Friday, March 7, 2025

Police block machete wielding anti Kabimba cadres from going to the Airport


More than three hundred machete wielding Anti-Wynter Kabimba Patriotic Front (PF) cadres were this afternoon blocked by Police in full riot gear from proceeding to Kenneth Kaunda International Airport were president Michael Sata went for the ground breaking ceremony of the expansion of the airport at a cost of about US$300 million.

The incident which happened around 13:30 hours involved about fifty Police officers.

The CADRES, who were in two groups, could not be allowed by Police to proceed to KK international Airport to seek an audience with President Sata on the future of PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba who has come under renewed calls to resign.

One group of about fifty cadres was intercepted by Police in Chelstone area, while another bigger group was stopped along Airport road as Police conducted searches on every passing vehicle to ensure that no cadres proceeded to KK international Airport.

The cadres who were armed with machetes and sticks, pleaded with the police to allow them to go and meet President Sata at KK international airport but their pleas fell on deaf ears as Police stood their ground.


  1. this is lawlessness of the worst kind and sata doesn’t seem to be bothered, is he degenerating into a cabbage? four cadres reported dead, for what? for gbm? nonsense

    • Please do not condone machete wielding hooligans in Zambia. Charge them with espionage. Look what happened to Rwanda!

    • Why cant this chi Ukwa man address the nation and put to rest this matter. His quietness on the matter is fueling this. The man is not leader material….He shot ourselves in the foot when we voted for this man, very useless

  2. That is shame for a party in government showing thuggery to its citizen. This is a lesson to all Zambians to reason carefully before voting. Indeed allowing PF party to have instruments of power was a very big risk by Zambians. Lets wait and show how 2016 will unfold.. Watch the space….

    • PF cadres clash in bloodshed: it was a scene of machetes, axes, pangas and many dangerous weapons
      November 7, 2013 | Filed under: Statements | Posted by: ZIN
      vlThe Zambian Intelligence News has been informed that there was pure bloodshed along Great East road as well as at Kenneth Kaunda Airport where two disagreeable groups of PF cadres barbarically fought with others reportedly dying on the spot while others have been hospitalized at the Levy Mwanawasa general hospital. It has been learnt that there was an assortment of offensive weapons on the scene which ranged from machetes, axes and any many other sharp weapons which saw about 4 people dying on the spot while several others are reported to be badly injured and hospitalized at both Levy Mwanawasa and the University Teaching…

  3. Very sad.I wonder what these cadres are smoking and drinking. Kabimba won`t go anywhere, the earlier they accept the reality the better.

  4. The question going through my mind is – when are the police going to investigate and establish the source of these machetes? Doesn’t the police surely realize that these machetes may one day be used on political opponents. I sincerely hope the police gets to the source of these dangerous weapons. Someone is surely distributing them.

    • Bo Mufalo, in your days as in UNZASU with Musonda and the late Bukali did the police ever see reason in your explanations even when a demo was for a good and peaceful cause?

    • @2020, there was one Lusaka Province Commanding officer who did. I just can’t remember his name. I remember before I was expelled in 1985, he even allowed us to go and air our grievances at ZNBC. In most other times, the answer is no. But @2002, time has passed and surely we expect better policing over 20 years later.

    • Bo Mufalo I remember the 1985 demo over demands for an ambulance and removal of Mwauluka as Principal. Although time has changed you will not that ZP remains highly politicized. You would think that with more highly educated people in the command things would be better but not at all.

  5. Such things were not heard of during super ken time anyway some people’s survival is sacrifice blood has to be spilt to live long

    • It’s either you do not know Ken or what you are talking about. That assassin is tainted with blood on his hands and mouth. If only people in graveyards could talk, you would not be idolizing a ruthless dictator such as him. He is the main reason for this tradition of ruling by violence; and of Sata’s behavior of demeaning government officers (grown men with families) in public. Worse still, your ‘supper’ Ken continues to give rotten advice to Sata on how to govern a nation like ours. Now how do you spell spitting out of utter disgust? MPthruuuuuuu!!!

  6. This is sad. Things are happening right under Sata’s nose and he is quiet. What sort of a future is he ushering in? War within will soon degenerate into a partisan. Abash bloodshed. Opposition unite and float one candidate in 2016 and save Zambia from violence.

  7. Pa maka! this whole nonsense was avoidable
    when we said Sata should be decisive and bring
    this to an end,some sorry cadres were saying it’s
    strategy and the president knows what he’s
    doing,now you are killings each other and the
    police are to blame too,this was illegal coz those
    useless cadres had no permit and there was
    suppose to be intelligence data,how do u let
    people with pangas roam the streets freely? Edgar
    lungu will say they had permit blabla.We now
    know who killed the other cadres in those bye
    elections.Now we enjoy the circus and let these monkeys kill each other.

  8. Of course dyed-in-the-wool PF supporters will place the blame solely on the machete-wielding cadres. Looking higher up would mean acknowledging that their PF gods have feet of clay.

  9. Boring…boring. Let them hack each other. Those that die in the process are usually the bad ones…and so in the end we will be left with peace-loving cadres. I personally don’t care. If an i.d.i.o.t is stupid enough to forget about his own family and instead go and get involved in machete fighting and in the process he is hacked to death, who do you want to blame for that? It is the b.l.o.o.d.y cadre’s fault. He made the decision and chose to die, everything else I don’t care and have no sympathy at all. These are not children we are talking about, some of them are old enough to be grandfathers. Infact they are not dying fast enough, I wish they can continue hacking each other tomorrow again, so that as they all die off, we are left with peace.

