Friday, March 7, 2025

RTSA refuses to meet Solomon Jere who accused the agency of making PF unpopular


Deputy Inspector General of Police Solomon Jere
Deputy Inspector General of Police Solomon Jere

The Road Traffic and Safety Agency has refused to meet deputy Inspector General of Police Solomon Jere who has accused the agency of making the Patriotic Front unpopular by maintaining roadblocks, for among other things stopping drunken driving.

The agency feels that they have a duty to save lives and not promote political interests at the expense of road safety.

The stand off started last week on Saturday after the agency was stopped from mounting checkpoints to monitor drunk and driving offenders.

Dr Jere, who stormed a checkpoint which was mounted on the Great East road around Lusaka’s Chainama area on Saturday night after a lady indentified as Monica called him “for help”, threatened RTSA officers of arrest and accused agency of making the ruling party unpopular.

He told the traffic officers that they did not have any power and authority to mount a checkpoint without the presence of police, adding that grabbing of car keys and impounding motor vehicles would cause problems for the police, RTSA and the government.

“Stop this mess we are having here, these officers are grabbing ma drivers licence ya bantu, they are grabbing ma keys ya bantu without any police presence; on their own they have mounted ma road blocks.”

And RTSA chief executive officer Zindaba Soko’s attempt to save her officers was met with force and resistance from Dr Jere who insisted that the agency was operating illegally by checking drunk driving drivers.

Soko wanted explained that drunk driving was a serious offence punishable according to the laws of the land but Dr Jere was in no compromising mood. He started mobilizing police officers from Chelstone and Ben Mwiinga Police Station for reinforcement while vehicle owners took advantage of the development and demanded to have their vehicles back.

He said that “Some of these people whose vehicles have been impounded are not drunk, the officers are using emotion and not reason. Mr Soko, can you clear this mess or I order police to arrest these officers,” said Dr Jere.

However, Soko insisted that no one would be arrested because his officers were just carrying out constitutional duties which were in the best interest of the nation, government and the police itself.

“Which rule are you using?” asked Dr Jere before officers from RTSA responded by saying “The road traffic Act, it says any road traffic officer in uniform employed by RTSA or any police officer can impound or arrest a vehicle which is alleged to have committed a criminal offence,” the officer read the act.

Jere told the officers that he was the first vice-chairman of the RTSA board and that there was nothing that the junior officers would tell him as armed police officers were waiting for orders.

Officers explained to Dr Jere that they were not pleased with him because he had incited drivers to rebel against the law, “when you are saying in the presence of the offenders that we don’t have powers to do that it dents the image of RTSA. I don’t want the name of the IG, I don’t want the name of the police and that of government to be brought into ridicule, at this road block what books are you using, pakucharging’a bantu aba mwatengela makey namamotoka?”

But when Dr Jere was reminded that the people who had their vehicles impounded were contributing to the increase in road traffic accidents, Dr Jere lambasted the officers for allowing RTSA officers mounting check points at night inspecting people who are drunk and driving.

And Soko attempted to explain the operation which started in January this year failed as Dr Jere kept on threatening officers with arrests saying:

“Are you doing it on your own. Which books are using to charge these people? Don’t laugh Soko, you see we have a lot of confusion on the road, you see, and by this act of an activity it is making government unpopular, it is making the law enforcers difficult to operate. We need to be organised. Number one these officers have grabbed ma keys ya bantu, these are not impoundable offences they have committed but others are impoundable offences.”

He said that there was no mess which he needed to clear, saying that he was concerned about the attitude and action of Dr Jere.

“We have a problem here, then let us come and discuss the matter at the office, lets normalise the operations-come to our office and discuss. You must be concerned because lets us apply the law effectively. Mr Soko; we formed RTSA and I was the first one to be on the board of RTSA, and I understand the law. Don’t talk-I am talking to you, I am talking to you. Do you understand the purpose of RTSA ,” Dr Jere said.

He told RTSA officers that they did not have powers to mount any road block and impound vehicles as there was no law that supported the action by RTSA.

Dr Jere then “ordered” Road Traffic and Safety Agency (RTSA) chief executive officer Zindaba Soko to stop road blocks without police officers and asked to meet him at his office yesterday but Soko did not go there.

The police have embarked on redeeming the Patriotic Front’s dwindling popularity in Lusaka by, among others, urging the RTSA to stop enforcing traffic rules at night.

Solomon Jere, has accused the Road Traffic and Safety Agency (RTSA) of making the Patriotic Front unpopular by mounting nighttime road patrols and checkpoints.

