Saturday, February 8, 2025

Official statement by Hakainde Hichilema on Job loses in the mining sector


UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema
UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema

We note with grave concern the joblessness going on our country, and particularly the casual and usual arrogant approach the Patriotic Front (PF) government is taking in addressing this challenge, especially the mining sector which is among the major employers of our people.

As UPND, we call on the PF government and the mining sector, particularly Konkola Copper mines (KCM) to do everything possible to save jobs and not allow more of our people to be sent in the streets through massive retrenchments.

The following actions must immediately be instituted to save jobs at KCM and other businesses.

1. KCM should seek other ways and alternative cost saving measures other than retrenching workers, especially in the face of the already existing high unemployment levels in the country. Further, KCM should seriously consider re-assigning workers to other relevant departments or business units within the mine other than retrenching them.

2. On its part, the PF government has the responsibilities of lowering the cost of doing business, not just for KCM, but for other mining companies and businesses as well, so as to enhance employment creation. For example, the PF should re-instate the fuel subsidy which was removed and is now a burden to our people and business sector. There are many other ways a responsible government can institute to lower the cost of doing business to save existing jobs and enhance employment creation.

3. The PF government in liaison with other stakeholders has a responsibility to negotiate re-assignment of workers who cannot be maintained at KCM to other mining companies, projects/programmes and other business sectors of our economy. This is possible with a government that has ideas and interest in the welfare of its citizens.

We urge the PF government to be serious in handling such national issues as opposed to the usual lies, threats and trickery such as on the two-year recruitment and wage freeze that was announced in this year’s budget that will escalate poverty in the country.

We know PF has been telling lies to the Zambian people from their time in opposition,even on matters of life and death concerning our people that should not be treated with the usual deception and trickery.Like they have done with the back-dated Pay As You Earn (PAYE) relief that was promised to miners yet it has again been charged.

As UPND, we will always do everything possible within our powers and ability to protect miners and other Zambian workers that have suffered for a long time now.

Hakainde Hichilema


  1. Maybe this man can make a good president after all. He is young,intelligent,talks sense and appeals to be with high IQ levels.

    • Zambians atleast have a choice to choose this Man (HH). You accuse HH of being a tribalist, then what can you say about the Sata? HH is far mch better than Sata, even Sata himself knows that. This is the more reason why when HH sneezes, Sata jumps. Sata negotiated his to state house through lies. Zambia needs a person like Hakainde. Not these old dinosaur, they dont care about anything as they are on their way …..

    • Hh sold the mines

      The man does not like sata because he is bemba we all know

      If you care about the losses you backwards man hh then employ them at your farm

      stop barking without biting I know you tongas and lozis your grudge against us makes you desperate like a foul tackle

    • Personally this man, though only a few years in politics, has the humour and presidential qualities to lead our depriving country, Zambia. HH, is far arguably a little higher educated than any of the previously Presidents, maybe pegged together with the late Levy (MHSRIP).

      He’s got the catalogue to intelligently analyse and oppose certain decisions that hugely affect majority of vulnerable Zambians. Though he may have flaws in some ways, he’s the only guy in town with a bag of notable wisdom

      The man has shown enough to many blind Zambians to open up their eyes!! Stand up for this man, come election season!!

    • 1.5, what point are you putting across? I am sure you have not understood anything and even wondering if you have fully read the article.

    • Today HH mockingly, patronizingly and condescendingly want to be the savior of the mining industry?

      We don’t have short memories on how he looted and then laundered his stolen wealth from the mines and other public businesses sending many Zambians onto the streets and some of them to their early graves.

      Besides his statements contains and offers nothing tangible that can help with the issue at hand given the reasons from KCM for their retrenchments.

