Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Zambian sentenced to 32 years imprisonment in the US


A Mount Airy man was sentenced to 32 years in prison on Monday in for his role in an armed robbery of the Eastgate Golden Corral restaurant last April.

Kenneth Chipemba, 37, apologized to victims in Clermont County Common Pleas Court. He pleaded guilty Oct. 8 to four counts of kidnapping, a first degree felony. He received eight years in prison on each count. He faced a maximum sentence of 44 years.

Kabinga Kwambana, 23, of Mount Airy, pleaded guilty to the same four counts on Oct. 16. Kwambana will be sentenced Nov. 12. He also faces a maximum sentence of 44 years.

Authorities say on April 13 while employees were closing the restaurant in the 4300 block of Gleneste-Withamsville Road, two masked men brandishing a sawed off shotgun, approached the workers. The men forced their way into the restaurant and tied up the workers.

A Union Township police officer stopped the suspects at gunpoint while they exited through the restaurant’s rear. Police also obtained the suspects’ firearm and the money they stole.

The restaurant’s surveillance system recorded the incident.



    • What a waste of life. They will come out of jail when they are 81 and 67 yrs respectively!! Useless lives. By no means is this a reflection of all zambians in the diaspora. These chaps kaya mwandi as to what kind of life they wanted to live. No matter how poor you are, keep on walking upright and ask for help nga fyakosa.

    • @xfactor
      ati they are what?…kekekekekek
      please please people out there in the diaspora.. if things are bad go back home, the president wants abantu aba kulima

    • @ ndobo, True, This is Embarrassing, rather go back home and start farming. What a waste of life. The Government can request for a Prison transfer at least to be moved to Chimbwakaila were their family members can be visiting them. else they will die in Prison. Zambians in diaspora please let this be a lesson.

    • Clearly your are a sad tibalist xFactor…these are not Bemba names at all … very pathetic indeed !!!! shame on you the chap are just thieves just like any thief in the world no tribe or ethnic grouping is spared from the scourge… even you tribemates steal… grow a brain !!!!!

    • Come on you moron (xfactor), crime has got no tribe, this has got nothing to with tribe! Please keep tribe out of this! Bachimbwi mwabashani kanshi? WHy do you to draw the whole tribe into the business of two criminals?

    • Returning to Zambia is not a solution, if you are a loser in Diaspora, you will be a loser in Zambia as well!.

      Instead embrace your adopted country and strive to make it through hard work and strategic planning of your goals. Follow your own path. Just because Kabwe drives a Jaguar, doesn’t mean you must get one too!

    • Are we not dealing with an individual who forged a Zambian ID?Let our Embassy in the USA PROBE THIS misfit.Zambian by nature do not kidnap their victims unless they are OP operatives under MCS.

    • X Factor – You are a PROPHET

      Who else is caught stealing, smuggling, trafficking drugs in foreign land. Its always Bemba, Bemba & Bamba…..aaaaass

    • @Saulosi My brother refrain from encouraging this sort of divisive tribal antagonism. I feel many that have shown this persuasion must change their ways, morally you owe many Bemba people an apology for always showing hateful speech towards good, proud Bembas. Tribal talk and action which prevails in the nation unfortunately, must have no place in our society, it is not conducive for the progress, peace and prosperity that we all seek and wish for Zambia. We mustn’t sink so low.These tribal attitudes are what have historically put Africa in the desparate condition of suffering and collective humiliation that we now face. Do you wish the same for yours and my future generations? Insulting and hating one another or loving and respecting one another.

    • My humble appeal to you all is to remember that the European’s task of en slaving and colonising us was made easy because in part he found us antagonising with one another, being tribal, and not united. In turn he has still been able to exploite our resources today because we carry on focusing on being tribal and practicing this disgusting tribal drivel. Do you want the China-man to also exploit this weakness? Or are we going to wake up and begin working together and respecting one another? We can’t even symphathise with the two Zambians that will be locked up for too long a time. In the US itself this type of sentencing is a source of contention. The justice system there still targets men of African origin, it is an unjust system..Yes the brothers deserve punishment but not so harsh

    • You tribalists shud first get your stooped facts right before voting for such nonsense as x factor’s. There’s no Kabinga in Bemba.

    • Sorry guys & ladies, but we tried our best to defend the boys. Unfortunately, it seemed like they both wanted to get jailed. They kind of stubborn, even asking that “Ba Nostra, bushe mulefwaya ukulyamo how much?”, So me & my other 2 friends decided to reduce their jail visits from 1 per month to -0 per 2months.

