Friday, March 7, 2025

11 members from the same family dead after road accident


At least 11 people are dead after a road traffic accident Tuesday evening on the Kapiri-Ndola road.

The Road Transport and Safety Agency has confirmed that 11 members of the same family have died in a road accident on the Kapiri-Ndola Road.

The deceased, 8 males and three females were travelling to a funeral when a Toyota Hiace they were in collided with a truck 15 kilometres from Kafulafuta.

The accident happened when a Toyota Hiace registration number ALM 3177 collided head on with a truck Reg number CF 78TS GP belonging to Copper Zone of South Africa.

The crash happened at about 15 kilometres from Kafulafuta between 17 -18hrs.

Bodies have been taken to Ndola Central Hospital.

The driver of Hiace minibus is alive.


  1. Zambian roads are one of the most dangerous in the world. For instance, from Lusaka to Kashikishiki is a two way traffic and you expect to have no accidents? The government should speed up the construction of dual carriage ways especially on this CB route. Lord of mercy!!!!

    • It is not the roads that are dangerious. It is the drivers who are careless. Both minibus and truck drivers are the most careless in Africa. Most of them are drunk all the time. We as drivers should be cautious and should not take another driver for granted. When you are on the road, be wary that the other motorist is a f.o.o.l; that way, you will be on the look out.

  2. May the souls of the departed loved ones RIP. When going or coming from funerals, it is better not all to travel in one vehicle, just to be prudent.

  3. Mr. Sata please, build us dual carriageways. Lusaka- Nakonde, Lusaka-Livingstone, Lusaka-Mongu, and Lusaka-Chipata roads need to be upgraded to dual carriageways. This will significantly minimize accidents and loss of precious lives. We can’t go on losing lives in this manner. I know there are other causes of accidents, but poor road network in Zambia is one of the major causes. PLEASE MR. SATA, listen to your people. We can afford it if only we prioritize things. Building stadia can wait.

  4. This is a huge loss! I request that Government and the corporate community and indeed individuals assist in burial and funeral expenses of the deceased. This is just so awful and appalling.

  5. This is really sad. The following comment is not on this particular story but a general observation. What I do not understand is why we tend to spend so much and risk so much to burry the dead and yet do very little to help prevent the sick from dying. Here I am talking about families who are prepared to spend so much on caskets and costly transfers of bodies, monies which probably, if given during illness, could go a long way to help the sick person and his/her family. I am speaking from experience where a person who dies because they cannot afford to access the required medical facility end up in expensive funeral homes, expensive caskets and buried at Mtumbi or Memorial Park or transported long distances to be buried “home” where they had even lost connection. We are hypocrites.

  6. These accidents can be avoided only if we have got disciplined drivers. It’ s unfortunate that the Zambia Police guys who are assigned to control road traffic are just busy collecting levies from the drivers in order to fill up their pockets minus realising the importance of serving lives. Most of the Truck Drivers are the main causer of both semi and serious accidents in our road highways because in most cases, they fail to honour and follow the road traffic rules. When I take over the government in the few years to come, they will definitely taste my fury over these innocent killings.

    • i like your ambition but you have spoken too soon.
      bring forward your deadline to at least two months time then you would have caught us napping. lol!

  7. These accidents can be avoided if only the government can make dual carriege ways on long distant roads than critisising police officers every day.

  8. I hope that someone will run through with Prof Clive Chirwa’s vision so that we have a rail system that will take a lot of cargo carrying trucks off our roads. Even with dual carriage ways these trucks will still cause havoc on our roads.

    • Exactly my thoughts mwana.Eurobond is not being used for intended purpose of my dream.I hope they get me back to fallsway lodge.RIP mourners!

  9. very sad and terrible. May their souls rest in peace! All drivers need to be retested in driving – it’s not only roads that are bad but alot of drivers buy those driving licences and have taken any tests.

  10. So sad MTSRIP. We still need driving lessons for most of our drivers. Too many short cuts in driver training courses, both theory and practice!

