The United Party for National Development (UPND) has exonerated its party vice president for political affairs Canisius Banda for having gone to State House to meet President Michael Sata without informing the national management committee.
UPND deputy general secretary Kuchunga Simusamba said Dr Banda had gone to State House because he was in possession of a medical report that President Michael Sata had demanded that he should know its contents.
Simusamba said the matter of Dr Banda going to State House and meeting President Sata had been tabled before the national management committee and that the UPND vice chairman for political affairs had been cleared.
He said Dr Banda was not facing any disciplinary charges from the party because he had been cleared by the national management committee.
Simusamba said he was not surprised that the Post Newspaper had made an issue out of it because the newspaper was pushing an agenda of setting its leadership against each other.
He told the Daily Nation that while it was true that Dr Banda had gone to State House without getting permission from the party, it had been established that the UPND vice president had the duty and obligation to meet President Sata over a medical report that was in his possession.
He explained that as a man with a professional medical background and having taken a professional oath, Dr Banda was within his professional right and responsibilities to accept to meet President Sata over a medical report whose contents could not be discussed.
Simusamba said when the party leadership heard that Dr Banda was seen at State House and that had a meeting with President Sata, the party had summoned him and had asked him to exculpate himself.
He said Dr Banda had informed the national management committee of the reasons he had gone to meet President Sata and the party had accepted the reasons and had since cleared him.
He said as far as the party was concerned, the issue of Dr Banda meeting Sata was dead one and that those who were trying to turn the UPND vice president a pariah would not succeed.
He said Dr Banda would remain a vice president of the UPND despite attempts by some media houses working at creating an impression that the party was angry with its vice president.
Simusamba explained that his party would not be responding to insinuations that Dr Banda had other motives of going to State House apart from what he was holding as a medical doctor.
Its not only the post newspaper that made a big deal out of this issue,it was your ZWD too,check the article they wrote about the issue before you hip the blame on the post newspaper.
Hahahahahahhaahahaaaaaa…UNPD never cease to amaze me. Why this tone in your statement. Who panicked over this issue? is it u or the post? I am sure it is a big relief for you guys. You sound as if Dr Banda is a saviour to your tribal party. Banda or no Banda, that tribal tag is in your blood. Stop crying and concentrate organising your U5 party
@Kwekwe, you are forgetting that PF (Bemba Party) has a more stronger tribal tug given it by its own Sectrary General, Wynter Kabimba and its Vice President Guy Scott!!
In case you did not know, the serving SG got PF and the Post have on several occasions told us that PF is a tribal party…and they did not need to because it is evident. 90% of diplomats, deputy minister. Parastatal Heads and Permanent Secretaries come from one region
In case you did not know, the serving SG for PF and the Post have on several occasions told us that PF is a tribal party…and they did not need to because it is evident. 90% of diplomats, deputy minister. Parastatal Heads and Permanent Secretaries come from one region
I don’t know, but in my own naivety, this story seems to have been weaved from rotting yarn. It’s a story that cannot convince a reasonable jury and/or tribunal. Give us the real stuff UPND, and not this “medical report” nonsense! NOT ALL OF US ARE KIDS, please.
Imwe na imwe. He just went to deliver some mbeba to Sata.
No wonder the ZWD pulled the story down very quickly the Moment it was posted. We read it and we have it.
We reviewing the story and after effects.
UPND in a panick mood to cover up their tribal tag! The Doc was offered a job and yo own Zambianwatchdog has facts to that effect. Don’t bring our beloved POST paper in the mess you are in.
I dont care if UPND has a tribal tag but what is true is that it is a formidable party that is offering checks and balances to the Bemba Party called Panga Family. PF is more tribal than any other Party. By the way which party in the World is not regional? They all have regional strong holds. That is why certain states in the USA are always ruled by the same party. Its Either the Republicans or the Democrats! It will remain that way. Those parties that have no regional strongholds die away. So to UPND I say continue building your strong holds. worry not about people without personal opinions apart from what the POST tells them. such people are dull.
with or without Banda life goes on. no body is invincible or else the world would’ve ground to a halt centuries ago. the haters and sadists who always wish others fail will always be there. they are products of the devil. YOU SHALL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS
I think your response settles this debate. The little devils against UPND are shamed!
