Sunday, March 9, 2025

Kapeya dismisses calls for dissolution of cabinet


Information and Broadcasting Deputy Minister, Mwansa Kapeya (c)
Information and Broadcasting Minister, Mwansa Kapeya (c)

GOVERNMENT has dismissed as careless and alarming, calls by the African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption (APNAC) that President Michael Sata should dissolve Cabinet for alleged corruption.

Chief Government spokesperson, Mwansa Kapeya said that no Cabinet Minister was currently under any investigations or appearing in the courts of law for corruption.

APNAC chairperson, Cornelius Mweetwa alleged in some sections of the media that President Sata should dissolve Cabinet because of alleged corruption.

“Hon Mweetwa should not mix the Zambian scenario with that of Malawi where the President recently dissolved Cabinet, as the two scenarios are unrelated. The calls from him for President Sata to dissolve Cabinet on grounds of corruption are therefore unfortunate, unfounded and unjustified,” Mr Kapeya said.

Mr Kapeya said in a statement in Lusaka yesterday that as a lawmaker presiding over a high profile institution such as APNAC, Mr Mweetwa should prevail over issues in a level headed manner and play a more positive and constructive role in the fight against corruption and avoid playing to the gallery.

Mr Kapeya who is also Information and Broadcasting Services minister said Mr Mweetwa’s position as chairperson of APNAC, provided him access to relevant institutions to gather facts on matters of corruption and should avoid alarming the public on matters he could easily verify.

He said contrary to Mr Mweetwa’s calls, President Sata had declared zero tolerance towards corruption in which there were no sacred cows.

“This can be seen in the restoration of the Abuse of Office Clause in the Anti-Corruption Commission Act which had been removed by the previous Government and the ongoing prosecution of various corruption cases in the courts of law,” he said.

He corruption was a cancer that delayed and derailed development and affected the poor especially women and children adversely.

He said it was for this reason that the Patriotic Front was determined to eradicate corruption.

He expressed Government’s unwavering commitment to fight corruption through close collaboration and partnership with all stakeholders such as APNAC and Transparency International.


    • Who will dissolve his cabinet when they are chewing together? Dissolving cabinet will be like one thief calling another a thief.

  1. You can all go, who cares? The minister of Injustice has explicitly stated that you chaps are corrupt, what more evidence do you need?

  2. If the Minister of Justice says there is corruption in government it is true. The minister of Justice signs all major contracts so he knows who has got what contract.
    Winter would be very useful in the opposition.

  3. By the way, Sata is considering shaking the basket. He is just afraid that people are nauseated with an endless string of swearing-in ceremonies. Otherswise disolution and dismisal of cabinet is the best therapy in the interim to the current disjointed management strategy of the PF.

  4. it is donchi kubeba for sure say one thing do exactly the opposite. that is what his excellency is doing he is allergic to corruption but wants ACC to ask for permission to investigate his ministers. zambians are too gullible its high time we woke up from our slumber and got rid of these grand fathers.

  5. If the ACCC Director and her officers has enough eveidence on govt corrupt practices- why not lay the facts on the table?The UNWTO was aslo reported to be marred with irregularities on contract offers- no official report yet.However ,I dont think this could warrant dissolution of cabinet,peharps a reshuffle……..The Malawi saga had overwhelming evidence from law enforcement agencies.

  6. Kapeya don’t panic, just wait until ‘We the People’ dissolve you and usher you into jail for the mismanagement of the country.

  7. Late last year, we heard from the then loose UPND and MMD alliance that they were compiling a dossier on both government and PF transgressions which they were going to spill into the public domain. Where is this dossier, or has its compilation been abandoned?

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