Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Kapeya commends UTH medical staff


Information and Broadcasting Deputy Minister, Mwansa Kapeya (c)
Information and Broadcasting Minister, Mwansa Kapeya (c)

Government has commended University Teaching Hospital (UTH) medical staff for their prompt and professional response in attending to the Luangwa accident victims admitted to the hospital.

Chief Government Spokesperson Mwansa Kapeya said the workers response was an indication of their commitment to the call to duty.

Mr Kapeya who is also Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services paid tribute to Zambia Air Force (ZAF) Commander Lieutenant Eric Chimese and his staff for assisting in evacuating the injured victims to Lusaka by providing air transport.

The Minister was speaking when he visited the eights patients admitted to UTH in Lusaka this afternoon.

The Minister was accompanied to UTH by Information Permanent Secretary Stephen Mwansa.

And UTH Managing Director Luckson Kasonka described the condition of the eight patients as stable and that they are out of danger.

Dr Kasonka however said two of the patients who suffered spinal injuries will have to undergo surgery tomorrow.

Of the eight patients that were evacuated to UTH, five are female, one male and two children.



  1. ”Mr Kapeya who is also Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services paid tribute to Zambia Air Force (ZAF) Commander Lieutenant Eric Chimese and his staff for assisting in evacuating the injured victims to Lusaka by providing air transport.”
    You mean even after those trrible accidents in Chibombo and other areas we have not set up a nationa emergency medical rescue service and we have to rely on ZAF personnel to evacuate the injured.
    Were they properly managed at the site?Could the improper evacuation procedures contribute to the spinal injuries some of them suffered?.Doctors out there can you please comment!

  2. Misplaced mouth. How do praise transporters and not the medical personnel who provided to actual attention to the victim.
    The statement is supposed to be followed by condemning the accident and finally consoling the victims.

    • Selfish mind. Not sure whether spouse can ever have a say.

      Why do you want Kapeya to say exactly what you want to hear? Why do you think the man is brain dead?

  3. nasla chemical company product danger for skin soft touch lotion cream jelly
    the all machine manual no auto not care just make money
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    pleas action and visit there

  4. This is what likely happened : All who could have died just died at the scene, the rest of the victims didnt have any life threatening wounds. UTH and zambia dont have any mass casualty protocols or capacity, its all theoretical if it exists, those guys cant cope with any mass disaster.

    • You brain has been eaten by tribalism.

      If you are not careful your hatred of “tribalism” will send you to an early grave.

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