Ok Canisius you need to rinse your mouth often, you have bad breath, wonder why your wife doesn’t tell you, chew some gum!
a doctor with halitosis ka…..are you a close relative or a friend, how do you know?
That’s some crappy comment from a punk with too much time on their hands. It aint even funny MF!
Membe thought he would dismantle UPND using tribal talk. Membe knows that once Pf is gone.he has to pay K14billion with interest.
Kuti waseka mwe ! Which doctor keeps his patients old records in his house ? Balemibepa guys.Ubu bufi,wenya,lies
ayini sure, medical records are kept in medical centers…..why keep in a house and by the waydoc is not practising anymore…
Mr UPND deputy general secretary, who gave you that information? HH or Dr Banda? Because
“Dr Banda has remained mute over what his meeting with President Sata was about, saying he respects the Presidency and cannot divulge anything.”
The Post (post) has lost it, now reaching a point where it has to fight the freedom of expression of private members of this state. Mumembe wants to control even what is said on radio stations, he has seen that people are not buying his small post past paper. F.r.e.d, time will tell where you stand with the people of this nation some day.
As much as I think upnd is not a factor you cant compare gay post to watch dog please dont show how dull you are
ndiye vichinji ivii..mabwelekete yekayeka
Dr. Banda left very VALUABLE information at State House and I am convinced beyond reasonable doubt that he will not share the deliberations of that meeting with UPND. I work at State house myself. I however feel for UPND (maybe because Im its symphiser). They should not at all make the mistake of trusting this man again. It is so painful for some us who are under oarth to see how some of these so-called politicians tend to betray their parties. This medical report issue is TOTAL nonsense. In fact Dr. Banda has been entrusted to dig deeper and furnish state house with all sorts of information about UPND and operations and manouvres.
Rmebr Dr. Banda is the V/President for Political affairs?
Kwaliba ukutwala medical report kuli bakateka? Awe ba UPND mulabeja.
In what capacity is the Presido asking for the medical report and why is it with Canisius?
Uyu Canisius alipena nomba nashininkisha
It looks/sounds like Canisius is MCS’s med??????
It is petty and frivolous story.There is nothing wrong for a person who has an idea to share it with the head of state.State house is not there for the party in government alone.It is a place where brainstorming issues affecting the nation should be discussed and articulated with pragmatism.It is folly for anyone to think that he possesses knowledge to run complex issues of the nation.We need to go beyond pettiness and puerile actions if we are to achieve the best for our nationals.This nation is failing to progress because of pettiness exhibited by both the opposition as well as the ruling parties respectively.
What a stinking lie. Your ZWD told us and we know everything. You asked for expulsion of Banda but you have withdrawn it after people said it confirmed that UPND was a tribal party which it is any way. Now you bring in a very useless reason which even a babe can not buy…..really you are under fives guys.
Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.
Bakolwe basekana.
pf & upnd ar two tribal parties that cant be cleaned by the presence or dr banda. mmd is much neural than these two personal parties that wil disappear the very time the owners kiss the dust.
Talk about your tribal party buddy, the Panga Fighters, that is the one which will disappear. Dr. Banda going to state house should make UPND disappear? What of the various, numerous indiscretions that have become part of the panga fighters, if UPND was to behave like that, am sure by now they could have been deregistered!
Mazoka, the founder of UPND died eons ago, but the party has managed to weather the storms under Mwanawasa, RB and now the dreaded Cobra.
I don’t know about you, but in my profession as a practicing clinician, medical reports are kept by an institution and not a Doctor. However, Michael Sata is entitled to know what ever clinical information is held about him by that particular health institution and he is free to ask for it. Dr Canicius Banda is not a medical institution and should not hold personal medical reports on Sata. It is illegal!
Probably went to state house to negotiate for a govt post, soon youll hear he has been appointed minister or something.
Never knew Zambians could be so dull as to fail to know what they want in life/
When are you fools going to have respect for yourselves as a people?
Honestly havent you seen that Sata has done in two years what we were supposed to have done with the first four Presidents of Zambia?
Ok bring HH and see how many Social economic theories will come into play
Tongas make good trade unionists and anything to do with government revenue, Kindly pardon my arrogance and please respect my opinion.
For UPND to win an election,they they need to get image builders who are going to do the following
Rebrand the Party,offcourse changing the party name.
Have a convention to elect a shaper person as party president
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