Friday, March 7, 2025

Anti Kabimba crusade spreads to Ndola and Kasama, cadres want him to step down immediately



The crusade to have embattled Patriotic Front (P.F) Secretary General Wynter Kabimba resign have reached Ndola with party officials and members from all constituencies demanding that he step
down immediately.

Cadres carrying placards and mock coffins matched from the Civil took to the streets of Ndolas central business area this morning denouncing Mr Kabimba.

The constituencies represented were Ndola Central, Chifubu, Bwana Mkubwa and Kabushi.

As they marched, the cadres wailed and chanted anti Kabimba slogans while carrying a mock coffin made out of carton signifying the down fall of Mr Kabimba .

The cadres marched from Ndolas Civic Centre to the party’s district office where they gathered.

Addressing the crowd at the PF offices was PF district chairperson John Chisulo who said it is known that wyter Kabimba is no longer wanted by the PF people and some PF leaders and that they want him to resign or step down.

Mr Chisulo also warned all those elements working against the party and president Sata should stop because they know them and they are not going to spare them.

“ PF will not sit idle and spare, watching the bad elements in the party destroy the party, if they so wish to form another party, then leave the PF alone, all those speaking against Mr Sata should go and form their own party” he said.

Mr Chisulo added that the PF is not a tribal party as stated by Mr Kabimba earlier.

“This party for sure has a lot of different tribes, me am a Senga by tribe, where is the tribalism, those who have seen that PF has tribalism they should resign and move out of the party,” he said.

Mr Chisulo added that all those that that think PF is tribalism should leave the party and go join other parties they wish to join.

He further said that all those not supporting Mr Sata should leave him alone and let him bring the development in the country which Zambians have desired to see.

Mr Chisulo has therefore said that all those wanting to leave the party should leave and go together with Mr Kabimba.

Meanwhile, PF members in Kasama held a a mock funeral in honour of Wynter Kabimba. The group which assembled at the party offices located in the town’s central business district asked Mr Kabimba not behave as if he had blinkers preventing him from seeing he was not wanted. The cadres then put a black mock coffin with the word Wynter on top of a car which they then sent to Chiba cemetery for burial.

They chanted and sang songs telling Mr Kabimba that PF in northern province loved all their officials regardless of tribe.

The cadres that demanded Mr Kabimba resign from all his positions of leadership within the party and government. They promised to flush the few sympathisers he had in the province.

Provincial Secretary Evarest Chella said in an interview that that members had the democratic right to protest but asked the protesters to show respect.



    • please leave holy bible out this.. the bible is better needed and used when everything is cool and sweet.

      Ba lusaka times please,,, find some other news, this stone throwing PF kaponya and kabimba news is dangerously intoxicating and chocking the internet to death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Question.

      What if he doesn’t resign and your president does not relieve him

      What in all probabilities are the ramifications of this in the long run?

      No trolling please.

    • For once I agree with Mushota: it looks like H.E. has no control over his party and government. Zambia suffers from lack of strong, decisive leadership and this is a classic example!

    • What did Kabimba do kanshi? How will the country benefit from his resignation. Will that put money in your pockets and build you hospitals and better schools for your children?

    • This is the 3rd sensible comment from Mushota…

      …in a row.

      Either someone’s hacked her ‘user’, or someone’s taken over from ka Nick.

    • Kabimba called Youths as “street kids”. I really don’t know who will defend him, since:
      PF Youth (street kids)Chairman = Kambwili
      Soldiers/Defense = GBM
      P.Force = Sata or is it Edgar Lungu?? Lungu and Kabimba has never been friends from time Lungu was awarded to be acting-president.
      Who are friends of Kabimba, mere Lusaka Mafias:
      – Mutemba Nchito
      – Mumembe Fred
      What can the above 2 use to silence the real Zambians ” Street kids”?

    • ya kala bad lelo??.. am waiting for your sweet sugar coated analysis of your holy PF activites,

      And have you read what Dr scot said to BBC? in case you didnt.. the Dr is claimIing that all of those protesting against Kabimba are from MMD.. i hope that the Dr is not a victim of parkinson disease!!

    • Over three hundred suspected Patriotic Front (PF) cadres have been arrested and charged with criminal trespass for trespassing on a Farm in Lusaka West with intentions of demarcating it into plots.