      He is an angry and arrogant boy just jerking off as usual

    • Most people who support Sata have short memory as if they suffer from amnesia. How can they forget that when privatisation took place HH was NOT part of MMD government that decided to sell the mines? How can they forget that SATA was one of the key politicians in MMD when privatisation took place.
      All the talk about HH privatising the mine begs the questions: Is SATA an effective leader? If he is why did he not stop privatisation then? Why did he just watch HH go ahead and privatise the mines without stopping him? In a single sentence the answer to these quetions is that SATA suffers from inconsistence and incompetence.He just watched when the mines were sold off because he was one of the beneficiaries.
      So don’t just attack HH without factoring in the role Sata and MMD played.

    • Let me take you back to Kaunda era to explain the reasons why the mines including other government institution were sold off. One reason that stands out is that government businesses were under performing and making huge losses due to incompetence of the managers.
      The incompetence was hugely caused by political interference which allowed incompetent managers to be appointed as long as they were loyal to UNIP or were family members of UNIP key politicians. To them what took preference was loyalty to UNIP not the operations of the businesses.
      I fear that PF government has brought back Kaunda era policies which promote incompetence through SATA’s nepotistic “wako ni wako” mantra. If PF does not change course now Zambia will be worse off economically than in Kaunda era.
      VERY SAD!!

    • is this not the man who sold the mines leaving our pipo in death trap poverty that sent millions of our pipo to their early graves as his corrupt privatisation took heat on our pipo.

      Is this not the man who pursued his poor worker with a platoon of Boko Haram terrorists for stealing half a cow from his farm. He pursued the ila boy with all his bitterness, envy wanting him dead or alive.

      His advice is misplaced, issues he is raising GRZ is 20 steps ahead.

    • HH is right, a responsible caring government should initiate sustainable workable economic policies so as to kick start job creation. However, the PF is bent on job destructions, a nonsensical futile shift characterised by corruption and shortsightedness. That been said, this paper seeks to evaluate Zambia’s battered economy critically and, reveal certain factors which constrain a growing mineral economy with declining employment. Furthermore, mineral economies experience a non-distribution of wealth earned from exports of capital-intensive commodities such copper, cobolt, silver, manganese, gold or zinc. The component which HH is attempting to address, although indirectly, is the labour-absorbing approach or down-stream industries associated with tradeable goods and services. Tongas, yeh

    • The PF cannot create jobs for ordinally poor Zambians because of the following reasons: Minerals economies such as Zambia do not urge private capital to diversify and invest in export-oriented labour-absorbing manufacturing industries. This can be achieved through a prudent keynesian approach coupled with deferred payment system in which the poor are exempt from paying taxes. According to this approach, the PF government should devalue the over-valued Kwacha by accumulating foreign reserves in lieu of careless borrowing. The devalued currency makes labour-intensive manufactured exports very cheap abroad and thus, balances Zambia’s account and prevents account deficit. This wise strict fiscal-monetary policy advantages any Zambian export-led firm, in that local exporters can compete

    • He is missing the point and doesn’t address the real issue why KCM is cutting back …he is still talking about fuel subsidies and not talking about the mines paying their fait share!

    • The keynesian approach to full employment in its original approach cannot redress Zambia’s structural unemployment problem. However, if private capital which is sitting on top of huge resources, can see Zambia as an enabling environment through the lowering of company taxes for huge labour-intensive industries. Then capital which now views Africa as a safe heaven for investing, can inject its funds in labour-intensive sectors so as to export to a relatively huge regional market. The conditions which Zambia can attach are that; labour-intensive sectors which can absorb Zambia’s massive unemployed unskilled youths is to offer tax-intensives, lower the interest rates and extend long-term lending. The government should only raise interest rates so as to keep a lid on inflationary pressures

    • HH is not misrepresenting anything. On the contrary, the PF is not addressing shortcomings which are inherent with minerals economies. Mines do not evenly distribute their earnings to the poor, hence, we see a growing divide between the now-working poor, the unemployed and, the ever-growing wealthy Zambians and wealthy foreign owners of means of production. The PF does not understand economics other than killing the geese that lay golden eggs and chasing wild geese. The PF should offer a stimulace package and it follows that people’s purchasing power will be strengthened. Furthermore, after introducing such a package savings should be discouraged, thus, local industries will benefit from the purchasing power whilst curbing inflationary pressures. This strategy can kick-start job creation.