    • Sorry but Kwamabana is a Kaonde name. However, that shouldn’t be an issue as the world outside only sees these individuals “Zambian” and so should we.

  1. These names sound Congolese. They can also be from Luapula or North Western on the borders with Congo. Anyway shameful!

    • Congolese and Bemba are one and the same, too much crookedness. There is one bemba woman on the wanted list in the USA for theft of insurance cash in that country. She is still on the run hiding somewhere in Luapula/ Northern/ Muchinga.

    • People it dont matter where they hail from fact is… they are humans, who took a wrong turn in Life. What is your IQ if you judge people from a stand point of the color of their skin, tribe or Race?

    • This young man is from the Copper Belt. Chingola.
      Very educated, unlike me. Police record as long as your arm.
      I had no idea the fancy house and car where proceeds of crimes.

      Zambia jail is far better than American jail. But then, the ZP would have shot them.

    • Is this the same system that dispropotionately incarcerates Latinos and Afro-Americans as opposed to caucasians who commit similar felonies? Of course may be better than the Zambian system but surely not the best.

    • Imwe naimwe this is the same justice system that has just let off a racist killer of a 16 year old boy, best kwisa??? they are just about the worst, just slightly above the joker criminal justice systems of banana republics like Zimbabwe.

    • @ Zed Number 1,
      The same guy is in again for threatening his girlfriend with the same gun the state gave him after being released. These bloggers are so un informed to un extent that one wonders how possible that is, the American Jails are the waste as compared to the wetern European ones, their Judicial system is so racist it stinks and yet you hear some Zambian Blogger applauding them…. utter nonsense! No am not saying these guys must be sent back on the street but lets be fair people this is too much, we can dig up cases that have been handled out to some individuals which leaves much to be desired! Anyways, some folks are better off home than elsewhere, like the saying goes… there is no place like home? maybe they could have been in a better shape!

  2. And we are busy demanding for dual citizenship so that we can contribute to Zambia’s economic growth…….. let me fly away.

  3. Most Zambians and Africans in general are proud to be parasites in other peoples countries especially in America and Europe instead of developing their own countries. If all white people moved to Africa and Africans moved to America and Europe, the same Africans would start admiring and hence start trekking back because they would fail to maintain the standards and the whole place would be dilapidated. They would starting having water shortage in homes and especially in tall buildings.

    • Am sure u have no idea of the American system,95% of Africans work very hard,they don’t depend on welfare programs such as food stamps,most of the welfare recipient are found in white dominated areas.i do agree the other part of your comment but that’s lack of education standards,compare kumayadi na kukomboni,majority of our population are found in shanties which are not well blame it on African leadership which is a draw back.

    • @ chikubabeniso. What I meant by diasporans(sic) being parasitic is the fact that you are there not as a tourist or an investor but as an employee. Its not about asking for food stamp. It does not matter whether you have a chain of degrees or not.

    • @Spartan you mind me of photos circulating the social websites of Zambian cities and towns taken in the 60’s and 70’s. People are so proud posting these photos instead of being ashamed because we have retrogressed as a society and cannot maintain and improve on the infrastructure the clolonial government built and left us.

    • @ Mulondwe Muzungu you know what I am talking about!! Same roads, same sewer systems same rail line left by Cecil Rhodes ( welenshiki) and what not…! Something wrong here!

    • Most Zambians? And shallow bloggers concur? Just shows the calibre of people turning up here. Zambia has 15million people so what does “most” mean. The Zambian diaspora isn’t even a million. Think.

    • What are you doing on an African website mr whiteboy ? You are just a sore mutha””””ker who is also looked down upon by other white people. The world has changed hello ! Whose ruling your sorry white a$$es huh ? Malnourished racist lizard

  4. Oh shame ba Kenny. FYI that’s what you get if you’re too lazy to work hard for your mullaz!! You when you eventually do leave prison, get a job, wake up 05:30am and slave away for eight hours per day and get peanuts like the rest of us; at least we get to spend said-peanuts with a free mind. #notthatifeelsorryforyou

  5. It really doesn’t matter what tribe, or region of Zambia these guys are from. The very bottom line is they are Zambians and the country’s name (Zambia) is tainted as a result of the acts of the rotten few, shameful indeed.

    So all you ‘tribalists’ feckers OUT THERE, grow up, WE ARE ALL ZAMBIANS!!

    • They are from NorthWestern province…jst like KKabinga Mpa…and others…may be they are even related. None of them is Bemba

  6. This Chipemba guy was at David Kaunda (DK) Technical School in Lusaka around 1997. Was actually a headboy or something like that.

