Friday, September 27, 2024

Luapula has potential to be an economic hub with its massive water bodies and fertile landscape- HH


Luapula River
Luapula River

UPND president Hakainde Hichilema has urged the Mansa voters to join the rest of the country in the revolution that is sweeping across the country by voting for UPND candidate Wendy Mwiche.

Speaking at various campaign meetings and in an interview after the conclusion of his tour of Mansa by-elections, Mr. Hichilema said he was satisfied with the reception and the huge turnouts that he received in the area and promised to go back for victory celebrations after the by-elections.

“You saw for yourselves that president Michael Sata admitted to Mansa and the province is heavily underdeveloped, but in his usual style of running away from blame, he accuses his own MPs of not delivering development. Mr. Sata is just like a father who has failed to perfom his fatherly duties and constantly blames it on his children,” Mr. Hichilema said.

[pullquote]Late Sakeni should really be turning in his grave that the person he thought was his friend can today claim the place was not developed because of him (Sakeni) and other parliamentarians hailing from there[/pullquote]

He said he has again been vindicated when he said Mr. Sata was just a joker who cannot be trusted in keeping any campaign promise because he says one thing in one breath and later changes without shame.

“This is the person who has always been preaching in other parts of the country that development can only come if you give him MPs as he cannot work with the opposition. Now he comes to Mansa and says it is not me, but the MPs you gave me who are illiterates and not working. What guarantee is there that this man Chilufya Chitalu will be any different,” Mr. Hichilema

Mr. Hichilema said it was actually a great betrayal and a huge insult to the late Kennedy Sakeni for Mr. Sata to say that Luapula MPs were not working hence the under development.

“Late Sakeni should really be turning in his grave that the person he thought was his friend can today claim the place was not developed because of him (Sakeni) and other parliamentarians hailing from there”, Mr. Hichilema said.

He said he has always known that Luapula’s economic potential was not fully harnessed because of people like Mr. Sata who cannot take responsibility and apologise for failure.

[pullquote]Each time I come to Luapula and see these massive water bodies and beautiful fertile landscape, I feel like shedding tears because some of us economic managers know how this place can be transformed into a huge economic hub that can be exporting goods to neighboring countries using water transport[/pullquote]

“Each time I come to Luapula and see these massive water bodies and beautiful fertile landscape, I feel like shedding tears because some of us economic managers know how this place can be transformed into a huge economic hub that can be exporting goods to neighboring countries using water transport,” he said.

He said Luapula has huge potential for tourism, agriculture, and mining yet the person who is supposed to implement the projects says its not him, but his MPs yet he is the supervisor.

Mr. Hichilema said Luapula and Mansa in particular has all the water bodies yet people are drinking dirty water.

“My water engineers have told me that water in Mansa and other parts of Luapula is as shallow as 10 meters underground hence sinking boreholes is the easiest but there is water rationing in most urban centres and the person who is supposed to implement the projects, Mr. Sata, has as usual runaway from responsibility,” he said.

Mansa Central constituency is being contested by five political parties which are the United National Independence Party (UNIP), the PF, the Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD), the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) and the United Party for National Development (UPND).


    • Good message HH. But UPND winning in Luapula will be a miracle. Its either PF or MMD.

    • Thank You HH for agreeing with me, that Sata really insulted us from Luapula, and especially insult to Sakeni and FTJ Chiluba. I don’t want to repeat what HH said, but I want to tell that Sata to stop insulting MPs and parents in public.

    • A forward looking and very inspiring statement I have heard from a Zambian politician in a long time.

      How do I get this man in State house? Will my vote count in 2016?

    • Zambia could be one of Africas richest considering its riches in natural resources and the fact that there has never been war which could have led to booming of profitable industrial development. Unfortunately the people have been cursed they are Blind can never ever see all they do is pull each other down there by making them even more blind…. but it hurts man!

    • if you really see that potential and you love the people from there, why not invest your laundered loot in Luapula?

      Your cheap condescending and patronizing talk will not win you the hearts and minds of the people from that place, some of their relatives you sent to their early graves through your plunder.

    • Baambile HH bavwisisye kuti yebo ulimuchende nchonzyo .

      My happy hope is in HH. Tribe aside the man HH is not all talk like Sata and other Zambian politicians, he is pragmatic as can be seen from his of massive wealth he acquired through hard work without bootlicking any political leader like sata and the others did. Give him a chance in Luapula and see how he will create jobs through massive investments. Chiefs actually want him to show them how to run cattle ranches.

      He does not believe in ukutola fye ,kutenga chabe like sata and the others do.

  1. hh you mean well but sounds like cheap talk to gain votes like the ones in government now, why not start doing so when in opposition, say set up hh and company factory in Luapula as an example.

    • @Doctor

      Who is good at cheap talk to win votes between Sata and HH? Who has lied big time to the Zambian people to win votes and is not fulfilling his promises. Constitition in 90days ilikwe? Cheap ubunga buli kwisa, cheap fuel .ilikwi. Your Sata was going to filling stations with an empty can to hightlight how expensive fuel was in MMD. Has he reduced the price of fuel since coming into power?

      Barely two months ago Sata told nurses that he will look into their salary discrepancies,has he done so? Nurses have now resorted to go on strike because of UBUFI bwakwa SATA.

      Un bury you head from the sand and confront reality head on.

  2. Let’ s face facts and not personalities – The ”it’ s not me but my Mps” pronouncements by the President do not hold any way at all. it’ s like he’ s trying to run away from blame over his failure to run the country effectively, efficiently and up to expectation. Failure to harness our God given resources to full potential will not take us anywhere and we will keep lacking behind countries which we could have surpassed economically a long time ago. I would like to conquer with HH on this one that the ”it’ s not me but my Mps” phenomenon should come to an end. Are we only going to be gauged on the intraparty fights which we have failed to solve ? May be lack of adequate academic education and professionalism can be the main cause sorry, for that.

