Monday, January 13, 2025

Emmanuel Mwamba halts permits for broadcasting Islamic religious programmes


Emmanuel Mwamba
Emmanuel Mwamba

INDEPENDENT Broadcasting Authority (IBA) chairman Emmanuel Mwamba has pulled breaks on radio licence permits to applicants wishing to broadcast Islamic religious programmes in Zambia.

Mr Mwamba said no further permits shall be considered until the IBA has completed a comprehensive consultation with the church, Government, the Islamic society and other interest groups.

Mr Mwamba did not say exactly what the nature of the consultation with stakeholders would involve but he indicated that guide lines would be top on the agenda.

And Mr Mwamba, who is also Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Service Permanent Secretary, has suspended the issuance of radio licences for Lusaka until after the digital migration exercise.

This follows advice by the Zambia Information, Communications and Technology Authority that the radio frequencies for Lusaka are full. Lusaka has 21 radio stations.

This is according to a statement issued in Lusaka yesterday by IBA director general Josephine Mapoma.

“With the operalitionalisation of the IBA, we shall begin processing applications by way of making announcements where these frequencies will be available, and then allowing the applicants to bid for them as provided for under Section 26 of the IBA Act,” Mr Mwamba said.

Meanwhile, Mr Mwamba has announced the issuance of seven new licences for radio stations in various parts of the country.
The issued licences are for Walamu in Mpulungu (test transmission), QFM (national coverage), Power FM (repeater frequency for Kabwe), Chinvwano in Mfuwe (construction permit), Chimwemwe in Ndola (construction permit), United Voice in Lusaka (construction permit) and Rise Radio in Chingola (construction).

And Mr Mwamba has urged Ms Mapoma to ensure that a strategic plan for the IBA is done.

Mr Mwamba has also urged the IBA to heighten supervision and monitoring activities to ensure that radio stations operate in an ethical and professional manner.

He has directed that media institutions in the country should adopt a code of ethics as approved by the Zambia Media Council.
Mr Mwamba has also regretted that before the matter of cross-ownership of media could be resolved decisively through policy or legislation, the IBA had previously proceeded to issue licences to individuals or entities allowing for cross-ownership of the media.

He said the IBA Act Section 5(2b) (ii) prohibits monopoly of the industry by any entity and is also against the Competition and Fair Trading Act.

Mr Mwamba said the IBA had issued licences to entities without regard to the laid down provisions and that the stations that appear to be affected so far are Radio Petauke Explorer and Chipata Television, Joy FM Radio and Prime TV as well as Muvi TV and Komboni Radio.

Mr Mwamba has also put on hold the consideration for the application for QTV until the legal advice he has sought from the Attorney General and the Zambia Competition Commission is given.


    • Don’t allow such terror in our country just like FJT Chiluba denied them Islamic political parties and for security and wellbeing of the country we even severed diplomatic ties with their sponsors Iran and Iraq

      We already have more than enough economic problems to deal with as a country

    • @ Gen: Be careful with your comments, I am Zambian and many more live in Islamic Countries were we are allowed to worship. Don’t generalize and think every Islamic person is a terrorist. Think above such because we have Muslim Zambians. Being a Christian nation does not mean oppress other religions. Let the government with other stakeholder come up with proper recommendations as Islam does not harm. Muslims are our brothers and sisters. Let us not be so cynical about other religions. So grow up, write sense and be factual.

    • A Christian is good animal…ask yourself if you can operate a Christian radio station in Saudi Arabia…for one hour daily…However this issue is not for the faint hearted…the paradox is how to not infringe on Islamic human rights as the good Christians we claim to be and yet still stop Islamic violent radicalism of our youth…Good luck Emma…

    • Where is the freedom of association that is provided for in our constitution? This is a knee jerk reaction that is totally unwarranted. He should have censored those Islamic radio stations whose content may be considered extremist rather than all of them. Zambia has circa 1 million relatively peaceful Muslims. Let’s not drag ourselves into unnecessary conflict.

    • @Dojo Do, that’s where you have gone wrong. Panicking before seeing / learning of the content to be aired. Zambia is not Saudi Arabia and Saudi is not the Only Islamic Country. So why reduce Our Country to the likes of Saudi?? Sometime learn to be tolerant and know your Enemy better if you want to succeed in life. Let’s wait for facts than getting so cynical like Zambia never has crime. Didn’t Zambia just want to open an Embassy in Saudi? Wait for facts then generalizing. We are a much better people as Zambians so don’t spoil out values for half-baked stories.

    • Ba Prince narrow your scope and review the issue, separate me from the problem! My thought here is to do with Islam and how free Christians are in Islamic countries! You can’t compare the freedoms that Islam enjoys in Christian countries to the ones my kind have in Islamic countries…period!

  1. Do not easily torelate extremists with their messages. They preach with impunity, they are ready to kill and to die any time. They are rough and rude. Their propaganda is terrible. They treasure events like the recent Kenya incident. They will use money to buy their way. They will indoctrinate poor souls with killing and being killed any time. They do not treasure life. They are sadists. They dont even know the real course of killing others and dont know where to end with their blind killing and be killed. Horrible characters on earth. Do not give a voice to terror mongers.

    • True Moslems should not be allowed to broadcast in Zambia. Let them build mosques but do not allow them to have a radio station. They enter a country pretending to be humble but soon u will see their true colours. 4get about the so called freedom of assembly or is it worship. They know Zambia has been declared a Xtian nation and they are not happy. So they will do everything to destabilise it. For your info, Muslims have a strategy of encouraging their members to marry more than one wife and have a lot of children and in the end spread their religion. Infact even building of their mosques should be regulated. THE DANGER WE HAVE IS ZAMBIA IS A CHRISTIAN NATION AND MOSLEMS DONT LIKE XTIANS. THEY CALL US INFIDELS AND THEY ARE AT LIBERTY TO KILL AN INFIDEL ANY TIME ANY WHERE.

    • My. Friend I couldn’t agree more. Zambia seem to be a soft centre for any nonsense. Zambia is a christin country.therefore, Christianity must be more pronounced. Than any other religion. We don’t wanttobe at par with other religions. Remember, give them a yard they will take a mile. Kenya and Nigeria’s cases should be enough wake up calls for Zambia. Do not let Moslems decimate our Christian activities in our hard earned nd preserved country.

  2. As a nation we need to be very careful with Islam and its programs. Peace as we know it may soon start to deteriorate and this is evident everywhere where there is Christians and Moslems seemingly living together. My opinion.