    • The PF should address the demand-sides of labour instead of maintaining its poor unsustainable supply-sides of labour. The PF does not supply customised skills which meet the demands of industry. Thus, its universities or private institutions have a poor history of providing skills which are irrelevant to the modern needs of industry. Once the demand-sides of labour is addressed through the supply of internationally recognised high and medium skills, then capital will see the need to invest in a knowledge economy. The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Treasury should set funds aside for the tertiary institutions so that they can fund research projects for PhD candidates. PhD candidates in diverse displines are better positioned to initiate and analyse various works

    • @Boom and Whatever
      I’ve read everything you wrote. I’m left with a sadness and regret that we have subject matter experts like you that are not put in key positions.
      Great that you took the time to write this. Thx.

    • HH u dont know what u are talking about,ati 2 negotiate reassigment of workers 2 other mine companies ,i ve been working in mines for 10yrs now its not possible unless u say to deploy the affected to workers to another department within the company wake up u pro HH nosense

    • My name is PF…… Please explain the meaning of these terms:
      1) Sustainable – what is this monster?
      2) PAYE – what kind of a baboon is this?
      3) Debt – is this the month for borrowing?

      I’ll wait for your response.
      Official statement
      Yours truely, sincerely, faithfully

  2. no amount of spin not even this kcm issue will cleanse you from the atrocities you committed against the miners in luanshya when you were the receiver of Ramcoz

    • Recall man of action was number three in Chiluba govt. how come he did not see this at that time? No wonder you believed the 90days theory.

    • He will squeeze for life. He ran away from the pact and PF succeeded on its own. What does Sata know about HH? That he keeps loosing popularity? We all know that. Hehehe…. I feel for you guys. Hehehe…. how long are you gonna continue keep comforting yourselves with lies, wishes, pipe dreams, non-starters, mediocre thinking, lol, pliz help me! The list is endless. Maybe its gud u tryn lol, u only failures if u don’t try. Go on – invest, campaign, cheat, shout, cry foul, protest, (but pliz no Mapatizya)etc. Dreaming BIG eh?

    • Mines were privatised by Chiluba and his minister without portfolio, MC Sata. The key person was Valentine Chitalu at ZPA and George Sokota at Deloitte who worked with Norman Mbazima. Francis Kaunda was chairman of privatisation committee for mines. Are the names familiar? So where does HH come in?

    • HH should be ashamed to talk about the mines he reaped off the mines and left families in the Copperbelt suffering.Its a pit former ZANACO Directors are quite they know how HH WON THE CONTACT TO LIQUIDATED THE MINES.HH PLEASE SHUP UP YOU ARE LUCK THAT YOU ARE NOT IN PRISON.

    • Typical douchebag diaper boy jerk sh!tin from the Tonganyoko valley again. Why should Govt. subsidise fuel for the sake of the business like the mines? If PF has been tellin lies since in Opposition why did the voters chose PF over UPND Tonganyokos?Under 5 you used to say that RB is a crook, corupt & a biggest liar but you are now against his prosecution thinkin that will win you sympathy from Chipatalian Voters. So do you refuse that you r the biggest liar & loser comin distant third? I blame your parents for using expired contraceptives otherwise even God does not want you masonry as president bcoz He loves Zambia very much…

    • Why?
      So its about the privatization issue? If HH is guilty about this, why hasnt he been prosecuted? Mwanawasa, RB, and then Sata himself; All these past and present presidents have not prosecuted him. That should tell you something. Imagine the hatred that Sata has for HH, you mean he cant prosecute HH if he is found with a case to answer? Just think about it mate.

    • Well, Zambia privatisation agency privatised mines hiring law firms like Chipimo’s and audit firms like where HH worked. He never sold any mine, if ever he did, i would think is so powerful that he could elude Ministries of Commerce, Mines, Finance and Justice to sell a public entity without being caught! He is then a genius! For sure!!!!

