Tuesday, March 18, 2025

TBN Founder Paul Crouch dies at age 79



Paul Crouch, the U.S. televangelist who founded one of the world’s largest Christian broadcasting networks-TBN died yesterday Saturday 30th November at age 79.

The Trinity Broadcasting Network website has this to say:

Dr. Paul F. Crouch passed into the presence of the Lord on November 30, 2013. We are grateful for the life of this amazing servant of God. Please pray for the Crouch family during this time

Crouch was the face of TBN’s flagship program, “Praise the Lord,” and an on-air personality for 40 years.

TBN revealed earlier this year that Crouch had been suffering from heart problems for more than a year, and had a pacemaker installed, the Christian Post newspaper reported. He was hospitalized Oct. 22 at Dallas, and flown home to California in early November.

Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) – the company he set up with his wife Jan – beamed Christian programs over 84 satellite channels and more than 18,000 television and cable affiliates.


  1. We shall meet again. Rest in our Father’s bossom. You were such an amazing man. Through your programs on TBN, a lot of people have come to know the lord and are still being saved.

    • My heartfelt condolences to the Crouch family and his church. He preached the word to the world to be delivered. But he also changed the landscape of Christianity along the way. A new breed of evangelists with greed agendas based on false promises of good living has surfaced everywhere in the world. Money, sex scandals, posh cars etc has become an alternative way of living rather than live simple as Jesus lived. Prayers are being sold to the highest bidder. Unfortunately stuupid Zambians get milked every sunday!!!

  2. 20 years ago this ministry helped to transform my life and has had a major impact on my spiritual growth and development to this day. Thank you Jan and Crouch family for sharing this wonderful gift with the world. Paul Crouch was truly an AMAZING man!!
    Claudia-Jax, fl

  3. May our gracious father receive him with both hands he was a very good friend, a father, a grand pa, a good husband to jan & a good spiritual leader MHSRIP of our lord jesus christ he has accomplished his reason for being born on earth its now up to each & every one of us who are still alive to do the same

    • Awesome man of Faith. WE BE EVER GREATFUL FOR WHAT HE AND JAN ALLOWED GOD TO DO IN THEIR LIFES. Has changed the lives of million and millions of people for the Lord Jesus Christ. This man kept this broadcast focused on Christ and encouraged young and old believers. Let continue to build upon what was started by a man who also gave his life to help others. Be strong TBN family. Love will keep us together.

  4. Paul Crouch managed to survive scandal after scandal, even those that tore apart his own family. Crouch was a heretic and a charlatan. For both, his imprint will long survive him: he leaves not only a legacy of scandal, but a legacy of forever altering the landscape Christianity.

    • @ 84,
      So sad that these percieved strong men of God often have huge bundles of Gabbarge on their backs, there is this one American pentecostal dude who left his own family for young church male members of his church, it was so disturbing to watch his documentary confessing and asking for forgiviness from the masses, to which after some few months later he did the expected opposite. Gosh… I get a zigzag face each time my memory brings me back to that deal of his life. Our own Randy Danny Pule is another one too many the list goes on , so many of them have such dirty secrets, which we all have but never claim to be pure before the eyes of others.

    • Our Savoir & Lord Jesus Christ asked one question to people who wanted to stone the sinful woman “Let any one without sin throw the first stone”,
      I believe you know what followed after this question.
      Lets examine ourselves & clean our lives as we look at others.

      Paul lifted the name of God higher & wider than myself. indeed, may the Name of God continue to be Lifted, even coz of Pauls life.
      Enjoy wisely

    • 1984@ it is so sad that people like you are too quick to judge other people most likely without proof. Remember the same measure you use to judge others it will be used on you too. Paul Crouch MHSTIP was a great man of God, his life impacted millions of people in all the continents including me, my life has never been the same after watching tbn. This is the best way to die, after having done what God wanted him to do. He died a fulfilled man of God. What a great success story!

  5. Am sad he’s dead but in my opinion, TBN is just a money-making venture. I feel like vomiting when I tune in sometimes and see these chaps asking for money ‘For just a gift of $10 dollars or more, watch god transform your life bla bla bla ‘ and then there’s our Zambian version ‘I see a ten million being put into our account praise the Lord’ and the chap has his eyes closed and is holding out his hand to the screen. Please!

    • Please let’s learn to respect other peoples’s feelings.If you had any misgivings about the donations uou could have ,just switch ed off the channel and watch ZNBC.Who appointed you judge over God;s people.If you died for Paul on the cross then go ahead and judge

    • Dudelove is right, sad he’s dead but helped raise an army of crooks conning people left, right and centre in the name of God. I hope one day Government will man up and regulate these parasites. MHRIP

    • @Ba dudelove naimwe, even your name can tell that you are in somekind of fantasy or sexual world. Televising the christian programs is not cheap. Our God we serve is not a cheap God. Broadcasting all over the world is not cheap. And if they ask for a $10 from you, they are not forcing you. You give or refuse. How much money do you spend on bear? Besides, I myself is an example, I have never contributed anything to TBN, but I enjoy watching TBN through other people’s contribution. Even at your church, ie, if you do go to church you give offering every sunday don’t you? Be reasonable ba dudelove. If you don’t want to watch, change the channel to channel O or MTV or Cartoon or TRACE or anything else.

