Thursday, March 20, 2025

Slain PF cadre relatives to seek independent post mortem


Relatives of slain PF cadre Moses Simuwela have categorically rubbished the results of the police post mortem report which suggested natural causes as the cause of his death .

Some relatives now want an independent post mortem to ascertain the real cause of death.

His father Simuwela father has maintained that his son was in good health and could not have died from natural causes.
“He was only 18 and very healthy” he said.

The father has since maintained that he should be compensated by government following the secrecy and cover up in the movement of Simuwela’s body from Mwanawasa hospital to UTH and subsequently to Leopards cemetery where he was hurriedly buried.

Unprecedented levels of secrecy have surrounded the hacking and subsequent death of PF cadre Moses Simuwela and those responsible may go scot free because unconfirmed police pathological reports have claimed that Moses died from natural causes.

Police have failed to explain the circumstances of the death and eventual burial of Simuwela who was reportedly buried by the police on Wednesday this week.

According to unconfirmed reports, a police pathologist has suggested that Simuwela died from natural causes therefore none of the arrested cadres will face a murder charge.

But relatives have revealed that the post mortem report was outrageous as the body had extensive cuts and bruises.

Inquiries by the Daily Nation to establish the cause of death and burial arrangements proved fruitless.

Simuwela died on Thursday last week after the pro-Wynter Kabimba faction violently clashed with the Julius Komaki group who have been demanding the expulsion of their secretary general for allegedly forming parallel structures within the ruling party with the hope of succeeding President Michael Sata in 2016.

Police are failing to explicitly explain how Simuwela’s body was moved from Levy Mwanawasa Hospital to University Teaching Hospital (UTH) mortuary where it was oddly whisked away for burial at the Leopard’s Hill cemetery leaving the relatives of the dead PF cadre astounded.

Police have been reluctant to discuss the results of the post mortem and the author of this story was tossed from one officer to the other who declined to comment on the mystery surrounding the death, post-mortem and eventual speedy burial of Simuwela.

When contacted to comment on the confusion surrounding the post mortem results of Simuwela and the resultant confusion, police spokesperson Charity Munganga said she was out of town and did not have the details of the matter.

Munganga instead referred the query to the acting police spokesperson Esther Katongo who also referred the author to Lusaka police commissioner Nelson Phiri.

“I can not give you the details of what happened but call the Lusaka Province Commissioner who will be able to give you the details of the confusion surrounding the results of the postmoterm and the burial of Simuwela,” Katongo said.

But Phiri when contacted said the police service had discussed the matter and had mandated the public relations department to issue a comprehensive statement and expressed surprise that her juniors were referring queries to him.

“We do not want to cause confusion on this matter. We have discussed and we have told the public relations officer Katongo to issue a statement so that we do not look like we are a disorgainsed institution. So let me call Katongo to call you so that you can get the details of what happened,” Phiri said.

There are fears that authorities could be attempting to cover up people who are suspected to have been linked to the death of Simuwela to protect some powerful officials from being exposed over the fracas that happened on Thursday last week.

Simuwela was hurriedly buried at the Leopard’s Hill cemetery on Wednesday after the police pathologists conducted a post mortem whose results were largely rejected by the family members of the late PF cadre.

The results of the post-mortem showed that Simuwela, who was a victim of the violence that occurred at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport died of natural causes.

The results means that the people linked to the death of Simuwela would not be charged of murder and that was why those who have so far been arrested have been slapped with assault and proposing violence.

But the family of Simuwela were not happy and the results have raised suspicions that the state was scheming to clear the names of the people suspected to have been involved in the death of the 20 year PF cadre.UTH authorities told the Daily Nation that the hospital was not responsible for the body of late Simuwela because the matter was a murder case and it was the police that were responsible for the postmortem and referred all queries to the police.


  1. Interested parties could open up an account and advertise it on facebook, to raise some money for a private Pathologist to do a postmortem. Help them please.

    • dull pathologist what are natural causes of death death is never natural to a person less than 70 years of birth, there is always a cause

    • @Euro, please respect the dead, the family never asked for money yet.
      The ghost of Moses will not rest-in-peace on this one. He will visit Kabimba day and night. If young man died of natural causes why bury him by Police as if he was a criminal or unidentified prisoner?
      Edgar Lungu will not happy on this actions of the ZP & PF, its now personal. Everyone can understand why those ladies “spokespersons” don’t want to get involved, they are mothers, and the boy the PF government throw away was a son of somebody.