    • I’ll take a non-smiling plus bad hair cut guy who can steer us afloat above the current.

    • And they accuse HH as tribal. I’ll take a tribalist like HH who is focused,has policy direction,is issue oriented & is educated as a lesser evil than Sata who is tribal,clueless,destructive and totally lost.

  3. hope you will have such kind of ideas when put in power coz we have had such kind of opposition party leaders,very talkative,seem promising you being an economist.

    • @INE HH has never served in Government, he is not the one who made the decision to sell da mines bt our beloved president ftj then did. there was nothing he could hav done to stop the heard of state for he was jst a mere middle man. hop u hv been educated now,

  4. Excellent piece of advise from HH. Sata created the mess in the mines when he worked with FTJ to hurriedly privatize the mines without putting in place measures to protect the country from greedy investors

  5. Mr Halenya Halenya please go apologies to the People of Luanshya for pocketing their pensions that made you Rich in privatization.
    No Comment.

    • @China mobs
      your thinking is so shallow because you are not independent in your thinking you are always influenced by mob psychology. just because some body illiterate told you that HH was involved in privatization to you it be came a gospel truth no BWANA if you want to know more about HH over this issue go and ask president SATA he will explain everything because he was then part of the gvnt that privatized the mines waumfwa? We have always told dull peaple like you that whoever has evidence should report him to relevant authorities.

  6. A mature statement containing some sensible suggestions. This is what a good opposition leader should be about. Not the mud-splashing drama that we have witnessed in the past.

  7. HH is the the best person to advise on the matters concerning the mines, he contributed to the misery of luanshya miners during Ramcoz. Fuel subsidy is not the solution. In DR.Congo the price of petrol per liter is 1.83 US dollars which is equivalent to 9.70 Zambian Kwacha, then diesel is 1.82 US dollars equivalent to 9.64 Zambian Kwacha, and the mines are doing fine.
    The mining houses like ENRC, Anglo American Corporation, Phelpsdodge, MMG, are ready to take over as KCM is juice with more life.

    • YOU are wrong on the pump price of fuel in DRC. Why are taxi drivers refueling on the Congolese side instead of buying it in Chililabombwe?. It’s cheaper in Congo.

    • my man don’t mislead readers…., Anglo American Corporation left KCM when the country was led by sensible leaders a while back. How can they be “ready to take over” now, in particular particular now with people running the country less likely to understand how a business runs?

    • Nonesense, short memory in not the you have no facts on this issue. The receiver for that mine was not HHS but a Mulenga one of the partners at GT and still is. Stop saying things you do not know.

  8. Zambians have a choice to normalize things and even make them better in our country. We have HH to lead us. HH is a logical thinker who can not be compared with the hallucinating Sata. With HH as president of Zambia, we are assured of prosperity as a nation. HH doesn’t look extravagant. HH doesn’t look irrational. HH is a progressive leader.

    • Even attending regional conferences is a problem. He shunned the conference is South Africa fearing Zuma’s bald head and many other balds.
      Fyanshi mupanda kanshi? Fyamiletelela!

  9. Jo just contribute don’t use tribe I don’t think you are even Bemba if so you are a very bad one who thinks with tribe , do you know how many Tongans and Bembas or Bembas and lozis will go to bed together today you f00l.

  10. Gentlemen. This advice is so shallow. HH is very dull. who has not considered those actions he’s talking about? believe me KCM would not be talking about retrenching if the workers were relevant. Moreover which mining company is employing at the moment? which coy is willing to absorb 1500 at a go? on subsidies, KCM has been considering shedding off its labour way before subsidies were removed. remember the 2000 they wanted to shade off? atleast right now they are talking of shading 1500 in the face of subsidy removal. HH chipuba sana. he is insulting a common man. and if u have fallen for this shallow stupid advice, u are also stup1d!!!