  3. please please NEVER allow anything Islamic, not in schools not on radio not on TV..just look at the places where these people have been allowed to do what they want….even the mosques that have been built in Zambia are too many. Govnment should not allow anymore…they have a mosque in all the major areas of Lusaka and Govnment is just watching.These people are to be controlled for us to contiue enjoying our peace. Just look at how they are killing Chirstians in Nigeria and in other islamic countries…please Govntment, deal with this Problem before it becomes a problem. As it is, the zambian workers in Kamwala have to be islam to get a job…what is immigration and ministry of Labour doing?

  4. zambia is christian nationa we dont need another religion.we dont want to have september 11,we even received a threat from them.


  5. Typical knee jerk reaction from narrow minded people. Not every Muslim supports the extremist activities of al shabab just like it would be wrong to paint every christian as a child abuser just because the catholic church allowed thousands of children to be abused over many decades. As far as concerned this notion of Zambia being a ‘christian nation’ is mere hogwash as christianity just like Islam are imported religions into Zambia. In fact one can say that christianity was literally imposed on us.

    • Mphendula, the agenda of Islam is the same regardless of their claims of preaching peace. The agenda is to impose Islam on the whole world. If it means killing, they will do it in order to spread Islam. Islam is a very oppressive religion. These are the same fanatics who regard their women as slaves who are not allowed to drive, should hide their beautiful faces, should not participate in politics and are treated as sex objects. Moslems have not accepted other religions. Their hearts are full of hatred for other religions. I urge you to get a copy of the Koran and read it. I believe your opinion about Islam will change. Emmanuel Mwamba needs our support as Zambians. Zambians value their freedom and cannot allow such a religion to threaten their freedom and security. We need to act now.

    • It is you who is demonstrating knee jerk reaction. Islam is the only religion which has caused so much pain to whole world. The biggest threat to world peace is actually islam. Mpendula, it is not true that Christianity was imposed on us. Mention any Zambian who has been forced to become a Christian by law. There is no Zambian who has been killed for not being a christain. On the other hand, Moslems are the ones killing people who do not believe in their religion. You cannot dismiss something just because it was imported. It is important to look at the benefits. Formal education was also imported but you have decided to embrace it. Most Zambians do not want Islam because of it’s evils and not because it is an imported religion. Take a trip to Pakistan or North of Nigeria and see it’s…

    • You are the one who is narrow minded and cannot think out of the box! Even Muslims themselves would look at you as a f**l for not seeing the obvious about their aims and religion. In as much as there a a few muslims who do not support the radicals amongst themselves, have you ever encountered them condemning their fellows for the killings? See beyond your nose. In Zambia they have the freedom to assemble and worship and that is enough, they should be happy that they are even allowed as compared to other religions who are not allowed in Muslim states!

    • kayaula, don’t you wonder why Moslems are so angry and very sensitive to criticism. this is especially when someone criticizes Mohammad. The whole Moslem world would go on the streets protesting against one person who speak against Muhammad. This anger also manifests in groups such as Alqauda, Alshabab, Boko-Haram etc.

    • You can criticise Islam as much as you like but that does not alter the fact that christianity is an imported religion just like Islam. Those who supported Apartheid used the bible to justify the oppression of black people does it mean that every christian is a racist? How many billions of Muslims are there in the world and how many of them are suicide bombers? How many people have been killed in the name of christianity be it in Africa, Europe or the Americas? Most muslims want the same thing as you and me and will not go out and kill people but because of islamophobia and the fact that most Zambians have been brainwashed with fundamentalist christianity you will support this blatant curtailing of freedom of expression without thinking about who is next.

    • My dear Mphendula, the simple question I have for every Muslim is, why is that terrorists and extreme groups spread terror and violence in the name of Islam? It seems to me that there are many loopholes in the Qur’an and teachings of Islam. I have never found fundamentalist Christians who spread terror nor any christian who slaughters non-Christians in the name of JESUS. Southern Africa is more peaceful because there are less Muslims.

    • Most Zambians are simply bigots and would not even realise that when they write 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 they are actually using an Islamic invention while defending the christian religion imposed on them by people who enslaved them for 400 years! I dont support Islamic extremism but neither do I support Christian extremism which a lot of Zambians have bought into.

    • No, ba mpendula kapeneneni ukutali. Meshing lyumfwikfye ilyabushilu. Zambia is for Zambians. And Zambians must set rules to follow. Go to Saudi Arabia. Nurses from other countries are supposed to dress like Moslems. It’s a rule and no one complains. In Zambia Arabs and Asian don’t allow their women to sleep with black Zambians as to an Arab or Asian this is contamination of their race. While on the other hand the sme people sexually abuse our mothers and sisters. Count how many zambian women with Asian and Arab children especially in chipata. But how many black Zambian men do you know who have children from Arab or Asian women? Should that happen the Asian girl would definitely be killed by her people for contaminating their race.

    • Mpendula, you can defend those infidel haters as much as you want, but one reality is that Not All Muslims Are Terrorists, But All Terrorists Are Muslim!


    • Imposed??why are people so ignorant??christianity my freind is a middle eastern religion europe was also evengelized just like the rest of the word and its a choice even now my freind if you are christian just stop going to church and if you want insult christ ever day on the bus and when ever you want nothing will happen to you.
      But if you want to meet AALAHjust go to saudi arabia anf insult allah or muhammad or allah in the street and we will never hear about you they will hang your balls the same day.
      You dont know islam my dear read *********maybe you will learn how this religion is.

    • @Mphendula I stand with you. The general outcry here seems to be fueled by fear and ignorance. Growing up in our country like the rest of us as a child you have not much of a choice but be christian because all of society is sheep-herded in that direction. Its christians that have used a nuclear bomb against other people in our generation. It was christians that came and took away our people right here in Zambia and enslaved them. They further came and enslaved right here at home in the name of Jesus. The first slave boat was called Jesus. Its christians brainwashing us today, the very images of God and his angels are made to look European. Islam has threats to our cultural identity but overall its a religion of peace. It is America funding the so called terrorists.

    • Dear brothers and sisters I sincerely invite you to look at current global affairs carefully. Especially America. America has been the biggest terrorist in the last 300 years to the present. For example many CIA operatives have come out in the open and revealed that it is America that carried out the chemical attack on Syria recently, in order to start a war. See Syria has one of the biggest oil and gas reserves in that region. The main pipeline carrying oil out of Iraq flows through Syria, and Obama’s gov are after Syria for the oil. Bin Laden who was a member of the Saudi Arabian royal family was trained by CIA and that al qaida is an American organisation, al shabab is possibly CIA too. This is the system America uses.

  6. you can never please, Muslims. they bomb America, Europe, Kenya, Tanzania, and kill at will in Nigeria. Don’t allow them on radio or TV . We will cry one day.

  7. Oh my goodness!!! an Islamist radio station??? I hope this will not be allowed. In an Islamic country you will never find a Christian radio or TV station. They will not even allow a christian to walk with a bible in public.
    I know the radio frequencies are not full. Just be open and tell them they can not have one frequence in Zambia. Let them try in Iran!!!