    • Bembas, avoid this nonsense. Do not put all Zambians into the same Basket. When was the last time you heard the other 72 tribes in nonsense. It is always Bemba women smuggling drugs, defrauding the government of money. They should give the us Justice department which names are bemba so all Zambians afre not painted the same.

  7. Hello fellow bloggers. Kindly assist me WIN A CAR contest using this link HERE As for me I have no intentions of being a thief. Kindly assist PLEASE PEOPLE

  8. 32 years wasted for a few hundred bucks from the till….these *****$ have surely learned a very costly lesson and they will never see their motherland.

  9. Being nicked for 32 yrs in US is paradise compared to 16 pf years, we are trapped pipo, see pangas and fists flying all over – I see rivers of blood in 2016. The mistake we made at the booth is graver than that commited by lucky Ken in USA. Thank your stars, boy; at least u are in jail, while we languish in a dangeon!

  10. Kabinga Kwambana are names found among Kaondes. I am a northwesterner but there is a certain tribe In Zambia very much associated with theft while its cousin is known for aggravated robberies/murders and Tongas for marijuana and Bestiality.

  11. Spartan, you are very dull with your scanty IQ and you lack self confidence as an african .Reserch more before you vomit all that rubbish from your dirty mouth. Who told you that whites are more had working than black people.You still have that inferiority complex because you were born black. Where I work in the Uk I command a work force of about 12,both white,black and Asian and some degree holders and they all work as their job description states .The problem in ZED is you fear every body white or coloured and ba mwenye Inclusive and think that they are more intelligent than you are .Yes, If you give them chance or room to manouvre and remain a spectator they will definately show you how it works.Africans from ZED have always perfomed very well in Europe

    • @ Hendrix in the west. Its childish to insult someone you don’t even know. I am just expressing my opinion which may be wright or wrong, so are you. Not all whites are educated or hard working but why do they beat us even in simple things like football? We only compete with them on sports or games which are individual in nature requiring only brute force like boxing or running. We fail to beat them on games which require working as a cohesive unit.

    • @Spartan Iv said this before on this blog, the white man’s civilisation in its entirety is a continuation of the black man’s mighty civilisation. Mathematics, chemistry, architecture, fashion, the root of modern religion, writing, astrology, and many more to carry on here were invented by yours and my ancestors. I know you won’t want to believe me, but thats your call, its not upto me to tell you your history and that the white man’s civilization would not even exist in its current shape without what our ancestors put in. RESEARCH IT YOURSELF. So lets be sober and look at this objectively without pointing fingers at this and that tribe, Bemba in this case…it makes you look foolish, and you fail to agree that anyone can make such a stupid mistake such as the one in question.

    • The response confirms Hendrix’s opinion. It’s so shallow and parochial it confirms why a person of such calibre will wallow in the sewers of inferiority complex. Such opinions can only be from aseverely mentally enslaved mind.

    • chibamba and real yellow jenalist. Its sad that I don’t have an opportunity to clearly explain for you to understand what I mean. You can continue wallowing in superiority complex while the reality as it stands today is clear for all to see. But I only wish we could work together as a cohesive unit to move mountains because as an individual you are useless no matter how clever you think you are. It pains me to see my people buying salaula (second hand) underpants as I drive my salaula car along Lumumba road.

  12. How do we know for sure they are Zambians? Anyone can get a Zambian birth certificate, nrc and passport these days I have heard. It’s easy. Has anyone from the embassy gone to verify this? And please give the geographical location. There’s Mount Airy near where I live but I don’t know of any Eastgate Golden Corral there.

  13. I feel sorry for the man.He made a poor choice and is facing a very harsh sentence.32 years is quite harsh.What a waste.You are an i’..diot for doing that but you are our i..diot.May the Lord be your shepherd as you serve your jail time.

  14. Please people show some remorse! Am sad for them just like I felt bad for Musumba after seeing a picture on ZWD last night. Life can be cruel iyee mwe…..

    • They are lucky to be alive armed robbery is serious…lucky the cop didn’t shoot them. In Zambia they would have bern sprayed with AK 47 bullets on sight.

  15. Does the tribe really matter??? I for one am a born bread Zambian, but my surname does not sound Zambian because the white man changed my great grand fathers name as they could not prounce his surname, they asked him what does it mean, when he told them they said ok from today this is ur surname, my parents found this our when they did research so some members of the family have managed to change they surnames through afferdavite.