  11. My condolences to the family. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. We need to cover ourselves in the precious blood of Jesus every time we are traveling on the road.Why has God allowed these fatal road accidents in a christian nation? Where are you God the giver and protector of life when people are dying every day? Blessed are the dead in Christ for they shall see God.Psalms 118:5. We have victory over death through Christ. Death was defeated on the cross. May the Alpha the Omega beginning and the end heal this land in the mighty name of Jesus Amen and AMEN!

  12. Its only in Zambia where we get driver’s licences so easly and this is the result of not having tough measures when dealing with serious issues. M.T.S.R.I.P

  13. This is sad as it is tragic. Some things, one cannot understand why they happen. We can only look up to God to give us an explanation. Otherwise, this is a very sad moment for me and my heart cries out to the family that lost so many members in this tragic accident. May God comfort you. Us as humans cannot provide any solace because you are the ones who feel the pain and loss. Only God can answer the questions you have. May the souls of the departed rest in eternal peace.

  14. At one time it became very serious that one should not drive and be on phone. These days, I have observed that most people drive while on phone including the police. This is one of the causes of serious accidents.

  15. Its all about enforcement. RTSA has really failed to enforce the law. We have so many unlicensed drivers, unfit vehicles and so on. The qualifications of somany employees at RTSA cannot match with the safety needs of this country. For GOD’ sake, CILT is a basic course for those who want to be employed in Logistics and Transport. Surprisingly, this is the qualification which every in RTSA has.

  16. Logically, the only REALISTIC solution to such is a dual Carriage way, and to have stronger controls on issuing licences.

    Single lane with opposing traffic is bound to have such, because once in while, no matter how good drivers are in a country, there is always bound to be a unique situation where a young guy or lady is on the road without a licence and causes such an accident.

    We rarely hear of such on the Kitwe NDola DCW! When an accident happens there, its usually stupidity or drunk driving or something like that (And the Kitwe Ndola DCW is not even a perfect road< but the fact that its dual carriage has helped)……

  17. M.T.S.R.P.
    This is sad news and development I have got no words to comfort them left behind families.
    May God grant you the comfort your deserve. Our lives are in three levels,
    1. To be born and live. 2. To make our good choices as we enjoy the fruit of life 3. The benefit of our Choice will be ours after death- connected to perpetual life in glory or gloomy.

  18. This is sad a news and development and I have got no words to comfort the left behind families. May God grant you the comfort your deserve.
    Our lives are in three levels,
    1. To be born and live. 2. To make our good choices (while we live, except babies who are angels of the glory of God) as we enjoy the fruit of life 3. The benefit of our Choice will be ours after death- connected to perpetual life in glory or gloomy.

  19. Any perfect drive on Zambian roads , the risk for an accident is exponential. All we need is three lanes going in one direction and three lanes in opposite direction. Also put a concrete block about six feet high between the dual roads so that stray drive from opposite direction does not cause accident. And an economic surge will be registered in Zambia for the first time. It beats me to conceptualize why politicians cannot think like me. I know money is not an issue, God!!!

  20. Imwe na ba sata benu! finshi ba ka chita kanshi?

    the man has no idea how to develop a nation. learn from China, the nation of greatness, they have defied evils, real or imaginary to beautify their nation and rise to the top on earth.

    And they didn’t develop their land by b appointing relatives and tribal links to build a God sanctioned land.

    what a terrible despication that Zambia is going through!

  21. I agree with Ka-gelo we have too many bad and inconsiderate drivers on our roads. RTSA has tried its best unfortunately most male drivers may be good drivers but too arrogant and inconsiderate on the road. Some are of the view that what is tought during driver training and testing is irrelevant once you are a qualified and experienced driver.

  22. as you make your comments, please lets avoid blasphemy. you can insult god but you cant insult God. God is love and merciful and he too does not feel good to see people he made in his image suffer, sick or die in any way.

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