Thursday, March 20, 2025

UPND to engage lawyers in helping late PF cadre’s family do postmortem


FILE: UPND deputy secretary general Kuchunga Simusamba protesting against the Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda outside the Supreme Court
FILE: UPND deputy secretary general Kuchunga Simusamba protesting against
the Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda outside the Supreme Court

The opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) has revealed that it will engage lawyers in helping the family members of the slain Patriotic Front (pf) cadre, Moses Simuwelu, in having an independent pathologist to conduct a postmortem examination.

UPND Deputy Secretary General, Kuchuga Simusamba, says it is disappointing that the family members of slain PF cadre Mr. Simuwelu were blocked on saturday by police when they tried to exhume his body and conduct a postmortem examination with an independent Pathologist.

Mr. Simusamba says these are signs that the Zambia Police Service has lost credibility and is being used by the party in power to intimidate the people of Zambia.

He states that this is injustice of the highest order and preventing the family members from conducting a postmortem examination with an independent Pathologist is an abuse of their human rights.

Mr. Simusamba explains that even when the Medical Doctors from the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) had finished their postmortem examination on Mr. Simuwelu, it’s the police that had moved the body and could not allow the family members be close to the body.

The family of slain PF cadre Moses Simuwelu on Saturday afternoon failed to exhume his body and conduct a postmortem examination with an independent Pathologist after the police blocked them because the Pathologist they contracted had links with the police.


  1. if the motive is for a political mileage then the cause is ill-meant, if however this is meant to help a poor and unjustly treated family then good leadership and help even those not in limelight..

    • The end justifies the means weather it is political or meant to help the family. What is important is that the murderers are punished.

    • Iwe Psyco-Mata, it is psychosis that makes you fail to understand that EVERYTHING political parties do is for POLITICAL MILEAGE? That’s why they are called POLITICAL parties.

    • Well done UPND. When the PF does things in darkness ,shine the light to expose them. It is actions such as these that will help bring back sanity to troubled mother Zambia.

      Only dull characters can undermine UPND ‘s good efforts to help the grieving family. UPND’s efforts are what is expected of a caring opposition party. If UPND stood by and watched while PF is busy committing atrocities then it would be a useless opposition party.

      To those against please try put yourselves in the shoes of this family. What happened to the late Moses could happen to you or a close member of your family. This is true ; especially to those of you PF supporters, because it seems these Panga Fighters are out to kill more and more PF supporters. Nearly every one of their victim is a PF cadre.

    • i always wonder why HH always use the dead to build his political CV and gain political mileage why do they sacrifice to assist ‘only’ where blood is involved. nowonder you do not smile. sir tar nst

    • @cozmokaojr

      I have seen HH’s smile several times. But I have never seen Sata smile even on posters or during an interview .Have you?

    • What is @cozmoka talking about? During the 2011 election campaign did Sata not purchase a blanket and donate money to the family of an accident victim on the Great East road? The Simuwelu family needs to be assisted and that is the bottom line. Why should it be wrong for UPND to help them if no one else has come to their aid?

    • @ Cycle Mata,
      At the end of the day some one has to do the right thing, at this point in time it doesnt matter how, what, when and who does it. Someone has to man up and up until now no one from the expected party has done that, not even ordinary citizens so well done HH and your camp you have done the only decent thing. @ Cycle wait till tragedy knocks on your door step, then will you realise that even your percieved “wizard” is actually the angel you needed most!

  2. Well done You pee hen dee. Am sure you can collect evidence and when these morons are out of govt they can be put where they belonf. In jail. Now it wont go no where but the time will come. All the best!

  3. Mpundu, The moles in PF are Kabimba, Chella and Chumbwe. They are all working for the post. How else can one explain how the post is unleashed at anyone who is not in good books with the trinity.

  4. Its a known fact that HH and UPND are behind the violence in Zambia then claim to be PF cadres.
    History repeats itself, during UNIP early days, them MMD under chiluba. The good thing is our brothers and sisters in uniform will soon zero in and bring to shame the persons behind the violence.
    As for late Moses, too bad but that are the wages for been violent, by far the best proof is experience because cemeteries are filled with people who thought the world could not get along without them.

    • @Pio,
      It’s a proven and undebatable fact that GBM, Sata, Mmembe, Kabimba, Chikwelete, Kamba, and Komaki are behind all this violence. If your summation is anything to go by then it goes without saying that all these guys are bonafide UPND party members . Mmmm…what do you have in place of your brains?

    • @Pio

      If what you are saying is true then your PF government and its leader are all useless.How can they let opposition party members commit atrocities of such a magnitude and then fail to arrest and punish them? Which ever way you look at it ,your PF and Sata are just a bunch of

  5. its a sad reading indeed that police are so partisan that it is visible with our naked eyes. pathetic country to be in just because of power hungry 1diots even when they already have the power in their hands. shame

  6. What was the reason for the police possession of that body, if not that it was because of the nature of death? Otherwise, they should have handed the body to the family after being certified ‘dead due to natural causes’, and the police should have not been anywhere near the burial; and anything the family wanted to do could be done unfettered. The family can even decide to rebury somebody, if there are reasons for doing so, without hinderance, since, according to police, there is no criminality involved in the death – so far. What are the legal minds saying?

