The Zambia Police has warned pupils finishing the Grade 12 to desist from bad behaviour.
Police Public Relations Officer Munganga Chanda said in a statement that police will be on guard to ensure that peace and order is maintained during this period.
“Wednesday 30th October 2013, marks the end of year examinations for the Grade 12s. From past experiences, the Zambia Police service has observed that when pupils complete writing their final grade twelve exams, they get very excited and involve themselves in illicit activities such as beer drinking, use of drugs, casual sex and interruption of traffic,” Mrs Chanda said.
She added, “We would like to caution those planning to involve themselves in unruly behaviors out of excitement of completing their grade twelve that we will be on the look-out for them. We will not tolerate a situation where innocent citizens suffer at the hands of these unruly school leavers just because they have completed their secondary school.”
Mrs Chanda also appealed to parents and school authorities to warn their children and pupils respectively against being involved in bad behavior.
“As Zambia Police, we would like to discourage the hosting of leavers balls since this is where most of these vices are exhibited from. We will be on high alert to ensure that there is peace and order during this period and all those who will be found wanting will be dealt with accordingly.”
Chachine, mukabalopole abakatumpa
Awe let the kids celebrate. The police should be there to protect these kids from any violent conduct. Its time the police learned to be proactive in ensuring the safety of all Zambians. They should’nt only swing into action when Sata calls upon them to prevent the opposition parties from engaging with the citizens.
I think Sata is afraid that these celebrations might end up being protests against the PF ‘s failure to guarantee these kids jobs now that they have completed grade 12 awaiting to go to college and Uni.
Sata is surely guilty of some thing. Why is that each time a non PF activity that brings people together is to held he gets intimidated. These are innocent kids. They have no plans to act against PF.
If they do not meet as a group, they will still go kumayela or whereever and meet old ministers like Deputy dancer minister
just ban these ‘graduation ceremonies’ except for those of colleges and varsities.
just imagine, a graduation ceremonies at nursery schools…..
it has now become a mockery.
@ Mature,
Imagine you not having a ball after propounding like crazy, let them distress if you could see how students party this side after each school term? you would be amazed, even the 14 year olds drink like crazy. Just monitor them during the Ball, they need it.
Are you serious? Let the kids celebrate as long as the do it responsibly!
@Wanzelu! Shame on u that u want to bring politics on this issue. I think u’re neither a parent nor a guardian coz a sensible n responsible human being would encourage Children to misbehave after finishing grade twelve!
I think you did not read my blog carefully. I did not support any bad behaviour at all. All said is that the police should take a proactive approach to prevent any bad behaviour. For your own infor one of my boys will be celebrating his prom.
How ever what I said about Sata being afraid of non PF crowds still stands because he thinks when ever non PF people gather they are planning to remove him from power , hence misapplication of the POA.
On a positive note it is good that police are merely sending a message to the kids to behave themselves.
Ya! Our dear children. Where did we go wrong? We have done everything good parents can possibly do. We send you to good schools. You have dedicated cab drivers. We work like horses, yes like camels, everyday so you could have a decent education. And what do we get in return? You engaging in illicit beer drinking, illicit sex, weed and all? Don’t kill us before our time, children.
Ubwalwa abaiche Pa Zambia, Yes welcome to the true world, let reality starts after results, as some of them were dons in Schools, they never study hard just playing, on the expense of some poor parents.
Imwe let the boyz and girlz celebrate,chilishani kanshi? after ukujoba some body need to celebret o.k
Ba kapokola that’s your job to maintain peace let the young ones have fun.
Owe twa tomba nafuti….While we celebrated our grade 12 school leavers ball, Sata celebrated grade 7 school drop out…
What is “illicit” about “casual sex” if one is over 16? It is entirely legal. We should be encouraging safe and respectful sex, not telling lies to our children. And beer drinking is also not illicit if you are over 18 as many Grade 12 school leavers are so again we should be encouraging responsible drinking instead of trying to frighten these young adults because we just lose respect for telling lies.