Friday, March 7, 2025

Sata appoints Ron Mwambwa as deputy Auditor General


President Sata receives the affidavit of oath from Ron Mwambwa,the new deputy Auditor General during the swearing -in Ceremony at State House
President Sata receives the affidavit of oath from Ron Mwambwa,the new deputy Auditor General during the swearing -in Ceremony at State House

President Michael Sata has appointed and sworn-in Ron Mwambwa as Deputy Auditor General in-charge of Audit.

Mr. Mwambwa was before his appointment Director- Ministerial Appropriation Audits at the office of the Auditor General.

President Sata swore-in Mr Mwambwa at State house this morning.

And speaking shortly after being sworn in, Mr. Mwambwa said he considered his appointment as an opportunity to do his best for the country.

He has told journalists that as Deputy Auditor General and a trained forensic auditor, his first assignment will be to work out a strategy meant to train personnel at his office in forensic auditing.

Mr. Mwambwa has observed the need to equip personnel at the office of the Auditor General in forensic audit in order for them to tackle issues of corruption more effectively.



  1. Another biemba. This old man will leave this country divided on tribe and region. Why did we vote for this merchant of confussion

    • Mwambwa is not Bemba.Maybe you mistook the name with mwamba ? One thing is you will always see tribalism in PF as long as you will go looking for it.People always find what they look for.Thats the irony with life.

    • No one cares about this minuscule appointment, there is a bigger vacancy needing filling.

      Your secretary general is not fit for purpose, not according to the public or Zambians, but according to your own party!

      loyalty is not a virtue


    • Mwambwa would be anything from lunda north western province, lunda luapula, illa, even bemba with luapual connection or lozi..
      And just maybe LT has misspelt mwamba.. maybe this is GBM`s nephew

    • ZP….Mwamba is Bemba; Mwambwa is Lozi. Clue: check the alphabets carefully. And by the way, Sata is not Bemba. Have you wondered why he is at loggerheads with Chitimukulu?

    • Don’t just wafo any how! Tribalism how, this is your country as well and as a concerned citizen as you come out to be. You have the rights to suggest to Mr. Sata which specific person/candidate he should have chosen for that post… This guy is qualified for this job… or maybe you have any names from your areas. You sickening tribal-ist! Don’t keep playing the tribal game or your political party shall forever remain in opposition in the next many elections.

    • I know this man and he is Lozi.You should even be ashamed to see tribe in people before you see them as fellow Zambians.

    • I have a copy of the POST 21st January 2006 by Amose Malupenga , headline: SATA DUPES THE POST WITH A FORGED LETTER. Most of you have no memories how sata would play his politics; lies, half truths, exageration with a yelloo fuel container, . YOU PF cadres must realise how it feels to be a victim. Thats when you will grow up.

    • Its about time i seriously got me a fine sparkling JOB with my uncle in state house, before it’s too late, for when he goes, us Half Bembas will never see this opportunity ever again! Thank you sir for empowering my other side of relatives, they have fought hard for this land, no one ever recognise that! May more beautiful sunny days shine upon you, many still need you, congrates Mr Mwamba!

    • you ***** where in bemba have you head name mwambwa in bemba it means where the dog rests/sleeps who can give such a name?

  2. So this appointing and swearing in of “people” is an ever going process? For two years sure we haven’t found the right people for these positions? Its high time we settled down and focused on developing our lovely country.

    • not yet bwana.
      we haven’t finished with bembas yet.
      mwambwa welcome to the bemba kingdom.
      just choose between chiefs of chinsali, luwingu, mpika, kasama or even kawambwa, lubwe, samfya, mansa, chiengi etc. and you will be adopted as one of theirs.
      after all bembas are tribal…

    • Mwambwa is not Bemba.Maybe you mistook the name with mwamba ? One thing is you will always see tribalism in PF as long as you will go looking for it.People always find what they look for.Thats the irony with life.

    • saulosi please.
      leave these good for……..
      they are born like that and no matter what you say or do, they will never change as they see tribe first before anything else.

  3. MWAMBWA is a Lozi name. MWAMBA is a Bemba name. Therefore the one who has been appointed here is MWAMBWA a Lozi young man.

    • ways go do yo research properly, Sata can never appoint anybody from a different tribe unless he/she will be cutting glass for leaving…………and if for sure as u say he is lozi then he is married to one of his daughters

    • Give us budge 2014 in full. we want to know how much shall go to link zambia 8000 and how much you have budgeted for by-elections.

    • Well this Mwambwa is Lozi. True the name is found in various regions but the guy in the picture is a lozi guy. It is good to see the younger generation being involved. The president needs to extend this to some of his govt officials as well. Not vinkote lyonse!


    • Mwanamwambwa is one name not two separate names as you have wrongly put it, therefore you may be wrong to suggest that he is a relation to the former speaker.

  5. Ba kawalala chabe!
    Already hot after allegations of Nepotistic appointments, where someone fit to be working in U.T.H, but a Briton, is made envoy to Turkey.
    All confidence I had in this P.F, setup has long evaporated.

  6. Mr Sata’s obsession is to do with swearing-in ceremonies and possibly they help to boost his health, otherwise there is no way under normal circumstances can these ceremonies be held on a weekly basis. This man needs prayers to rediscover himself.