  7. It does not make sense,is upnd involved in pf confussion? Upnd is opening itself to finger pointing as the hidden hand behind pf problems.

    • @ Puungwa,
      Don’t be so gullible. UPND is doing the right thing. We the Zambian people are sleepy to say the least. Seeds to a civil war are being planted right before our eyes by PF and we are not troubled enough to do something about it. PF is breaking every law of the land, destroying our peace, and tarnishing our image as a country. What are we doing to protect our ideals? Isn’t this what happened to Rwanda, Burundi, and Uganda. I would rather UPND risk criticism than sit back and do nothing about these atrocities!!!

  8. Mole or PF INFILTRATOR riffraff!

    LT reports, “Police block machete wielding anti Kabimba cadres from going to the Airport”

    Why on earth should a genuine PF cadre block others from attending his own President’s high profile function such that one?

  9. If only our grade seven police officers worked independently, this country would be safe and we would all be protected by them. But they are only serving the big rotten fishes as usual. This cancer should be stopped were the police work for the party in power. I hope the grieved family get the justice they are seeking one day! MHSRIP!

  10. Wow ! I bet this is a good opportunity for UPND to score another cheap goal against PF.Nice !! Justice must prevail though.

    • Saulosi, indeed its cheap politics this was used before by MMD with Levi Patrick Mwanawasa and George Kunda when they were in opposition.
      UPND should provide a lasting solution by teach our youths not to engage themselves in criminal activities, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.

  11. I AM ASKING,

    • @ Luapula premier, The Bible says, “for everything there is time” hence this is no laughing matter please, a life was lost. Put yourself for once in the shoes of his family and see how you would feel. Please have a human heart that feels pain. REMEMBER! people are not being partisan by questioning and condemning the wrong deeds done, they are just being objective and sensitive to the ills that are likely to befall our beloved country if we as citizens are not careful. You talk as though you have more than one country, the rest of us have only our beloved Zambia and we’ll die protecting it. Please try to be more objective and analytical in order to be able to contribute meaningfully to serious issues. When you have no sensible contribution, remember that silence is golden.

  12. UPND thank you for extending a helping hand to the vulnerable in our society. PF is dirty. Sata is dirty. Zambians should reject Sata and his criminal PF Party come 2016. The truth should be revealed. Abash Satan! Abash PF!

  13. UPND for all Zambians, including other political parties. We are all one! Why not give a helping hand where injustice is about to be perpetrated?

  14. Those of you who feel that UPND want to help because of gaining political mileage must have a very queer way of thinking. Are you suggesting that what the police did was correct, where they went and buried the body secretly? Don’t the relates have a right to know? Is it not a right for relatives to demand for a second opinion if not satisfied with the post mortem report? UPND is right by offering to assist the family so that the PF is exposed. How can they murder someone and claim he died of natural causes? We want them exposed and UPND must go ahead and cause Sata sleepless nights. Sata is so scared of UPND that if he had a way he would have the party deregistered and its members eliminated from the face of the earth,but since he is not God, UPND is here to stay and create more headaches

  15. @ Questioner

    Please educate me, if the body was buried secretly, which body has someone been trying to exhume? Where are they going to find it?

    Has Lusaka turned into a UPND rumour monger ville?

    • I would really love to see your comments if PF lost the Mansa seat, what with the way your ka president is antagonising the bembas. Please, suicide is not an option.

  16. Actually, it is not only UPND who is concerned about this matter. whether it was GBM, Kabimba or RB OR a Police officer, as Zambian we would have demanded for proper burial of the said without looking at a political affiliation.
    So we need those murders, the ones who stole the body and a fake doctor to be charged with first degree murder, together with their sponsors period.

  17. Excellent idea. A life has been lost because of senseless violence and the people who incited this violence have quietly taken a back seat. When a life is lost you must all realise that a family could suffer as the deceased could have been the only bread winner. The police need a complete overhaul too. This is what you voted for and there will be many more unnecessary deaths when we get nearer 2016.

  18. This idea of always being a ‘side walk abassador’ will not help us.let’s all get concerned when life is lost in such a way and the elite want to make a cover up.The church,NGOs,political parties and human rights groups can help.The stance taken by the upnd should not be politicised,justice must prevail.The Rwanda issue is a big lesson for all,the African leaders watched and later on, every one of them who visited Rwanda shed tears,when they had time to help.Today we can talk of a life lost but tomorrow we will talk about several lives lost.Justice now not later.

    • Sure man.
      Chapita muzako mailo chilipaiwe. Supposing it was your son from CBU on his way to Chelston to buy bread and the cadres kill him and later the state buries him secretly
      Assault On the wall STREET
      Let learn to have feelings for others rather advancing own-self ego

  19. UPND, HH and Kachunga Simusamba, should spend time educating men in southern province the dangers of bestiality.
    1. Mazabuka man was caught having sex with a dog.
    2. Chikankata pupil was found having sex with a pig

  20. @ PIO

    I AGREE WITH YOU 110%.


  21. Please UPND dont do that. These same people when evrything will be okay they will go back kuli sata. they dont think those.

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