[Daily Nation]


    • Failed state. The President Vs ZWD Jere + Monica vs Road…. KAbimba vs GBM, Chikwelete Vs Guy scot, Nchito vs…..CJ vs Highcourt Judges, Cadre vs Cadres, I dont know experimental design this is???????
      Malupenga Vs Mwamba;

    • Ba useless elder Solomon Jere u are embarrassing yo church. How related are u wot Monica for u to drive all the way to Chainama? Nyele is making u abuse yo powers.

  1. RTSA its simple here. Work with police when mounting those road blocks like you do during the day simple. Accidents on high ways are high. Why not conducting high way patrols than kubisamina be bayenda kuma nyumba?

    • No where in the world agencies like RATSA conducts road blocks its just the police…. Ratsa don’t have uniform apart from those Kamwala made reflectors .All they want is to accumulate allowances by being on the road.

  2. I think the only lawful Law enforcers in this regard are the police! RATSA should at all cost request the permission of the police to put up a road block. What if the worst happens, God forbid, that a stopped motorist is armed! what will RATSA protect itself with? what law will the RATSA offers use to protected themselves if any person dies in the process of their operation? That is purely the work of the police office, if they are incompetent lets raise up such issues not encouraging anybody to pitch up tent on our roads in the guise of Law enforcement!

    • It happened a couple of months ago, a female RTSA officer was killed by a truck in lusaka at a check point.
      Police and RTSA put your pride aside, forget old and present scores and work together for the good of all road users and educate the public about road safety and not drink and drive please. Police arrest all drink drive offenders courts impose fines, bans and RTSA points on lecense. Police curb inexperienced drivers, cars not road worthy and unlisenced vehicles from our roads.
      I have a provisional Lisence, a vehicle which is road worhty and full comprehensive insurance, cannot drive on the roads here without L plates and an an experienced driver with me. Kuno you go on the road cops will just tap your car reg and your details are all laid bare about the car and driver.

  3. Solomon Jere should be questioned on how he gave the number to Monica. Does it mean who ever is in the same situation will rescued by Solomon Jere? I need his number in case I’m in the same situation this Friday.


  4. Ratsa boss is very stupid indeed,he has no powers to mount checkpoints without the presence of state police,though allegations of corrupt practices by police are very high,Ratsa is corrupt too, jere on this one l salute you,those civilians are not trained properly to handle motorists,if he wants let him remove all police officers attached to his agency after all its not police work to test and issue drivers licenses like what is happening here at Luanshya Ratsa,Police officers with no knowledge and driving skills are the ones testing drivers, very sad situation.

  5. This so called also abused his authority coz he respond to this incident over a phone call and i think by the time they phoned him was at home,so are there no other officers who could have responded to this,better to let RTSA do the job coz in some areas every police officer want to be traffic officer for example at Siavonga turn off along Chirundu road,

  6. RTSA is doing the right thing drink driving needs to be stopped in Zambia no two ways about and from what i here they don’t take bribes. The big issue here should be this corrupt Jere how does a professional at such a high level of office abuse his power like this just to save some chick. He should be stood down and investigated for abuse of office.

  7. Don t be a fool Pa ZED . Any one can call for help from a public officer and if you did not know top police officer’s phone number are always displayed at the Police so don’t make an issue when you don’t have data. You Find RATSA mounting a check point outside a bar in KITWE parkland’s shopping complex in the name of checking for drunken drivers.

  8. Truth be told road blocks are a major source of income and both state police and Ratsa staff are culpable beneficiaries of this hence the confrontation between the 2 units……..the scuffle is not a Soko-Jere intellectual affair (they are brothers) but each seems to want their rank and file to ‘go to the party’ and complete building their houses which have been financed from road block income..Are you not even surprised that the total number of policemen at road blocks at any given time far surpasses that of policemen and women working at police stations or on other regular beats…Would it even shock you to learn that it is only in recent years that policemen are even suffering from gout due to increased consumption of red meat because their income has expanded.

  9. Dr Jere, to save PF you’d sacrifice Zambian citizens? The number of people whose lives were saved from drunken driving on Saturday night are worth more than your precious Monica.

    How many kids were to become orphaned? How many were to become maimed and injured?

    For you its popularity that matters? Shame on you and all that support you! You want to support drunken drivers and people unqualified to drive? You are a contradiction to the uniform you wear.

    Your Monica friend, is the same person that “dusted” the reporter. If she is so right, why was she unwilling to show her face and speak reasonably? Think! She had broken the law and wanted aquick way out!

