The Young African Leaders Initiative has revealed that it will lobby the international community to exert pressure on the PF government to produce a people driven constitution.
YALI President, Andrew Ntewewe says the Zambian government has betrayed its own promise made to the international community when it went to lobby for financial support to allow people participation in the constitution making process.
Mr. Ntewewe has charged that the Constitution reform Process is slowly turning into a national crisis and causing serious divisions among Zambians because of government’s failure to listen to people concerns.
“The option remains for us to petition the international community to intervene on this issue because the PF government was clear when it went to the international community to seek funds for the constitution making process, they promised that there will guarantee the full participation of citizens, they also promised that they will ensure prudent utilization of funds for this process,” Mr Ntewewe said.
He added, “The international community was very generous, they heavily supported our efforts to have a people driven constitution and now the government seems to be back tracking on that promise and this is the reason we want the international community to come in and tell this government what the right thing to do is.”
“We have information that the Justice Minister intends to set up a ten-man committee that will review the work done by the technical committee. We are also aware that these are just one of the many maneuvers aimed at delaying the enactment of a people driven constitution.”
He has since reiterated his call on President Michael Sata to immediately give direction to the technical committee on the constitution making process to avoid further delays.
He said, “We therefore demand that President Sata addresses the nation and gives direction to the technical committee on the way forward. This issue of constitution reforms is a very delicate one which requires full commitment, if not well handled, this issue has the potential to divide the nation and plunge this nation into chaos.
Mukose ba zambia
There is absolutely no need to turn this into a crisis that its not by involving the international community.
Why not take up your concerns with govt first instead of running to foreigners for some cheap publicity?
A people driven constitution is a must and we will certainly have it
When it all started, we looked like we would get a people driven constitution as there seemed to be so much political will in this regard. But alas! things along the way have changed, and the Technical Committee is being directed to veer away from its original terms of reference. Why are politicians like this? And cindy, Wanzelu, Nostradamus, ndobo and Paolo Di Canio, why are you all quiet on this issue? The nation needs your input. Come on guys!
this democracy thing is not working for Zambia, nothing has changed if anything, things are getting worse, we need something radicle, something to shake the very foundation of corruption and all the circus going on.
The moment something sounds too good to be true, just know it is nothing but a lie. Recall, the 90 days theory, “the country will have a new constitution within 90days”. People just forget about this and start thing of other better things, for the constitution will not change.
Ntewewe, who feeds you first for u to always condemn what the gov does? Are you UPND?
Only in socialist Ideologies do Govts. feed any body. We need to discuss issues. PF Govt does not need to feed anyone. If they have failed to deliver Agricultural support in puts to small scale farmers for the last two years they have been in power who will they manage to feed? People need a Constitution not this hide and seek business. Developing a nation is not just mortar, bricks and tar it also includes building people not antagonizing, and killing them.
Miponto Yanga leave Mr Ntewe alonee.Atleast we know that he represents the voiceless Zambians not to mention the intimidated journalists and chiefs.Maybe ask your self who among the vulnerable groups i have mentioned you represent? We know you,political appointments dont last in Zambia maybe in Zimbabwe.
These political parties masquerading as NGO’s just like making noise. We shall have a people drive constitution at the end of the day. There is no need to panic and start calling outsiders.
NGO’s are supposed to supplement government efforts in delivering services to the people but YALI and FODEP are always attacking the government (PF) which qualifies them to be nothing but opposition political parties.
Your president and winter work well where there is confusion. Winter cannot win anything he must really go. It is only his ministry with a lot of controversies. If I name them the list is long, chief justice, 14billion DBZ loan, constitution, case withdraws, ECZ, etc. etc. Look at kambwili though he looks like a savage at least he is able to deliver and deliver well.
@Chib. You should either agree or disagree with my comments and give reasons instead of just saying something which is not in line with the argument or else don’t tag along my comments. Think independently.
If the govt insists on printing ten copies, there is no hope of having a people driven constitution. What has changed now? I’m sure you are aware that the terms of reference directed that the final report and draft be handed to the President and to the public simultaneously. Now the President wants ten copies only, and nothing to the public. What is the motive? Please let us not be down-pressed again?
Too much pride in the current government.Within two years they have already fallen out of grace.Thats why the have become too sensitive to criticism.whoever has a different view is either a threst to national security or belongs to the opposition party.Once you fsll out of grace,everything you do becomes a flop.Imagine from being MEN OF ACTION TO MEN OF REATION.THEY REACT TO EVERYTHING.
From PF TO PANGA FIGHTERS.Pleade redeem yourselves over the consttution issue.Be civil for once!
A govt. that made so much clear and emphatic promises today it seem to be a follower party not a leader. Yes, in a democracy People and NGOs do not have to necessarily agree with the Govt even if there are strange happenings like in our country. The Govt has heard all the complaints of the people and NGOs but they have chosen to remain silent. The only time they will respond to the people and NGOs is when you talk about their salary increase. Yes people need to seek intervention else where if they feel aggrieved by their own leaders’actions. Sata while in opposition is on record to have sought assistance by presenting anti Chinese paper to the US, he also sought assistance from Taiwan among others, all these are in the public Domain.
Dictator Michael Sata’s evil intentions should be exposed becaused the hypocrisy which he has exhibited in the last two years is harmful.The diplomatic community here in Zambia and the U.N. should always be informed about Sata’s tyranny.The Deputy British High Commissioner here has already said Zambians need a people-driven constitution.The EU and the U.S.A. should be constantly informed by NGOs and opposition leaders so that Sata’s dirty tricks can be thwarted.Good governance in this country will only come about when a constitution which reflects the aspirations of the people is enacted.
Too much pride in the current government.Within two years they have already fallen out of grace.Thats why they have become too sensitive to criticism.whoever has a different view is either a threat to national security or belongs to the opposition party forgetting that they once were in opposition.The moment you fall out of grace,everything you do becomes a flop.Imagine from being MEN OF ACTION TO MEN OF REATION.THEY REACT TO EVERYTHING.
From PF TO PANGA FIGHTERS.Please redeem yourselves overtheconstitution issue.Be civil for once!