    • @mwembeshi
      I understand your sentiments. However the danger is that this bloodshed will spill over to innocent law-abiding people.

    • @ High Speed Black Mama -Someone’s still stealing my Name!

      I agree with you. If the President HEMCS doesn’t do something major at this point, next time we will hear reports of people in the general population hacking each other and before we know it Zambia will be up in flames. I’m worried, yes, and I know it can happen because I know how low intelligence is in Zambia generally. But again, so if the Zambian population that has been living in peace suddenly chooses to hack each other to death even after seeing the disasters of civil war in countries like Rwanda – who can Zambians blame for hacking each other to death? NO BODY! The rest of the world will watch as they did during the Rwanda war, by the time peace-keeping forces come a million people will be dead. It’s all about choice.

    • We Zambians just don’t listen: Chanda Chimba tried his best to save us from all this you-know-what. And the same PF cadres at ZNBC are pursuing the man demanding unsettled bills. Let the prophet go free and the nation pay that bill.

  10. The man behind all this is well known. He is using his loads of cash to take advantage of the unemployed and poverty stricken youths to cause terror and death.
    Let us see the PF government take similar action like they do with Lozis who they round-up and charge with treason for demonstrating peacefully.
    Let the police investigate this without fear and bring to book all the perpetrators including the man behind this serious crime.

  11. The President doesnt seem to care about any of really amazes do you pick such a clueless criminal to be president..the country is going backwards than never before because the leader is a crook, oh mother Zambia

  12. Let them slaughter each other so that in 2016 they will have no one to vote for them! At the rate there are going they will diminish by 2016. Where there is unity God Commands a blessing! These chaps are attracting a curse. We don’t want our nation to be cursed because of their evil deeds! What kind of nonsense is this! Chaps dying for useless reasons! What shall it profit a man to gain this whole world and lose his soul. The soul that sinneth shall surely perish and he that lives by the sword dies by the sword! Your sins will not go unpunished the Lord is watching! Dont attract his wrath because of your selfish motives. You stupid! *****s no respect for human life! You think life is in Your hands! You can kill when you want! You think you can decide who lives and dies. You will perish!.

  13. Refuge chances just because of the so called A Team. There is no i on team but only in time. You will be jugded more by the same guy from malawi. Parading the old man, who had the ideology of One Zambia while you are not even leaders, people can read you now.

  14. Sata last seen shouting at the waring factions for only producing a small number of casualties and just a countable number of deaths.

  15. One hopes the Police have captured those criminals on camera. We cannot have people carrying weapons in public. If they are left alone, their consciences will become hardened and will not relent to use them; and who knows? These cowards might be the ones who have been hacking people to death in Lusaka.

    Government must not allow this at all.

  16. The President has a decision to make. If he doesn’t act, then I will conclude he is not interested in ruling AFTER 2016 and also that he doesn’t want ANYBODY running PF successfully after he leaves, so the best way is to create confusion so that when he leaves PF will be immediately die. What he doesn’t see is that at the rate things are deteriorating, PF might not reach 2016. I will be the saddest person if that happened, but it looks quite likely now UNLESS the President starts acting like a president.

  17. There is something that’s doesn’t make sense with this report. If it is the anti-Kabimba that had the pangas, how come most of the victims of these pangas are in the anti-Kabimba camp? For example, Julius Komaki the leader of the anti-Komaki was one of those hacked by the panga-wielding cadres and is now languishing in the intensive care unit at UTH? Is this report insinuating that the anti-Kabimba group turned the pangas on themselves?

  18. Youths ! Why are you risking your lives over pet issues instead of focusing on planning for your future?Imiti ikula empanga.Don’t allow selfish people to use you.How pleasant it is for brethren to live in peace and harmony. We need prayers.May God deliver this peace nation in Jesus name !

  19. The problem we have now are these appointments of the Police Commisioners which are now coming from Sata’s desk. Discipline has now gone down in the Police. No one puts police work as priority. Libongani is the worst IG that Zambia has ever had. She is heading a highly demotivated police force which is now only there to extort money from the general public. Corruption is now at the highest peak. How can a reasonable IG fail to pay for water for all the Police Camps in Lusaka Province. This has never happened in the history of the Zambia Police. Useless harlot stinking beach of an IG. Come 2016 we shall see.

  20. why are you worried guys? Police, Please stop interfering in internal affairs of PF!
    In by-election campaign fracas the PF accused the opposition. ANDREW BANDA has been Police Cell customer where ever he goes but their men are always untouchable citizens.
    >You will know them by their DEEDs because they save not the true God but ………….
    >Let the weeds grow together with wheat then separate them, cut the weeds first burn and later harvest wheat and store it in your silos.
    >Let them sort each other and by the end of the day people will know what to do next when they are called upon to VOTE.
    > I tend to wonder where army warms came from and why the came at this time
    > the Isrealities where allowed to choose their god because they did not believe that they were dealing…

  21. So this man(SATA) was lying when he said there was no need to expand the airport because it was not a priority? He said this shortly after ascending to plot one. Those who keep media records have this information. This was said at the same time that he talked about the plan for the extension of state house. He arrogantly said these are not important.

  22. The president said he will govern using TEN president is it what it take to rule using the ten commandments?what i can see you dont have the ability to govern yourself or others succesfully. recall the prophet zambians.

  23. Sorry democracy don’t mean killing those you differ with, it is wrong to kill some one because you cant agree with him , surely the ruling party has work to do this needs to be corrected as soon as possible

  24. when we change government mr. sata will be arrested for the death of these caders………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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