Friday, March 7, 2025

Police arrest a 67-year-old man for defaming President Michael Sata


POLICE in Serenje have arrested a 67-year-old man for allegedly defaming President Michael Sata.

The man identified as Rogers Mushya of Serenje Central is alleged to have used demeaning language against the head of State on Monday evening.

Both Central Province Deputy Commissioner of Police Edwin Bwanga and Mkushi District Commissioner Charles Mwelwa confirmed the development yesterday.

Mr Bwanga said the suspect was allegedly found along the road where he was hurling insults against the head of State.

He said the suspect was then apprehended and handed over to the police by members of the public.

And Mr Mwelwa expressed sadness that a man of advanced age could engage himself in such acts instead of being a role model to the youths.

He has since urged members of the public who are aggrieved to seek proper channels of airing their grievances instead of publicly displaying their outrage.


  1. Ahh! an elderly man against the head of state MCS. meaning he is not impressed with the goings either in Serenje or the Country as a Whole…………. what shall the Youths say about that? Holla 2016 We cant WAITOOO

  2. Are you Ntimbwi of Chimbwi. Do you tell every time even yourself when you are not happy with someone you have to insult that person? Were you insulting your father whenever you were not happy with him? You will grow up a confused man like your old madman imwe ba Chimbwi oooh sorry Ntimbwi

    • I am not low as you Gman,
      why should someone insult when he is happy? dont be a fool mwaiche, open your eyes when reading and please tell your mind to understand. Do you know how to read I wonder

    • @TheEngineer(Australia)??? True, He called Mwanawasa names and insulted him to His Death. Remember when he had it with Maureen in Chipata during his funeral chasing episode? SATA followed Mwanawasa’s Body everywhere despite family members not welcoming him. Did anyone call the Police for him? IF ever there is a person who has no respect for other’s opinions and can Insult / embarrass people in public??? SATA leads in Zambian Society. Just leave the Old man alone. He is frustrated because he cannot see anything delivered by PF. Just wait for 2016. Zambians will truly insult SATA through the ballot.

  3. The 67 year old man is wise. He can tell rubbish when he sees it. And I thought respect is earned. You cannot force people to respect you as President when they know that you’re a liar, evil, vindictive, a tribalist , a dictator, incompetent and vile! After all in a public office and you should expect to be either loved or loathed. By the way I have no respect for the current President. He’s a pathetic human being!

    • Only lazy creeps like you so called Lord Mwenda Njangula can hurt the hard working President, just like the filthy 67 yrs Rgers Munshya. Unless you start working hard, invest wisely, you will continue to be filled with hurt, irrespective of the president in Office. Free coupons for mealie meal etc are long gone. Gone to work you lazy creep.

    • @ malwa?? Are you SATA’s son?? Or your father is one of the PF dull ministers?? , what is it that PF have done, to deserve your shallow minded respect?? To an extent of calling your fellow bloggers lazy? Get serious and write facts than attacking others? I am sure you are one of the lazy beneficiaries of the sinking boat.
      @ Lord Mwenda Njangula; I was a dead PF supporter when they started, looking at their approach and delivery of their promises. I support you 100%. Sata deserves all insults, he starts them therefore should get them. He is the man of your exact description. Thumbs up to the OLD-MAN.

    • @Malwa
      You have evidence of Lord Mwenda being a lazy creep?

      Here’s how I see it. You referred to his earning capacity straight away, despite the issue being unrelated to income levels. this tells me 2 things

      1. You come from extremely humble circumstances in Zambia where coupons were needed for mealie meal
      2. You are latching onto a tenuous link with the current president due to lack of appropriate role models in your own family. for example father is useless drunk etc
      3. You currently work in a minimum wage job, which you hate

      Of course all this is speculation on my part.

  4. And Mr Mwelwa expressed sadness that a man of advanced age could engage himself in such acts instead of being a role model to the youths.

    Which youths was Bwanga referring to since PF youths all they do is fighting, insulting and undressing in public as was witnessed by the photo in yesterdays Past Paper.