    • At least Dudelove is sympathetic about the crook demise. I wish his death will also be a death to the concept of prosperity gospel and also all what they preach. I am looking forward to the death of Creflo Dollar to serve non tithers from being shoot by him (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLsDNxZcOa8) and Eddie Long to serve the young men from being sexually abused by him.

  6. My heart and prayers go up for Jan and the rest of the family…I know we will see him again when we go home, but I pray the grief of this temporary loss that can sometimes be overwhelming, be filled with the peace we find in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I’ve been watching TBN for the past five years, and came to know Jesus through this network, so I thank Paul and Jan for that. R.I.P PAUL CROUCH, we will miss you.

  7. My thought and prayers goes to Paul’s family and the rest of TBN family Network .May God be with us all at this difficult time.We love you,but Jesus loves you best .Safe in the arms of Jesus.God be with you till we meet again.R.i.P.

  8. I pray for the family of Paul Crouch, that God will give them the oil of joy for the spirit of mourning. Jan, be strong in The Lord and in the power of his might
    May God give you strength to continue.

  9. I personally spent many hours watching TBN, and enjoyed the programming very much ! I love to hear the preaching of the scriptures. However after much research, I find that the messiah was a Hebrew and he had a Hebrew Name! YahUsha he came in His fathers Name and the world rejected him! Another will come in his own name and the world will receive Him! Scripture teaches that their is only one Name under heaven whereby we can be saved ! YahUsha ! The son of YahUah(kjv Jehova). All that call on Yahuah will be saved ! I am sorry but ( Jesus is a Greek Name put in the Holy Scriptures by wicked men! Scribes/translators. ). Do not take my word for it research it for yourself ! your eturnal salvation depends on you loving the Truth .. My prayers go out to the crouch family in this time !

  10. I thank God for Paul and Jan Crouch because if God did not let them be able to start tbn we as people wouldn’t be closer to are Father the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank Lord for taking Paul home when you. Even though it seems sad but it is the greatest gift u could of given him so he doesn’t have to stress anymore or worry about anything because u
    Got his back all he have to do is sing praise
    U all the days long. And please give his family strength to go on thank u Sonya

    u all the days long. Please give his family stren

    back and all he have to do now is just sing and praise you with out any pain and ebjoy being in Gods presence forever ans ever

  11. Well, Paul, you ran your race, and in my view, you won the race. Christianity is a way of life and not heaps of rules to be obeyed. For taking the gospel beyond borders even to places where it would be punishable to even utter the name of Jesus Christ, your Saviour who is our Saviour will reward you. Whatever sins you might have committed, Jesus Christ died for them and you were washed clean by his blood when you confessed Christ. Bye sir, we shall meet in the city of gold.

  12. Go well faithfull servant of the Lord. You have run and completed your race. Many continue to be served through TBN. What a legacy !

  13. Rest in eternal peace.man of god. God who is a rewarder of them that seek him deligently will crown you qnd give peace to the family.

  14. May you rest in the bossom of our Lord and savior. Job well done. May God give the family the strenght you need in your hour of need. May He bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.

  15. May you rest in the bossom of our Lord and savior. Job well done. May God give the family the strenght you need in your hour of need. May He bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.

  16. It was such an extra ordinary life. May 6ood Lord receive and reward you according to your good works done and left here on Earth.

  17. Rest in eternal peace Brother Paul….well done thy good and faithful servant….You have left us a light to lighten our darkness.. through TBN- Rest in Eternal Peace my brother.

  18. We are praying for the family. And want to thank-you for the tbn family because their are many people that got save and are walking with the Lord.And he will be miss and love.Thank-You god bless all of you.

  19. Despite himself like most of us are if not all, He was a man of God and he has run his race and he has been a blessing to me and the billions of people in the world through his vision TBN. Rest in Eternal Peace Indeed.

  20. I was just watching the TBN station when I saw that He had died It brought tears to my eyes..To God be the Glory for the Life of Minister Paul Crouch Sr. He will be missed and I pray for the Family and the TBN family. Hold your Head up We will see him again. Prasise the Lord.

  21. May the Good Lord be with you Crouch family, indeed you made the world especially where they did not believe in our Lord Jesus Christ to be know him. Thank you for your
    life, and the family of our Lord Christ Jesus are celebrating your life. Papa May Your
    Soul Rest In Peace.

  22. Paul you are the apple of God’s eyes. I know there is a great party going on in heaven inviting you to join the greats like Moses, Paul, Peter and John. There is no Christian ever had some much passion for God and no one so far has reached the end of the world like what you have done. You loved God like King David who loved God in those days. I know there are many critics in this world Christians and non Christians who will say bad about you. When Jesus was on this world there were many critics who were against Jesus. So jealousy, hatred and negativity will never go away and there will always be some one talking bad. But God knows your heart. Your are blessed and you are a blessing to many. Your passion was to teach the Gospel of Jesus all over the world and you have done it. God Bless…

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