Friday, March 7, 2025

Government warns KCM over polluting water sources


Government has expressed great concern over the continued pollution of sources of water supply by Konkola Copper Mines in the Copperbelt province.

Minister of Local Government and Housing Emerine Kabanshi said the pollution of water has resulted into the closure of two water treatment plants for Nkana Water and Sewerage Company.

Ms. Kabanshi disclosed this development during a press briefing at her office in Lusaka today.

She warned the mining company that government will deal with it if it fails to stop the excessive pollution levels which have affected Mwambashi dam in Kalulushi and Mutipa stream in Chingola in the Copperbelt province.
Ms. Kabanshi stated that government will be left with no option but to shut down KCM’s operations at their tailings leach plant until the company puts up remedial measures to protect people’s lives.

She further said government will not allow a situation where mining companies continue to deliberately fail to meet the environmental regulations.

Ms. Kabanshi has since directed KCM to take its environmental protection obligation seriously and stop discharging mining effluents carelessly.



    • It didn’t matter before but now that these guys have laid off 75 people, the waters have now become polluted. God our government what next.

    • there is so much impunity going on at KCM.

      KCM being the largest single employer after govt dares govt in so many ways believing its “untouchable”

      what they forget is that a cobra though an exotic pet is very dangerous once provoked

    • I am sure KCM management brought in snake charmers as well to try and charm the cobra at State House on hearing that Zambia has a cobra for a president. Looks like the sound of the flute is losing its hypnotising effect on the cobra.

  1. KCM is damaging our environment by this act and all Government can do is to ‘warn’ them?? What sought of government is this? Act guys act…….after all Sata is an action man or was ‘Man of Action’ just another BUFI??

  2. There is pollution going on unabated everywhere. Just see the countless soak away facilities in Woodlands, Chalala, Kansenshi Ext., Mutendere, Meanwood, Olympia Ext. etc. The underground aquifer is getting polluted by the second yet this would have been an ideal opportunity to expand the water reticulation and sewerage grid for the nation.

    • Govt is working on new plant at Kafue and already signed the contract with a chinese company. so by 2016, Lusaka with less water problems. Thanks to working Govt

  3. This is alter cheap and stupid politics , jst revoke the license , we all know were this is aimed at. with investors and business have policies that will work for the gd of Zambia.

  4. So this pollution song had to wait until KCM sacked 76 employees? There is some act of betrayal by some ministers who upon exposure of SI 89 are no longer benefiting from this company.
    How long has KCM been operational in Zambia? Why have we, all of the sudden, turned our eyes against KCM?
    What about other mining companies?
    Who is eating from them? Serious investigations would reveal that some BIG GUYs have been benefiting from these companies and now that their corrupt practices have been or are about to be exposed, they (Ministers) are trying to wash dirt linen in public.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the A team member or the other faction was involved big time in this STINKING DEAL. Mark my words and I rest my case.

    • It helps to be sober minded at times. Next – KCM needs to pay ZRA within 90 days all overdue VAT, PAYE and all other overdue taxes.

      It’s high time these Indians where put in there place. Now such is a government I voted for.

  5. Why worship these so called investers(infesters)?When they are wrong deal with them .They are not sacred.kcm is full of demons.

  6. Pollution issues in Zambia only applies to mines….the mess of garbage, clogged (with dirt) drains, unabated refuse disposal, those unroadworthy vehicles (but certified somehow) and of course the very ‘efficient’ disposal in shanties. Okay blame the mines….

  7. copper is extracted using sulphiric acid,hence the laying off of the minors and sulphiric acid is soluble thats y the water is contaminated.very sad indeed

  8. It Mwanawasa’s govt that brought the Indians in KCM Plc. And Magande Ng’andu was minister of finance then.

  9. It’s Mwanawasa’s govt that brought the Indians in KCM Plc. And Magande Ng’andu was minister of finance then.

  10. Bwana Minister, you have Kept quite over this issue for almost 2 months, you shud be more proactive as you are dealing with Life. In future do not wait until relations became sour, call a spade a spade all the time every time. Two plants out of four is TOO SERIOUS for you to have kept quite all this long.

  11. Useless government….now that they challenge your directive to not lay off 1500 people and you start noticing all these violations? Did the pollution just happen yesterday? School ground kind of reaction to everything…tit for tat kwati fyaiche….awe sure! You should have tackled the pollution thing a long time ago….not after they show you their backside to your requests! Amafontini fulu mu government all trying to appease the boss when he coughs!

    • @Msoro mission, In August or September this year, Nkana Water and sewerage company commissioned a new water treatment plant at the old No 7 shaft area to feed Kalulushi. Kalulushi has been getting its water from Kitwe from the time No7 shaft of Chibuluma was closed. Water is abstracted from the Mwambashi dam, which is downstream of the KCM’s Muntimpa Tailings dam. Barely two weeks into its operation problems associated with water hardness started manifesting in kalulushi. Mwambashi. The water treatment plant was closed just last month. This is the problem the minister is referring to and I belive it is not tit-for -tat

  12. So you are tired of them lndians after eating inshima nabo ninshi bafuma mukusamba pamisula!!Anyway let them go kaili twalilya utufi twabo.Haha yangu!!

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