  5. Its ok for MCS to insult other people but then when the “other” people insult back then its a police case. Double standards and backwardness.

  6. Don’t these foolish kapokola have anything else to do? Leave the wise old man alone – he knows what he’s talking about! What happened to freedom of speech – he’s speaking his mind!!!!

  7. Obviously this man was not ranting for nothing, he must be hungry which made him so angry, some of the kiss A***** people who took him to the police should be ashamed of themselves, at 67years old he knows better, it’s not like giving candy to a 5 year old after lashing out at them, this man has seen it all, UNIP,MMD and now PF, he has seen and heard their stories, only this time he’s not buying it, he has the right to scream after all his Thumb was dipped in that ink!

  8. I thought SATA is the father of all lies? Mwanawasa, Chiluba, Kunda (MYSRIP) could bear witness. Things are not good in zambia bwana mukubwa!

  9. I thought SATA is the father of all insults? Mwanawasa, Chiluba, Kunda (MYSRIP) could bear witness. Things are not good in zambia bwana mukubwa!

  10. This 67 year old perhaps needs someone, like a minister, to explain to him all the “good things the president has done”. Isn’t this what the president is prodding his lieutenants to do? If things are going on well then there must be a gap somewhere which is causing people not to see “development”.

  11. Leave the big man alone or take him to the president. There are so many people who insult and others praise their leader in power. Jesus called King Herod “Mumbwe, Mumbu, “, Fox.
    How many people are you going to arrest who are not happy with their president? Remember that not all will hate the president and not all will love him. Everything raises and falls on a Leadership. Mulekeni uyo mukalamba, ala insela tashisha amabala nangu ukutula icilonda. Ala mwalaba shani ati emalumbo ya muchibemba!

  12. I also thought the same but to my surprise is that he has started arresting those who praise him in the language he is used to.
    Bwana mukubwa could mean bwana mukuuba, someone twists it to that is then we call it slip of the tongue. Sata verses Mwanawasa, Banda and Chiluba- they all suffered nick names of insults from Him. Today someone calls him CNP, why getting anoid? leave them ba bujuuu. You have other work to do or else you are trying to cover yourselves from Traffic corruption activities on you so called Road Blocks.

  13. What did the man say kansi? That ukwa has children bamu vigololo with Bishop Mpundu’s prostitute sisters or that Ukwa is a liar and a violent thug with rotten teeth who is failing lamentably as the president of the republic of Zambia?

  14. This man was walking alone on the road and started insulting.
    I think he did not commit any office, he was just thinking aloud after so many problems.

  15. The Serenje old man must have been saying the truth, otherwise, nobody would have minded his runts and raves!! Remember, truth hurts and shocks !!!! Very soon entire villagers will start insulting Sata! Are the police gonna insults whole villages????

  16. It was just too much for the old man,too much pressure that he need a relief.Sata insulted FTJ,Mwanawasa was called a cabarge,Kunda was called red lips,Mazoka.Rupiah Banda was called nyama soya no one arrested him.The fun thing is that he no respect but he wants respect.

  17. The only way you can defame Ukwa is by saying that he has no rotten teeth, is extremely intelligent, is faithful to his first wife, is highly educated and intelligent, is not tribal, knows how to turn on a computer, understands the meaning of democracy, does not tell lies, and knows how to push the country forward into an era of unparalleled prosperity.

  18. Who head the man Insulting SATA?? SHU-SHU-SHU are back??? We have gone back to 1964?? People Insult Obama everyday have your heard of such nonsense. It’s freedom of expression?? Locking the Man to Impress the President? Zambian Police have nothing to do. Just shows the level of people / authority in that country. Waste of time on St.upid things than working on real issues. They leave corrupt Ministers and robbers roaming the Streets freely, going for a poor old man?? What a waste of Tax payers Money.

  19. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? I didn’t hear them say he ‘threatened’ bodily harm the president now that would be a reason for an arrest or was he disturbing the peace? Either way LOL!

  20. Why insult u man?Defend it in court.Being bougt & used by politcians.Where re they?They ve gone and u re alone now facing charges.Uli ci puba!

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