Sunday, March 9, 2025

Lungu orders arrest of suspected PF assailants


Home Affair Minister Edgar Lungu
Home Affair Minister Edgar Lungu

Home Affairs Minister Edgar Lungu says there will be no sacred cow in the culprits that killed a suspected Patriotic Front (PF) cadre in yesterday’s fracas in Chelston area.

Mr Lungu has since directed Police Inspector General Stellah Libongani to bring the culprits to book.

Mr Lungu identified the deceased as Moses Mwela and sent his condolences to the bereaved family and wished them God’s guidance in this trying moments.

The Home Affairs minister said this in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka today.

Mr Lungu, who is also PF Discipline Chairman, regretted that the ruling party is currently involved in violent acts which he said were previously associated with the opposition, MMD.

He said the problems in PF is worsened anyone claiming to belong to the ruling party but quickly stated that PF is a disciplined political party which has members of good character.

“It’s very sad that the ruling party is experiencing a challenging violent MMD-phase that is full of wrong characters… l have directed the IG to get to the root of this problem and cage the culprits,” Mr Lungu said.

Vice President Dr Guy Scott revealed in parliament today that a docket has been opened against the assailant/s.



    • The opposition warned PF that they were creating a dangerous precedence by protecting cadres they were attacking opposition members during campaigns and public rallies. Now they have turned on each other using the same pangas provided by PF.

    • How come the intelligence system in the police and red brick failed to sniff out information of the imminent clash? Yet if it had to do with the opposition they would have been all over the show.

    • The root cause of this is MCS. Just a FIVE minutes Press conference is enough to stop this GBM Vs Winter fight….You know very well who is behind this confusion….Just replace him/them and peace would have come back to Zambia….Mudala you are weak I can honestly advise you…..

    • So, does it mean that ba police ba ku Zambia kuba swlishafye nge mbwa? They don’t seem to be proactive or anticipating. If our police were proactive, Henry Banda, kuma- KCM, etc ngatababutuka. They are very sleepy. “Nimbwa ishishikata”.

  1. You know who financed them. You know who bought them beers and later on paid them. Why beat about the bush and not just arrest Kabimba and MuMmembe?

    • True. They are quick to arrest opposition leaders at the slightest suspicion yet they want to pretend that they do not know the perpetrators of Thursday’s violence. Lock them up: Kabimba, Chumbwe, Banda, Chikwelete, Nsanda, Komaki, GBM. The whole lot of them. The same way Gary Nkombo was arrested in Livingstone.

    • I hear you. How can he even say “l have directed the IG to get to the root of this problem and cage the culprits,” Mr Lungu said.” really is ths true. was this written after he has finished talking? Come on Lungu ulichintongo washani?

  2. When are you going to stop blaming MMD for your problems? You are in power now, this issue has arisen because sata is refusing to bring order to your party. MMD did not import machetes nor did it pay your cadres to kill innocents.

    • And in addition, even if MMD are being framed as violent, they never killed each other like we are witnessing today. They never picked up pangas, they never sprayed bullets in the air to scare away the opposition, etc. What is being witnessed today is a pure PF ‘manufactured’ violence and if this is not stopped by MCS, we ll see more trouble come 2016. First they ll kill each and then turn to the opposition.

  3. Mr Lungu, who is also PF Discipline Chairman….

    What discipline are you talking about? You are trully not respecting our consitution at all. This is shown by your failure to act through the police from the time these cadres were showing off with pangas in Lusaka CBD. Lusaka Central Police Station is only a stone throw away from Cairo Road. Why Lungu, are you allowing this to happen, why are you so insensitive, what sin has this nation done to you people in power? Hear our cry for once ” a Lungu”. Only if I could communicate in Senga, may the message could have made a difference to you sir.

  4. If this was done by MMD or UPND this biased lawless govt and police would be arresting Nevrs Mumba or HH in a second.Its a black mark on Libongani that she had to take orders from Lungu to do what ought to be done regardless.

  5. Another vague and useless statement from Edgar Lungu.Zambian democracy is under threat.Dictator Michael Sata should not be allowed to mismanage this country’s affairs with impunity.

  6. Edgar lungu,the buck stops at the door stop of your boss,he is a big fan and perpetrator of caderism.during the reign of one upright levy mwanawasa did you hear of cadres?there were no this nonsense because he put peoples interests above poopoo. now because we have poopoo in state house this is the result.

  7. Lungu, this is a PF problem, PF has always been a violent party… don’t talk about MMD .. Mr Sata is well known to have initiated violence when in MMD and in PF.

    And introduce membership cards so that you can have a record of who is PF and who is not…. what kind of a association is PF where you don’t register members.

    • Well spoken. If only PF and SATA in particular where genuine leaders they would have introduced membership cards for their members. But like Nevers Mumba said this man -SATA thrives on confusion, he will not do that. We will need someone to make it mandatory for political cardres to hold membership cards. As it is now all SATAs thieves that he has released are committing atrocities in the name of PF. They know that their leaders are so pre-occupied with building retirement homes and increasing their salaries. This is the worst tragedy (PF) to befall our mother land. These guys think that ruling a nation is just building roads and schools and insulting political opponents.

  8. “It’s very sad that the ruling party is experiencing a challenging violent MMD-phase that is full of wrong characters………………………….”

    If my saves me better, the only brutal violent which ever happened in MMD was the time when Bamwine was Bamwine in MMD.

