President Michael Chilufya Sata has transferred Western Province Permanent Secretary, Emmanuel Mwamba to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting with immediate effect.
Confirming the development to QFM News, Mr. Mwamba stated that he had taken the transfer with delight and with a deep sense of responsibility.
He disclosed that he had already discussed the matter with his colleague, Amos Malupenga who the President swapped him with.
He stated that he had called for a Heads of Department slated for Monday 16th September 2013 and also invited all district commissioners as part of handover and takeover formalities to new Western Province Permanent Secretary, Amos Malupenga.
Mr. Mwamba also stated that the development initiatives he had embarked on in Western Province would not suffer as they had been planned for and have since taken off.
He disclosed that he had also ensured that major projects pronounced by President Sata such as the new Mongu Stadium, the King Lewanika Stadium and agriculture projects in livestock, wetlands crops, fisheries and cashew crops were given focused attention to ensure that the status of Western Province as the poorest was changed in the shortest period.
Mr. Mwamba expressed gratitude to President Michael Sata for his continued trust and confidence in him and for the opportunity he has been given to serve in various places and capacities.
He also thanked the Litunga, the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE), Bishop Evans Chinyemba of Mongu Diocese, the church and other stakeholders that helped him work smoothly in implementing government programs in Western Province.
Mwamba has served previously as Permanent Secretary in Northern, Eastern and Western Provinces.
Why cant you give that post to Given Lubinda or you have something for him? EM is happy where he is i dont think those Barotse soldiers threatened him in anyway, better then give him that vacant position left by Emanuel Mwamba in the Stone Town, lets be fair here, Kabimba i havent forgiven you what you did is very sad and a sin, how can you campaign to make another fellow humain being loose his Job? I wonder how certain people thrive on disheartening others, if there is a God out there…. am sure he will revenge on behalf of the GL and many others here or there… but chalinkalipa, am sure you can see it in my post!
“Mr. Malupenga will now have to again abandon his wife Betty Malupenga who is a magistrate at the Lusaka Magistrate Complex.
The consolation for him though is that cabinet ministers, such as Silvia Masebo are always touring various parts of the country meeting their colleagues for various services.” ZWD ekeekekekekekeke!!!!!!
“Mr. Malupenga will now have to again abandon his wife Betty Malupenga who is a magistrate at the Lusaka Magistrate Complex.
The consolation for him though is that cabinet ministers, such as Silvia Masebo are always touring various parts of the country meeting their colleagues for various services.” Kekekekekekkekekekeke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ZWD
Cindy – Given Lubinda as PS!!!!!!!! Ine Nadabwa
People’s behinds are getting cooked, a tactical move by Pres Sata to start weeding himself of Mmembe’s boys. Next, Kabimba is getting FIRED, but in the meantime GL will be Chief Government spokesperson SOON.
@ Old rugs…
Hehehehehehhe, atleast he would have something to keep him busting whilst waiting for Kabimbas fall from grace.
Kekekeke! Malupenga off… off !! you go to Barotse land. Tourism will now shift to Western province! I don’t envy these political jobs, I’m happy where I am thank you!!
Emmanuel Mwamba should be groomed for president, is the best civil servant in last 2 years!!!
In-fact he should have been appointed Minister of Information.
You are very rigth my brother.
Mwamba, rewarded for leaking information to PF when he was FTJ`s aide, plus ………….
I think sending Malupenga to Western province comes as the first action by the President to separate himself from the Post and M’membe. Next it will be Chellah being sent into foreign service. M’membe and his gang are a danger to Zambia.
Spot on!!
There goes the soft spoken Emamanuel mwamba.One he might just replace George Chella at Plot one.
Am sure these people’s armpits are smelling heavily due to excessive toiling up and down, no time to sit down and plan Thanks to Ukwa.
King Mmembe’s empire is now breaking up. Before long the poor soul will be a forlorn soul. The Catholic church left him, and it will not be long before Kabimba and Nchito also wake up from the Rohypnol induced trance.
Emanuel is a Civil Servant while GL is a Politician
Good move our President
Reading at comments by fellow Bloggers, Seems we have a serious GAP to understand these Zambian positions. Permanent Secretaries are Civil servants, whose positions should Hold, while Ministers / MPs are Politicians. LT I think post an article explaining these titles for fellow Zambians to understand. Else we will just be mixing and posting wrong statements leading to confusing masses. On what Grounds would Lubinda be a PS?? Then another By-Election because he has to resign??? We are truly lost.
You really have no idea what goes on in the mind of someone when they post a comment let alone the mood so who are you to judge? for all i know you might be getting a ……….whilst typing!
@ Cindy looking at your postings, it seems you have serious issues with an evil mind?? What is …… in your mind?? Is it about just posting wrong statements or facts? Saddens me to see educated Zambians behave like Riffraffs. We can’t even understand a difference between PS and Ministers??
Ine I just cannot stand people who cannot spell. Cindy ‘loose’ and ‘lose’ are spelt differently. The former is untying your shoes while the latter is when you fail to win something. I hope for all you bloggers out there I have made this clear because you are such an embarrassment if you cannot distinguish such simple words.
Rot op gewoon en laat mij met rust, je denk engels is die eigen taal i spreek, wat voor hoog opgeleid mensen zijn jullie?
For your on information, i havent read or spoken English with people in more than 2 decades, so next time you come up with stom ideas on the blog, keep it in mind that there are Zambians by birth only on this blog who dont need English in their land and doing extremely very fine, LT is somehow a practice field for english for some of us, wat een dikzag je bent!