  16. This kid Kabinga was my junior at mpelembe secondary school. This is very disappointing. Bane mwaya ku fyalo mwatampa ifyakuchitachita? Whats wrong with getting jobs like the rest of us? Like others have pointed out, if all else fails just go back to Zambia. What a waste of life. By the time you will be getting out, you will be too old to do anything. That’s if you’ll even get out alive. Anyway, wishing you luck muchifungo.

  17. At X Factor. A few words for you. One who is not a bemba stole K2billion. One who is not bemba forged a certificate. One who is not bemba slept with a pig in chikankata. One who is not bemba slept with a cow. One who is not bemba is in court for making dubious arrangement in fuel deal in Nigeria. One is not bemba, a lady, was imprisoned for 5 years in the Phillipines. One who is not bemba was gunned down early this year as a robber. One who is not bemba spent sometime in jail being implicated in building of PHI houses. One who is not bemba and is now with U.P.N.D used to hack people’s b.u.t.t.o.c.k.s and ears. Many more I can site. So ka X factor you are so dull such that the short coming of man’s moral behaviour has nothing to do with tribe. U are an I.D.I.O.T.

    • Tell the tribal cattleherders ! They are so tribal they even refuse to use toilet papervcoz it looks like KKs hankie ! you forgot the horny 98year old. Is he bemba also. Chicken rapists !!

  18. @3.2 cindy,
    Cindy, you are the same people that openly brag that ”We Bembas will rule for ages to come, no Lozis or Tongas will ever rule Zambia and you call HH all sorts of names for being Tonga”. When other tribes hit back you start to get confused.
    Cindy, is this not judging people by their tribe? In my view I think it is your IQ that is rock bottom.

    • @WTP,
      Just you aligning me with those tribalist Bloggers says much about your IQ and not mine! Revisit all my posts from the past if you come up with one such comment as you state, then my IQ is rock bottom if not go seek help. When i use figurative language which am sure you think is racist doesnt mean am segregating, thats why you need to read btwn the lines and understand my point, you will realise that it has nothing to do with judging, generalisation has a root cause and it aint funny!
      By the way, i call almost every one names GBM…. i have called him Fat Albert, White shark, Kabimba? oh i have several names for him, if it’s people around me my my my, you would laugh till you drop dead, so read btwn the lines if not you are the one who is judgemental!

  19. Sadly in our circles we can argue this on tribal lines but to the rest of the world out there all they see is “Zambians”.

    • This guy is as Zambian as all of us. Born and raised in Chingola, attended Chikola
      Secondary School, and David Kaunda. Graduated in the USA.
      I know his tribe but I will not go there. No, he’s not Bemba. A true Copperbelter, yes.

  20. U demons ,yo hate for Bembas will kill u. ‘Amano ubunono.’ Go 2 hell and rot dere 4 no bemba will bow b4 any human beings and demons like u.Education without God is useless.This z de more reason these 2 m/behaved just like dose of u yapping here.

  21. He comes from Luapula I met him a day before the dem incident with my best friend Elekani john. Shame on us Zambians. Yes they are bembas- or lunda from luapula

  22. I know Kenneth, Boarding captain at DK 1997. Makes sad reading. I am just disappointed with this bemba, tonga, lozi SH*T. The passport doesnt say bemba or tonga, it says Zambian. Thats all of us. I notice he was charged with four counts and given 8 years on each count = 32years. Question is are the sentences going to run concurrently or consecutively? If concurrently that means 8 years and he is out. I pray its only 8 years for the sake of his children. I feel sorry for him even though he was a ka mean prefect…..LORD help him.

  23. Kenneth was actually at David Kaunda technical school in 1997 or sometime around that. He is actually on facebook. These names are not Bemba.

  24. Bembas with stealing ni ntambi, now you can see the difference few days ago an easterner was awarded as a scientist of the year in USA


  26. Prevailing situation at KCM:
    1. They are selling all inventory including sensitive spares without leaving any spare to support the operations
    2. Scrap is being sold like nomans business
    3. They have started closing all the running contracts especially under projects
    4. Konkola Deep Mining Project (KDMP) has been stopped and no contractor to be on site after 30th November 2013
    I’ll keep updating you…..

  27. If you think this is shameful a Zambian pastor was sentenced to 20 years as well for infecting HIV to one of the church members in Michigan last year…. very sad indeed number Zambia are being labelled everyway

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  29. mind what you say.those people have relatives.kabinga is my brother!!!!!!

    kabinga why did you do this to uncle and aunt, we don’t understand.why kabinga???

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