    • Guys, let us not do away with this syndrome of fighting one another through the media and face the reality for the betterment of our mother Zambia. One Zambia, One Nation, One Government and One Goal.

    • Guys, let us DO AWAY with this syndrome of fighting one another through the media and face the reality for the betterment of our mother Zambia. One Zambia, One Nation, One Government and One Goal. NO TRIBALISM. (Please disregard my earlier misleading comment).

    • What HH is saying is practically possible. KCM has a lot of pits that still have good copper grades, eg. the one which was being mined by U & M near Chiwempala township. Moreover, when kcm was parting ways with U & M, they said that they wanted to be use their people to mine the ore instead of a contractor.

  11. This talking is not helping the country. Nowonder the president choses to write you 2 sentnce replies and while you talk he is off to the KK airport to lay a foundation stone for the modernization of the airport..

  12. Those talking about Luanshya should revist history and learn the truth. HH did not sale RAMCOZ Government of the day did. For your information Sata was No.3 highest ranked GRZ officail at the time.

    Let us be objective when addressing national problems, mis-representation of facts when faced with real problems will not help anyone. GRZ made a bad call on RAMCOZ and now it seems VEDANTA was also a wrong call but we must carefully find the best solution to this predicament.

    Let us for once put our heads together and solve our problems as one people. Let us as a start reduce the cost of doing business.

  13. Judging from the comments, one can easily tell which group belong to alcoholics between Sata supporters and HH supporters! obviously, Sata supporters are alcoholics because of arguements like, ‘HH hates Sata.’ How can a 6 farmed man hate a 6 gunned man?…its the other way round…!

  14. The statement comes with pompousness (Kuzionesa) , this happens when you think you are better than others . Luck of humility is the shortest route to hell , destruction. KCM was sold by Mwanawasa at a give-away price of about $65million , they found Manpower already there, Huge equipment already there and tax concessions. What have they done after taking over the mine, they have been bringing in labor from India , avoiding tax in Zambia by under-declaring , and they have built a very beautiful University out of our resources. Let them go, we don’t need amwenye opusa , they are like ticks and want to suck our blood

  15. Typical douchebag diaper boy jerk sh!tin from the Tonganyoko valley again. Why should Govt. subsidise fuel for the sake of the business like the mines? If PF has been tellin lies since in Opposition why did the voters chose PF over UPND Tonganyokos?Under 5 you used to say that RB is a crook, corupt & a biggest liar but you are now against his prosecution thinkin that will win you sympathy from Chipatalian Voters. So do you refuse that you r the biggest liar & loser comin distant third? I blame your parents for using expired contraceptives otherwise even God does not want you masonry as president bcoz He loves Zambia very much.

  16. Typical douchebag diaper boy jerk sh!tin from the Tonganyoko valley again. Why should Govt. subsidise fuel for the sake of the business like the mines? If PF has been tellin lies since in Opposition why did the voters chose PF over UPND Tonganyokos?Under 5 you used to say that RB is a crook, corupt & a biggest liar but you are now against his prosecution thinkin that will win you sympathy from Chipatalian Voters. So do you refuse that you r the biggest liar & loser comin distant third? I blame your parents for using expired contraceptives otherwise even God does not want you masonry as president bcoz He loves Zambia very much!

    • Just like the voters who preferred Sata over matebela ya under 5 matuvi…..God will NEVER allow HH to be president unless…? Read these bible verses below:
      “Ephesians 4:31-32, Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you”. Acts 8:23 ,”For I see that you are in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity.” …

  17. First Quantum Minerals tried to play the same game at Frontier mine in DR. Congo, they were given a green light. Now the new owners of Frontier mine have recapitalize and have doubled the operations and labor. Those are company politics at its best from KCM management which we should not accept.
    Subsidies is not a practical solution to the problems in Africa and Zambia in particular but to change our mind set to help the government of the day to up with long term solutions.
    We had subsidies during UNIP and Kaunda, free mealie meal, came MMD and Chiluba they continued with subsidies on the expense of better infrastructure and education. Education will empower citizens to think for themselves hence the need to change our education system to our present needs.

