Friday, March 28, 2025

Court quashes injunction, recognises Finsbury interest in Zambezi Portland


The Supreme Court delivered a landmark judgment, in which it has quashed an injunction against Dr. Rajan Mahtani, Joan Craven and David Kamalarajan Kanaganayagan over ownership of Zambezi Portland Cement.

The judgment brings to an end a protracted legal battle over the ownership of Zambezi Portland Cement following an injunction in favour of Antonio Ventriglia and Manuela Sebastiani Ventriglia in April 2010.

The latest outcome implies that the ruling cannot be appealed against, as it was heard and determined by the full bench of the Supreme Court.

A landmark ruling, which was delivered by Supreme Court Judge Munyinda Wanki on an appeal before Justices Lombe Chibesakunda, Hilda Chibomba and Marvin Mwanamwamba, further recognizes the interest in the copperbelt based Cement Company of Finsbury Investment.

The Supreme Court further stated that the ex-parte injunction issued by the High Court of Ndola was cancelled.
The Supreme Court also said the stay granted by then Ndola High Court Judge Munalula Lisimba was irregular and improper.


  1. Mambala steals again. Every dog has its day. Mathani made sure the Ventaglia family did not access new money to enable them pay-off FBZ, PTA & FLZ debts.

  2. Why have we tolerated this crooked Indian thief? Only in Zambia does such a thing happen.

    Rajan Mahtani will be jailed.

    • Money my dear. Except with RB, Mahtani has managed to get into the pockets of late KK (funded 1991 campaign through late Pat Puta), FJT (1991 and 1996 campaign until Carrington Scam), late Levy (funded 2001 and 2006 campaigns) and the Snake (funded 2006, 2008 and 2011 campaigns). He has over the years managed to tactfully fund both sides of the field so he remains in the good favour of whoever wins. It won’t be surprising if in 2016 he fund before Pf and another strong party.

  3. Supreme Court of PF crooks! This is a criminal govt that is aiding and abetting criminality ! The same Mahtani was recently given $40 million out of court settlement by BOZ as compensation for seizing his crooked bank.

  4. You can call Mahtani crook but he is just doing businesses like any other business persons in zambia moreover this guy is not selfish like some other Asian people we know, he has employed alot of people in zambia and he is looking after so may lives through his many companies which some of the so called rich typical zambians have not done and atleast he pays well his employees. Dont just comment from nowhere about people you dont know i worked for ZPC under both Mahtani and Ventriglia’s managements i can confess those Italians are very bad people and they are the worst corrupt i have never seen, good for Mahtani atleast now he can breath!

    • By virtual of location and immigration regulations he has not choice but to employ Zambians in his companies. That does not mean that he is not a crook. You worked for Ventriglia but that does not necessarily mean you understand how this drama has evolved. If you followed the drama of the Carrington Maize Scam you would understand why Mahtani is called a crook. The FBZ ownership structure is a scam that PF has mistakenly interpreted as a political witch hunt only because of the campaign funding from Mahtani.

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