Ubuthala Bwa Bumi and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have signed a one-year memorandum of understanding that will seek to strength mentorship programmes among young girls in schools.
Speaking prior to the signing ceremony, out-going UNDP resident coordinator, Kanni Wignaraja, said it is the desire of the UNDP to see the glass ceiling placed on the girl child removed so that they reach their fullest potential.
Ms Wignaraja stressed that the obstacles that hinder girls from succeeding must be removed so that they contribute to national growth.
She observed that too often young girls are surrounded by few women who provide options of what they can be in society.
Ms Wignaraja noted that UNDP is keen to support, encourage and mobilise role models that girls can emulate from.
She said UNDP decided to join hands with Ubuthala Bwa Bumi because of the desire to inspire the young girls across the country to live to their dreams.
And First Lady Dr Kaseba said the signing ceremony has been necessitated by the hard work taking place behind scenes of the Ubuthala Bwa Bumi.
Dr Kaseba said the memorandum of understanding will play a pivotal role of strengthening mentorship programmes among young girls in schools.
Dr Maureen Chisembele, Ubuthala Bwa Bumi Board member, signed on behalf of the Ubuthala Bwa Bumi while Ms Wignaraja signed on behalf of UNDP.
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was expected. I am sure any other Party would have done the same. Meanwhile DR BANDA has cited Tribalism as one of the reason he has been harrased by the UPND leadership and said he will soon make public the wayforward in his Political carear.
More problems in the already weak opposition.
Eish….. Dr Banda had this coming. How do u go to State House without informing HH and UPND?
Sata did the same to all the MP’s and PF leaders that went against his rule and wish. Remember the rebel MP’s in Luapula.
Dr Banda should have at least informed HH that he wanted to go and shout at Sata for the problems due to strike action of health personnel.
UPND must learn a lesson, do not appoint people to very senior posts without seeing through there motives. Banda could have been sponsored by PF.
Same happened when Edward Mumbi joined UPND. Only William Banda has endured the test of time and showed he is an asset to UPND.
Muka Yama, may you please pull up dress pa chest!?
I be back, let me first call Mweetwa to confirm that Carnisius Banda’s fate, chigala thinks HH is soft!?!
hmmm, kaseba is everywhere, and the same name everywhere, ati chimango chikwanda. mukose!!!
This is not news at all rubbish does not bennifit my mom in the village
HH eating his vomit. Ke ke ke ke ke ke!!!!
What does this mean to UPND has it lost a province why so quickly yes the vice president of the party
We told you Dr Banda was a waste of time in MMD. UPND keeps on taking rejects from MMD. MMD will only be the clean party for 2016. All machete wielding cadres are back to their master. UPND will get the Nalumangos etc.
Wawa, could it also be that a waste of time to MMD found itself (himself) in tribal-ations in his new destination? Must be a double whammy for the victim instead of the two entities he has oscillated between in my opinion.
Bloggers, what is the connection between Dr Banda and UBB? The two issues are totally different.
As for UBB, I totally support you. My only concern is that these good organisations go with the ruling parties. As such one is left wondering whether they were formed in good faith. For now, thumbs up for Dr Kaseba for such good initiative.
Perhaps creating a first lady public interest initiative under which every first lady in office is free to undertake community initiatives of her own according to her competency level with a non partisan competitively recruited board would help…give the first lady an opportunity to run programmes with requesite accountability. To think we have had 3 different Organisations in twenty years is a bit much..just thinking
Dr Kaseba an old woman as she is needs to be reminded that to be a role model to girls includes dressing decently, not displaying those breasts.
Dont you have breasts yourself? Think the same way you do about yours when you see someone else’s! Big deal bakamba…. they are just body parts, otherwise, work with your own mind!
Ba Cindy please please please… these days you are so arousing
I also noted the cleavage exposure by the so-called first lady. I feel it is quite inappropriate to dress like that as a role model for the girls and other women in general. Take a leaf or two from Mrs. Michelle Obama’s fashion sense if you want to be modern. Or better still, go back in time and look at photos of Mama Bettie Kaunda ! These women just oozed “RESPECT” just by glancing at them. You, on the other hand are giving all the men out their to have a look at what is supposed to be for the his excellency’s eyes only !! Now we are seeing what he sees ?? It’s not acceptable madam !! If you respect your husband and his high office, please dress like a first lady is supposed to, DICREETLY !!
Reach the intended goal, God bless
This woman will serve so many girls, well done mama first lady and may your days multiply so that many more good things come through!
Go,go,go on mama!
The first lady surely by virtue of the connection should help uplift the standards. I thank the initiative of the founder to involve Dr Kaseba.She has two qualification in this regard. First she is a medical doctor.second she is the wife of the president.just like cars are, modelled,our young people, girls particulary should be.
Bad habits die hard. Once a something , always a something. That kind of dressing is very suggestive and only suitable for Addis-Ababa Road.
About the dressing…. She does not need to look far away. All she needs to do is look at the women surrounding her, very appropriately dressed. But nkani yama helmet ( wigs) they need to be taken off.