    • @ok, am not a PF lover am with Dr Jere on this one. cum to kitwe amn you will see how much of a nuisence RATSA have becum. lets follow the right procedure. lets not support nonsense

  10. For you people that are angry at RTSA for having check points at pubs or close thereto, you baffle me and most right thinking people. Some have gone so far as to ask why pubs have car parks! You are truly shocking!

    Try drinking and driving in any civilised country and see what happens to you! Even just drinking a bottle of beer on the streets is illegal in most countries.

    If chamba smoking was fashionable and yet illegal and if DEC arrested you for possession, would you also call Solomon because an “illegal” arrest had been made? Solo, would you support Monica then, if she was caught by RTSA for possession of Chamba??? What about if she ploughed through a group of kids because she was too drunk to drive sensibly, would it be RTSAs fault too?

    Solomon when there is an accident…

    • I think DEC has powers to arrest while RTSA does not , so until that is changed , traffic police have to be present at road blocks . Additionally , how can we be sure that crooks cannot impersonate RTSA officers and ” IMPOUND ” vehicles . Road blocks should be mounted with proper authority and identification or else there will be confusion !

  11. No where in the world agencies like RATSA conducts road blocks its just the police….Research. Ratsa don’t have uniform apart from those Kamwala made reflectors .All they want is to accumulate allowances by being on the road.

  12. Doctor Jere was very much right on this one.These RTSA chaps are overzerous for nothing.What cariteria were they using to judge that one was above the limit.All they want is to make allowances these *****s.stop harrasing innocent motorists.


  14. Again a woman has made a man of Dr Jere to abuse his office. can he tell us whether it is right for someone who is drunk to drive? do we allow a defective vehicle to be on the road at night to make PF popular? Let us be sensible. Separate politics from policing. follow what the law says, do not be swayed by a woman’s opinion about ‘you’ or how you got your promotion. You were elevated in order to add sanity in the service. you are also not different from the MMD IG who supported people who told Ms Nawakwi that they would gang rape her.
    It is sad that you cant use your degree to make a difference.

  15. Mr Soko you are a professional. Don’t be intimidated by party cadres who are loyal to the ruling party and the appointing authority by doing wrong things. Its very unprofessional for two highest offices to start exchanging words in presence of the offenders.It is an offense to drive while drunk. Continue doing the right thing. Mr Jere relinquish your position and become a party cadre. Wrong people doing wrong things to please the government in office. We want principled people like Mr Soko who can uphold the constitution without fear or favor. If I was the appointing authority I was going to drop Mr Jere and promote Mr Soko.

  16. The road traffic act states that any road traffic officer in uniform employed by RTSA or any police officer can impound or arrest a vehicle which is alleged to have committed a criminal offense

  17. I want RATSA to xplain to me, how many days as grace period for someone to renew is Road tax? Is there a grace Period for this?

  18. .. The police should mount road blocks and the RATSA should insue licences to certify that the vehicle on the road is road worthy.. By inspecting them (vehicle) at their depot not on roads. The police must check for these vehicles that they certified in addition to controlling traffic and mounting road blocks. Surprisingly the police collect fines from defected vehicles. What are those fines for??? RATSA’s duty to oversee this when i specting the vehicle and recommand it for mechanical service within weeks or months after a failed test. The vehicle to be brought again for inspection

  19. Agree only police shud mount rbs. The only issue here is jere’s cadrism has been unprofessional in his outburst and lambasting RTSAlike that. Pipo hate pf already for abroagating the Public Order Act, denying Opposition Parties the freedom of assembly. Jere’s pf cadre.

  20. Kajimaamano is talking about separation of powers between Police & RAT SA. whereas RAT SA does administrative work of checking road worthiness of vehicles while the police mount road blocks and remove defective vehicles. However, both should check it other works.

  21. Was Dr J drunk?Yeah cops use fake reciept books @ most R/blocks but bcoz of the rank and file its hard to prove this.Drunk driving shud not be encouragd!bravo RTSA.Weldone Soko.

  22. Zambia,,,sure bukacha lisa all that nonsense is avoidable in this modern time.Just make an improvement on the IT.Does it take people to make a queue just to have a tax disc,no bane we don’t need that.This area is cardinal in development,some countries you will never see or know any official at such government offices you only receive correspondence reminding you of maybe a traffic offence you commited or your road tax about to expire.At a click of your finger in your chair all is completed without going to see who. All this only bring icibeleshi………

  23. I have studied the DEC Act, the ACC Act, The RTSA Act and the Zambia Police Act. My research has shown that there is a lot of comingling and parallel systems particularly when it comes to charging alleged offenders. It is hight time the functions of the statutory bodies are harmonised.

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