  8. I think that the examples are there world over over the Muslims and we simply do not need them to grow in Zambia. We know very well that they would want every peace loving Zambian to convert and with the poverty levels in the country chances are very high. Islam is a very risky venture that the govt and the people of Zambia should not entertain and take lightly. If I had a way I would simply ban them completely. There is no good example out there to show that Muslims can contribute to the well being of Zambia. They target Christians world over and we cannot risk to allow radicals in the country. Please stop them before it is too late and we should immediately amend the constitution to bar them at once and for good! Not in Zambia please!

  9. Mr. Mwamba (Chiluba’s Press Aid), please do not allow the muslims to grow bigger and stronger than they already are. I was in Chipata over the on 28th and 29th September. nearly all villages have go mosques. Check Chiparamba area where bwezani claims to come from- all villages have got mosques and villagers have been converted to islam. In Mafuta area too. Mambwe is not excluded from the list. Katete peatuke and all other districts of Eastern province.

  10. Mphendula Kayaula, we are afraid of Islam because of the hideous murders we are witnessing today all over the world — Where in recent years have you seen Christians doing what you people are doing? I agree that in the middle ages the church did persecute people within its own community those it perceived to divert what was mainstream theology. Not any more, just as tribal wars have gone.

    50 students shot while sleeping and many more murders in Nigeria, Westgate Mall, Iraqi countless murders on a daily basis, Pakistan bombing of Church killing many innocent Christians while in prayer, burning of churches in Egypt under Islamic brotherhood government, shooting of little Malala for advocating education for young girls, banning of bibles and churches in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Somalia-AAH…

  11. People pliz y do we even hav muslems in our country this people are barbarians if Zambia is a christian the moslems should be chased these people are devils everywhere they are there is no peace…..please we want peace in our country….men i really hate muslims

  12. @Mphendula kayula,Christians do not kill other religious groups to be superior as the Muslims do,whether some do not support or not we do not know that. The fact is they are Muslims period.Since you are wide minded and us are narrow minded allow them to broadcast in your home for children and family.

  13. Whilst it is too late to ban you in Zambia, we urge the govt to monitor your expansion-read carefully—we are talking about monitoring you—not banning you because, unlike you, we believe in the freedom of conscience.

    Bravo PS Mwamba. I used to admire your skill when you were spokesperson for the late FTJ. I recall telling a friend that if I had a business I would have hired you as a marketing executive. Now you are proving to be an asset in the govt, unlike some of the PSs who are scared of their own shadows. Useless–cannot make a decision for fear of making mistakes. That is why they have been in govt for over 40 years……till death does them apart.

  14. Bravo Mwamba!! You cannot allow people who walk into a shopping mall and ask the shoppers to mention the name of Muhammad’s mother, if you fail to mention then you are killed immediately! keep those Muslims as far away as possible! Thousands of examples of their evil acts are there all over the world.

  15. We should not lose focus and start preaching religious intolerance.

    The reason advanced by Mr Mwamba are genuine because there nothing one can do if there no room for more stations.

    It is absurd to start expressing anti-Islamic sentiments in this manner. However, we are not surprised by such hate language because it stems from the Declaration of Zambia as a Christian State, intolerant to other faiths and non-believers.

    We should not judge persons because of their religious positions, because this goes against the UDHR of 1948 and the Bill of Rights in our Republican Constition, among other basic human rights instruments.

    • We are against Islam because of it’s evils. I am surprised that you have deliberately decided to ignore the harm which Islam has caused to the whole world. The evidence is there for everyone to see. I believe we should not keep quite just because they have the rights. They preach hatred and intolerance for other religions. This is what we are against. Look at what is happening in Nigeria(Boko Haram), Somalia(Al Shabaab), Pakistan(Al Qaida), Mali and the list is endless. There is another Islamic terrorist group which is emerging in Zanzibar (It was responsible for pouring acid on two British girls a few months ago). They preach ”peace” when they are in the minority but once they are in the majority they go for violence and intolerance. Islam is actually demonic.

    • Not until Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and others will allow Christians to worship freely as Moslems do here. The issue with Moslems is they may come in quietly and peacefully, but once they get rooted they will start creating extremist agitating for the country to be under sharia law, take women freedoms, start bombings and all sort of killings.

    • Iwe Number 20 with the long name, you are just as useless as a creature that burys it’s head in the sand . Ati “However, we are not surprised by such hate language because it stems from the Declaration of Zambia as a Christian State, intolerant to other faiths and non-believers.” For your information, this @hate language@ as you call it stems from 9/11. 7/7, Tanzania and Kenya US embassy bombings, Boko Haram activities, Al Shebab activities, non freedom to display Christianity in Muslim countries etc. The list is endless! Best thing is just to do what Idi Amin did and chase these intolerant creatures out of Zambia!!

    • Bwalya,

      And how are you different from the Saudis?

      Here you are saying no Islam in Zambia. There they are saying no Christianity in Saudi.

      How are you different?

      You may disagree with the arguments against your position, bu the truth remains, you are forgetting that Zambia is not a theocracy, rather it is a democracy. Saudi, on the other hand, is a monarchical theocracy. Big difference there my friend!

      Stop being ignorant. Jesus will deny you if you continue on this course.

  16. Islam MUST not be tolerated in Zambia. Just look at Kenya, Nigeria somalia or any place and country where Islam is practiced. There will be killings like we have never seen before

  17. The issue of freedoms of worship does not apply to those who come in quietly but once they grow big, then they reveal their true colors. Extreme groups may not be restricted to Islam, but the fact is they dominate Islam. The reason is simple- Islam’s teachings and its enmity with Israel. the Koran call all non-Moslems as infidels and it encourages the elimination of these infidels. It promises people who die while killing the infidels marriages to at-least ten virgins in heaven. These and many other teachings inspire its adherents to become suicides bombers. This is why Islam should be restricted.

    • Oh! My God! Muslims who die while killing infidels are promised marriages to at least ten virgins in heaven? These guys have a big appetite for sex. Do they need to kill for such a useless promise of meeting ten virgins in heaven? They have been deceived. If they want all those virgins, they can still have them here on earth without killing any one. It seems they are preoccupied with sex and marriage. It is a religion that has no love at it’s centre.


  19. mpenduka kayula or whatever you call yourself do a lot of research on islam dominated nations.islam is a violent religious grouping they don’t no peace my friend, some countries have now regreted having allowed them in the first place.please Zambians lets not even waste time on these terrorists.