Nomba ico cena walemba fye bwino, lelo icingeleshi cena ulefililwafye? Ssi posako akano yewe na nsambu! Ikwi!?
@ Oyaya, Spot on, cannot just stand people like the so called @Cindy??? posting comments with no substance. Now trying to type some funny language exposing stupidity. Post facts that will add value than waste people’s time.
@Kal, wala kwena?? Ba so called @Cindy??? Ichisungu balefilwa Nomba balelemba uchibunu?? Tebufi weke weka??
@Cindy – those are serious insults showing how uneducated you are!
Prince and oyaya you should be ashamed of yourselves totaal afrikanse mannen pestering een vrouw Eikels alle twee!
@Cindy??? You are a big Lier just like PF?? “Afrikanse” or Afrikaans!! That means you are in South Africa??? Where on Earth do you claim to have not spoken English for 2 decades?? Iyee kwena Napapa. No matter how long you would live in the diaspora, there is no ways you would forget your Language?? I have also been Outside Zambian more than 2.5 decades, for your Information?? Did you see me Type French or Arabic?? Awe Nga nimwe ba Lady?? Muli ba BUFI?? mwatupapisha. Drop your some of US behavior and be Truly Zambian.
I like Mwamba. He easily adjusts and is a fast learner. But then, am just from Mongu. There is no stadium construction that has taken off. Vegetation is growing there.
oops I also think Dr.Kaseba Sata can do good a job for Zambia.I don’t see a leader in PF to take over from Ba Sata.Lubinda too much girlfriends.Kabimba also can’t be voted by anyone.He is too stubborn and lack of leadership.GBM also is a thug. Kambwili awe ni Jerabo.Edger Lungu Maybe but he drinks too much.Maybe Ba W.Simuusa.He looks humble.Anyway naikosa Mu PF.We’re praying for Ba Sata to lead us
DR KASEBA 2016,start grooming her now imwe vi PF.we r moving into an era of female presidos.
@ moscow, leave lubinda alone;the tool he uses on girlfriends is his not yours. Why get concerned may be i a woman whom he chopped and dumped.
Malupenga was useless but Mwamba is equally hopeless
See pure moronic behavior by Cindy above. In response to my correcting her on how to spell ‘lose’ she responds in some foreign language which only she can understand. This is the problem about certain people. When you correct them they take offence. I can only imagine this foreign language was a rant that how dare you correct me when I know it all! What you said above madam if it is an insult and you too. If someone corrected my English believe me I will actually thank them and never shall I repeat the same mistake. Such grade seven dropouts are tarnishing the image of Zambia because blogs are read by lots of people. Kaunda tried to give us the best education and to find people who cannot distinguish between ‘loose’ and ‘lose’ is quite kind of more annoying than it is ridiculous…
@OYAYA; I could not stop laughing, Spot on bro, anyhow, enough with “sis Cindy”, let’s see what tomorrow brings, always fun on this blog and make us feel so close to home. Love to all bloggers. Cindy No offence, let contributions go on. Wishing every Zambian in the diaspora all the best in your Endeavors. Peace & love to Zambians.
I hope the arrogant Amos Malupenga takes his obsolete holograms sticklers with him to Mongu!!
@ oyaya,
Sir i rest my case, i dont want to make enermies on the blog, if my broken English determines how educated iam for i was not educated in your beloved Zambia were people determine being Educated is speaking English, then my great great great granny from the soils of Nothern Province is far much more educated than me!
For now i wish you luck with your perfect English i appologise for using a language you dont understand, you know nothing about me and i about you, so no need for this cyber bulling we have had today, i wish you a good day and next time you come accross my bad English, please forgive me for i cant blog in the language i speak and write best? i rest my case, meanwhile blogging must go on.
Blogging is not for crybabies! kekekekekekeke
Thank you Cindy. That is the spirit sister!
HEMCS we need people who will take western province to the greater heights….napapata Mr Amos should be taken to Muchinga Province….
Amos + Star Times + Due Diligence in China = Digital Terrestrial Television, the rest speaks mountains. Congrats HEMCS for the job Weldon’s and saving millions of dollars that could have been pocketed by individuals. Congrats Presido.
But what happened to his contempt of court case?
malupenga was so arrogant n unapproachable for the media.Mwamba is the perfect person for that position
Ever since Sata got to state house,all i see or hear from him is TRANSFERRING,HIRING or FIRING..when are these appointees going to be settled and do their work well.
This is what is making Progress to remain behind coz of changes always
Yes indeed there is a saying that a rolling stone gathers no moisture. UKWA, let people settle in one place for at least 3 years for them to do a good job, is it part of realianment/trial and error stay of leadership. More rover tax payer’s money is being spent settling allowances and transport costs on transfers.
Mr. Mwamba is a smart guy. No wonder he made a mark in Western Province. Lozi’s are generally difficult people to work with especially if you come from outside. I once worked in Western Province, I had horrible experiences with the people of Lukulu. My stay there was a nightmare.
They are very difficult to work with everywhere. They are quite sly.
Here we go again with another bigot and tribalist with his stupid myths. Hasn’t it never occurred to this ***** that he is actually the one who is difficult to work with. Nice to see that Mwamba who has actually worked there is thankful of the cooperation he received from local people! It is cowardly to hide behind the anonymity of the web to make unsubstantiated claims about people!
Bushe walikwata shikulubantu bati mune?
plz check n read some messages given to me by God for christians n the world.i ve posted it to “testimonies of heaven “page on facebook.
just search for that page, go to “recent posts by others” then select “see all”.
u ll c a post by Rachael George.its titled “without holliness no1 ll see God”