Thursday, March 20, 2025

Police block body exhumation


The family of slain PF cadre Moses Simuwelu yesterday failed to exhume his body and conduct a postmortem examination with an independent Pathologist.

The body was supposed to be exhumed yesterday around 17 hours but police blocked the postmortem because the Pathologist they contracted had links with the police.

The family has been forced to hire an independent Pathologist following initial unconfirmed police reports suggesting that Moses died of natural causes, an assertion the family has rubbished.

Yesterday acting leader of business in Parliament and Home Affairs Minister Edgar Lungu told the nation that police has so far arrested eight suspects in connection with the killing of Moses and were now looking for the mastermind of the murder.

A Copperbelt based pathologist was yesterday expected to exhume Simuwelu’s remains from the grave and conduct an independent post mortem.

Uncle to the deceased and family spokesperson Lucky Simuwelu confirmed to the Daily Nation that the family was not happy with the government report and sought further investigation from a private Pathologist.

However, the Simuwelu’s were not allowed to go ahead with the task because officer from force headquarters said that the named Pathologist was once attached to Zambia Police.

Simuwelu said that the police suggested that the operation be conducted by an independent person that had no links with the Zambia Police in order for them to have an undisputed report.

“We were supposed to exhume the body at 17:00 hours with this pathologist from the Copperbelt but the police told us that we could not go ahead with the operation because this man once worked for Zambia Police. They want someone who has no attachment with police and they said they would call me any day when they are ready.

“As a family we feel this whole thing was engineered because it is not convincing that one can perform an examination with naked eyes. The person who first conducted the post mortem had only a knife and a scale and of course samples were taken but we still doubt his findings because our son had cuts in his body. We are going ahead with this and we want to know how our son died. Am happy that officer today act in a professional manner and hope this will continue until we get to know the real cause of Moses’ death,” Simuwelu said.

He said his family was still disturbed with the death of Moses and the pathologist’s report that indicated that he died of natural causes when he was injured during the PF intra party fracas.

The Simuwelu’s further questioned the secrecy and cover up in the cause of death for their son and wondered why his body had extensive cuts and bruises.

18 years old Moses Simuwelu was a victim of violence during the PF fracas that took place last Thursday in Chelstone area along Kenneth Kaunda Airport road after the pro Wynter Kabimba faction violently clashed with the Komaki group who have been demanding for the expulsion of their secretary general for allegedly forming parallel structures within the ruling party with hope of succeeding President Michael Sata.


  1. The biggest question is why did the police bury him secretly without family consent,this is inhuman treatment to the already shocked family.i hope the family will be able to identify him once exhumed otherwise police may take someone else body.

    • The ghost of Moses will haunt Kabimba. The best is to deal this traditionally, forget the postmortem. Kabimba’s family should contact Simuwelu’s family.
      Let me make it simple for Sata, because Edgar has git it right: Its like if Kabimba’s dog attacks Komaki’s goats, the chief (police-court) will not go after the dog, but the owner.
      Komaki made mistake to take his exited goats near those dogs of Kabimba, but does not mean if one goat became victim, then Kabimba has right to go and throw it away. You return it to owner and discuss compensation.
      And please just leave Moses rest-in-peace, maybe best is family to offer him a better grave, from where the police dumped him.

    • Am sorry but Moses Simuwele had a choice, to live or not live. He had a choice to participate in stnpidty or not. He chose to confront the panga wielding mob of thugs and he paid the ultimate price, so lets all respect the choices he made whilst on earth and move on.
      As for the Simuwelus, it’s kind late now to show responsibilty they didn’t when their son was behaving badly. It’s a waste of time and resources, them too need to move on learn from this unnecessary death of their dangerously -living son.

    • @Msana Wanzili: Everyone knows its you Gay Scott using this fake blogg name! You have brought death and suffering to one family and we will leave this to God. Whites like you dont deserve our tolerance in Zambia. Why dont you just go back to your cold country instead of bringing us confusion.

    • Its not the duty of the police to burry unclaimed bodies but that of the Council so why and when did the police started burry dead peopl? the need to be sued.

    • Ba Chilyata you are no better than these thugs. You found time to make racist utterances. You don’t even know who Msana Wanzili really is, but you are quick to seize the moment and belch out your hatred ridden bile. Those who live by the gun shall die by the gun. Let’s not pretend that this young man was an angel. Young men need to realise that they are mere pawns in the politicians’ big game the better for us all. Let this be a lesson.

    • It is a clear and deliberate attempt to obstruct the course of justice. For as long as the postmortem says the person died of natural causes, the prosecution’s case in court will not hold and the criminals and their sponsors will be free. The family cannot even access a pathologist from abroad as that person will not be licensed to practice in Zambia. That bodies will be exhumed after it is extensively decomposed at which point a proper autoposy will be impossible. CRIMINALS! Lesa aka mikanda.

  2. Iam now loosing trust in these pathologists,How can 18yrs old person die from natural death? Can the Medical Council of Zambia verify the academic qualifications from this pathologist, otherwise ,the worst is coming.

    • It is Hunger my brother, if there is any integrity left in the PF it is that worth only for the toilet. How does a so called “pathologist” sign a certificate of a person that has been killed in violence as having died of “natural causes”? The opposition need all these records, such “Pathologist” if indeed he/she is one, should be made never to practice anywhere in the world when the new party takes charge in 2016. It is common knowledge that the died under violent circumstances, even parliament (The seemingly highest body in the land) knows it.

