Friday, March 7, 2025

Stop Anti-Kabimba Street demonstrations – Western PPS


Wynter Kabimba
Wynter Kabimba

THE RULING Patriotic Front in Western Province has warned that the continued Anti-Kabimba demonstrations and succession disputes within the party may cause anarchy and provide room for PF enemies to penetrate through and destabilize the party.

Provincial Political Secretary Alfred Chiengo Miyato said it was wrong and uncalled for, for people within the party to organise themselves against Mr. Kabimba who is also a member of the party when there are laid down procedure that should be used to air out grievances in the party.

Miyato told ZANIS in Mongu yesterday that committed PF members should consider following laid down procedure by writing fact based complaints to relevant committees and allows justice to prevail in the matter at hand as opposed to staging protests on the street.

“This can cause anarchy in the party because they are actually giving room for enemies to penetrate our party, and you see once you start organising yourselves against your own family member, what about your enemy? It will be worse,” noted Miyato.

Miyato said with due respect to members who have grievances against Kabimba, which he said would best be solved internally, it was imperative for members of the party to consider spending their time thinking and finding strategies that will build the party further.

“Kabimba is not the final man in the party, if anyone has facts against him why not put it in written so that justice can prevail, because unlike spending our time to protest on the street why not use the time to find strategies that will grow the party more” he added.

Miyato observed that the party has numerous challenges that need party members across the country to deal with at the grass root level citing the recent loss of parliamentary seats among others.

He said people should begin to debate collectively in their respective provinces, districts, constituencies and wards as a way of bringing more people on board as well as convincing them that the PF government means well and has a great developmental agenda for the people of Zambia.

“This is not time to fight amongst ourselves, yes Wynter can be hard and difficult at times but that is no reason for people to go on the street and use methods that have potential to tear the party apart, NO! This is time to go out there and sell our party to everyone, “said stressed.

Miyato has since urged PF party members to formally submit their complaints to all the relevant committees and desist from staging party protests publicly.

Patriotic Front Cadres have recently staged demonstrations calling for the removal of Wynter Kabimba whom they have accused of opposing President Michael Sata’s endorsement for the 2016 candidature.


  1. The Western Province Provincial Political Secretary Alfred Chiengo Miyato must be reminded that the intra-party squabbles were started by Kabimba who initially directed his guns at Given Lubinda and hounded him out of Govt. Kabimba later focussed his hatred (for unknown reasons) on GBM, identified GBM’s close PF associates by imposing suspensions on Mangani and Lucas Phiri in Eastern Province and Mrs. Kapijimpanga, as well as a host of other PF members whom Kabimba perceived were linked to GBM.

    Since politics is a dynamic game, GBM and his camp are merely responding to Kabimba’s ambitions. Kabimba has just disturbed wasps in Bemba dynasty. The unfortunate scenario is that Kabimba will drag the President into a disastrous demise.

    • @ Mphangwe
      You say, “Kabimba has just disturbed wasps in Bemba dynasty”. So you are revealing that it is all about TRIBALISM? So, the vicious attack on Kabimba is because he is not a Bemba? Is this the reason Miles Sampa decided to crossover to GBM (the revealed Bemba) camp? We, who are not Bembas, are we safe? Where is ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION, please?

  2. At least, for a change, Kabimba and Lubinda will realise that they are SOLI and LOZI respectively. Point is that, when you are in some one house, behave properly. Pretty nothing can be done because ba- chilubemba have spoken.

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