Friday, January 10, 2025

Lusaka Province Patriotic Front Youth Chairman Kennedy Kamba granted bail


Kamba at Zambia Police
Kamba at Zambia Police

Lusaka Province Patriotic Front Youth Chairman Kennedy Kamba this morning pleaded not guilty in the Lusaka Magistrate Court to one count of proposing violence.

And Lusaka Magistrate Obbister Musukwa has granted Mr. Kamba a K3000 cash bail with two working surities.

Defence lawyer Abraham Mwansa argued before the court that Mr. Kamba should be released on bail as he is of a fixed abode and a provincial youth chairperson for the ruling PF.

Mr. Mwansa also told the court that Mr. Kamba would avail himself before the court whenever required to do so.

It is alleged that Mr. Kamba on 7th November proposed violence without lawful excuse.

Magistrate Musukwa has set 28th November for mention and commencement of trial will be on 10th December this year.


    • He shouldn’t have been given bail. Murder is unbailable. This guy is the ring leader, so he should be charged for killing a fellow humanbeing. This could be a leason to all PF carders that they are not above the rule of law of Zambia. This call should be supported by all peace loving Zambians.

    • Why haven’t the “sharks” who sponsored this violence been arrested too? These “kapenta” were fighting on behalf of political heavy weights. If these were opposition cadres they would have been sitting with their leaders in police cells. Examples are abound.

    • @Blabla… Lawful excuse can be something like self-defence, for example, or in a situation where one or more people would have to physically restrain someone who is being dangerously unruly by applying extra force. In such a case, to kick someone, for example, is unlawful, but if it can be proven that the force was necessary to prevent a risk to public order for example, and that the force applied did not exceed the necessity, there can be consideration for lawful excuse.

  1. As people say all our hearts bleed when such is happening. Someone is roting in the grave very innocent, but people are fighting the law. Who will held responsible for the death which was properly announced by the govt?

  2. The charge he faces is a bailable one and as such it’s his constitutional right to be granted bail. However, our interest as citizens is to know who will be charged and rightly punished for the death of an 18year old boy, whose life was abruptly brought to an end. Our criminal justice system should not relent on this one. The police should ensure that the culprits are pursued and brought before the courts to answer for the painful death of the young man. his blood is crying out from the soil for justice to be done. MHSRIP. My heart bleeds too!

    • @ St Jude
      In as much as i would like to applaude for this action, i would like to reserve that untill i see how things unfold. This case wont be as easy as we would like it to be because it involves so many people from the same faction divided because of greediness.So many are guilty even without being physically present at the crime scene. My worry is the authenticity of the evidence, passing judgement without being selective or partial, i would like to see this case in a neutral ground with an uncompromising panel. As for granting bail to this guy, if it is within the courts juridistication and his leagal rights then i have no qualms with it, however, i hope the forensic team has been to the crime scene, spoken with witnesses to much up with what the perpetrators or suspects have…

    • St Jude,
      Lets not rush to condemn or implicate others because we want to see justice immediately, i hope this case will be handled maturely and professionally ( winking… knowing how things are done in my country).
      I think the great White shark and the Sting ray should be questioned its about time someone stumped their feet on the ground and bring this barbaric behaviour to an end above all justice should be done for the deceased (GBHS).

    • @cindy
      I agree with both your views. However, my concern is that the justice machinery seems to be dragging its feet on the murder issue and they rush to arrest for lesser offences. Anyway, maybe they are still INVESTIGATING, so that they do not accuse the wrong person,but I pray that justice will be done. We all know who is the cause of this, but we deliberately target the weak and the vulnerable. Thanx for your thoughts cindy.

  3. Two of Newton’s laws: 1- ” Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. ”
    3-” For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Figure that out guys.

    • Science can always go wrong it is not always accurate and it depends on which angle you are looking at, as for point 3 yes in PRINCIPLE…. “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” but in reality you can always determine the reaction following your action, i figured that out from the time i could tell right from wrong.

    • @Cindy, this case will sleep if no external force is applied to it. On the other hand, u can only push someone too far, never further, else they react equally to repel u. Pipo thought they were pushed too far by the MMD and they pushed back!

  4. There are two laws in Zambia.

    One for the crazy PF and it’s cadres to do whatever they want with impunity without arrest or released on arrest.

    Other killing of innocent people by the PF goons and they go scot free. One Zambia two nations

  5. In as far as I do not support violence, the problem with the Zambian law is that it is too weak. For one to be charged with murder especially were a mob was involved it is very difficult. Murder has to be proven with no reasonable dault as who struct the final killing blow.
    So all these Machete carry PF thugs just like all who have lived before Judge Ngoma, William Banda and those to come will continue walking to freedom unless Zambians start paying attension to strenthening the law.

  6. Proposing violence very week case.

    Where is Kamoki who mounted the road block. Mounting that illegal road block is more than proposing violence. That is actual violence.That act is what led to the death of that boy.

    Why has he been spared. Is it because he is still in the hopsital or is it because he is the camp of Edgar Lungu where he is denouncing the Secretary General.

    We are still waiting for the so called professional work by Mr. Edgar Lungu.

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