Wednesday, January 15, 2025

President Sata instructs Luapula Provincial medical officer to deal with him directly


President Michael Sata listens to  Mr Abraham Mwanamwenge the World Health Organisation logistics Advisor after officialy commissioning the provincial vaccine store in Mansa
President Michael Sata listens to Mr Abraham Mwanamwenge the World
Health Organisation logistics Advisor after officialy commissioning
the provincial vaccine store in Mansa

President Michael Chilufya Sata has instructed Luapula Provincial Medical Officer Dr. Matthews Ng’ambi to write to him on the need to establish the cold chamber facility for storing vaccines for Pneumonia and diarrhoea in all the districts in the province.

The President gave the instruction after getting a briefing from Dr. Ng’ambi Wednesday last week at his premises where President Sata made a stop over to look at the facility.

Dr. Ngambi said the facility was acquired at the cost of 200,000 US Dollars with the support from the Zambian Government, SIDA, the World Health Organisation and others partners.He said the facility was a precondition to have the vaccines piloted by the African economies and Zambia was the first African Country to have acquired one.

He informed the President that the Mansa Cold Chamber was going to cater for the whole province but the President instructed him to write to him so that the facility could be at every district in the province.

“What you do is write to me because instead of having this place catering for the whole province, we need to establish these facilities at District headquarters, because you will have a problem of transport,” he said.
And Dr. Ngambi without hesitation pledged to write the President on the matter.



  1. Do we really need the minister of health -Dr.J Kasonde?It seems to me the President and First Lady are managing the ministry quite well. Seriously does this mean all provincial medical officers can by pass the ministry and write to the president directly or is it reserved for those from ‘special parts’ of the country.

    • It was campaign gimmick papa. The moment he goes to incubate at plot 1, he forgets about everything

    • “Umulembwe wa chipuba upwila muli tumfwe” – MC Sata 2009.
      MCS will surprisingly come to the end of his tenure having achieved nothing for the masses except experiment with his Presidential wander….

    • Minister of Health for what? As part of the PF decentralization policy, the Health Ministry now falls under the Office of the First Lady Dr.Christine Kaseba Sata who is the overseer of all health matters in Zambia.

  2. It was campaign gimmick papa. The moment he goes to incubate at plot 1, he forgets about everything.

  3. Authority. Can I also write to your office on how to deal with corridor disease in Zambia and how to improve livestock to reduce extreme poverty in rural areas.

    Good one, but i hope the Dr wont grow big head and start insulting his line of command.

  4. Maybe we should all be going straight to the President with our suggestions, maybe there would be less mal practices that come with Bureaucracy.

  5. Recently, President Zuma of South Africa was quoted and suggesting that roads in Malawi were inferior.

    He said, “We can’t think like Africans, in Africa, generally,” he said. “We are in Johannesburg, this is Johannesburg. These roads are not like some national road in Malawi.” His remarks were in an apparent reference to new highway road toll system around Johannesburg, which some people have opposed.

    These madalas seem to be in a hurry! They want to leave a legacy. Their achievements will be appreciated long after they are gone.

  6. The directive by the president is meant well. Tell me guys since independence which minister shaped every ministry they were signed to? Which minister of health went to Shangombo or Kaputa without announcing and inspect the food, wards, medication and order the medical director to go to Lusaka and get the supply. Or ask could you like your relative or your parents to sleep on this bed in a smelly ward? I order now to go and get the supply. This is the Sata i used to know. I was involved in an accident near Liteta very early morning by six hrs Sata was at Liteta and the medical and nursing team had a lot to explain. Surely the medical doc went to Lusaka and by 15.00hrs blankets , sheets and medicine were delivered. it’s the failure by ministers to run health services through visits

    • @pafwenamwine you are right… thats the sata i also know, man of action and thats the biggest reason i will vote for him alimwi…..

  7. It is not water virus ba ZANIS and LT. It is Rota virus, causes diarrhoea, especially in children. Verify stories before you post.

  8. If the presido says write to me he has not said ignore all protocols. Efyo mulufyanya. Observe all protocols and let the letter reach the president. If the president says come to state house does he say ignore all security matters? He will just come and refuse the way he refused Chikwelete in public.

  9. But then wats the work of the minister of health if a provincial medical officer has to report direct to the president? Mr president u can’t head all ministries even if ur the head of state,there so many things that ll be left undone cos the the pipo rsponsible will just leave u to it.

    • guys. its is very important some times or rather always to think twice before you comment on sure Mr sata is not your age mate,even if he was you would not use such words,where are our morals?LETS NOT em balance our selves in public,you might think you are pleasing your friends,but i think you are just showing the nation how foolish you are,The big man is running national affairs ,this is not a joke if you don’t understand what is happening,its very important to ask so you are given correct information than just disgracing your father or grandfather in public,its not right.The people in Luapula needs those services a gently and the president knows how long the proses and cumbersome it can be ,so if you put it on his table directly it will be quicker with no corruption.

  10. Yes this is the sata i know thats why corrupt people will never like him no matter what he will do. Go sata go we shall continue voting for u untill u die.

  11. “We need to establish these facilities at District headquarters, because you will have a problem of transport,” the President said.

    Great, after building $200,000 facilities everywhere I suppose Mr Sata believes medicines will somehow appear WITHOUT TRANSPORT, right? Or that building $200,000 cold store facilities (or even smaller cheaper ones at $100,000 each?) for every district is more cost effective than buying refrigerators together with 2-3 vehicles for the province and managing the delivery program properly?

    Sorry, but deciding we need cold chamber facilities EVERYWHERE during a tour of one is little better than being dazzled by beads and mirrors. Is it any wonder this government cannot stick to a budget?

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