Sunday, March 9, 2025

Four small oppositions parties without parliament representation join to form a coalition Party


Four political parties have joined together to form a coalition Party aimed at promoting dialogue between the ruling and opposition political parties.

The coalition which shall be called National Coalition of Political Parties (NACOPA) includes Zambia Direct Democracy Movement (ZDDM), National Revolution Party (NRP), Zambia Democratic Coalition (ZADECO), and the Party for Unity Democracy and Development(PUDD).

Speaking during the launch in a joint statement by Interim Chairperson, Edwin Sakala said the coalition is a body that will provide a platform for the people to express themselves.

Mr. Sakala said NACOPA is a group of political parties opposed to what they termed as current trend of politics in the country where people insult each other in the media.

He said NACOPA stands to provide a platform to all political parties to come together to tackle issues that have the capacity to divide the nation.

Mr. Sakala who is also ZDDM President said through NACOPA they will introduce a new political order where national interest comes first before anything else.

He said NACOPA’s agenda is to free Zambia from vindictiveness and promote brotherhood in politics.
Speaking earlier coalition Interim Chairperson for Information Dr. Cosmo Mumba said the coalition will provide checks and balances to the ruling party.

Dr. Mumba who is also National Revolution Party President said the main aim of the party is to challenge government constructively and to provide solutions to some of the major challenges that they are going through.

He said five Members of Parliament (MP) from the UPND and three MPs from MMD have also expressed interest in joining the coalition.

Dr. Mumba said the coalition party has a symbol of a Lion because of the aggressiveness it portrays and has adopted to follow its traits.

He said the party will soon hold a number of rallies beginning with Chawama in order to explain to the people what the coalition party is all about.

Dr. Mumba said the confusion in some of the opposition political parties is making the coalition even stronger and will help them strategise as they form the next government.



    • @Saul it actually makes sense if you look at the principle of unity in numbers. Am not sure that they can unseat a ruling government at the moment but it could help them start getting seats in parliament. The problem I have is with people like Cosmo, who the Bembas would call a ‘muselela…’ You don’t know what his ideology is. For him, it is more a case of ‘Munkombwe-ism’ if there is such a term. People need to learn to build a following slowly and steadily like UPND or PF.

  1. Kekekekekekekekeke! four mickey mouse parties, kekekekekeke! a political joke for real, kikikikikikikikikikikikiki, my ribs, you guys are killing me. Enough blogging for today kikikikikikikikikikikikikikikiki, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh, kikikikikikikikiki

  2. It is a very good and progressive move, but as I said during the birth of UPND and PF pact it has come to early and with wrong motive. This will not stand the political storm in zambia as the sailing is still very rocky.
    When Denny Mungomba and Chitala Mbita formed Zadeco I gave them the same free advise. In politics we should be optimistic and positive on issues than concentrating on negative. We have a bright future a head in Zambia.

    • So what are you saying was PF’s motive when the party was formed? Although, I do not really like the PF’s current agenda I liked their manifesto and that is what people bought into. PF is a coalition of people, who did not like MMD. That coalition is today ruling. If Sata had given up after losing two elections the political landscape in Zambia would have been different. In 1996, MMD’s popularity had waned and UNIP was seen as the better evil with hindsight. So the constitution was manipulated to bar KK from re-contesting. ZADECO was not an alternative because late Dean and Derrick had already created a bad name ‘Mbala Mafia’ and were thus seen as a branch of MMD.

  3. Ba LT who is da ntereme chairperson kanshi? First u say sakala then u say cosmo mumba.anyway fyenu ifyo, as 4 dat circus,I adviced them 2 jus join Bob Nkosha and is dorika ndaifulila clan.coz dat crap is total comdy.nothin good can cm out of anythin dat has anythin 2 do wit da likes of cosmo mumba,muselela kwakaba

  4. This is going to be the platform Rupiah to march to State House when Sata is gone. Mark my words. Sata shall be careful and not get Dr. Never Mumba indicted for contempt of court and pave way for a bigger threat to PF.

  5. NACOPA will form the next governement in 2021, move on guys and hands to our PhD holder Dr Cosmo Mumba and only Cosmo with a PhD in mzungu ani konde

  6. Lt,please mumba is not a factual in your reporting.don’t call a person by what he calls himself on the street and u apply that as official.under zimt wil influenced small NGOs and small party to form coalition but it was a means of getting to the heart of operations of the small parties and misdirect them .this is an undercover operation.

  7. They are not only small, but also immaterial and insignificant. Job seeking is their core business, jobs have been promised to them by the chief promising party.

  8. Point of correction. They omitted the word “small” ; they are supposed to be called “National Coalition of SMALL Political Parties”

  9. This party can only be taken seriously if Cosmo Mumba denounces his links with PF. But I do not see any seriousness coming out of this party because it is infiltrated from the word go by shushushus, Cosmo being the number one culprit. Mr. Sakala what happened to those signatures you were getting on behalf of RB? That was a better cause than this one where you have joined forces with Sata’s surrogate Cosmo. Yours Mr. Sakala and Mr. Msoni is now a lost cause.

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