Sunday, March 9, 2025

Three men sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for stealing salt


Kapiri Mposhi Township
Kapiri Mposhi Township

Three men of Kapiri Mposhi have been sentenced to five years imprisonment each with hard labour for stealing goods from a vehicle in transit.Before Kapiri Mposhi magistrate Ackson Mumba were Jubeck Kunda, 29, Derrick Mukosha, 23 and Pepela Malupenga, 24 all of Ndeke compound in Kapiri Mposhi.

Particulars before court were that on September 19, 2013 the trio, jointly and whilst acting together did steal six by 50 kilograms bags of salt from a vehicle named Scania truck registration number ALE 5689 the property of Chaida Logistics Company.The bags of salt were all valued at K1, 260.

Kunda, Mukosha and Malupenga readily pleaded guilty to the charge in the fast-track session at Kapiri Mposhi Magistrates court.

The court heard that on September 18, 2013 Kennedy Chaponda, the driver of the vehicle, who complained on behalf of Chaida Logistics Company, was enroute to Ndola from Lusaka delivering salt and when he reached Kapiri Mposhi, he decided to park the truck laden with bags of salt at Kapiri Mposhi town centre bus station at 20:00 hours and took a nap.

However, when Chaponda woke up around 03:00 hours on September 19, 2013, he noticed that the tent covering the salt laden on his truck was ripped-off and later discovered that six bags of salt were missing from the truck.

When he inquired from the people that were present, he was told that it was the trio that had tampered with the truck and had stolen the bags of salt.
He then reported the matter to Kapiri Mposhi police station were investigations were instituted in the matter, which later led to the apprehension of the three men.

The trio was interviewed in relation with the matter and they all agreed having stolen the bags of salt in question.In mitigation, Kunda said that he had siblings that were in grade three and five respectively that he was supporting hence sending him to jail would entail that the two siblings would suffer.

In his mitigation, Mukosha said that he was looking after siblings who were twins; adding that in an event that he was sent to prison the said twins would suffer.

Malupenga, in his mitigation, just said that he would never do what he had done again

Passing judgment in the matter, magistrate Mumba observed that the offence the three men stood charged with was not only serious, but very prevalent in Kapiri Mposhi; adding that it was the duty of the court to protect people’s valuable properties whilst passing through Kapiri Mposhi district.

T@he offence herein is not only a serious one but also very prevalent in Kapiri Mposhi. Nearly every day motorists lose their valuable property from thieves in the likes of the accused herein… it is our duty to protect people that pass through Kapiri Mposhi from losing their property.” Magistrate Mumba said.Magistrate Mumba then sentenced Kunda, Mukosha and Malupenga to five years imprisonment with hard labour each for stealing from a motor vehicle in transit.

The sentences are effective September 19, 2013.


    • Is the new design of Kapiri town help get your 2 cousins from prison? You couldn’t even send them money for salt sure. You better redesign your family, before you ask Sata for help.

    • I was going to my recently acquired farm in ndola with items like printer carts and blank CDs in a UTE,. By the time was refueling at kapiri/kasama turn off, my canopy was ripped and all was gone. Am told these guys start at Chimsoro milling where the ZP is just across, and they ride on across town with PF Police praising them!

    • Ok this court judgement in not fair these people need to appeal . Membe pocketed k14bn he is. Access finance boss stole billions he is free 5 years is far too nuch

  1. Poliicians are stealing million of tax payers money. These three guys just steals some stones, sodium chloride powder, and you sentence them 5 year in jail. Thats bad man. By the way I am not trying to justify theft, but the law in Zambia is unfair.

  2. what…. Salt? cant they go and dig it out from the ground after all it is for free? This Government should teach people how to fish not hand outs, see what we have at our hands now? Crafty engineers in a terrible manner, i blame it on our freedom fighters, KK and his friends plus all those that took up responsiblity in bringing down the Nation, not forgetting their parents or guadians!

    • You don’t understand that this is a crime.. What has KK got to do with Zam now. KK did tell you that he would not like Zam to be ruled by thugs..Look now,, what happened after his era?? Govt now relaying on tax collecting, no manufacturing industries.. Fertilizer to be imported from Saudi Arabia.. Where is NCZ?? It is time those shallow minded people like you should think and work hard instead of trying to get things done for them to sell at the market.

  3. The variation on how judges determine sentence.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Out of hate, anger, kindness..
    Sex worker who stole K28 000 from a client given 2 years simple imprisonment
    Six month imprisonment with hard labour for stealing items worth K745,000

  4. Appeal against the sentence. The trio did not waste courts time. Is the same Mumba former Chizzy metal?

  5. yapya baane. Really sad for the dudes. when people are ripping government millions of kwacha and baguy go scotfree. these guys ati twesheko. they are slapped with a 5 year jail term. where is legal aid kanshi or community service from lawyers to help those poor souls get a fair judgement. of 9 months suspended sentence.

  6. Zambian justice…former Ministry of Health perm sec Bulaya stole over 500Million old currency and got five years (spent more time at the ward in UTH)?

  7. The 5 years imprisonment is too harsh, the three men did not waste the courts time and pleaded guilty, they were sorry and remorseful. It’s a pity the magistrate ignored all that.

  8. Come to think of it, the magistrate said he was giving them 5 years because the case was prevalent, I thought corruption was also more prevalent and K2 billion affects more people than the bags of salt, is it about law or our country, help me understand this …

  9. Can’t we the intelligentsia do something about t this gross injustice.I’m tired of reading stories about poor men being jailed for many years for petty issues.If these people had jobs,a hope for the future they wouldn’t do this.So my colleagues from UNZA Law school what do you say/? How can we change colonial rules?

    • Appeal against the sentence and apply for bail pending the out of the appeal. Open a fund for legal assistance for such cases. it is a human right abuse.

  10. This judgement is a precendence to other boys who would contemplate of stealing from transit vehicles…there so may avenues of making money to fill there pockets e.g Selling Kandolo(sweet potatoes),Malasha(Charcoal) Ubuchi(Honey) isn’t it what most of Kapiri dwellers do?

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