    • @26.2

      It is very interesting to see how we sometimes point @ mistakes or wrongs perceived to have been committed by others when in actual fact we are only expressing our own feelings towards them. Reading from your comments, the Bible verses you have quoted speaks louder to you for you are full of bitterness. Remember, every Zambian has only one country to call their motherland. Please learn to co-exist.

  18. Advise given in sincere manner without taking it personal and in a professional way and with humility is often taken and listened to.Those advising have the duty to shore self limitation and humility if the other has to listen and invite them for the round table meeting to heard and discuss.Its the desire of the masses to see leaders and those being lead to contribute positively towards the national consensus and development.

    There is no one who refuses advise given in the most humble and sincere manner even from the least amongst the people.

    There will be shortage of skill in mines on the copper belt and Solwezi with coming up of huge mines within and across in Congo.

    KCM is not…

    • Humility should be exhibited by both the one giving advice and the one being advised otherwise a roundtable discussion would be a waste of time if both have no respect for each other. The problem however is who to initiate the conducive atmosphere, the one seeking for some solution or the one providing the solution?

  19. There is abundant land & water in Zambia let them engage in the more sustainable economic activity. The earlier we realise this the better. Please KCM if it does not make any business sense to keep them, lay them off!

  20. It would be nice to see these opposition leaders in the same room with government officials brain storm about Zambias critical issues for a change. They all have valid points and ideas which would benefit Zambians, why dont they just swallow their pride(PF government) invite HH, Dr Nervous, Edith, Chipi, Clive Chirwa( i still believe he is a good national assert) and the rest in the best interest of Zambia, attacking and fighting is so primitive which only make things worse.

  21. Arguments coming from PF cadres are funny and also sad. No substance, no thinking involved, just automated hate speech as long as they see that the article is referring to things said by an opposition leader. This is the sequence in which a cadre posts pa Lsk Times.
    i. See Headline that HH has said something.
    ii. With shaking eager hands, click the link.
    iii. Immediately scroll down to the comments section without reading a word of the story and unleash.
    iv. Wait for responses to their postings so that they can unleash more.
    Objectivity = zero
    indoctrinated zombie-like-mind = infinite

    • Wishful thinkin @ Gay love ….If you do the same don’t think everyone does that….mind you the so called PF cadres are rulling.Unless cows register as voters you may be come up a distant second instead of usual three in 2016 …mark my words.

    • @ Wanzelu, thats for sure. As for my friend Haleisa, you’re the example I was looking for after my statement. Gay Love actually has a nice ring to it. Let me just adjust my ka g-string before going to discuss a proposed name change with my boyfriend 🙂 Kisses Haleisa……you get me so HOT!!

    • It’s actually funny that Haleisa immediately commented, thus ladies and gentlemen, giving us exhibit A.

  22. let us not hate the player,the man has spoken.Dialogue is necessary here and let govt continue to create a conducive business environment.After all these are the investors that being solicited day and night by govt.
    Remember it is our people who are on the loosing side.Remember we need each other with investors.
    I am a nuetral person neither Tonga nor Bemba,HH has spoken sense now and only now.

  23. HH has spoken.he has spoken give criticism where it is due,KCM a mining giant has retaliated on the issue of tax evasion yet our leaders are hiding under SI 89.
    No let people debate on this issue,HH we love u ,Good criticism that is what we need,but to vote for u, not now.

  24. Look at the pompous advice from HH. He wants to make it appear as if PF has done something wrong in telling KCM off. Even me I can tell KCM off given that KCM’s contribution to the treasury is so marginal. If this is the case why should they continue mining our copper??? KCM must behave now for we cant tolerate its insipid behavior any more.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.


  26. i think these are wise decision by the president of UPND. Hope govt will consider his advive instead of threatening to revoke the kcm licence. If by all means they go ahead and revoke , how many people now will suffer,coz the mine will closed awaiting a new invester,or left in the hands of our incompetent zambian which wil a bigger disarster.