  20. islam is the only religion of truth.
    islam belives in the oneness of one creator who has no partners nor any offspring.
    Islam does not advocate killing or violence.
    There is no force in islam.
    it is the agenda of the jews and west to destablise islam and break it as it is the fastest growing religion in the world today.
    It is for this reason that the west will protray islam as a religion of terrorist.
    the truth is that the west will do this act of terrorism dressed in islamic attire and will make the world belive that Muslims are terrorist.
    its a pity that most zambians are getting carried away.
    My simple advise is that you should go to any one of their mosque and find out what is the true teaching of islam and what it stands for.
    please do not judge islam from the eye of the west

    • Soft stone you are the one who is getting carried away with the false teachings of Islam. Zambians are good people who have allowed many of your brothers from Somalia to stay in Zambia. If Islam was a true religion, it would have united Somalia. Infact many of your brothers have fled Somalia because of the same Islam. It is rather strange that even before external military interventation in Somalia, Muslims were killing each other like animals. The reason why the west do not want Islam is that it is a threat to their freedoms. A Christian cannot talk about Jesus in Saud Arabia, Pakistan but the same muslims want freedom of worship in Zambia. We are aware of your evil agenda. It is not the west which has portrayed Islam as bad, instead it is the terrorist groups from your Mosques.

  21. I have question for Muslims, why is that terrorists and extreme groups spread terror and violence in the name of Islam? It seems to me that there are many loopholes in the Qur’an and teachings of Islam. Allowing many Muslims in Zambia mean less security….Southern Africa is more peaceful because there are less Muslims.

  22. Very disappointed with my bululus who are so ignorant about Islam. The problem with most of you on this blog who are preaching religious intolerance don’t even know Islam. The Islam you know is the one you hear and see in the western media and all of you have jumped on the band wagon vilifying peace loving and God obeying Muslims. A few misguided individuals do not represent an entire faith of close to 2 billion people. Muslim extremist have political agendas and everything they do is against the teachings of Islam. Killing any living thing is prohibited in Islam except only in self defense. What Al Shabab, Al Qaeeda, Boko Haram or any Islamist terrorist organization did was not only appalling but are crimes against humanity and against Islam.

    • Thomas Phiri, you are a liar! Islam is not a reigion of peace. They are moderate in those countries where they are in minority. Just look at those countries where muslims dominate, like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc. Muslims kill non-musims and burn churches. What are you talking about man? So dont lie to us about Al-shabba, boko-haram, al-qaeida etc. In those Islamic countires if ordinary muslim are allowed to kill non-muslims.

    • The Crusader, the problem with people like you is that you choose what to read. Your assumption is not true. You need to know that through out time people have used religion to advance their political agenda. In those countries you’ve mentioned,It’s a criminal offense to kill. People are free to practice any religion and are protected by the Law. Of course there is some elements in those societies who are bend on sowing seeds of hatred but that shouldn’t be mistaken for Islamic teachings. It is prohibited to kill in Islam. Be it a Human being or any animal that does not mean you harm. Al- Quran 6:151 “…take not life, which God hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you, that ye may learn wisdom.

    • Islam considers all life forms as sacred. However, the sanctity of human life is accorded a special place. The first and the foremost basic right of a human being is the right to live. The Glorious Quran says: Al- Quran 5:32: “…if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.”Such is the value of a single human life, that the Quran equates the taking of even one human life unjustly, with killing all of humanity. Thus, the Quran prohibits homicide in clear terms. The taking of a criminal’s life by the state in order to administer justice is required to uphold the rule of law, and the peace and security of the society.

    • Only a proper and competent court can decide whether an individual has forfeited his right to life by disregarding the right to life and peace of other human beings.Islam enjoins upon all Muslims to work actively to maintain the balance in which God created everything. Terrorizing the civilian population can never be termed as jihad and can never be reconciled with the teachings of Islam. Al- Quran 5:2: “Do not let your hatred of a people incite you to aggression.” Al- Quran 5:8: “And do not let ill-will towards any folk incite you so that you swerve from dealing justly. Be just; that is nearest to heedfulness”Al- Quran 16:90 God commands justice and doing good and giving to relatives. And He forbids indecency and doing wrong and tyranny. He warns you so that hopefully you will pay…

    • Mr T Phiri, why is it that all these terrorists groups are from your Mosques? Are you aware that Christians cannot publicly confess their faith in countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Irag and many others? Right now there is a Pastor who has been jailed in Iran for preaching about Jesus. It is not the west which has told us about the evils of Islam. It is not the west which has informed me that groups like Al Shabaab, Boko Haram etc are from the Mosques. Do you know why Mursi was toppled by the Army in Egypt and had his Muslim Brotherhood party banned? The army realized that Mursi was promoting an agenda for Islam. Mr T. Phiri, you are being economical with truth and want to confuse us by quoting verses from the Koran. The Koran is a book which full of hatred and deception.

    • You Phiri start thinking dont be a zombie,i have a freind whose father mureded him for leaving islam 2 billion people doesnt make the religion right thats why christ says broad is the way that leads to destruction.
      Islam is sugar coated for you so that you join people dont this religion is EVIL
      Mudreing babies ia a shopping mall??they are just following the steps of muhhamad he murderd 900 jews is a day in ARABIA saying allah has sent him

      He was a homocidal maniac.

    • @ qwess the issue of Mursi in Egypt a totally a different issue all together. Don’t you know that Abdul Fattah Sisi the Head of the Egyptian armed forces is a Muslim. Don’t you know that almost 99% of Egyptians are Muslims and they’re the ones that raised against Mursi because he failed to run the country. For your own info I live in Egypt and I know the country better. Here Christians have their own radio/ tv stations they have collages come to Cairo you will see churches right in the middle of the city and they live in the same neighborhoods with Muslims.

    • Mr. Phiri, it good that you have quoted the Quran , but what I have seen in your quotes, Quran gives a permission to KILL under certain condition (in short doesn’t say you should not kill and it ends here). It’s the same UNLESS/ EXCEPT which your terrorist brothers are using, Al- Quran 6:151 “…take not life, , except by way of justice and law “ . Al- Quran 5:32: “…if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land”.
      The Egypt you mention, the Christian were killed like dogs and a lot of churches burnt. So which peaceful Islam are you talking about ?

  23. @ Soft Stone you say……”the truth is that the west will do this act of terrorism dressed in Islamic attire and will make the world believe that Muslims are terrorist” And my question remains, why do they do this in the name of Islam? And come on, we are not chjildren who do not know if some one is a Muslim or not but the fact is these people belong to terror groups leaders are Muslims….Fact!!!!! Take for instance Osama, his successor, leader of Boko Haram, Leader of Al- Shabab. Regardless of the teachings of Islam, why do all this people fall in the umbrella of Islam and use it for terror?