      A group of cadres had illegally allocated to themselves 20 hectors of the 30 hectors Trishul farm land belonging to a Mr. Patel.

      Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga has told Qfm News that those arrested who include men and women will appear in court to tomorrow, Friday, September 27th.

      Mr. Hamoonga has also cautioned members of the public engaging in similar activities in the country that police will not hesitate to arrest them for criminal trespass regardless of political affiliation.

      Mr. Hamoonga has further warned that police have enough manpower and fire power to quell any…

    • Ili bad because this is not healthy for the party.I also suspect some opposition politicians/cadres may have a role in this kabimba thing.I don`t like it.

    • @Saulosi, why you leave me on list of those involved in Kabimba’s apocalypse?
      Anyway, I personally didn’t want to face “mob justice”. I wanted to question him at the “People’s court”.
      I feel sorry for Kabimba this week, he won’t even have sex. Teti bwime when in such depression.

  1. who said these words and i quote,”i can tell from the name that you are Tonga and hence UPND, let me tell you my brother that you had a choice to either vote UPND which was nowhere close to winning the elections or indeed to vote PF which later formed government”. end of quote. PLSE I NEED YR ANSWERS. Were these remarks not irritating????hahahahahaaaaaaa

  2. Enough, its getting boring?? Let him Go, can’t he even see the whole PF is on him?. The man is arrogant, he does not want to let Go. Chiluba once said, “ati shaishibe ati efyo power ilowa” ( he did not know how sweet power was) of-course in Zambian cycles were there are no checks and balances, all about stealing. Wynter is enjoying he does not want to let go. Time has come Out loud wynter, mwalingana na Given Lubinda you poisoned.

  3. As Zambians, we should refrain from unleashing violence, intimidations, and mock funerals at people we disagree with.

    I don’t agree with Winter’s management style, I think he’s too arrogant for a public official. We should voice our disagreements in the most civil manner possible. Is this too much to ask?

  4. ndobo my bro/sister,
    It is the bible that will provides answers to more complex issues. Where man has no answers, the bible has answers. Saying we leave the bible alone is like saying we don’t need God in times like this.

    • I personally understand that!! but here you are dealing with people who are arrogant and proud… people who think and feel like small gods themselves

  5. I have no kind words for wynter because of his arrogance!!!! Let him face his own music and dance to it!!! He deserves it!!!!

  6. Just let go when its not yours. Let the Party be organised and stop the nosence once and for all. PF Cadres are not Government and the Government is quiet despite being decampaigned by its party members the cadres. Ndelolesha fye.

  7. this nation has bigger problems to attend to,not these minor issues of who is endorsing who at the expense of delivering shame on you,you are below par and yet you want to continue fighting over nothing.Are these the actions we were promised?Where is this man of action?Why cant he act now so we are not continously disturbed by these infights

  8. Wynter Kabimba is an arrogant, disrespectful and proud man. I have always been looking forward to a time when he would be made to account for his arrogance and lies he likes telling about other people. This man’s pomposity is nauseating and I am honestly enjoying his current troubles. He is basically an evil man who enjoys the suffering of others. Let him dance to his own tunes

  9. awe neverlands(nevers mumba) asamwa nomba, i ve just listened to this tithe petty thief speaking on radio that parliament impeaches HEMCS. What a load of nonsense and dung from a dupping pastor haunted by spirits of poor pipo he stole tithe from to lead lavish lifestyle

  10. I still can’t believe that all this is happening to the once mighty splinter kapimbe.surely what goes round comes round.did i ever imagine mighty winter could be reduced to this level.the man was arrogant,aloof,pompous with an unblemish ego.silly to the most
    Let him drink this dose,he deserves it.membe must be confused,he doesnt know what has hit them.his plan of proping up kabimba as a heir to the throne has badly misfired.he should now start planning of plan B

    • That was plan B. Plan A was to bring in Magande, the one who had promised to write off the K14bn debt. When that plan didn’t work he went for Kabimba thinking that WMK was popular. What beats is how he came up with that assumption. Now ask him for plan C- third time is the charm. He should try Gbm!