    • Are we going to let this matter die a slight dearth? As Zambian citizens were have the right to defend and up hold the right of every Zambia. Zambians can ineffect public arrest.
      Report them the international court of justice.
      We need to pass a vote of no confidence to this PF govt since solders also are mute.
      Massive demonstrations are required in such situation. Close up Parley as they seems also very ineffective.

    • Firstly, the quality of the police pathologist’s report clearly indicates that he or she is not qualified. The deeper challenge is corruption in the hiring process at police HQ. Unqualified foreigners who can barely speak English are given preference because CID and Forensics at force HQ can steal money allocated by parliament for forensic services.
      Until these evils are dealt with, please be prepared for shoddy services – and costly exhumations.

    • Very sad indeed!! How can people, in particular Zambians b so cruel?? And who is commandeering all this? Does Sata know, what about Edgar Lungu (minister in charge of Police) How can u sleep at night? Things like this happened in Kaunda time, and I m sure Sata remembers very well …. What about the general citizenry, why why so quite? All evil being committed for the sake of greedy, gaining political power? Lesa aka myocha bangwele imwe !!

  2. Sad reading indeed. It is such reckless action by the government which will force people to take up arms and get rid of the government.

  3. the end result of sin is death. this guy although no one is happy when someone dies,but these are same guys who causing confusion in the city. i hope 20 died that day so that they can learn a lesson. How can you go all the way to airport just to cause havoc on Innocent people. kill yourself bafikala.

  4. In addition to this autopsy they should also seek compensation and punitive damages from PF for loss of life and income especially if Simuwela was the bread winner.

  5. This kind of sheet cant fly in the USA and Zambians should not let this pass, Heads could seriously roll. Some one needs to account for this loss of life.

  6. First they should be sued for burying him like pauper with no family. How can the police bury someone like he has no family? When have the police conducted the burial of someone who has relatives and has not died from a dangerously contagious disease? Something stinks here.

  7. Why were the police allowed to hurriedly bury him? Even where the matter is a subject of a coroner’s enquiry as to the cause of death, the body is supposed to be handed to the family for burial after the results. Why are the Zambian state institutions that are charged with ensuring protection of the law and the public in a professional manner allowed to behave with such inhumanely impunity?
    No disrespect to our hard working female folk in other areas of human endeavour, but the appointment of so many women in the force, for whatever Sata’s obscure reasons has proven a disaster in terms of professional performance. Either they are merely incompetent or think they owe him their lives and hence are disgustedly compromised. Justice for the ‘ordinary’ human is now blowing in the wind.

  8. This is corruption, and I am sure the president has a part in this. Hence the reason Police SG warned that anyone found talking about panga cadres will be arrested.

  9. @notradamus.
    I wonder at your reasoning. Surely everything is Kabimba why not GBM? Start thinking not halucinations. The main players are BC. ZP,MOD are not acting do you think there are fools?

  10. Oooooh my God this story breaks my heart am so dissapointed. Only in Zambia can such a thing happen. Who ever did this karma it a bitch it will catch up with you no matter how long it takes. My heart felt condolences to Moses’s family. Too all those remaining youngsters, what does it profit you to be a PF cader. Please dont be used by these big fish within yo party who ever organized this is alive today moses is no more. Am very saddened even though dont know moses’s famil. WATCH AND LEARN people please do.

  11. The comforting thing is that the truth never dies and cannot be buried. It wont be long before all the evil accomplices in this matter will begin to tell on each other

  12. This article is just hogwash and anyone believing it should have their heads checked together with the author. When did police start burying people without notice of unclaimed body published in newspapers and other avenues. The author did not even see the pathological report people are reacting to. Very sad for mother Zambia.

  13. Now I believe HH when he made a very wild statement that PF were training militia in Sudan. What he left out was that police were part of this Janjaweed militia of the Panga Family.

    1. how do you bury somebody’s body without the permission of the family members and in their absence as if it is an claimed body?
    2. even an claimed bodies are only buried after a certain time frame which is about three months?
    4. It is the city council to whose responsibility is to bury such bodies and not the police?
    5. It is the UTH medical doctors who do such postmortem on behalf of the police and the relatives and where relatives are not happy with the results, then they can do a second postmortem.
    6 how do the police move the body from levey mwanawasa to UTH which has these postmortwithout the…

  14. Sad maneuvers and typical of PF conduct. It is indeed being un Zambian to hastily burry someone who has got a lot of relatives to be buried in such a barbaric and horrific way. Remember Garry Nkombo was victimized and arrested on flimsy grounds simply because he is UPND.
    Medical council of Zambia intervene in this unprofessional conduct of this policeman and deregister him from membership.

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