    • Beth,

      You seem to have a smart head on your shoulders, yet you are submitting yourself to scripting. Ask yourself this: How do you personally know these people? How did the information reach you? Did you seek it or did enter your consciousness subliminally? Somebody, I will bet you, brought to you. Did you ask yourself why?

      Flip the page to the next blank space. Did you ever seek the Christian faith or was it brought to you? Out of the whole cocktail of religions you chose Christianity. Did you ever do as much research on Christianity as you have done on Islam? Why not?

      I think you know where I am going with this.

      Don’t be scripted.

  24. Jihãd in the Qur’ãn
    The Initial Verses
    Let us now go to some verses from the Qur’ãn.
    The first battle fought by the Prophet and his followers was a war of defense. It is known as the Battle of Badr, a place that is near the city of Medina (the Prophet’s city in Arabia). This was a battle in which the Prophet came with his followers to face the enemy force that had come all the way from Mecca that was still controlled by the Quraish. The first verse of the minor jihãd, the armed struggle, revealed at that time is in Chapter 22, Surah Al-Hajj, of the Qur’ãn, verses 39-40. It clearly explains the purpose of the minor jihãd: “Permission is granted to those who are fighting because they have been oppressed…those who have been expelled from their homes without any just cause…” (Surah al-Hajj,

    • Mr THOMAS think first before you join some of these religions,my freind more knowledgeble and more inteligent people have tried and failed to defend islam.You know why? because its indefensible islam my freind was started by a man who many now are sure was not a stable man in the mind he worked on the ignorance and the backwardness of people to creat this religion which mentions no love but murder and hate.
      Ok you want verses i know from the KORAN here they are.

      Quran 2-191-93
      quran 2:244
      My freind there are more a religion which tells its followers to murder those that leave it can never be from God my freind.A moslem is orderd to mureder there own child if they leave islam can love br forced??

  25. Do you know Muslims believe that when one kills a Christian, theywill be rewarded with 52 virgins in heaven. Bare in mind that there must not necessarily be a cause to kill a Christian. Kids are told that Christians are infidels and hence are evil….

    • Steve were is your proof. Are you a Muslim. Don’t just puke without knowledge. You should be speaking from an informed point of view not just here say. I am a Zambian and a learned Muslim there is no were in the Qur’an or Hadeeth were it says what you’ve just puked. Islam teaches religious tolerance below is the chapter from the Holy Qur’an
      “Say: O those who do not believe! I do not worship what you worship. Nor do you worship what I worship. Nor am I going to worship what you worship. Nor are you going to worship what I worship. You shall have your religion, and I shall have my religion.” (Surah al-Kafiroon, 109:1-6)

  26. And why don’t we have christian extremists doing the same…why dont we have Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, who are terrorists? Why does it have to be Islam? If Savimbi was a muslim he would have used islam for his political gains….ya and Mushala was a Muslim he would have done the same.

    • Actually extremism knows no faith. The Buddhist extremists in Myanmar are currently violently exterminating the Rohingya Muslim minority in that country. In Indonesia there are Christian extremists waging violent attacks against the Muslims in that country. These are scenarios you refuse to read about or to even acknowledge. As far as I am concerned extremism in the name of any religion is what has messed up our world.

  27. Again, referring to the non-believers of Mecca who waged war after war against the Prophet and his followers in Medina, the Qur’ãn in Chapter 2, Surah al-Baqara, verse 190, says:
    “Fight in the way of God those who are fighting against you; and do not exceed (the limits). Verily Allãh does not love those who exceed (the limits).” (Surah al-Baqara, 2:190)
    In this verse, the talk is about responding to a war by defending yourself; there is no talk of initiating aggression at all. Even in the defensive mode of struggle, Almighty God warns the Muslims that they should not “exceed” beyond the proper limits.
    Islam teaches that Muslims should be strong in order to defend themselves, but that does not mean they have to become aggressive and unjust.

    • Dont be cheated by those who are busy choosing some verses for you and pretending allah and muhhamad were not demons just read the koran your self my dear its all murder and hate.
      How can a prophet of god order an inocent woman poet with sucking children to be assasinated while she is sleeping??
      Mr phiri think for yourself dont let those bearded terrorts to think for you.All your prophet knew aws muredr and rape.
      And eh be carefull when you resign from islam if you are in chipata come to lusaka because they will muredr you thats what AALAH says islam is a one way ticket go in alive and out DEAD what a relogion no wounder
      egypt iraq afganstan syria pakistan nigeria somalia mali philllipine etc are all in chaos its not an accident my freind thes religion is SICK

  28. This is not the question of religion….its about attitudes. do you mean Muslims are not Zambians? And Christianity does not mean peace…it is just a religion like any other. For the respect of God….Muslims too deserve the right to broadcast, people have a choice. Religion is one and Mankind is One, just like we are all Zambians. What did Jesus said..? hurt your fellow Zambian?

  29. In short, Islam wants Muslims to be strong so that others would not bully them; but then they have to extend the hand of peace even towards their enemies if there is an inclination of peace on the enemy’s part.
    The Problem of Text & Context
    Some writers and speakers quote the Qur’ãnic verses out of context and try to blame Islam for promoting violence and terrorism. They take a “text” and use it outside its “context”.
    It is just like someone searches through the Bible and picks the following words or sentences to prove that the Bible promotes violence:
    “Take all the leader of these people, kill them.” (Numbers 25:7)
    “Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.” (Numbers 31:17-18)

  30. “Kill every male and every woman who is not a virgin.” (Judges 21:11)
    No fair-minded person will accept such “out of context” presentation of the Biblical verses. Yet we see many Christian evangelists and missionaries do exactly the same to the Qur’an without any hesitation.
    So let us look at some examples of taking the Qur’anic “text” outside its “context”.

    • First Example
      Chapter 2 (Surah al-Baqara), verse 191 is quoted as follows:
      “Kill them wherever you find them.”
      To understand the full context of this verse, read verses 190 to 193 together:
      “And fight in the way of God those who are fighting against you, and do not exceed the limits, surely God does not love those who exceed the limits. And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out–persecution is severer than slaughter.
      And do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque [in Mecca] until they fight with you in it; but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers. But if they desist, then surely God is Forgiving, Merciful. And fight them until there is no persecution and religion should be only for God; but if they…

  31. First Example
    Chapter 2 (Surah al-Baqara), verse 191 is quoted as follows:
    “Kill them wherever you find them.”
    To understand the full context of this verse, read verses 190 to 193 together:
    “And fight in the way of God those who are fighting against you, and do not exceed the limits, surely God does not love those who exceed the limits. And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out–persecution is severer than slaughter.
    And do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque [in Mecca] until they fight with you in it; but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers. But if they desist, then surely God is Forgiving, Merciful. And fight them until there is no persecution and religion should be only for God; but if they…

  32. Second Example
    Chapter 4 (Surah an-Nisaa), verse 74 which supposedly encourages blood shedding:
    “So let those fight in the way of God who are willing to sell this world’s life for the hereafter; and whoever fights in the way of God, then be he slain or be he victorious, We shall grant him a mighty reward.” (Surah an-Nisaa, 4:74)
    Those who quote this verse, conveniently leave out the next verse no. 75 which explains the purpose and justification for the minor jihãd:
    “And what is the matter with you that you do not fight in the way of God for [the sake of] the oppressed men, women, and children who pray: ‘Our Lord, take us out of this town whose people are oppressors, and appoint for us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper…” (Surah an-Nisaa, 4:75)

  33. his verse is clearly urging the Muslim to stand up for the oppressed men, women and children. Should not divine religions defend the oppressed men, women and children?