    • Sorry. I meant “If my memory saves me better, the only brutal violent which ever happened in MMD was the time when Bamwine was Bamwine in MMD.”

    • Absolute truth. It’s always been him at the center of all violence. Nabakula ba mudala but he never shows maturity in his conduct. He enjoys seeng blood.

  9. MMD is finished, MMD will die in 3 months, MMD is not a factor, MMD this, MMD that MMD , MMD, MMD, MMD…………….
    Blame blame blame….. anyway i blame MMD for not rigging 2011 Polls, they were much more mature.
    “I have ministerial powers through the Registrar of Societies to deregister UPND-Edgar Lungu” Lusaka times March 1 2013
    Government has threatened to deregister political parties whose members engage themselves in violent activities citing the incidence in Livingstone where a PF cadre was killed by suspected UPND cadres this week.
    Eddy, invoke your Powers.

    • I think Sata does not know anything about the violence, because he would have said something as a President for the whole Zambia. Pls we need leadership.

  10. Does it need a Minister to instruct the IG for a murder case? something is wrong here. PF have really messed up the Zambian Rule of Law. They should be out in 2016. we are tired of being ruled by headless Leaders.

  11. So baba Lungu you are confirming that the police have to be ordered by your office to do the work they are paid for? Are they also ordered to arrest the opposition and cancel their rallies when they genuinely apply? Mr Lungu with this single statement you have shot yourself and your govt in the foot. It is now clear that the police has become a tool of your PF which you have been denying all the time. What did Zambians do to themselves to vote for this rubbish?

  12. If i was the IG of Police, i would resign immediately. It is a shame that she is being ordered. May be her appointment reads in part ‘… you shall be ordered to do your job’. Shame on you.

  13. The guys charged with the responsibility of information gatherring had all details on their finger tips but the problem was how to act since it involved cadres from ruling PF. Its unacceptable that some section of our society are now above the law. Its unfortunate a life has been lost but the sponsors are cool and enjoying themselves. Ba ma youth plz chenjeleni don’t allow yourselves to be used by politicians euther from PF or the opposition political parties u only live once and thats all.

  14. Lungu says ‘the PF is currently involved in acts of violence’ while Scott says it is the MMD behind the machete attacks. That’s the PF leadership at best.




  16. It is true dese are demons from mmd.Dat’s the way dey survive. Hunger is threatening dem.No chances in de markets,bus stations nd no illegal plots. 4 instance where was dis komaki b4 2011g/elections?We saw dis coming with de openning of doors 4dem.

    • This *****ic. That’s why you are even failing to write proper English because you know deep down that MMD has nothing to do with this violence. Its parties like the PF that have no identity that like the blame game. Deliberately, members have no cards so that nothing is traced to the PF. This will not work. You can not convince us that MMD had a hand in this. The PF has no leadership, no plan to rule our country and no clue on governance issues. They are headed by headless chickens and Chimbwi-no-plan. What a shame.

    • Osmore, you are right. Yes these are demons Sata initiated in MMD and carried with him into PF. Who was behind the Chawama violence? Who bought the pangas for the Chawama clashes?
      He only took with him what was duly his.

  17. What is exactly wrong with drunken master lungu and his pf of mentioning mmd in all pf short problems. Just accept that pf has got no direction at all.

    How can a normal person accuse MMD for the intra fighting in PF what has mmd got to do with winter, mmbembe on one side and GBM on the other side fighting to successes sata.
    PF put your house in order.




  19. Human being, at lower levels of development, they can be savages! Civilisation takes time and a lot of learning. There are different ways of fighting or beating off competition in this competitive sphere. Let us embrass creativity, if we get more innovative we shall stop relying heavily on politics for our daily bread. There are many things we can do to make us hapy. It shouldn’t only be politics!

  20. Im sure they are busy checking around to idemntify a UPND cadre to to arrest for these murders. They are trying to cover up the ritual murders that are meant to be a sacrifice. Time and again you will see the PF involved with murders that are meant to help them hold on to power. Towards 2016, there will be many more of such occurences.

  21. Hon. Lungu, sometime its better not to make ridiculous statement!!!
    You see, people DO EXPECT obvious and your statement will now make them believe (I may say rightly) that ZP only act upon receiving “go-ahead” from their political masters.
    What is the conclusion?

  22. The fact that PF felt it was useless to have membership cards has allowed hooligans to jump on the gravy train. Any reject from MMD, UNIP, FDD etc. has now joined them and as there are no records and no structures, ni sangwapo!You see this is what a jobless society yields……violence, indiscipline and mayhem. As for Sata’s silence…it is damning. The man is an irresponsible geriatic who is not fit to rule a blessed country like Zambia. Shame on you MCS!Joke of the year!!

  23. What is Stella Libongani doing? If she can’t act on her own to protect the Zambian people then there is no need for her to continue in the job. Why should she get tax payers money and all the fringe benefits if she cannot protect the owners of the money? She must feel ashamed and step down on moral grounds. We don’t want an IG who waits to be instructed to do her job. The question we ask is whether she is convinced that she is the Chief Cop of Zambia because if she was, she would act decisively. Even the arrests they are talking about will not yield anything because Stella Libongani does not work at all. She just sits to wait for Sata to give her what to do. That’s why you see that she is too quick to arrest the opposition leaders on very flimsy grounds. She behaves like a guard dog…

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