  3. even the people there are equally to blame. just waiting for handouts while seated on the shores of those beautiful water bodies. luapula people start doing something for yourselves then others from outside can come and add on, imwe ba tubulu

    • #matipa, I know that yours is a not a popular sentiment, but I agree whole heartedly with you. The province has everything going for it. The only thing it lacks is creative hardworking manpower and capital.

  4. No offense but does the big man at statehouse have a G12 Certificate? RB, Levy, Kaunda and even FTJ have been linked to some schools but for the big we are only told that he was a shanter(Not sure of spelling and meaning).
    Please help.

  5. HH, you are a liar as talk does not cook rice and a log in the river will never be a crocodile.
    Under five politics, you can not develop a country which was neglected for 47 years into years. It will take more than 6 years for us to see results, ala kulaya imfumu ichilundu cha mukuba.

  6. If the villagers who got this message were not backwards and a bit tribal,they would have thought twice before voting for Dr chitalu.his desperation of even changing parties so as to get the parliamentary seat at all costs should make you wonder what the man is up to.its a pity our villagers can’t read in between the lines

  7. After reading this statement from the UPND president, i have finally managed seen the qualities embedded in this man of the soil. and at the same time am also comparing him with our men in GRZ.

  8. Even if UPND loses in Mansa, Luapulas and Many Zambians have come to realise that after all there is hope in HH.. keep talking we are voting for you this time around. Luapula is the most under developed and yes Chiluba came from there and many others . HH please don’t disappoint us.

  9. He he hehe he hee, Olyooo. This is beyond hallucination. Ba HH abati Sata has failed in Luapula. Abati niba economic manager abengacite fipapo nga bateka, We fikoto fya kusata nobe ulafula kuli uyu tata. Bushe filya bacitile mu Luanshya at privatisation of mine fiosuma? Privatisation yali mwipoket lyabo. Bena ba wina, abena Luanshya bacula. Efyo balefwayo kucita namu Luapula. Awe twakana yemwe. Uyu tata naye sabaililako ukutali/ Ifwe ni Sata na PF. Alefwaya akesecita privatise isabi mu Mweru.

  10. PF lelo alelandula pali ulya musebanya wa ku Mkaika. Lelo ni lelo. Nababalelya 6 out of 18000 nibambi. Iyi e Luapula uko umushi ushiputuka ukufuma ku Chembe mpaka kwa Mpweto.

  11. KK put up Secondary schools in every district.
    KK tarred ALL the roads in our Mansa.
    KK tarred the main road from Samfya to Nchelenge.
    KK commissioned the Mansa battery factory and manganese mining but it closed under MMD,
    KK commissioned the Mununshi Banana Plantation Scheme but it closed under MMD.
    KK commissioned the Kawambwa Tea Factory but it closed under MMD.

    MMD Chiluba = 10 years, did nothing.
    MMD Levy = 8 years, built the Chembe bridge only
    MM RB = 2 years, did nothing

    3 successive Presidents since KK, no tangible development in my province for 20 years until President Sata came along…He has started with Kawambwa Tea Estate and the tarrying of the pedicle road, in just 2 years!



  13. I think this chikoko chap is a retard. Its a pity what HH said hasn’t been written in Bemba for retards like him to understand what HH ‘s point was. SATA when campaigning in areas held by the opposition always gives the lack MPs from PF as an excuse for not developing such areas but what excuse can he give in Luapula for the underdevelopment when all but one MP are from your PF? I think that ws HH’s point.

  14. @7 chigwita
    Take your matuvi elsewhere, ist fake degrees that put pipo into statehouse. What has your cheap degree done for you other than lofing blogging uselessly. Former US president was not that educated compared to the obamas/clintons but is and shall be the best.

  15. What is key here is that HH is getting the message delivered to the people of Mansa and Luapula in general. Its unlike in Kasama where he and his contigent were harassed. This is a plus for the people of Mansa. Any leader of a political party is free to go to any part of this country and get themselves heard.

  16. @Survival- zero

    ‘underdevelopment when all but one MP are from our PF?’

    At one time even a president and nearly all cabinet ministers came from Luapula, but they never did any development as compared to what one man, the current President has done thus far and continues to do throughout the country.

    Besides Manda Hill Shopping Complex, which other infrastructure of note was launched by Chiluba and co. after KK?

  17. Whether we like it or not the role of MPs is to represent the people in the constituency in parliament whose purpose is to legislate or make laws, amend them or repeal them. These laws include the budget presented by the Minister of Finance (executive) every year before it is made into a law for enforcement (spend). The MP also lobbies Ministers to respond to specific needs impacting on resources allocated to their Ministry by parliament. Since when did MPs become the movers of development projects?? What will be the role of Ministries then? I really get frustrated by this kind of reasoning.

  18. HH do you remember Levy’s branding of Luapula people being lazy people despite plenty natural resources! I responded to his excellency allegation with an emphatic No! why becoz of the following:-) Luapula soils are very infertile, leached and acidic. such that nothing of significant would in soils despite high rainfall. dont even think of putting up a cattle ranch beocz the palustrine ve hard, coarse grass, non nutritive grass. which cant even support wildlife. The copper & manganse are of poor grade, shallow pockets of ores. I ve always pushed for the development of the fish industry and cocoa introduction in luapula. at high level the inter basic transfer of water into southern province. This will make the people of luapula economically independent.

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