  34. Conclusion
    From these examples, it is quite clear that Islam is not talking about the minor jihãd for the sake of aggression; rather it is allowing the Muslims to physically defend their lives, properties, and lands against any aggression, and also to fight for ending tyranny against the oppressed men, women and children.
    The verses regarding the idol-worshippers of Mecca are very specific and related to that time period. Let us again look at Chapter 22, verses 39-40:
    “Permission (to fight) is granted to those who are fighting because they have been oppressed, and most surely God is well able to assist them. Those who have been expelled from their homes without a just cause except that they say, ‘Our Lord is Allah.’ (Surah al-Hajj, 22:39)

  35. “Had there not been God’s repelling some people by others, certainly the monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which God’s name is mentioned would have been demolished. And surely God will help him who helps His cause; most surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.” (Surah al-Hajj, 22:40)


    • @Bwalya, You don’t even know your religion so i think it’s just going to be a waste of time debating with you. No one is forcing you to accept what I just said and the reason why I wrote all that was to educate you about Islam, Which most of my fellow Zambians know nothing about. If you are wise you will take a leaf from that if you’re not then stick to what you already know. I urge you if you believe in God to stop undermining and insulting prophets and messengers of God just because you don’t agree with their message. Muslims follow all the prophets of God from Adam to Mohammed and if you insult any of them you attract the wrath of God.

  36. Islam deals with the realistic human society and not with the idealistic society. In the words of Dr. Sayyid Hussain Nasr, “Muslims view the Christian ethics as being too sublime for ordinary human beings to follow; it seems that the injunction to turn the other cheek was being meant only for saints. Christian people over the centuries have not shown any more restraint in war than have non-Christians. The ideal preached and the practice followed have often little to do with each other.”[2]

  37. Let us conclude with the chapter 109 of the Qur’ãn:
    “Say: O those who do not believe! I do not worship what you worship. Nor do you worship what I worship. Nor am I going to worship what you worship. Nor are you going to worship what I worship. You shall have your religion, and I shall have my religion.” (Surah al-Kafiroon, 109:1-6)

  38. No matter what you right, and quote those quotes, the fact remains the same that we dont want Islam in Zambia. Zambia is a christian nation and Jesus Christ is Lord over Zambia. The government has taken a good position on this issue and its welcome. There is no compromise on this issue. Zambia is for Jesus.

    • Zambia is a Zambian nation were all Zambians of any kind should have the same rights. Whats so Christian about Zambia anyway. You’re too quick to quote Zambia as a Christian nation when this was imposed on us by FTJ. You forget the motto on our Court of Arms which say One Zambia One Nation. Do you think our founding fathers were stupid to have come up with that motto. Our founding fathers foresaw a Zambia were any Zambian of any kind will stand strong and free. It’s this motto that has kept us United and religion has nothing to do with the peace we enjoy in our motherland. Don’t confuse yourself my brother. Zambia is for all Zambians

    • Crusader,

      Just in case your dictionary never gave you a better and convincing example of ignorance. Wonder no more because your posting, this very one, is the best illustration. A classic!

  39. Thomas, what worries me about religious books is how full of carnage it is. Even before we had coined the term crimes against humanity, they were being perpetrated with full justification that in today’s world has no place. I don’t think that 21st Century imperatives must be ruled over by 9th Century edicts whether these are from a Christian religion, or any other for that matter. We need to reposition our entire way of looking at life in this very connected world and use these advantages to further our kind and not justify bloodletting of any description.

    • Even though Zambia is for all Zambians it does not mean allowing blood thirst religions to take a centre stage in our country. That’s why even though Zambia is for all Zambians there are Zambians who are in jail. are you saying they should be releases because Zambia is for all Zambians. we don’t want jihad


    • Bwalya, do not play expedience – I have not referred to New or Old Testament. Why do you still have the Old and the New in one book if not to acknowledge the ENTIRE Bible and then in the same breath conveniently explain away the Old Testament? My point is about carnage references in the SCRIPTURES! There was NO BIBLE as we know it in the old days for your information. In fact, Jesus was NEVER a Christian – you, the followers are the ones who created Christianity by declaring to follow him. I am not in for wagers here – I am stating FACTS as they are, not selective justice. I do not even care if one entire set of scripture refers to murderous inclinations while the other one glorifies its gory past…

    • Kolak,

      Jesus was not a Christian. It beats me how so many people fail to realize this.

      But I must say this, it is evident that there are very few sober minded people here. If I were Jesus, I would not want any of these ignorant people in my camp. I would not be intolerant of their religious leanings but their ignorance. Their refusal to think.

      They are like political cadres on the streets only claiming to be Christians. They don’t even know what it means to be Christian. I wonder how many of them have even read the bible from cover to cover and really understand what it says.

    • That is bound to happen wherever you have sectarian strife coming up to the surface. Notice how Northern Ireland was almost messed up by Catholic versus Protestant splits… I still maintain that extremism in any religion is the root. It is most pronounced by those religions that emphasize literal translations of already murderous references (‘God bless us as we assert our superiority – so-called blessed to kill’ nonsense). Whether or not they are quoting their scripture, fanaticism resulting from extremism is always murderous.

  40. Zambia is a christian national, lets not bring in confusion we don’t want mixed religions. Learn what is happening around the world. let them worship silently no broadcasting at all.

    You will bring a watchman’s donkey story thing in Zambia.

    The late President Chiluba foresaw these things to declare Zambia a christian nation,MHSRIP Period and confusion at all. Note that Christians respect life and Zambia is peaceful lets keep our God given peace, not mixtures.

    • Chiluba declared Zambia a Christian nation. Not Jesus!

      Do you stop and wonder why things are going so wrong in Christ’s country? Paying attention?

      Over there. Look over there. Do you see the face in the mirror? That is what is wrong!

