Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Pope appoints Fr Chisanga as Mansa Bishop


Pope Francis
Pope Francis

Pope Francis has appointed Fr Patrick Chisanga as Bishop of the Catholic diocese of Mansa.

Fr Chisanga fills a seat that had been vacant since January 2009, when Bishop Andrew Chisha retired after reaching the age limit.

According to Vatican radio news monitored by ZANIS in Lusaka today, the diocese of Mansa has since 2009 been administered by Fr Michel Merizzi.

At the time of his nomination, Bishop-elect Chisanga served as the Provincial of the Conventual Franciscans in Zambia and as Professor at St Bonaventure college in Lusaka.



  1. Antichrists!!! Ati Holy Father!! My foot. The papacy is the most useless clergy and these guys are big hypocrits. Mixing secularism with christianity.

    • Mopao Mokonzi Wa Zabanga

      Why don’t you mind your own business if you believe the papacy is evil? Follow what your heart tells you and may your beliefs not be an inconvenience to others.

    • @Mopao, why are you so bitter? Can’t you see that Pope is not PF, he is not threatening with a fist? His sign is of your UPND, you Jehovah Witness.

    • Ba Mapao, I hope you know how deranged you sound let alone childish. If you don’t understand the Catholic Church and the Papacy then just keep the ignorance to yourself.

    • @Mopao Mokonzi Wa Zabanga. IF YOU EXAMINE YOURSELF PROPERLY, YOU WILL DISCOVER THAT YOU ARE AN ANT CHRIST YOURSELF. You don’t understand the Roman Catholic faith and doctrines therefore leave the Pope alone.

    • People like Mopao are fundamentalist, who are not even critical about what they hear. spare us your ignorance bwana don’t display it on the media!!!!!!!!!!! and give us a break.

    • @ Mupao, thats the spirit my brother/sister, seeking apologies where it is due. Very few can stand up and say I am sorry for what I said. Peace to you too!

    • @mapao
      you simply stated the truth. roman catholic church is a conduit of evil, so says the bible in 2 thesselonians 2:8. no need to apologise for stating a fact. let those who have ears hear and come out of the dragon Rev 18:4, you Satanists hiding behind the precious name of Jesus Christ

  2. You will be so disappointed when you find these guys you condemn in heaven! Who are you to charge ones faith! Only God sees the heart of man!

  3. If these ar antichrist where do u put urself & moslems?
    But, anyway i also hate bemba priests like fr mpasa frm mansa coz as human as they ar they too tribal.

    • I am a child of God. I dont call myself holy father. There’s only one Holy Father. God Almighty the Creator. Not these pedophiles calling themselves holy.

    • @Mopao Mokonzi Wa Zabanga . The same BIBLE that you claim to READ also say if you want to inherit the Kingdom of God , you must be like Jesus Christ( and Jesus Christ is Holy). If you are NOT leaving like JESUS CHRIST how do you say you want to inherit the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN? I advise you to stop yapping lest you perish.

  4. Mopao, you seem very conflicted – if you are not catholic, why are you bothered???
    Is any one forcing it down your throat??? If your answers to both these questions are NO, YOU NEED TO SEE A PSYCHIATRIST, pronto!!!!!!

  5. Are you sure that this white man knows even about little mansa and their needs? lets not cheat each other the man was just promoted by local papa’s, also is he a professor in What?

    • Here is another ignorant fellow about the Catholic Church. As Catholics, we believe in the One, Holy, Apostolic and Catholic (Universal Church). If in your church you only know about you and your members in zambia, don’t limit your mind to think that all are like that. If you people are not sure of what you say, then why don’t just be humble and keep quite? It makes me haze.

  6. Anyoko, your thinking is like a puppy. Do you think HE SATA knows the people he appoints or he relies on the advice he gets from the Executive so is the Pope he has his Seers in each and every country

  7. imwe ba phikala, go on youtube and search “saint malachis prophesy of the last 10 popes” and also watch the other related videos concerning yo popes.
    mapao is rite. dont you need proof?

  8. Mopao Mokonzi Wa Zabanga if you want to die fast continue insulting the Pope and clergy men. I dont know what has come to your mind to start insulting well respected people like Pope.
    Get this message clear and receord in your diary to remember what I have told you, and I hope you will share it to your family.

    • Chiwele you are right, this Mopao Mokonzi Wa Zabanga does not know that the one inside these people is greater than what they see them from physical appearance. with your speech without thinking will lead you to death because what God has blessed on Earth NO man can deny if you read the Bible very well you will apreciated the miracles of God. A Mans mind plans his ways but God directs his steps. Your wiseness Mapao is the foolishness of God and you can’t challenge him. Ending of your thinking, this is where God’s Wisdom begin. Do not play with fire of the Holy Ghost and force it to burn you. WARNING!

    • @Ba Chiwele, my apology once again for that comment above. Comment withdrawn. But let me tell you that my destine does not depend on what man says, but only my Creator will determine my destine. So I will not die fast as you claim, because you are not part of my destine.

  9. So there is retirement age in Catholic; why is Sata not practicing the Catholic 10 Commandments he promised kanshi, why is there no retirement age in PF? He is even encouraging KK now to keep firing at Mukamambo, saying the two are still young!

  10. Congratulations ba Patrick.
    May the Lords blessings and grace continue to be with you. Never doubted your calling from school days. Wish you more happy years in the calling to serve Christ, the risen savior. on behalf of all the 1990 ; 12P classmates.

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