that he has no clue what has been happening in the country OR he really has ill motives. My on suspicion is that he is doing all this to spoil it for PF in 2016, this is one guy who will be happy to see PF lose elections in 2016 because he is not at the centre of power due to his low education.

  6. They should not be cheated that NWP has endorsed MCS2016. Kwalepeshatu, kwakusuku, kwakulehi. The presence of Sata or PF is not felt in NWP so why endorse? Fabian Chiposo is just expressing his own opinion. GBM is talking about tribal politics, what is it that they have done in NWP? they are the ones who are tribal in that they are only developing muchinga. 2016 PF or Sata mukila ngwaa

  7. This is cheap indeed. Reminds me of teenage times when you try to convince a girl that your friend loves her when in actual fact it’s you who is deadly infatuated with the same girl but have no guts to say “it’s me who loves you baby” not this guy who still wets the bed.

    Ba GBM must just come out clean and say after Sata he would like to be considered for president. When will our politics muature? No philosophy behind the intentions!

  8. GBM is there to protect Northern and Luapula influence in PF from Kabimba camp. He could be fighting for Chikwanda in the event Sata goes. The danger is he opening two many war fronts with opposition which is unnecessary. Also if Sata goes today, the Kabimba camp could sweep him off ground because endorsements are so far a one thing. Is true that if Sata not there, the province will stand by the decision of the provincial chair? That is a myth. Therefore GBM is strong as long as Sata is there otherwise it could be a Magande scenerio.

  9. GBM,please STOP yo compaigns.lts u that has presidential ambitions.Has he smelt a ‘rat’dat Sata is not standing?I dink de bashikulu can do a great ding 2 step down nd rest.U’ve done yo role nd may u rest peacefully.let anoder succeed u bt not GBM.

  10. whats the whole idea of endorsing someone who already has an automatic mandate of contesting in the 2016 general elections.May i conclude to say am still in dream land to think sata is in the 1st term.Then why doing it this early when you guys are just concluding two years in office.LT bloggers,Sata wil never stand in 2016.GBM has blessings frm the big man so as to distruct kabimba and group.

  11. It’s yet another big lie to say sata is the only one capable of leading pf wen the pf is losing popularity due leadership incompetencyand failure. Gbm must be stopped otherwise lekeni HH ateke!

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