      Declaring Zambia a Christian nation was divisive to start with because, as you correctly stated, only one person saw it fit based on his religious emotions. Intelligent people don’t do that. They begin by raising the thinking capacity of people first and then sell them on an ideology. But that would be too much to expect from an ignorant person like FTJ. What did he know?

  41. Muslims are a danger in every society where they live. They are good at brain washing and turning young people into hard-core radicals. You have to keep an eye on them and watch their activities. Their aim is to enforce their barbaric ‘sharia law’ worldwide. Who wants Islam in Zambia?

    • I conquer with, these guys are actually difficulty to stay with even just as neighbours they don’t believe in coexistence with other religions, my fellows Zeds open your eyes I beg you, don’t destroy what you already have other wise you will leave to regret and it will be to late reverse. We want to come home and find the peace we left.

  42. Reading Bloggers Comments, I can see how intolerant Zambians have become and a GAP / education about tolerance. Yes we are a Christian nation and what does Christianity teach us? Love your neighbor as yourself. I am Zambian Christian working in a Muslim world where Christians are allowed to worship and build churches. I think other than being Cynical; let us truly see what our Muslim brothers want. Such comments by bloggers of oppression are the cause of resistance and other bad things that have happened in the UK / US. Let people be free in a controlled environment. I feel as a Christian nation we can do better. So let’s hold our guns than just generalize.

    • Sir, what you have said is good but look at the nations where islam is, its one fight after another. Compare the regions dominated by islam and those not in peace terms. Southern Africa is peaceful because theres no Islamic nation. Look at West Africa were islam is predominant, civil wars, coups of governments is like a hobby, burning of churches. Have you ever heard of the burning of mosques in Nigeria or any other west African country? Love does not mean docility. Zambians don’t take your peace for granted. If peace has been with us without Islamic radios let it be so. period.

    • @ The Prophetic Voice: I understand your stance but let’s look at history of West Africa; there has always been unrest, nothing to do with religion. Have you heard of the Biafra war?? The fights in Ivory Coast etc. Forget the North Nigeria because they just wanted to be a separate country. Zambia is different, all I am saying is don’t oppress or be so intolerant,As that is the seed of evil. As a country we can control content of these radio stations. As a peaceful country even the so called radical Islamist would have no place in the midst of peaceful Zambian Christian and Muslims. We have mosques already in our Country, have we heard of any violence. Brothers and sisters let us step back look at facts than generalize. Our Loving Zambian values always make us much stronger as a nation.

  43. Most Zambians who are muslims are there because they promised them one help or the other not because they were convicted in their hearts and surrendered there lives to muhamed. They promise them scholarships, jobs, money, food etc. As Thomas Phiri has rightly acknowledged clearly that islam teaches vengeance against those they perceive are their enemies or are taking what belongs to them. I would like to challenge Thomas Phiri with his society to publish a strong worded statement in the media condemning what book haram is doing in Nigeria and what happened in Kenya and state below that statement – Islamic society of Zambia and to be signed by their excutive the same way our Church mother bodies do when they don’t approve of something. Come Thomas prove by this that Islam is peaceful

    • The Prophetic Voice, You’re misquoting what I said. You’ve read what I’ve said but you didn’t understand. First of all. I did not become a muslims because of the reasons you’ve mentioned in your post. God is the only one who guides to the straight path. You shouldn’t speak on behalf of anyone unless you have facts. I’m not here to convince anyone. I’m just teaching you what you didn’t know about Islam. What I’ve said is the truth. I’ve brought forward scriptures from the Qur’an to back my argument. Now it’s up to you to believe the Islamist terrorists and take them as representing true Islam, or the Scriptures that gives the true picture of Islam. GOD COMMANDS FORGIVENESS NOT REVENGE. Below are the verse from the Qur’an.

    • We did not create the heavens and earth and everything between them, except with truth. The Hour is certainly coming, so forgive with fair forbearance. (Qur?an, 15:85)
      Those of you possessing affluence and ample wealth should not make oaths that they will not give to their relatives and the very poor and those who have made emigration in the way of God. They should rather pardon and overlook. Would you not love God to forgive you? God is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Qur?an, 24:22)
      Make allowances for people? (Qur?an, 7:199)
      A good action and a bad action are not the same. Repel the bad with something better and, if there is enmity between you and someone else, he will be like a bosom friend.? (Qur?an 41:34)

    • A good action and a bad action are not the same. Repel the bad with something better and, if there is enmity between you and someone else, he will be like a bosom friend.? (Qur?an 41:34)
      The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But if someone pardons and puts things right, his reward is with God. Certainly He does not love wrongdoers.? (Qur?an, 42:40)
      those who give in times of both ease and hardship, those who control their rage and pardon other people ? God loves the good-doers” (Qur?an, 3:134)
      You will never cease to come upon some act of treachery on their part, except for a few of them. Yet pardon them, and overlook. God loves good-doers. (Qur?an, 5:13

  44. He is Allah, the Lord of alameen’mankind to Him belongs the best names.on the day of judgement only believers will prosper

    namely, those who believe in Allah ( God).
    those who believe in His book ( Torah ‘the original old testament, Zubur’ original book of psalms given to David, Injeer ‘original new testament given to Jesus, Qur’an given to Muhammad’saw, ‘may peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all.
    those who believe in His angels’ Gabriel, Micheal etc
    those who believe good and bad were created to taste the son of Adam.
    those who believe in the meeting of their Lord on the day of judgement.
    those who perfom 5 prayers a day to purify themselves .
    those who believe…

    • Mr Thomas Phiri and your society I would like you to prove to Zambians that Islam is peaceful by publishing in our major newspapers a strong statement condemning and denouncing Boko Haram and all their activities in Nigeria, the Kenya Killings and at the end of that statement sign Islamic Society of Zambia , may we can give you a benefit of doubt. Alsochallenge all moslems in those countries to publish statements dis-associating themselves from those blood thirst Islamic fundamentalists. By the way is it a coincidence that only regions in the world not predominant with islam are peaceful.

  45. History of Tolerance
    Muslims ruled Spain for roughly 800 years. During this time, and up until they were finally forced out, the non-Muslims there were alive and flourishing. Additionally, Christian and Jewish minorities have survived in the Muslim lands of the Middle East for centuries. Countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan all have significant Christian and/or Jewish populations.
    This is not surprising to a Muslim, for his faith prohibits him from forcing others to see his point of view. The Glorious Quran says: Al- Quran 2:256 “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things.”