  11. Wynter Kabimba .. the EDUCATED ILLITERATE

    While i can never support the GBM, I find Wynter equally distasteful because he is supposed to be civilized and yet he preferred hoodlum politics

  12. Rather weak, the charges against Kabimba. He could step down, though, from the SGship, but continue to function as minister, etc?

  13. Reading News from Zambia when you are far away from home has now become so painful. Trying to avoid reading is also not something you can manage. You wake up in the morning and you feel so drab sometimes and you want a connection from home in order to carry you through the day but but what you get is obviously the opposite, oblivion, chaos, helta-sketa, etc. Something is definitely not right. You consider your options, surprise, surprise getting back home appears only in obscurity. Politics & politicians will be an obstacle in anything you may want to do when you heard back home. I have been away to long and I feel I have learnt enough to be part of some process home. What should I do to be part of and contribute to a situation that appears dire?

    • Over three hundred suspected Patriotic Front (PF) cadres have been arrested and charged with criminal trespass for trespassing on a Farm in Lusaka West with intentions of demarcating it into plots.

      A group of cadres had illegally allocated to themselves 20 hectors of the 30 hectors Trishul farm land belonging to a Mr. Patel.

      Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga has told Qfm News that those arrested who include men and women will appear in court to tomorrow, Friday, September 27th.

      Mr. Hamoonga has also cautioned members of the public engaging in similar activities in the country that police will not hesitate to arrest them for criminal trespass regardless of political affiliation.

      Mr. Hamoonga has further warned that police have enough manpower and fire power to quell any…

  14. I hope the president upon return to the country will make it his priority to resolve the problem once and for all even if it means sacking at least two of his ministers.
    All those known to have been vocal should be sacked to ensure sanity is restored. No scapegoats.

    • @ we the people, I agree. The President should sack Wynter, GBM and Kambwili. who the hell told Kambwili he is the chief advisor to his colleagues??

  15. Disappointments will always be with us as long as we put ALL our trust in fellow men.We expect too much from politicians but they are just humans and can’t sort out all problems.

    First we were disappointed with UNIP, then MMD, now PF next we’ll be unhappy with UPND by 2017 just after voting for them. Look up !

    Protesters give politicians time. Kabimba’s handling of fellow leaders was wrong and how you are removing him is also wrong. Two wrongs never make a right.

    Sata just send kabimba into diplomatic service and let protesters go to their work, if they’ve any. They are irritating.

  16. The chickens ha! They always come back home to roost, Kabimba hana beteka Lubinda na nahana kuli u butali. La kacenu le manyai keba mu fetuhela. A yowane a kutumani mwa ndeende ya ipatiselize yena mung’i. Malozi ba ikale ne baize mu ipulai ha lilwi!

  17. There is no problem in Zambia. Nothing is wrong. It is just the Bembas as usual who want to kick out anybody from outside Bembaland. We know their machinations. They killed Given Lubinda using Kabimba, and now they are finishing both of them together. After Kabimba is kicked out, Lubinda will be next to be completely finished. After that, then they will go to all the jobs in the civil service kicking out everybody who is not Bemba. We all know where it is going. This will lead to somewhere terrible, but people are in denial. In 2016 we will see thousands die from hacking and shooting each other. If we are not careful, there could be a civil war in Zambia before long…and that will be the end of Zambia as one country.

  18. After the bembas kick out Kabimba and Lubinda, next is Inonge … and she knows that. What this will lead to is that in 2016, each politican will only be able to campaign in his home province. People are annoyed. Just wait and see. Any silly mistake by any politician could light up a civil war now in Zambia…and that war will take long to quench, especially along the line of rail. For Barotseland, that will be the time they will secceed….the end of Zambia.

  19. But I thought the President more or less gave an order for this nonsense to stop, at a recently held combined Cabinet/ Central committee meeting? The Vice President a few days ago also followed suit and expressed his displeasure at the conduct of the cadres.

    If a President of the Party in power, a Head of State and the Commander in Chief of the armed forces can fail to cause mere cadres to obey him, how is he going to command an organized body like the armed forces? That’s what we mean when we say this whole thing is causing insecurity in the Nation. A lot of eyes are watching,some with mischievous motives.

  20. Psalm 7:15–16
    15 He made a pit and dug it out, and has fallen into the ditch which he made.
    16 His trouble shall return upon his own head, And his violent dealing shall come down on his own crown.

