Thursday, March 20, 2025

PF has turned a deaf ear to the cries of the majority people-Nevers Mumba


The opposition Movement for Multi Party Democracy (MMD) has charged that the Patriotic Front administration has to do more and fulfill their promises to the people.

MMD President Nevers Mumba has told QFM News in an interview that it is unfortunate that government has turned a deaf ear to the cries of the majority people that put them into office.

Dr. Mumba notes that the failure by government to deliver the constitution in ninety days, create more jobs and put more money into people pockets is a clear indication that they have failed to make it up for the people.

Dr. Mumba stresses that the Patriotic Front should accept their failures and begin to work hard for the good of the nation.

The MMD President has since advised government to concentrate on the challenges that the Zambians are facing.


  1. Nevers Mumba should have know by now that the fact is that’s what you get when you have one man and one man only who is ALL in one, he is the president, the constitution, the government, the judiciary, the policeman, the judge, the jury and the everything else. Do you think he can listen to anybody? It’s getting worse now that he is in partnership with Kaunda who never listened to the people?

    • Only materials are good when recycled not politicians.
      There is no where in world where recycled politicians have bounced back done better than before. The general trend is they worsen things because they think people are stupid to have given them a second chance.
      MMD and PF need completely new leaders in order to rebrand them selves. All their leaders were part of the corrupt regimes which were oust from power for rampant corruption , nepotism and social injustice.Therefore Zambians should not base their hopes on these useless spent leaders. What can they change that they didn’t change in the time they were in power? Totally nothing.
      I personally urge Zambians to focus their energies on UPND and NAREP. These are parties lead by young men who were not part of the corrupt…

  2. As an opposition leader, it is in Nevers Mumba’s right to question the government on how much job creation they have done so far. To be more credible he could have used figures when MMD was in power compared to the PF figures. The electorates could have drawn comparison and stimulate debate. Mentioning 90 days on a constitution that is about to be delivered in 2 years which MMD failed in 20 years is simple misjudging the timing of his rhetoric

  3. PF is all but shouting 90 days, more money in the pockets, low taxes, job creation and the many other impossibilities, hence they have no time to listen. Listening requires people with patience and that is not the gift PF has.


  5. In the driving seat, FTJ could now see clearly, the the freedom reforms embarked on, the free market, increased businesses, the increased Zambian entrepreneurship, free speech, free assembly, legal reforms-(before taking pix at state house or post office was an office that cud send you to jail-not any more) etc, Now we have 4th president from him, granted- despite his faults, a good testimony of his legacy-the beauty of being the main driver,not conductor and so, Dr Mumba has a point!! HONEST AND TRUTH ARE A VIRTUE, NEEDED IN ZAMBIA’S LEADERSHIP

  6. *During UNIP, taking pix at state house or post office was an offense that cud send you to jail-not any more*
    LT, plz provide chance for editing lol- these sensitive screen just post

  7. Shameless Nevers, its you who failed Zambians for 20 good years with no better constitution, you sold all public companies including ZANACO, thousands of our people were sent in the streets with no job. Please shut your big mouth, this is a draft constitution and not final version.
    PF is not wasteful like MMD who bought chitenges for trees and dogs.

    • Ukwa was part of the MMD for 10 years and if pf is not wasteful why has it run out of money? MMD had every right to spend money on campaign material that was not looted from the national coffers that is why there were reserves when they left government which have been depleted by the very regime you claim is not wasteful – your level of reasoning is even shallower than Ukwa’s which means you must be one of the dullest human beings on this planet.

  8. pio, MMD was given chitenge material by the Chinese and it was passed on the voters to clad themselves. It was and is still wrong to bribe voters for winning elections, but PF is rotten. If you are an honest person you will have shock of your life, PF under Sata, GBM, Chikwanda and Nsanda have their fingers and toes in cookie jars all the time. They will be treated for diabetes come 2016.

  9. Zambia’s problems have been growing fast for 50 years now!
    Zambians thought by closing their eyes and burying their heads in the sand would help solve these problems. You need more than just complacency!
    Alas, The resurfacing of KK and his unholy alliance with MCS has just made everything worse!
    It will take another 100 years to correct 1% of the damages caused!
    I am convinced Zambia is a Failed state and that I have to look for another place I can call home! The current environment is too toxic for the upbringing of my dear children!

    “No one patches up an old coat with a piece of new cloth, for the new patch will shrink and make an even bigger hole in the coat. (Matthew 9:16 GNB).

    • @Dim Wit,
      You have hit the nail on the head. Very well analyzed.
      For example, just look at the amount of precious time that is being wasted on the ongoing fighting within the so-called ruling party.
      In today’s edition of the Post the minister of home affairs has frankly admitted that the mess in the PF is a serious security threat to the country and he adds to say there is only one person who should come out in the open to address the situation. We all know who that person is. Surely the PF is finished.

  10. Please Nevers don’t pray for them to fulfill campaign promises. Once this done my friend we shall never enter State House again.Yours is to see that they fail lamentably.Pray that they continue with the confusion in their party.

    • Hatred will not help you, no wounder you are the past and if you think you will ever come back to power then you are dreaming. what you should remember is that your prayer is against all Zambian who need help like never before.

  11. For once, can these politicians tell the people to start solving their own problems instead expecting the govt to do everything for them! Politicians like Mumba are encouraging this dependence syndrome on the govt. Bible thumping politicians like Mumba fail to link infrastructure developments and jobs, every big projects brings jobs! I don’t understand why Zambians ignore construction jobs? Mumba does not understand MMD, if he did he would be last person to condemn PF for high unemployment among youths! MMD policies caused these massive unemployment in country and they failed to find any solution.This problem started 15 years ago, when Mumba was busy hustling his followers at Victory Ministry with his fake prophecies. Mumba do not know what a job look like because he is beggar!

  12. The Canadian $_$ you owe should be paid back and then you can talk. Mumba was veep before, he failed and was fired by Levy in the interest of the nation. Remove the log from your eyes too Mumba.

  13. Is MCS a share holder in the Postnewspapers
    or maybe Wynter? guys why does the Post
    behave lyk Times, Znbc and Dailymail? everything
    is abt PF,…

  14. I may be a lone voice on this issue but I hope people are able to see a bigger picture in the PF wrangles. Most people want Kabimba, Mmembe and Scott out of the system. For me Kabimba, Scott and Mmembe are playing a crucial role in PF. If it wasn’t for them Sata would have generated into a worse dictator long time ago. Believe me these guys are keeping Sata in check. Zambia may not be seeing this at present but with time people will see this. So Kabimba et al are not the enemy but Sata who has unleashed cadres on the Zambian society unabated. People, who know Sata, know this is his modus operandi. He works through mobs and GBM, Nsanda , Kambwili and Chikwelete were or have been his tools. So wake up and start reading this in a different light. Don’t demonize Wynter and team, see the…

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