Sunday, March 9, 2025

Inter-denominational Prayer Service for Zambia to be held on Sunday



The Three Church mother bodies namely the Council of Churches in Zambia, the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia and the Zambia Episcopal Conference will be holding an interdenominational national prayer service to pray for our country Zambia.

The prayer service which is open to all citizens of the country has been called by the three church mother bodies to pray to lift the nation to God on issues that have affected the nation in the recent past.

We shall be praying for peace in the nation as we celebrate the 49th independence anniversary, political harmony in the country, transformative leadership at all levels of society, the national leadership in government, csos and traditional leaders.

Other issues the church will be praying for are the rule of law, governance and governance institutions, road accidents, constitution making process and corrupt free school examinations.

The church will also be praying for the national budget, favourable rainfall, timely distribution of inputs, job creation and the media.

All peace loving Zambians are invited to this National Prayer Service to be held at The Cathedral of the Holy Cross this Sunday, 6th October, 2013 starting at 14:00 hours.
To this effect every church in the nation is requested to take a moment during their Sunday worship services to pray for Zambia’s peace and tranquility.

Love Joy and Peace
Rev Suzanne Matale
General Secretary
Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ)


  1. A very good initiative. I will remember my beloved country too. I know the church is exercising its prophetic role. The pact Sata made with the axis of evil forces has to be broken.I thought it was 50th anniversary and not 49th.

    • Don’t forget the rosaries.

      These prayers may not be heard because most of the preachers in Zambia are frauds. You are better off praying in your house genuinely not asking poor people for tithe.

  2. You cant do a thing without insulting the head of state. Please you are forgiven because you do not know what you are doing.

  3. After the service and prayer, let it be followed by action. Faith without work is dead. The church should start demanding for the laws to be put in place to stop corruption. Road accidents happening everyday need action. Church should demand that president tells us what he is doing about it….def these are preventable. Even chikopa and constitution making process, lets demand that we put to rest these issues

  4. Yes I can see that Zambians are becoming vigilant. We need to ‘close’ our eyes in prayer so that we can RETURN to our DOCILE state. Amen

  5. Add this prayer request: UPND rally. That it goes well as it will take place on the same day. Pray that there’s no violence. It will be the rally of rallies. It couldn’t have come at the right time when the country is running on auto pilot and the PF is in total disarray. I just hope that UPND will invite other players to their rally so that they do not make it just a UPND rally. Apart from FDD, ZAREP and ABZ, all the other parties should be fair game to invite. Let this be a unifying rally on the road to unifying the polarized opposition. You wont have a better time than this, when Ukwa is in a coma.

    • look at the parties u ve mentioned. U want to upnd to ve a pact with them, swallow, confuse and dump them.
      This is why HEMCS says there no opposition in zambia; there is nothing to celebrate about whats happening in pf so what better time are talking about.

  6. It is about time the Church started to work again. We were asleep as Christians for too long. MA PASTOR ba Nyanya ku Vala ma pink suits, even the ones the colour of Mwandaba and Lavender.

  7. @ Nubian Princes who told you that people who go to church and give tithe are poor. On the contrary Malachi 2:10-12 says ” Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try me now in this, … If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such a blessing …” Since I became born again and was taught these biblical principles my life has never been the same. I give tithe, am not a pastor and when I am in countries like South Sudan where Christianity is just getting root I teach the same principals.

  8. @7 – Mike, how old are you? So, to you all is going on well in Zambia? In-fighting among Govt ministers is vigilance? Beating up worshipers is vigilance? Shooting and killing unarmed land squatters by solidness is vigilance? The ugly head of tribalism which has risen in Zambia in the last couple of years is a sign of vigilance?
    And to you asking for wisdom and direction from our Creator is docile? Forgiveness and reconciliation is docile? So, taking an oath with your hand on the Bible and up-holding what you say under oath is docile?
    Mike, do you even pause to think before you blog or are you just a blogaholic

  9. Tekubalapwila umulilo pamitwe. Also let the politicians come for repentance for beating up the men of God in the house of God and if they do come God shall remove out a curse they got that day. The truth of the matter is that the Bible says ” Don’t touch my anointed ones”, What we are seeing could be the outcome of the fate made in Bigoca that day.

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