George Mpombo has urged President Michael Sata to reassert his authority in the Patriotic Front and the nation.
Mr Mpombo noted that the current situation where cadres have reached an extent of killing each other is a source of concern to every Zambian and the international community.
Speaking to QFM in an interview, Mr. Mpombo said that it was sad that President Sata has failed to bring sanity in the ruling party.
He said that the silence by President Sata on the happenings in the party showed that he has lost complete control of the affairs of the party.
Mr. Mpombo stated that it was imperative that the Head of State breaks his silence on the happenings in the PF.
He’s already doing that by letting his cadres hack each other to pieces! We still remember Chawama and the activities of his closed friends Scorpion Kadobi and Prisca Nakawala! He’s the man of the Panga Family…..Always been!
Iwe Kolwestan it was Ester Nakawala and not Prisca…you must just shut up if you have nothing to say Chi Sepo…
Iwe Only in Zambia, it was Esther and not Ester!! Lol!!
Sepo is a Barotse name. It certainly isn’t Kolwestan!
ONLY IN ZAMBIA this is for you.
Its very easy to blame Mr Sata about the violence in Zambia but i guess he is the President. One wonders however the violence which goes on everyday on Lusaka Tmes, i keep thinking why do we ( Zambians) address each other in such derogatory manner.
Those killing each other maybe uneducated, but then you find learned people at-least Grade 12 in the diaspora be so unkind. Am not sure if its our race pantu even black American don’t care for black life considering the way they slaughter each other in the streets on Chicago. What is it kanshi?
How come i can discern what George has written,This cant be the real George we all know!
I’m sure if Top Govt officials lost a Son, Daughter, Brother, or Sister, they would immediately address this ugly violence problem A.S.A.P!!
“Some lives are worth more than others”
Its not only the Head of State who can do bits and peaces. If only the Law enforcement wings can do their job impartially regardless of which Party cadres the solution is feasible. More so its that rift between Kabimba and GBM, once that is resolved the better. Kabimba started reorganising cadres wrongly. GBM so something was at play, diverting Royalty to the leader and started a campaign to stop that. This rift is the cause of the PF in-house troubles. Once the rift is resolved, harmony will prevail. however killings harden positions. Lets wait and see.
Is it the Head or Tail of the the STATE we have?
a big tail
mpombo- u r right like every other one who has comment on this issue. HOWEVER,THIS IS SATA’S STANCE ‘citizens are ther to been seen not heard’ u r u mpombo or who is a zambia to Sata?
Sata is afraid of Kabimba and his friend Mmembe. PF- Panga Front!!
Sata, as soon as we rise you have run or die! you will have your turn and you wont get away. As soon as we rise you must be charged for murder, the looting and the plunder.
As soon as we rise!
LT, why did you have to simplify Mpombo’s English in your story? I know he must have used words such as ‘imbroglio’, ‘brouhaha’ and ‘bedlam’, in that fashion. Please try and report employing the same kind of alphabets in Mpombo’s discourse.
@AccuGrade, I was going to say the same thing – these LT guys have short-changed us. They should have quoted at least one or two of Mpombo’s utterances verbose. He would have “propagated his disposition in a concisely erudite manner!”
Hahahaha! @ Kal, imagine having Mpombo in State House. We would all be carrying our Oxford dictionaries to his press conferences.
You’re right, there is no Gerontocracy, Pelete, Nincompoop…
This is not the George Mpompo i know………………….
Those who live by the sword, die by it,