  21. In today.s Post editorial the paper is calling for a fair trial for Kabimba. While in RB’s cases the same paper has been passing conclusive judgments, how ironical?

  22. This is the time Sata needed to act decisively. It is possible to speculate that Kabimba was very useful in executing Sata’s mission to punish RB and many MMD leaders. However, his failure to remove Kabimba from SG of PF will entail that Sata will go crashing along with Kabimba. The Banshilubemba have strong information on the Tanzanian origin of Sata, and hence he will never again be a credible factor in Northern and his Muchinga Provinces.

  23. In retrospect I think Kabimba had a premonition of his own fall from power when he cited Gaddafi, Mubarak and the former ANC Youth leader who seemed invincible only to be tossed out in ignominy. History indeed repeats itself.

  24. Winter has drive but for his arrogance,what ever he did he should have really tried to fit in big shoes that burnt him,sorry my fellow intellectual you need to act quickly to keep some dignity.consult widely .

  25. I will also spill the beans over every single deal senios PF leaders are doing. Let them go ahead and we will see who is going to be hurt. Not only me!

  26. @34 zuderic
    Anyone mmembe doesn’t like, the law mustn’t be just. He has no regard for anyone he hates. RB was hated coz he refused to give presidency to magande, hence the demonic hatred towards RB. Now its GBM.

  27. Let pf find something for the protesters to do. The man was appointed by pf president. They pertitioned him and he gave them the answer.

  28. high levels of youth unemployment is fertile ground for unruly behavior. If these young men had jobs they would think twice and will protest rationally. Since they are from the Poor Family(PF) and the family has nothing to offer, 90 days have come and gone but still a Poor Family, they will start eating their own starting with Kabimba! Ba Wynter ba mingisha impepo abantu benu!
    Who will be next now!

  29. My party is being destroyed by selfish few..As we walked our journey from Lupososhi,to Kantanshi….this was a bitter peel for me and the geniune PF to swallow.Very few people on our side….today ni ba Mumbwe mu game park..awe bawa napa nama.The cheeky hynas did not even know who the brave hunter was.Don’t forget us,we are the arctecturers of that party….We must once more start our Journey right from Lupososhi and we shall see who our members are.Ba katwetwe mwenda mwalimwa ba fula..

    • high levels of youth unemployment is fertile ground for unruly behavior. If these young men had jobs they would think twice and will protest rationally. Since they are from the Poor Family(PF) and the family has nothing to offer, 90 days have come and gone but still a Poor Family, they will start eating their own starting with Kabimba! Ba Wynter ba mingisha impepo abantu benu!
      Who will be next now!

  30. These PF protests are beginning to threaten national security and well being .
    This whole ‘me -too’ circus is now reaching a tipping point. It is clear that the PF has failed to run the affairs of this country. You would expect Sata to address the Nation immediately upon his return from New York-but that would be expecting too much from our President. Like Nero, Sata would rather be playing the harp while PF ( and with it Zambia) burns. There is a total lack of leadership from the top- even the acting president is carrying on as if there is nothing wrong.
    Clearly the PF are not up to the job of managing the affairs of this country. The country is crumbling under their incompetency. From the way they are carrying on, you would be forgiven for thinking they are the opposition…

  31. This was to happen if MMD was to win the election in 2011. See how they are treating the inside rafter, what more the outside one? The GRZ should do something to block this virus otherwise they will spoil and destroy our nation.

  32. I suppose the scoop of the year will be ‘Wynter Resigns’.
    Bookmakers are accepting wagers with the odds of this monumental event happening within a fortnight at 1: 7

  33. but kwena you i.d.i.o.ts commenting above muli imbwa sana! take your tuma emotions to ZWD atase who told you zambia is on fire? ba mumbwe imwe.

  34. .Hmmm!the director has changed it from a movie to a soap.The director is a saddist and is drooling with saliva and gulping at the weatherman’s pridicament. Imagine watching those extras marching from town to town screaming for your blood and carrying your body in a coffin? The plot is also thickening as new antagonists are introduced .All are fat , uncultured and arrogant.

  35. If you are faithful citizens of this country, can you do this to the chief justice who is still holding on after all those calls for her to step down.after all you easly get police permits.demonstrate from any platform without police harassing you.its now animal farm.ok

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