  27. One thing I have observed about us Zambians is that no matter the indicators that something has gone terribly wrong, we wait until we are hit hard to make a decision. So some people will advise on the way to go but we won’t take heed of the advice until we hit rock bottom and the recovery process is always costly. The unprecedented infrastructure development we are seeing is on borrowed money and the young generation will have to bear the burden of paying back.

  28. Double standards. Luanshya Mines we have not forgotten. Fuel Subsidy where is the money going to come from? Increase taxes or from where.
    No other person except a Tonga will lead UPND and he accepted.

  29. I would like someone from the opposition to suggest how they are going to handle the mines.Its like our biggest problems from the MMD to PF and even to the next gorvernment or even other political parties,no one has a clear solution to the mines.Do we really control our resources or do we just rubber stamp and issue mere political statements to please the voters while we know very well that there might be a very powerfull hand beyond our control which has a big say in the operations of our mines?I see no reason as to why it is always the landlord to plead with the tenant ie GRZ to Investors and not the other way round.This is a very painfull situation for us the voters.It is very clear that at the moment,there is no political party with a lasting solution as far as mining is concerned.

    • Education and rightful qualified people to manage the major economic sectors i.e. the mines. First is to have people who understand global economics and I am sure Zambia does not lack these within the country or diaspora only that they shun to step up for fear of the kind of leadership they’ll have to deal with. The landlord due to lack in stepping up capacity to effectively deal with the mining investment has been unable to tell when he’s discussing with a forked tongued investor.

  30. Did HH think of the miners when he was involved in the sale od Luanshya mine?HH has never been in governement and it will be a complete disaster to put HH in plot 1.That day will be the saddest day in Zambia if it will ever come.HH is so selfish that his mind only thinks about himself that is why he has even gone to the extent of belittling the MMD!!Wonders will never end!!

  31. Presidential Etiquette:

    “And please Mr Fackson Shamenda (Labour Minister) go and tell Mr (Kishore) Kumar (KCM chief executive officer) that if he is threatening us that he wants to lay off people, let him lay off one person, we shall take his licence away from him.
    “That is the best way of laying him off because, firstly, investment should be for people and if Mr Kumar wants to threaten and blackmail us he will go. We shall sort him out,” Mr Sata said.








  33. Well I think definitely Sata at sometime saw something in HH , hence the PF-UPND Pact . When HH pulled out of the Pact , he thought Sata could not clinch it alone . My opinion is that , had HH stuck to the Pact , he would have a very clear line to being President one day .
    As it is , he is just one of the many ,many , many Zambians who can once in a while say something which sounds sensible ( many , many but how many become President ?)




  35. so HH becomes president to: ..privatise all the remaining companies into his.
    .. ensure zambeef adds more aromatic alderhyde and formalderhyde to the beef
    … He ll take all our hard sweated for houses we ve built as his just as he stole lima bank house he is staying in.
    … Lastly there ll be more bitterness and envy in this nation to levels even devil ll appear nothing



  37. I expected HH to come up with good economic ideas on this issue looking at his background. He has not mentioned anything to help Zambia apart from political statements. You should consider factors such as break point cost of copper per tone and actual value and also the mechanism KCM is claiming to introduce. lets offer solution to Zambians and not to PF only. HH must visit KCM in Chingola and there after he can make statements unlike making statements in the comfort of his home in Lusaka.

  38. It is excruciatingly unfair and unwise for UPND Leader, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema’s official remarks on returning massive job at KCM as quoted by Lusaka times. One of his suggestions is that the Patriotic Front Government should reinstate the fuel subsidy which the Government earlier this year removed.Government’s reasons being that this subsidy though was meant to be a micro subsidy to help the poor people it ended up being one of the macro – economic advantage that to some extent did surpass the mineral royalties the mines gave to Government in terms of tax. The quantification of the total expense on fuel subsidies for fuel used by the mines alone, against what the mines paid in turn as mineral royalties showed that at the end of the day the mines were collecting copper from Zambia for…

  39. He is still dreaming about bringing back subsidies on top of all the concessions these guys are getting. ..our leaders need to travel and see how countries like Chile and Australia operate there is nothing progressive from all these clowns.