    • You phiri you need deliverance as we would say egypt syria lebanon jordan etc all have significant christian populations??do you know that all these countries were christan before your prophets murderers arrived and murderd them into submission.
      So your so called imams are drilling all this in your one sided brain till they tell you to finally prove you love alah by killing a feww people and going to marry in heaven think dont follow a DEMON

  46. From the Life of the Prophet
    Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) sent a message to the monks of Saint Catherine in Mount Sinai:
    “This is a message written by Muhammad ibn Abdullah, as a covenant to those who adopt Christianity, far and near, we are behind them. Verily, I defend them by myself, the servants, the helpers, and my followers, because Christians are my citizens; and by Allah! I hold out against anything that displeases them. No compulsion is to be on them. Neither are their judges to be changed from their jobs, nor their monks from their monasteries. No one is to destroy a house of their religion, to damage it, or to carry anything from it to the Muslims’ houses. Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil God’s covenant and disobey His Prophet.

  47. Verily, they (Christians) are my allies and have my secure charter against all that they hate. No one is to force them to travel or to oblige them to fight. The Muslims are to fight for them. If a female Christian is married to a Muslim, this is not to take place without her own wish. She is not to be prevented from going to her church to pray. Their churches are to be respected.They are neither to be prevented from repairing them nor the sacredness of their covenants. No one of the nation is to disobey this covenant till the Day of Judgment and the end of the world.

  48. Far from being a militant dogma, Islam is a way of life that transcends race and ethnicity. The Glorious Quran repeatedly reminds us of our common origin: Al- Quran 49:13 “O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).” Thus, it is the universality of its teachings that makes Islam the fastest growing religion in the world.

    • Go ask the police? What I know is that we do not practice blood rituals in Islam. I can only urge you to learn about Islam. Bakamunya still exist Muzambia, haven’t you heard of Taxi drivers saga in Zambia. The Ruth Mbandu Saga were her uncle is said to have been involved. Are the perpetrators Muslims also. Kikikikiki. May God guide you. Have a nice day brother or sister or whatever you are.

    • @Thomas Phiri: This clearly shows the ignorance of the Good and bad of Islam. Being Christian living in Muslim State, I can see the negative perceptions of our brothers back home. All forgotten that Dubai and others are all in Islamic Country UAE. Let’s look at the tolerance in Gulf Countries?? On Christianity?? These are things even our Ministers do not understand hence such wrong statements. Forget about some of the comments. It’s just a Gap of understanding in our community. We hope the Government will not be radical on the matter but consult people that are not cynical. Nice Debate and good luck to every Zambian.

  49. This matter needs dealt with extreme precaution. These kind of pronouncements can be dangerous to our Country. Whilst we should not condone extremism we need to tread with care so that we are not perceived as antagonistic and clamping down on other faiths who have co-existed for generations. Those of us who lived in Lusaka during the Southern Africa Countries liberation struggles remember quite well the invasion by rebel Rhodesia forces, air raids and letter bombs etc. Al Shabaab is capable of causing worse destruction. This threat is by far much greater than beating up & shooting defenceless Barotse youths and oldmen which could have given some people false courage. Tread with care, engage muslim communities on concerns, who also have interests in Zambia to protect.

  50. How can Permanent Secretary Emmanuel Mwamba, a civil servant, be the chairman of something called Independent Broadcasting Authority. How can it be independent when it has a representative of govt?

  51. I have enjoyed your contributions and most of the arguments either side of the divide are quiet intelligent.

    However,I have noted with dismay hate and prejudice from some Christian fanatics.Islam and Christianity are “guest” religions to Zambia as the locals mostly worhips idols or were animists.

    Without being blind to the transgressions of some Muslims we should bear in mind that Joseph Kony,leader of the Lords Resistance Army of Uganda, has commited crimes against humanity that makes what the muslims did at Westgate a “mockery”.

    The failure of an ordinary christian mind to understand and fully grasp this religious discourse is the separation of the church and state.Unfortunately, they want to use the same prism to understand Islam.

    To me,Savimbi,Gorge Bush,…

  52. All suicide bombers are Moslem’s, all terrorist are Moslem’s, the Kenya killing was done by Moslem’s, remember the September 11. There will never be anything good about this religion, if anything we have been too good to these *****s, its time we started destroying their Mosques which are all over Lusaka now. Can Christians be allowed to broadcasts in their countries? do unto others what you excerpt others to do unto you. These imbeciles are a danger to our country and its time sorted them out. What e retrogressive religion full of killing teachings.

  53. It is important to recognize when something is full. Even in a free market environment. 21 Radio Stations and how many in Chama? Lusaka has too many mini buses. Perhaps that could also be considered full for new licenses to be issued.

  54. Ever wondered why those countries with majority Christians are peaceful?

    Islam is only religion of peace when they are a minority but the moment they grow in number then killings of infindels begins.

    Zambia should not allow such religous extremism to flourish.

  55. Please govt leaders of this nation,we plead with you as people who make up the govt,that do not allow anymore Islamic activities in our nation than we already have.If you want to come and regret your actions allow these people to go ahead with what they want.Otherwise,they are wolves in sheep’s garments.Islam is evil,we have heard so much about them.Why should we tolerate them when themselves can’t tolerate Christianity in their homelands like Saudi Arabia?

  56. If you give these guys an inch, they will be asking for a mile. In their numbers are some extremists who will soon start demanding for sheria law in Zambia. And they will be telling us to convert to Islam or die and these mindless extremists are prepared to kill at any cost as we have seen in other parts of the world where they have been allowed to operate and I don’t believe Zambia as a country has the means and resource to deal with this kind of thing.

  57. Fellow Zambians don’t waste your time arguing with these terrorist who come with sweet tongue and a pretence of knowledge from their little book. This Thomas Phiri is about to graduate into a terrorist if he is not already one. Perhaps he is not even in Egypt . He could be in Somalia at a madrasa or in north east Nigeria with boko harum .you won’t convince him. But hoary to the PS I love him already . No to an Islamic radio the fewer Thomas phi rims we have in the world the better

  58. Also Thomas since you a such a convincing scholar of Islam,why don’t you first go and preach to Boko haram in Nigeria who claim to understand and accept Islam except that they misunderstand the Koran. It should be easier to convince them don’t you think. I think if you make those guys repent and stop killing fellow Africans you would at least get people who don’t understand your religion start admiring it and perhaps consider it.

    Truth is you can’t and chances are that you will be convinced by them and work to eliminate infidels. There is poverty every where but only in certain parts of the world is religion used to justify cruelty and we know what’s special about those regions.

  59. Also Thomas since you a such a convincing scholar of Islam,why don’t you first go and preach to Boko haram in Nigeria who claim to understand and accept Islam except that they misunderstand the Koran. It should be easier to convince them don’t you think. I think if you make those guys repent and stop killing fellow Africans you would at least get people who don’t understand your religion start admiring it and perhaps consider it.

    Truth is you can’t and chances are that you will be convinced by them and work to eliminate infidels. There is poverty every where but only in certain parts of the world is religion used to justify cruelty and we know what’s special about those regions.

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