    • We have ichilishilu of a president. What a president! We have to rectify this mistake we made in 2011.

  7. The man Mwambwa is a Lozi. But the undiscerning will not see through the smoke-screen and claim that by this appointment Sata has demonstrated that his is not nepotistic or tribal. And yet to the wiser they can see that the tribal evidence weighing against the President is forcing his hand and being the great manipulator to a citizenry that is simple-minded he has once again f/00/led you- just like the way you believe he was never part of the MMD corrupt era and a main architect of our lamentable political appproach.

  8. the only news I ever see about Sata is his endless appointments of people. thats all he does. He should be ashamed of even getting a salary. I will never vote the guy again.

  9. How is it that there are swearing-in ceremonies like every two weeks? Is the PF Government and its civil service a bottomless pit?

  10. This President is the ‘Joke of the Year’. All he does is swear in people, appoint and disappoint them and castigate the opposition which is vibrant and viable. Both HH and Nevers are a serious threat to him. They have youth and good health on their side. They just need to reach out to the poor as could be seen at the Mandevu Rally where HH was not looking so ‘stiff’. You guys, smile more and be friendly to the voters. Do not wear strern expressions on your faces. Do not speak out in anger, take your time, get to know the people. Sata is an old and frail man….very soon he will have dementia, if he doesn’t have it already. Check his expanded waistline…is that a catheter I see??!!

  11. Bembas are not tribalist the fact is more than 42 percent of Zambian tribes are bemba grouping. Only narrow and backward people will see tribe as factor.
    I have been working outside Zambia for more than 10 years now and what I know is that am a proud Zambian, Zambia made me

    • Your statement indicates otherwise, if you are such a pure human being why would you tell the web population that Bembas are tribalists? I know that there are more than 73 tribal groupings in Zambia, have you done a thorough research to back up your claims? have you counted from one bemba house hold to the streets of all the 12 provinces in Zambia to establish that? moreover, have you checked whith other tribes to state otherwise? Telling lies openly is a disease, they have a scary name for it in the developed world (Pathological liar) you need medication maybe even Mofine.
      Why do you always have an excuse for your dissatisfation? Dude… you need help!

  12. Let Mwambwa take up his appointment without strings by the appointing authority so he performs to his best. However I am amazed at how quickly each appointment stirs tribal commentary and splitting of tribal groupings like one is not Bemba but Bisa or not Tonga but Lenje and it goes on. However it is undeniable that PF should be held responsible for enhanced tribal sentiment.

  13. zambia will never be the same. KK tried to mask the tribal thing. Now onwards it will be difficult to delineate tribalism. Sata-n has poisoned the nation forever. Next leadership may be worse and no one will blame them. chief justice , judges, ambassadors, embassy personel, army leadership, parastatals- all these will be recalled , dropped some will inevitably face the law like RB is doing.

  14. The Indian shareholder of Llunda Chalo Investments ltd is man representing Rajan Mahtani.
    Zambians get Sata out of Goverment otherwise us Zambians will go back to stone age before 2016.

  15. The guy has nothing to lose. He knows kalilila. Anytime he will check out or is it that he will kick a bucket.

  16. Ron Mwambwa is qualified for this position and probably deserves it. Unfortunately, president Sata’s tribal inclinations and absentee-landlord mentality make every thing he does suspecious and unpalatable. So people tend to “throw the baby with the dirty bath water”. I found the following about Ron Mwambwa:
    He is a Zambian. Was contracted by FINEUROP to be Team leader of the EC funded project at the General Auditing Commission a few years ago. He is a member of the Chartered Institute Management Accountants (CIMA) and the Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA) and has over 20 years experience in the Zambian Audit Office, where he rose to the position of State Audit Secretary, which was the number two position to the Auditor General.

    So Bemba or not, he deserves it.

  17. it’s not about someone deserving the job,it’s about too many appointments, finance minister just mentioned something about wage freeze, that means they can’t afford to pay more money so government should as well cut down too,

  18. Congrats my friend. I am a former classmate at St John’s Sec. School, together with Brebner. In our time and even no we do not think Bemba when we talk to Brebner and he is one of the few Bembas who is proud to speak silozi fluently. God our Father will continue to bless ALL of us. The late Kacembele’s prayers are being answered.

    When did you become a Bemba, muchaha?

  19. It is very strange how bloggers have really sunk so low! Whatever his tribe is, why should we care so much, what we should be worrying about is, can the man do the work and is he qualified for that appointment? The tribal issue should not even surface unless among illiterate people who cannot reason. It is a pity that people always want to debate on tribal lines, shame on you people. People should change and not debate according to which tribe they hail from!

  20. Don’t blame bloggers who think Mwambwa is Bemba. Any appointment which in non Bemba these days is simply abnormal.

  21. What is it that you ve got againts bembas.why insult bemba everytime you blog on the hand, encourage your opposition presidents to go visit the will need the bemba vote in 2016 just like any other tribe in zambia.desist lookin at anything sata does as tribal.upnd as party is full tongas that support hh.most of the upnd mps re tongas would hakainde overlook these people,when he becomes zed president.

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