Thursday, March 6, 2025



    Eddie Black is a pseudonym that has grown to be popular amongst the majority of the Zambian folk who
are avid followers of the Hip Hop culture. His name often precedes him because of the admirable qualities
such as the formidable energy he exudes on the microphone and his ability to beautifully contort
rhymes, punchlines and metaphors effortlessly on tracks which can be attributed to it. But that is only one
side to this rap giant who has been terrorizing the Hip Hop scene for quite sometime.
Born Nathaniel Edward Bangira Nchemba in a small town of itezhi-tezhi southern end of Zambia. He was
raised in Lusaka by his mum, a single parent who sadly passed on leaving him in the loving and caring hands of his grandparents. The loss of his only parent at such a young age was devastating for Eddie Black, but fortunately enough for him, in his time of great distress he found solace in music. Although at the time he wasn’t particularly into the Hip-Hop genre, but enjoyed music as a whole. “Music makes me happy”, he would say. It wasn’t until later on his life that he learned of rappers like Ludacris who majorly influenced him to a point where he decided that he too was competent enough to create his own music. And so in January 2011 Eddie Black released his debut single titled ‘whats the name of the game’ produced by Erasto. After the release of his first single which received numerous positive reviews from the listeners he set a goal to become a household name. This dream slowly began to take form when he released his second solo effort titled ‘Rock ‘n’ Rolla’ which got airplay on local radio stations around Lusaka. Later that same he came across an exceptionally talented producer and songwriter Peezey Cables who took him under his wing and together they launched the smash hit single ‘Bangumfweko’ which boasted massive national airplay, countless raving reviews from fans allover the country and made it to the top ten national charts.

As if this wasn’t enough Eddie Black took it a step further and published stunning visuals for his single which took the Hip Hop game by storm as it aired on every Tv station across the country and was the word on everyone’s lips. This alone attracted several features
and collaborations with already established artists in the game who simply couldn’t avoid the buzz that this fresh new rapper had created. And ever since then it has been one bomb after another. “I am the new phenomenon” became thee motto that Eddie Black adopted due to his quick climb to fame and also because nobody could outshine this uncommonly gifted young man.
He has gone on to collaborate with other acts such as THE KICKS, Peezey Cables, the legendary Macky II,  KRYTIC ,Young Majik and many others.

As co-founder of The Hip Hop For Change Movement “Zed We Can” it’s always been Eddie Black’s dream to not only earn, but also be able to give back to mankind. He hopes for a Zambia permeated with love, from the nation’s leaders all the way down to the beggars on the streets. Also the rapper intends to use music as a grooming tool for other emcees encouraging them to gravitate towards imparting messages that positively impact the local community. Which they will then pass on to the outside world. Eddie Black acknowledges that it is a grueling pursuit, but it seems like nothing can stand in the way of this optimistic young man who has goals to be achieved as he concludes in his own words, ” It will be a long journey, but we’ve taken the first step already by having this DREAM  ,in@TeamEddieBlack   we trust”



KAPA187: In 5 words, describe Eddie Black to us.

EDDIE BLACK:  I am the new phenomenon hehehe 

KAPA187: What made you decide to get serious about doing music?

EDDIE BLACK:  Well I think at some point I just realized I am actually good at this damn thang so why not.

KAPA187: Which rappers locally and internationally are you inspired by?

EDDIE BLACK:  Well locally its always been the first people to make it in hip hop in my era CRISIS MACKY2 SLAP D, cliché but true. Internationally I was inspired by Ludacris Fabolous Young Jeezy….

KAPA187: Many of your fans came to know you from your smash hit single “Bangumfweko”, when recording the song did you anticipate it to be so successful?

 EDDIE BLACK:  I actually had issues that day was in studio n’ only beat I had belonged to someone so I called Peezey Cables n’ explained ,that’s when he came through n’ made the bangumfweko beat if I hadn’t I was going to have a different song all together but I kindda knew it was going to be big.


KAPA187: What is the song “Bangumfweko” about?

EDDIE BLACK:  Well it was like the song on which I wanted to report for duty #YaHeard.I had done a few songs before and I was just a regular dude n’ unnoticed and I had to do something that will get my name out there hence “Let them hear meeeee” translation hehehehe

KAPA187: You have worked with a number of local artists such as Macky 2, Krytic. Who are some of the artists you would like to work with in the future?

EDDIE BLACK:  Uhm I would really like to work with Pompi n’ Mr Swagger ,The Holstar, 5ive 4our, Salma she’s hot hehe , there are alot of other names but I can’t do it all at once.


KAPA187: Do you feel there is unity among Zambian rappers, it has been observed that usually collaborations are usually only between artists of the same cliques e.g., XYZ, Kopala etc.?

EDDIE BLACK:  Yeah like you put it its kopala lsk you know kinda like west coast n’ east coast but we are trying to work on that as artists because we have realized now that its the only way the Zambian music industry is going to move forward.


KAPA187: As Zambian music is getting increased exposure in the international market, where do you see Zambian hip-hop in the next 5 years?

EDDIE BLACK:  In five years I see our industry five steps ahead coz artists are learning to settle their differences and each year we find new ways of distributing our music so we are moving forward.

KAPA187: Are you working on an album, what can your fans expect from it?

EDDIE BLACK:  I am actually done recording my album titled “BLACK SUPREMACY” and my management is yet to announce the release date though I just might drop a  hand grenade before then hehehe. What to expect ,well uhm expect the Eddie Black you’ve come to know I mean it is my first project so am not doing any experiments hehe

KAPA187: What is your take on the newly introduced holograms, will they reduce piracy?

EDDIE BLACK:  It is a good move and I think we are moving in the right direction.

KAPA187: As you know rap music is all about originality, what differentiates you from other rappers?

EDDIE BLACK:  I tell it like it is man you got a problem come see me.

KAPA187: In the upcoming years where do you see yourself in regards to your music career? What goals do you hope to achieve

EDDIE BLACK:  I always say this, I am grooming myself to represent zambian hip hop, I am learning alot from veterans I ask alot of questions shout outs to The Holstar. Its not all about you its about giving back as well so not just my music but the zambian music industry will one day build a road a school and a bloody sky scrapper believe it.

KAPA187: Any last words for your fans.

EDDIE BLACK:  Thank you very much for the support thank you for being Team Eddie Black, don’t forget to pray. Black supremacy album coming soon #YaHeard love y’all….




  1. Any rapper who does not mention Nas as an inspiration is probably rapping the usual trash and I will not listen to them. Nas put hip-hop on the map and not in a commercial way only- but raised a concious. It’s like saying you like kalindula but refuse to acknowledge King PK Chishala…GTFOH is Luda can inspire you. Hip-hop died with the money cash hoes these “rappers” brought…but get ur money…don’t just call ur “music” hip-hop…but simple rap.

  2. man Eddie who have a long to go..but keep on you are a true Zambian and a inspiration to Zambian artists. .all the way team Eddie Black.

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