  40. Where was Hakainde when the president addressed this issue of minors vs KCM. He deliberately releases this so called Official Statement so as to paint himself in black and white. Unfortunately his just continued to show his level of his IQ which is low and inferior to that of H.E Mr. Sata. Tonga’s I love you

  41. You offer an alternative and create a likeable listening environment all inclusive and you avoid politicking as you offer solutions.By being consistently sincere and honesty given the prevailing you register in the minds of many Zambians who have now become very aware and that helps you in your career.Consist. of mind,policy and direct. on sectors given the prevailing whoos many but above all working with the current gov to help them govern and lead till the next elections enshrines true leadership.Waiting for 2016 to come and offer solutions might be unwise decision and a show of craving for power and not serviceI have seen devopment has not trickled to people in the last 20 yr as a result

  42. Thinking that Hakainde will form govt come 2016, it is like comparing an elephant with a hare in terms of weight. How healthy a hare can be it will never be equal to an elephant. So Hakainde even in 2016, he will kiss the ground like he did three times before. Gaining political milaege out of a pure national issue is tantamount to stupidity of the highest degree.

  43. HH will face the same should he ever get into the same seat!
    Everything is in a mess in this country simply because KK did not lay a solid foundation for our economy.

    I don’t think PF alone can resolve these issues. We need to learn to work together on many issues. If our country was under external aggression, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of our people were to side with the enemy. We as a nation need to present a patriotic front on a number of issues that border on our Sovereignty.

    Those that were involved in the reckless privatization of the mines (HH, Chipimo jr) did not do a good job for the country, except for their pockets.

    Be careful when pointing your finger at others because the other four are always pointing back at you!

    • “Everything is in a mess in this country simply because KK did not lay a solid foundation for our economy.”

      This is true! He reminds me of Oprah with her “Everyone gets a car!” episode.
      Still giddy with being elected president after ba Mwisa had left: “Education is free! An egg for every child Hospitals are free etc” without sound sustainable economic policies. When it went downhill, he then started with his “Go back to the land” mantra.

  44. My only concerned is that HH made money whilst working together with a thief by the name Ronald Penza . Dry ports, luanshya mines etc . Take care

  45. Our trial with Sata was a grave mistake we will never regret HH once we see what he will do if we vote for him to move our country forward

  46. very disappointed by vendetta in its poor PR handling of KCM issues though with Good and well educated Zambians and Indian professionals Almost was enticed by their hefty pays and almost was willing to negotiate but now think twice though its like playing tricks with their massive resources

  47. I am amazed at how shallow the response from Mr Hakainde is. For a successful businessman, I would have expected a more reasoned analysis of the situation.
    1. Subsidies are not a solution to reducing the cost of doing business as they create a false competitive advantage. Take the KCM position on its merits – would Mr Hakainde use manual labour on his farm or mechanise?
    2. For KCM to look at laying off workers, they would have looked at the internal needs of the company – if there are no vacancies then you can not keep people on the payroll. Moreover, my understanding is that some of the people affected are on contracts that are due to end in any case.
    3. Reassigning workers to other mining companies cannot be forced – the other companies would need to have vacancies. Moreover, some ..

  48. people who are being laid off will have the opportunity to consider other career options. We should not overstate the role of government in such situations – KCM is a private company and not ZCCM. Where I agree with him is on the need for government to be a facilitator, but my understanding was that KCM are due to meet the government – to explain their position and it is at this point that the government can look at what practical help can be given to the people being laid off.

    Looking at this issue and the responses so far has made me realise that even people who claim to be intelligent are actually quite shallow in analysing issues – just as the pronouncement by the president over the redundancies was shallow and ill thought out.

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