    • It tells you how corrupt PF is. PF is determined not to prosecute the killers just because they are PF cadres. So they came up with this “natural death” postmortem is a cover up. It implies that if the man died of natural causes then there’s no one to prosecute. Thus letting the cadres with blood on their hands walk scot free.

    • Its 100 percent that moses died from natural causes and its a good lesson for us parents to teach and train our children not to participate in violence. This is the wages of been violent and moses simuwelu was part of the problem in PF and zambia.

    • This matter may turn out like that of Mr. Mabenga’s late daughter when it was found that the pathologist was friends with the murderer’s family.

    • WA wona Saulosi
      I won’t pretend I was not pleased @ P.F, getting rid of a Corrupt M.M.D. However the ROT set in very early with P.F, firstly being “Allergic to Corruption”, but soon after winning hiring questionable – proven corrupt individuals from M.M.D’s past.
      P.F, then quickly became more violent than M.M.D, ask Gary Nkombo. For me it was downhill from then. Everyday worsening Ugly Scandals.
      One can NEVER defend Wrong-doing.
      Manje’ from this story/ allegation if true, P.F. have entered IDI AMIN DADA territory, & point of No return, where I feel even U, an intelligent Guy will find hard to defend.

  3. I wonder what interest the police have in hiding the truth. Firstly, the leave their guns and short batons to become undertakers to bury Moses. This in itself is suspicious coz the family never said they are unable to. In this case, it shud have been the Lusaka City Council doing the burying, not ZP. Secondly, they come out and start setting conditions for the independent posmoterm to be done. Who appointed them State Attorneys? They were not even involved in the killing, so the sane thing to do would have been to keep their distance since they failed to prevent his death in the first place. All they can do properly is collect bribes from poor drivers. What a corrupt police force! Wonder how Libongani and Jere can still show up in the highly decorated uniforms and pretend they are sane.

    • Its suprising how the Police decided to bury the boy. We have had many cases of murder but never have they felt that since its a murder case they should bury the body of the deceased. So a lot of questions that need answers

  4. #chikubabeniso, where is it written that he was buried by the police. Please stop rumour mongering and behave responsibly. The family wants the body to be exhumed for an independent pathologist to re-examine the body for they are disputing the findings of the first postmortem. Do not follow what these hate newspapers are feeding you.

    • When fairness stops to be the centre of govrning people know that trouble is not par. Police you are their to be the reference point in cases like this one, and not to get too much involved.

    • @Tunkku ndiye problem yopezela nkhani pakati. If you had followed this matter from the beginning you would have learnt that the police forcefully took the body for burial after family members raised concern over the reported cause of death.

  5. This is scary for am very much sure that such actions can only be authorised from the top and am assuming two separate factions, one from the Police department and the second one….. no need to guess!
    Now if this is the case in whose interests are such actions being taken? Who is being protected here? More questions come to mind especially when Law makers decide to play the Maffia! The Family has all the rights to exhume the body of their loved one especially if he died under suspecious circumstances. I would like to urge the courts to grant them the right to dig him up so they can give him a respectable burrial and find closure in all that seems to be a mistery. Finally i would like the family to sue the Police force, those who authorised such inhumane action be punished!

  6. These police officers are to corupt,more especialy here in chingola. trafic officers are geting richer and richer. they re drivin posh cars, they have public transport cars which are not road worthy and each time they reach road block they ask niyabandani iyi,wen they are told it is for the oficer they say go. wat type of police officers are these. very soon we wil start arestin them

  7. The family must hire armed security to guard against the police stealing the body and replacing it with another. Zambia has really gone to the thugs. I can’t believe the police conducted the burial!

  8. Do unto others what you want others to do unto you. You an upright Government, don’t lie and let them have profe, for we want not an unfair judgement now. Viva corrupt free PF.

  9. The whole issue is becoming a mess for the faction that committed the murder. The obvious cover up they are attempting shows great panic and that a big fish was involved in organizing and arming the cadres. I am happy that the Acting Vice President, the Home Affairs Minister is on the side of justice so far.

  10. It is now clear that Chiluba was a good man!
    He had a good reason for giving us LPM (MHSRIP).
    It is clear who was responsible for all the atrocities under Chiluba!
    What is the point of constructing this and that If we cannot uphold the truth and Justice in the land? Zambia is contaminated because of bloodshed.
    Too much bloodshed under PF! Why?
    Trouble is not far from our door step!
    Pretending will not help!

  11. Burying bodies covertly, without family consent is CRIMINAL, and takes us down memory lane, when a so called, “Field Marshal, – Uncrowned King of Scotland, & Ruler of All Animals & Fishes of the sea”, ruled over an East African country, in the 1970’s!!

  12. Now the who issue is if the pressure mounts from the family towards the police regarding exhumation and further postmoterm, those who are in the forefront from the family over the process shall be wiped out through unclear cirmstances in order to end it completely – watch the space.

  13. I remember seeing the clip on znbc the day before burial saying this cadre will be burried 2morow, now am wondering which secrecy about the burial you are talking about. Maybe tell us about post moterm results not burial secrecy, it doent hold any H2O.

    • Zambian rumour machine at work. Did the police really bury this boy? How come the parents have not alluded to that fact in this article?

  14. When the government become Mafia!!ne sure!!its so sad that Moses died a natural death after being hacked by pangas!!.Who is fooling who?

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