The Zambia Direct Democracy Movement (ZDDM) has lashed out at Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) Liuwa Member of Parliament Situmbeko Musokotwane for opposing the inclusion of the 50+1 clause in the republican constitution on the basis that it was costly to run an election with such a clause.
ZDDM Vice President Charles Kafumbo says the statement attributed to Dr Musokotwane is misplaced and a misrepresentation of Zambia’s aspiration to have a people driven constitution.
Mr Kafumbo said Dr Musokwatane being the immediate past Minister of Finance in the MMD regime can now be accused of having ill advised the former ruling party that it was costly to run an election with the 50+1 vote clause in the constitution.
He said this explains why the clause was rejected in the National Constitution Commission (NCC) draft.
The ZDDM Vice President said in a walk in interview with ZANIS in Lusaka today that the MMD lost the 2011 general elections because they did not read the people’s aspirations.
Mr Kafumba said Zambians have in all constitution commissions of the constitution making process submitted the 50+1 vote clause and it has highly been contentious hence denying the Zambian people the clause is very suicidal.
He said Zambians are mindful that running an election is costly just as democracy is expensive but, denying the people what they want is more costly.
Mr Kafumbo urged since President Michael Sata not to fear the 50+1 clause, saying Zambians will give him another mandate if he delivers a good constitution.
Meanwhile, Mr Kafumbo has disclosed that the National Coalition of Political Parties which has been formed by ZDDM, Zambia Development Conference (ZADECO) and the National Restoration Party will officially launch the coalition at a rally in Chawama Compound on Saturday, December 7 around 12:00 hours.
He said the coalition has already informed the police of their intention to hold the rally.
Dr. Musokotwane made a very critical and valid point. The model he supports is less costly yet effective than the 50+1 model. It is used in many countries such as South Africa, Botswana, Angola etc. It offers checks and balances to the presidency unlike the 50+1 model where you still end up with an overbearing, unchecked and uncontrollable presidency.
Dr Musokotwane should have made these observations during submissions to the TC; maybe then a huge debate could have ensured and we would have bought his analysis. At this stage it is setting the clock back and feeding into the sentiments of those bent on trying to manipulate the Consititution in their own favour.
Chances are that Musokotwane is becoming compromised….. how come the post is happy with him now…. Therefore, people just ignore this man in the name of Musokotwane on this matter
Has the big man been shown an open door the ministry of finance again or what?
Musokotwane wants his bicycle cases to be closed . He wants to make me believe PHD which he holds stands for Permanent Head Damage . Shame
Bicycle case? Where have you been, my dear? Stop dreaming! Your st.upi.d govt and so called investigative wings were made to look fullish when they were simply told to go and arrest the MMD party because the bicycles were party property and they were shown documents to that effect!
Simple majority win is more straight forward and even my grandma who never went to school understands it, if 50%+1 is costly then why go for it?
Dr Musokotwane has a valid point. Let us be open minded. Rather than keep good ideas for the grave, people must be open-minded so that society can get the best.
I totally agree with him and songa wanga. Only dilemma I have now is that my own governance model is challenged. I prefer appointment of Ministers from outside parliament. The two systems are mutually exclusive. Future generations, please consider your systems for the future.
This is why we Zambians shall remain poor because we want to do costly things. ALL we need is president and serve money for other developing the priority sectors of our land
Musokotwane should hold his peace forever he should he talked then. His idea is a little too late Sir. You can not repent on the judgement day. Two year of debate where was Musokotwene. Let him not derail the process now. What we should be talking about is mode of adaption.
as the saying goes better late than never
I can’t blame Dr. Musokotwane. He has the right to express his opinion and thats intelligent of him. Some of you think 50+1 is a good system just because somebody says so and not because that is what you think.
You should accept people with different views from yours. We should not have a PF mentality where all those with different views should be slaughtered or Pangard.
Ok, so this man what to be forgiven by Ukwa? no matter how good your advise is you are too late to bring that issue now. That explains what kind of leaders we have in the country, imagine the father giving advise to a daughter after becoming pregnant. Thats what Mr or whatever they call is doing right now, you getting on my nerve stop that. Good ideal though which you will take with you to the grave.
It’s never too late. Besides the so called new constitution is merely a DRAFT. The new constitution is also just a PROPOSAL.
Who is complaining about Dr Musokotwane’s opinion? Kafu what? Compare the two brains. Democray allows everyone an opinion on any issue of national interest. History teaches us that it is not the majority that bring useful change in society. So Mr Kafu something dont attack the person, attack the idea and give altenative argument.
What alternative idea? The man just wants a job.